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March 2020

“We love because He first loved us ” 1 John 4:19

Dear Friends,

This month I want to share an update from Stas and Aia Boroznet on recent activities in their
discipleship ministry. A challenge in all of our ministries in Moldova has been to build to trust with the
communities and leadership in the areas where we serve because the evangelical church is small and
unfamiliar to the majority of the population which is either atheist or nominally Orthodox. A great
benefit of our ministry is that all of our workers are Moldovan and understand their culture. Over time
we have built up a good name that has opened doors by humbly loving our neighbors and the entire
community. This then allows for the gospel to be shared which can transform lives and the whole
community. For as John said we love because we have been so blessed to know that God first loved

Below is Stas’ summary of recent community outreach activities that they were involved in the towns
where they have active discipleship outreaches through home groups:

Guests at Stas and Aia’s Thanksgiving Day Celebration in Maximovca

At the end of November 2019 my wife Aia and I decided to host a Thanksgiving Day Celebration
for the community where we live. There is no such tradition in Moldova. We’ve had a talk with the
mayor and the other officials sharing the need of society to learn to be grateful. We also wanted to
emphasize the vital importance of being thankful first of all to God. Many children and families of the
town were invited to participate in the holiday. We’ve chosen songs, poems, dramas and handed them
out to the participants. We praise God for the outcomes. It was so special to see children and adults of
our town celebrating this special day with us. I gave a short sermon about gratitude and how
important it is to train our hearts to be thankful. At the end of the event one lady who is a principal of
a kindergarten, shared with everyone how blessed and cleansed she felt herself during the
celebration. And now there is a new godly tradition at least in one of the towns of Moldova because
everyone voted to have a Thanksgiving Day every year.

Aia singing with children at the Christmas program

At Christmastime, we often contemplate the message of angels and that message reminds us that
Jesus was born into the world for each of us, that none of us should be lost. We want to be God's
messengers who serve Him and people of our country by spreading the truth about the real meaning
of Christmas. Not knowing this truth, people are lost. The Lord blessed us with the opportunity to tell
about the birth of Christ to kids and adults in Anenii Noi (about 180 people present – most of them
foster families from the different parts of the county), and also at the event for visually impaired kids
or kids of visually impaired parents (all from Anenii Noi county) (about 40 people) and for children and
adults in Maximovca (about 100 people present). God blessed us from different sources with the
opportunity to provide for each child a Christmas story book and a candy gift. Thank you again for
collaborating with us on the mission field. Together we increase the influence of the Kingdom of God
on the earth.

I praise God the Father through our Lord Jesus for all of you and for your hearts’ desire to continue the
work of the Gospel around the world. Thank you for your prayers and the financial support of our
ministry in Moldova
Stas and Aia sharing at the foster family event in Anenii Noi

I thank God for the creativity and love that Stas and Aia have to reach their neighbors for Christ and it
is my joy to partner with them in this outreach. Thank you again for partnering with us.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Ganaway
Gospel of John Board Member

Phone 817-507-8339

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