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Digital Marketing Essentials

November 2019
Larson & Draper
Digital Marketing Essentials
Chapter 1: Digital Marketing Foundations
1: Technical Terms
2: Successful Websites
Chapter 1 Quiz
Expert Session
Student Resources
Chapter 2: Web Design (Desktop and Mobile)
Chapter 3: Analytics
Chapter 4: On-Site SEO
Chapter 5: Off-Site SEO
Chapter 6: Paid Search Marketing
Chapter 7: Display Advertising
Chapter 8: Email Marketing
Chapter 9: Social Media 1
Chapter 10: Social Media 2
Chapter 11: Online Reputation Management (ORM)
Chapter 12: Mobile Marketing
Chapter 13: Digital Strategy
Book Information
Expert Sessions
Student Resources

Digital Marketing Essentials

Chapter 1: Digital Marketing Foundations

Chapter 1 Quiz

Due Sunday, March 15, 2020

Date: 7:30 PM
Status: Incomplete

URL is an acronym for

Unified Research Link

Uniform Resource Locator

Utility Return Limit

Unattached Requisition License

What enables a website to recognize a computer as a return

visitor (as opposed to a first-time visitor)?

a cookie

the computer’s physical location

the computer configuration

the IP address

Which of the following is NOT a dynamic language?




How can credit card numbers and other sensitive

information be transferred across the internet without third

parties seeing it (and stealing it)?

The internet has developed an ethos of honesty and integrity

Only computers with the correct IP address can receive information

packets sent across the internet

Transport layer security encrypts sensitive information

The internet is hack-proof

The AIDA model states that the process of creating a

customer follows these four steps:

Anticipation → Interest → Determination → Activity

Awareness → Intensity → Demonstration → Anticipation

Aspiration → Innovation → Desire → Activation

Awareness → Interest → Desire → Action

Which of the following is NOT an aspect of successful


Maximize revenue

Generate traffic

Drive conversions

Create captivating design

Which of the following is NOT an example of direct traffic?

Someone types in the URL of a website into the browser address bar

Someone clicks on a bookmark from his/her browser

Someone clicks on a link from an email

Someone types the name of a website into a search bar and clicks

the first link on the search engine results page

Unpaid referral traffic is traffic that comes from

links from other websites that are not paid for

bots and web crawlers

links from other websites that are paid under the table

banner ads

The primary conversion for a lead generation site is

a phone call from a website visitor

a referral to a friend

Both a phone call and a form fill

a form fill on the website

When a shopper puts an item in their online shopping cart,

Amazon recommends add-on products to

increase engagement

increase revenue

increase the conversion rate

increase traffic

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