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Submitted by:

Princess Nicole L. Bio

Submitted To:

Joshua D. Marcial

Class Adviser


Students Portfolio

Submitted to the Senior High School Department

Manaoag National High School

Manaoag, Pangasinan

In partial fulfillment of the requirement of

Work Immersion, Academic Track

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


April, 2020

Dear Readers,

Good Day!

I made this Portfolio not only to fulfill my requirements but I want to share

with you my experiences and the things that I learned during my Work Immersion

days. Graduation is approaching in where all our hard works will be rewarded

and in few days we will leave our high school journey and will be pursuing our

college life.

Work Immersion is one of the requirements in Senior High School, at first I

feel pressured because I am not good in doing works and I am not good in

socializing with others but in the past 2 weeks in my wok immersion I learned a

lot of things and I gained not just knowledge but people that I can count as

Friends. Work Immersion gives me an opportunity to build my confidence and

also my knowledge specially in the different Equipment in the lab which I can

used in my college life.

In this portfolio you will read about all the knowledge I gained for the past 2

weeks on BFAR- NIFTDC Bonuan, Dagupan City, all the friends I met, My

instructors, all the procedures and work I did and of cource my fun time in my

work days. I hope you like reading my portfolio about my time on my Work

Immersion. Thank you and Enjoy

Sincerely yours,

Princess Nicole L. Bio


I would like to express my sin gratitude to the people who help me in

accomplishing my Work Immersion and also to the people who gave me a

memorable experience with my work Immersion.

First of all I want to thank Lord God for giving me strength not only to my

body but also in my mind, for keeping me safe as I travel daily from Manaoag to

Dagupan during my work immersion days and also for the guidance and good


I am very thankful to my family for providing their unconditional support

not only to my financial needs and to the things I want to achieve but I also want

to thank my family for their love and for being always there for me.

To my kind adviser, Sir Joshua Marcial, I just want to say that I am very

grateful for the advice that He gave us for his support and also for being our

second parent, for being a brother and for being a friend to us.

To all coordinators for making our work immersion possible and thank you

for the assistance and for taking good care to us all.

To my Friends specially to Kyle, Rica, and Cyril who is with me

throughout, to my co-intern Mikaella and to the people that I became friends with

during my work immersion. Also I want to thank my Boyfriend Alexander for his

support and understanding.

Latly, I thank Ma’am Vi, Ma’am Gie, Sir Emir and to the head of Natural

Food Ma’am Editha Roxas for their patience, for their time and for teaching me

everything they know about the Natural Food and to the laboratory equipment.




TITLE PAGE… ……………………………………………………………….i

FRONT PAGE………………………………………………………………….,.ii

LETTER TO THE READERS…………………………………………………..iii


TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………...v



 Objectives of Work Immersion………………………………………..1

 Duration and Place of work Immersion…………………………….….2


 History………………………………………………………………....3

 Mission and Vision statement…………………………………………4

 Organizational Chart…………………………………………………..5


 First Week Daily Journal…………………………………………..6-7

 Second Week Daily Journal………………………………………..8-9


 First Week Narrative Report……………………………………….10-12

 Second Week Narrative Report……………………………………13-15



 Resume………………………………………………………………...21

 Daily Time Record…………………………………………………….22

 Certificate…………………………..………………………………….23

 Evaluation Sheet……………………..………………………………...29

This work is wholeheartedly dedicated to my Family, Friends, To all Educators of

Manaoag National High School and ofcourse to Almighty God.


Work Immersion refers to the part of Senior High School (SHS)

Curriculum consisting of 80 hours of hands-on experience or work simulation

which grade 12 students will undergo to expose them to actual work place setting.

Work immersion is one of the requirement needed for graduation. A

student needs to go in one of industry that is related to their post secondary goal.

Through Work Immersion, the students enhanced their skills and become familiar

with work-related environment related to their field of specialization.

 Gain relevant and practical industrial skills under the guidance of

industry experts and workers

 Appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories

taught in school

 Enhance their technical knowledge and skills;

 Enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and

 Develop good habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work

Meanwhile, Work immersion is somewhat similar in internship or on-the-job

training done by college students. They have things in common like letting

students undergo and experience actual works in a particular workplace. On the

other hand, they differ in some loads and number of hours they will consume.

Therefore, most of the following studies discusses about the on-the-job training.

One of the goals of the K-12 Basic Program is to develop in learners the

competencies, work ethic, and values relevant to pursuing further education

and/or joining the world of work. To achieve greater congruence between baic

education and the nation’s development targets, Work Immersion, a require

subject has been incorporated into the curriculum.


Under DepEd Order No.30, series of 2017 released on June 5, the guidelines

specify that the said work immersion will enable students to become familiar with

the work place simulation and apply their competencies in areas of specialization.

The Duration of work immersion is when you finished 80 hours in their

business. It is equal to 10 days staying there for helping them lessen their works.

In case of emergency, you can give excused letter that is legit and it is not counted

with your working hours, but you will be working with it. You can be late but if

possible, don’t be absent.

DepEd hopes that partner institutions will provide learners with

work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on experience, and additional

learning resources through partnership building. The school may partner with

recognize institution or organization to come up with agreement on work

immersion for students and because the students are still minors, work immersion

requires parental consent.

The Place where I work is in Bureau of fisheries and aquatic resources or

BFAR-NIFTDC Bounuan, Binloc Dagupan City. I was assigned in the Natural

Food Department. We started our Work immersion on November 04,2020 and

ended it on November 15, 2020 .


The center was establish in February 1985 and was originally named as Sea

farming Research and Development Center (SRDC). The center was on of the

projects under the now defunct Philippine Human Resources Center (PHRDC). Its

main thrust then was to upgrade and promote the Philippine oyster industry.

SRDC was created as part of the country’s participation in the SEAN

Human Resources Development Project in cooperation with the Japanese

government through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Under the

bilateral agreement, expertise and modern facilities and equipment from Japan.

Initially, the center was managed by the Ministry of Human Settlements. In 1987,

it was became one of the attached agencies under the Presidential Management

Staff (PMS), Becoming part of a cluster of agencies dealing with livelihood

generation. In June 1994, the center became an integral part of PMS because of

the streamlining policies of the government.

The bilateral agreement lasted until April 1991 (Phase 1) and was extended

(Phase 3) until its termination in September 1996. Under phase 2, the center was

tasked to implement or pilot fishery projects for technology transfer and

demonstrate viability and feasibility of fishery-related enterprises for livelihood

generation. It also continued to standardize technologies on the breeding and

culture of finfish (e.g., groupers, siganids) and bivalves (e.g., oyster, clams).

With the termination of the technical cooperation with JICA, the PMS

turned over the center to BFAR in May 1997.

The center is located in Bounuan Binloc, Dagupan City, about 250km north of



An institution of excellence in sustainable fisheries management and services

contributing to the nation’s food security by having 20% fish surplus and

improving fisherfolk’s quality of life by 2030.


To protect fisheries and aquatic resources and empower stakeholder to improve

Westley R. Rosario
(Center Chief, BFAR-

Editha C. Roxas
(Head, Natural Food)

Veyvleylyn M. Sanchez Geelyn Dv. Carolino Mamerto A. Carotongan

(Aquaculturist/ (JO)) (Aquaculturist/ (JO)) (Aquaculturist/ (JO))
First Week of Work Immersion
Daily Journal

November 04, 2019/ Monday

 On the day 01 of my work immersion, we arrived in the BFAR- NIFTDC Bonuan,

Dagupan City at around 8 in the morning where we came in the middle of their

flag raising ceremony.

 After the ceremony we were instructed to go to the conference room to have a

brief orientation about the rules and regulation of the center. The coordinator

assigned each of us in different unit. I was assigned in the Natural Food Unit.

November 05, 2019/ Tuesday

 For the second day of work I arrived at 7:14a.m. Our work starts in 8am. The first

activity we did is the counting of cells

 Today our trainer taught us to inoculate.

 In the afternoon our instructors discussed importance of aeration.

November 06, 2019/Wednesday

 On the third day of work I arrived at 7:22. When the work started the first thing

we did was the counting of cells.

 On day (2) of observing I counted 9,120,000 cells per ml. Next is we did


 In the secondary lab they explained that the dextrose bottles that has been cultured

will be the starter for the carboy cultures.

 In the afternoon our instructors held a lecture for us to enlighten clearly to what is

natural food all about.

November 07, 2019/Thursday

 On the fourth day of work I arrived at 7:16. The first thing we did in lab is the

counting of cells.

 At first, it really took us a bit of time in finding the guideline of hemacytometer

and it was actually uneasy for us to focus the microscope. But in the end we found

a way to make it work.

 The cells I counted at Day (03), was 13,280,000 cells per ml.

 After we did the counting of cells, we did inoculation for Nannochloropsis

oculata using of Conway medium.

November 08, 2019/Friday

 On the fifth day of work I arrived at 7:00 A.M. The batch of nanochloropsis

oculata that we are observing was been transferred to the psychology lab where in

the culture will be inoculated to the carboys for scaling up.

 Luckily the head of natural food gave us the opportunity to explore the Bureau of

Fishes and Aquatic Resources and to know the different facilities inside.

 After the tour inside the Center, my workmate took her exam and I did the

inoculation of nanochloropsis oculata in 1L of bottles.

 The unit head, Mrs. Editha Roxas, came few minutes after I finished my tasks and

ask us about the knowledge or learnings we got in the 4 days and a half days we

spent in the Natural Food Laboratory. And in the afternoon we continued the lesson

First Week of Work Immersion

Daily Journal

November 11, 2019/Monday

 On the sixth day of work I arrived at 7:02 A.M. We patiently waited for the flag

ceremony that started at around 8 A.M

 This week I will be doing all the tasks alone since my CO-OJT is done with her

work immersion in BFAR, so I thought I’ll be having adjustments.

 I first did the inoculation of Nannochloropsis oculata in 1L bottles.

 When we finished our break time the instructor taught me how to formulate a

Nutrient Media at first I thought that all of the Nutrient Media they are using was

made by the chemist but they are the one who is formulating it.

 In the afternoon I continued putting the 4 remaining chemicals. I let the chemicals

to be mixed and be dissolved through the action of the magnetic stirrer.

November 12, 2019/Tuesday

 On the seventh day of my work immersion I arrived at 7:11 AM. Today I did

inoculation of Nannochloropsis oculata in 10 dextrose bottles.

 When I’m done doing inoculation of Nannochloropsis oculata the next task I did

inoculation from agar to broth, this starts the scale – up of cultures.

 After that I also did the aseptic method on where I will do the same process

outside the Purified Filtered PCR Enclosure and with the use of flame.

Novermber 13, 2019/Wednesday

 On the eighth day of work immersion we did not went to work because it is

Pangsinan Day which means it is holiday. But I did my journal.

November 14, 2019/Thursday

 On the ninth day of my work immersion I arrived at 7:04 AM.

 The first thing I did when I steeped on the lab is that I helped my instructor to

clean the lab.

 Then after that I took my exam.

 In the afternoon I haven’t done anything since my instructors are busy in some


November 15, 2019/Friday

 On the tenth day of my work immersion I arrived at 7:12 AM.

 I helped my instructor to clean the lab.

 My trainer asked me to observe her work.

 After that I went to the Secondary lab and did inoculation of dextrose to carboys

of Nannochloropsis oculata.

 On the afternoon my instructors did’nt gave me any task instead they told me to

rewrite my journal. I was a bit sad that this was my last day on work. On the 10 th

day I spend in BFAR – NITDC Dagupan City I can say that I’ve learned a lot of

things and has a hands on experience on the laboratory that I am sure I can use it

in the future.
First Week of Work Immersion

Narrative Report

(November 04-08, 2019)

On the day 01 of my work immersion, we arrived in the BFAR- NIFTDC

Bonuan, Dagupan City at around 8 in the morning where we came in the middle

of their flag raising ceremony. After the ceremony we were instructed to go to the

conference room to have a brief orientation about the rules and regulation of the

center. The coordinator assigned each of us in different unit. I was assigned in the

Natural Food Unit. When I heard about Natural Food in Bureau of Fisheries and

Aquatic Resources I think about the unit where in they make food for fishes. But

today I’ve learned about what Natural Food is. Natural Food unit is actually

making food for the aquatic animals by isolating and culturing several kinds of

microalgae which will be fed on to the zooplankton and aquatic larvae. Natural

Food is the core of the hatchery because they are the food of the juveniles. The

importance of natural food is that it provides the early stages of fish the required

nutrients for their growth and development.

In the lab, all equipment was sterilized carefully to prevent

contaminations. The water used was carefully filtered and sterilized. There are

two (2) types of sterilizer : The dying oven that was set with the temperature range

of 60 degree Celsius to 100 degree Celsius for a minimum time of 8 hours and the

autoclave with the temperature of 121 degree Celsius for 15psi in 15 minutes.

Sterilizing is important to destroy other micro organisms.

Our activity for our first day of work is counting of cells. Counting of cells

is very important because it is the way to know if the algae was growing and

ready to harvest. In the microscope with the objective of 10x we viewed the cells.

We have counted the cell in a hemacytometer but counting one by one took us a
lot of time, so the trainer introduced another way of counting the cells. In the

hemacytometer we can see 16 boxes each box contains another 16 boxes inside.

To compute for the number of cells, the formula given to us was : A+B+C+D / 4 x

16 x 10,000 . In the day 0 I counted 2, 080, 000 cells per ml. We have to observe

and count the cells daily.

For the second day of work I arrived at 7:14a.m. Our work starts in 8am.

The first activity we did is the counting of cells. Yesterday the cells per ml I

counted was 2,080,000 and today with the same formula I counted 4,320, 000. I

observed that the count doubled in number compared to yesterday’s, which

means that the microalgae was growing and multiplying.

Today our trainer taught us to inoculate. First we get 10 bottles in the

dying oven. Each bottles has a capacity of 1L. We put 800 ml of sterile water and

to make it 1L we added 200ml of starter and 1ml of Conway medium. They

discussed to us the Conway medium we just used. Conway medium was one of

the 3 types of nutrient media they are using in the Natural Food Production Unit.

(Conway Medium, F medium and F/2 medium). Conway was formulated as 1 and

F medium was formulated in separately in 6 bottles. Nutrient Media is important

in the culture because it serves as enrichment or fertilizer of the microalgae in the

controlled culture environment.

On the third day of work I arrived at 7:22. When the work started the first

thing we did was the counting of cells. On day (2) of observing I counted

9,120,000 cells per ml. Next is we did inoculation. After we did the inoculation

our instructor called us and allowed us to look under the microscope. There we

saw a cells that was moving, unlike to the cells we started observing last Monday.

The cells was moving because of the flagella which were used as mode of

locomotion while the other cells we observed are non – motile (lacks flagella)

Same process, the starters from dextrose bottles was put in the carboys and

added nutrient media and aerated. Since the carboys were too big to autoclave or

to be put in the dying oven , carboys were chemically disinfected. The carboys
were washed with liquid soap then soaked in 20ppm chlorine for 5 – 10

minutes. It was then rinsed thoroughly then air - dried. We also learned about the

water used as the culture medium. The water used was pumped from the sea to

the tank using 5 micron filter. It was then transferred to another tank passing

through a cartridge filter. The stored sea water was disinfected with 20 – 200 ppm

chlorine. This was then fetched to the laboratory and was filtered again with glass

microfiber filter prior to autoclaving.

On the fourth day of work I arrived at 7:16. The first thing we did in lab is the

counting of cells. Unlike before that our instructor was the one who prepared our

sample for counting we are the one who operated the microscope and prepared the

sample today.

At first, it really took us a bit of time in finding the guideline of

hemacytometer and it was actually uneasy for us to focus the microscope. The

cells I counted at Day (03), was 13,280,000 cells per ml. As I observed day by

day, the cells are multiplying really well. It was actually my first time observing

the growth of cells and it really amazed me.

On the fifth day of work I arrived at 7:00 A.M. The batch of nanochloropsis

oculata that we are observing was been transferred to the psychology lab where in

the culture will be inoculated to the carboys for scaling up. Luckily the head of

natural food gave us the opportunity to explore the Bureau of Fishes and Aquatic

Resources and to know the different facilities inside. We first went to the algal

tanks, next in the Rotifer tanks and it was actually my first time to visit the

milkfish broodstock tan, there I saw Bangus breeders that is much bigger than the

Bangus in the market. For the moment I felt like I was in the field trip and not in a

work. I really enjoy this opportunity.

The unit head, Mrs. Editha Roxas, came few minutes after I finished my

tasks and ask us about the knowledge or learnings we got in the 4 days and a half

days we spent in the Natural Food Laboratory. And in the afternoon we continued

the lesson yesterday.

Second Week of Work Immersion

Narrative Report

(November 04-08, 2019)

On the sixth day of work I arrived at 7:02 A.M. We patiently waited for

the flag ceremony that started at around 8 A.M. This week I will be doing all the

tasks alone since my CO-OJT is done with her work immersion in BFAR, so I

thought I’ll be having adjustments. I first did the inoculation of Nannochloropsis

oculata in 1L bottles. I was wondering why I spilled so much water and I thought

that it was just because that I’m pouring water alone and I cannot control the flow

of water to the dextrose but it turns out that I forgot to use the funnel.

When we finished our break time the instructor taught me how to formulate

a Nutrient Media at first I thought that all of the Nutrient Media they are using

was made by the chemist but they are the one who is formulating it. They have the

list of the chemical needed,and the amount of each chemical that will be used

during the formulation process. The Nutrient medium we are going to formulate is

the Conwy Medium. Conwy Medium is also known as Walne’s Medium, but it is

commonly known as Conwy because the one who formulated it has the last name

of Conwy. In the formulation, We fill the 1L of with 500ml distilled water and put

the magnetic stone inside and place it in the top of magnetic stirrer. The purpose

of magnetic stone and magnetic stirrer is that we can easily mix the formula inside

without mixing it by hand time after time. We needed the face mask to avoid

inhaling the chemicals. In the morning I had only put 2 chemicals (Sodium

Nitrate and EDTA) because it was almost time for lunch break.

On the seventh day of my work immersion I arrived at 7:11 AM. Today I

did inoculation of Nannochloropsis oculata in 10 dextrose bottles. As what I did

when I am inoculating , I cleaned the surface on where I’ll conducted my work, I

put 10 bottles from drying oven in the cleaned surface the did the inoculation.

The 10 bottles were divided into 2, 5 bottles has the nutrient medium of Conway

Media and the other 5 has Nutrient Medium of F/, this was done to compare the

effect in cell density of the 2 nutrient media. Then after that we put it in their shelf

to be aerated.

When I’m done doing inoculation of Nannochloropsis oculata the next task

I did inoculation from agar to broth, this starts the scale – up of cultures. We did

our work inside of the Purified Filtered PCR Enclosure and with the sterilized

loop we get the algae attached in the agar and transferred it in another test tube

with water and mixed it well. After that I also did the aseptic method on where I

will do the same process outside the Purified Filtered PCR Enclosure and with the

use of flame. It is more difficult to the inoculation of microalgae from agar to

broth when using flame because I have to work fast for I have to put the mouth

of the 50ml dextrose and the test tube before, during and after you work to prevent

the entry of contaminants.

On the eighth day we did not do anything because its Pangasinan Day. On

the ninth day of my work immersion I arrived at 7:04 AM. The first thing I did

when I steeped on the lab is that I helped my instructor to clean the lab. Then after

that I took my exam. In my perspective, the exam was not that easy. I thought I

studied hard enough to answer those questions but it turns out that I have to study

more to achieve the passing score. After my instructor checked my test paper , she

corrected my mistakes on the test paper and conducted a brief lesson for me to be

enlightened, just for a bit on the right and wrong answers.

Before I thought that the slides we used for counting the cells was called

thoma but I’m wrong. My instructor told me that it was correctly called

hemacytometer not thoma. Then the study of algae was called Phycology not


On the tenth day of my work immersion I arrived at 7:12 AM. I helped my

instructor to clean the lab. My instructors are busy so I just lend a little help for
them. My trainer asked me to observe her work. She told me that there’s a

computation on how to know the average seawater and freshwater to mix to obtain

the target salinity.

For example If the target salinity was 10 salinity the formula for solving it

was V2 = C1 V1 / C2 . C2 = 28PPT , V2 = ? , C1 = 10 PPT , V1 = 2 L. V2 =

10PPT (2L)/28PPT. V2 = 0.71 L X 1000 = 710 ML = SEAWATER . 2000ml -710

ml SW = 1.290 ml of FRESH WATER. Then I did the work. In the refractometer

I Only got 9 ppt it means that there was an error on measuring the water volume

so we added a little seawater until the salinity reaches 10 ppt.

After that I went to the Secondary lab and did inoculation of dextrose to

carboys of Nannochloropsis oculata. That inoculation I did was too many than

when I am doing inoculation to dextrose. But it’s fun. After that, my instructor in

the Secondary Lab asked me return the dextrose bottles to the primary lab and

when I get back to the secondary lab He let me try his handheld refractometer.

The difference between the refactometer in the secondary lab and in the primary

lab is that the refractometer in secondary lab can be easily observe the water

salinity because it has number on the inside and all you have to do is to get the

water your want to observe then you can read the measurement well on the


On the afternoon my instructors didn’t gave me any task instead they told

me to rewrite my journal. I was a bit sad that this was my last day on work. On the

9th day I spend in BFAR – NITDC Dagupan City I can say that I’ve learned a lot

of things and has a hands on experience on the laboratory that I am sure I can use

it in the future.
First Day of Work Immersion, we are just going to the BFAR or to

our work place.

First Flag Ceremony in BFAR

Informing us about the protocols, rules and regulations of the

The assigned laboratory for me.

Me and My work mate.

Inside of our Laboratory in Natural Food

My girl classmates and school mates who also conduct their work

immersion in BFAR.

Aeration of algae specifically the nanochloropsis occulata

Inoculation of Algae
Our tour inside the BFAR-NIFTDC Bonuan Binloc, Dagupan City

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