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5 problems in Indian school education system

1. Expensive higher education:

University, professional and technical education has become costly in India. Fee
structure of technical and professional institutes like IIM’s is quite high IIM’s charge
Rs 2 lakh per semester for MBA classes. It is beyond the reach of common man.
Privatization of higher education has led to the growth of profit hungry entrepreneurs.
Now a day’s higher education is much costly affair.1

 2.2 Demand for Teachers Exceeds the Supply

The shortage of the teachers is another major problem. The teacher-student ratio is
not balanced. A single teacher educates 50 students. In this case, each and every
student doesn’t get equal attention. In rural areas, the situation is worst. Most of the
teachers refuse to teach in these areas. Secondly, the salary in rural areas is also
meagre. The state approves high student-teacher ratio. That’s why several schools
do not hire more teachers.

3. 3Lack of quality teacher training

There are many private teacher-training institutes in India, but the quality of the
training they provide is unsatisfactory. Continuous professional development is a
motivator for teachers, and enough attention is needed in this regard.

4. 4No practical knowledge:

In schools and colleges, lots of attention is given to theory and books and practical
knowledge is completely ignored. When these students pass the exam, they forget
all the things they have studied due of lack of practical experience.  In India, parents
and teachers expect their students to score high in the exam (rather than acquiring
the quality knowledge) and thus the education becomes a rat race.  Practical
knowledge and skill based education is still far away from the reach of students
studying in schools, colleges and universities.

5. Exemption from TET

Several states have exempted candidates from Teachers' Eligibility Test (TET) as
only 20 per cent of the aspirants clear it. This wrong move, in an attempt to quickly




fix the issue of dearth of teachers, has deteriorated the quality of education in the
states even further. However, quality of teachers is a major concern not only in these
states, but across the entire country.5


1. Every student should get equal opportunities and at least each student should
be given primary education.
2,3. Teachers should be trained at least twice a week so that they can teach the
students properly which will lead to a brighter future
4. Students should be made to roam around and learn practically by looking at
things and learning so that they can remember it in their future.

Desk. "5 Problems With Teachers In Rural Areas Which Are Blocking India's Educational
Growth". India Today, 2019,

"Problems Faced In The Progress Of Education In India". Economics Discussion, 2019,

"10 Major Education Problems In India". Wetellyouhow, 2019,


2019, Accessed 23
Sept 2019.


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