Lab Activity 14 - IIA2 Solution

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ICT 201 - Statistical Analysis with Software Application

NAME __________________________________________________ SCORE _________________

1. The percent frequency distributions of job satisfaction scores for a sample of

information systems (IS) senior executives and middle managers are as follows. The
scores range from a low of 1 (very dissatisfied) to a high of 5 (very satisfied).

a) Develop a probability distribution for the job satisfaction score of a senior executive.

x f(x)
1 0.05
2 0.09
3 0.03
4 0.42
5 0.41

b) Develop a probability distribution for the job satisfaction score of a middle manager.

x f(x)
1 0.04
2 0.10
3 0.12
4 0.46
5 0.28

c) What is the probability a senior executive will report a job satisfaction score of 4 or

P(4 or 5) = f (4) + f (5) = 0.42 + 0.41 = 0.83

d) What is the probability a middle manager is very satisfied?

Probability of very satisfied: 0.28

e) What is the expected value of the job satisfaction score for senior executives?

E(x) =  x f (x) = 0.05(1) + 0.09(2) + 0.03(3) + 0.42(4) + 0.41(5) = 4.05

f) What is the expected value of the job satisfaction score for middle managers?

E(x) =  x f (x) = 0.04(1) + 0.10(2) + 0.12(3) + 0.46(4) + 0.28(5) = 3.84

ICT 201 - Statistical Analysis with Software Application

g) Compute the variance of job satisfaction scores for executives and middle

Executives: 2 =  (x - )2 f(x) = 1.25

Middle Managers: 2 =  (x - )2 f(x) = 1.13

h) Compute the standard deviation of job satisfaction scores for both probability

Executives:  = 1.12
Middle Managers:  = 1.07

i) Compare the overall job satisfaction of senior executives and middle managers.

Senior executives appear to be more satisfied than middle managers. 83% of senior executives have a score
of 4 or 5 with 41% reporting a 5. Only 28% of middle managers report being very satisfied.

The senior executives have a higher average score: 4.05 vs. 3.84 for the middle managers. The executives
also have a slightly higher standard deviation.

2. In San Francisco, 30% of workers take public transportation daily (USA Today,
December 21, 2005).

a) In a sample of 10 workers, what is the probability that exactly three workers take
public transportation daily?

f ( x)    ( p) x (1  p ) n  x
 x

f (3)  (.30)3 (1  .30)10  3
3!(10  3)!

f (3)  (.30)3 (1  .30)7  .2668

b) In a sample of 10 workers, what is the probability that at least three workers take
public transportation daily?

P(x  3) = 1 - f (0) - f (1) - f (2)

f (0)  (.30)0 (1  .30)10  .0282

f (1)  (.30)1 (1  .30)9  .1211

f (2)  (.30) 2 (1  .30)8  .2335

P(x  3) = 1 - .0282 - .1211 - .2335 = .6172

ICT 201 - Statistical Analysis with Software Application

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