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Arranged to fulfill the assigment of subject Introduction to Literature

that taught by Siti Nuraeni Mukhtar, M. Pd.

Arranged by:

Pipit Pitriani

PBI 4-C / 1172040082







a. Susie (Susie Sally Sassafras)
b. Little Fairy
c. Little Dragon
d. Little Princess
e. Princess Rose
f. Princess Lily
g. Dragon King
h. King Tortoise
i. Nighty Knight
j. Fire Knight
k. Sir Hook
l. Knights (Knight 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
m. Magician 1 And 2

1. Susie (Susie Sally Sassafras)

She is a fairy who doesn't like peace, every time he wants to face chaos, so he always
has an evil plan to repair and incite people to make improvements. The characters are
ignorant and super active.

Based on the main part or role in this story, Susie is the main character who is the key
to everything that happens.

2. Little Fairy

She is a fairy who always accepts Susie's character, he is like an assistant from Susie
who has a ignorant attitude and is happy to guard people.

3. Little Dragon

The Little Dragon is a dragon that likes everything that is beautiful, when a small
dragon has a good and innocent attitude, but because it sits in fairy powder it becomes
ignorant and many can be used to find everything beautiful from the Princess.
4. Little Princess

Little Princess is the youngest daughter of 3 brothers who are both women. He was
very sappy and spoiled. When his jewelry was stolen by a small dragon, he could only shout
and ask for the help of his sisters.

5. Princess Rose

She is the oldest daughter, is a sister of a small daughter who has a responsible and
responsible attitude as a sister. In some parts of the story he tries to protect Jakelope which
will be hurt by Knigts and also he always provides solutions to every problem.

6. Princess Lily

Princess Lily is the second princess who has an immature attitude, but is not too
spoiled. He once helped Princess Mawar to help Little Princess retrieve her jewelry from a
small dragon.

7. Dragon King

The Dragon King is responsible for the safety of a small dragon. He has a kind and
loving attitude. When the little dragon was in pain for storing cheese, he tried to save the little

8. King Tortoise

King Tortoise is the leader of the Knights who offer assistance to the Princess to
support Jakelope and conquer the dragon. He is a good and helpful leader.

9. Nighty Knight

Knight Nighty is one of the knights who has a good and loving attitude. When
jakelope is hated by all the knights he asks to get Jakelope by tricking him.

10. Night Fire

He has a firm and angry attitude. At the moment Princess Rose avoided the Knigts to
kill Jakelope Fire Nigts a little bit incensed.
11. Sir Hook

Sir Hook is a man who has lost a commitment, he understands how to conquer
dragons, so he joins Kights. He has a strong attitude.

12. Knights (Knights 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Knights have a tough and courageous attitude. They were the people who helped
Princess get help from Jakelope. They are very loyal to the leader and also obedient.

13. Magician 1 And 2

Magician 1 and 2 are characters who help Princesses to defeat dragons, they have
some kind of magic that can finally conquer dragons, and also conquer Susie. Magicians have
a good attitude and are happy to help.


Type of Dragon Trouble Drama is Comedy. This drama provide a happy conclusion.
The objective of this drama is to make their audience laugh

1. Exposition

“There were three families. There was a family of princesses, family of Knigts and family of

The exposition section starts when the family that is called begins to reveal
themselves with their own attitudes and styles.

2. Rising Action

” But then some fairies moved in and created all sorts of trouble. Susie Sally Sassafras was
the worst of all.”

Susie Sally Sassafras was bored with calm so she looked for a plan to create chaos by
approaching the little dragon and started blowing fairy dust, so that the dust was inhaled by
dragons and dragons began to be affected by Susie Sally's words.
3. Climax

”The little dragon sneaked into the caste and took one of the princess's pretty things. “

Climax occurs when the little dragon starts stealing beautiful items belonging to the
Little Princess, so the little Princess cries and makes the other Princesses angry at the dragon.
Then the Princesses began to seek help from people, namely from the Knigts and Magicians.

4. Resolution

“Dragons eh? I have just the thing you need. We know their weakness.” (Magicians makes
a block of cheese appear)

Resolution appeared when the Magicians came to help the Princesses conquer the
dragon. Magicians use cards to bring Jakelope up, and also use other ideas by giving chunks
of cheese to dragons, because cheese is his weakness.


There are two kind of conflicts:

1. External Conflict: Susie Sally influences the little dragon to do chaos, and also affects
the Rose Princesses so as not to kill Jakelope(Susie Sally v Princesses).
2. Internal Conflict : Knights want to kill Jakelope, but Princesses don't want that to
happen. (Princesses v Knights).


There are the setting of the drama of Dragon Trouble :

1. Princesses palace, when many conversations take place in the palace, for example
when the Princesses plan something.
2. Cave of Dragon, for example, when Susie came to the cave to blow fairy dust and
also when Princess Rose gave a trap in the form of cheese in the dragon cave.
3. Little princess room, for example when little dragon steals little princess jewelry, it
happens when the little princess is dressing up in the room.

The theme of this drama is ” Ignorance that disrupts people's lives ”, this drama raises
some aspects, that is about social life and attitude.

In this drama, Susie Sally is very dislike of peace so she even interferes with the life of
the Princesses, but finally Susie Sally is captured by the magic power of the Magicians who
are willing to help the Princesses.

The drama is told from the thitd person limited point of view, focusses mostly on
Princesses thougt and feeling.
1. Fairy dust, magic wand and coins signify miracles and magic
2. Jewelry signifies something beautiful and expensive from a respected family.
3. The sword signifies courage.

The message of this drama is to remind people to be kind to each other by helping people
who are in need, then the loyalty that is described by the leaders to Princesses.

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