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❶ Skin
- Skin color
o Normal:
 No localized color changes
o Abnormal:
 Pallor – Due to arterial obstruction
(obstructed blood vessel) which results to
low blood supply or less blood is going to the
leg; ISCHEMIA; Arterial insufficiency
 Redness or brownish in color – due to
incompetent valves which causes the
backflow and accumulation of blood in the
veins of the lower extremities; Accumulation
of blood results in higher pressure in the
veins which causes it to distend. RBCs are
forced out of the vein [into the ISS], giving
the skin a flush of reddish color.

- Should be mobile and elastic and able to be pinched.

- Temperature should be equal.
- Extremities should be equal in size bilaterally
o Abnormal
 Unilateral swelling / edema
- Veins should not be visible on the surface of the skin
o If visible, elevate lower extremities (LE).
Arteries & Veins  If the veins and valves are not compromised,
the distended veins will disappear (due to
the incompetent valves)
 If veins and valves are compromised, the
distended vein will remain
o Superficial veins – veins found beneath the skin
 common veins on the LE: Greater
Saphenous, and Lesser Saphenous Vein—

- Very thin walls (one layer of tissue)
- Allows diffusion materials across capillary: O2, CO2, H2O, and Fluid
- For smokers, o Deep veins
o Nicotine causes vasoconstriction which results in  Brachial artery – divides into radial and ulnar
increase of BP. arteries
- For patient’s that have Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA),
o Causes pulsations
 When assessing, it should be on a supine
position and eye level.
 When not seen, ultrasound is done.
 Controlled by anti-hypertensive drug.
o AAA has more cases with 75%, whereas Thoracic Aortic
Aneurysm with 25%.
- Also related to chronic hypertension
- Obesity, pregnancy and ascites makes it hard to see pulsation.
Ultrasound is done.

 Femoral artery – found in the groin area

- It is the accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity— with plenty
visceral and subcutaneous fats.
 Popliteal artery – at the dorsal side of the
knee → Buerger Test
- Position: supine and sitting
- (+) sign: 1-2 mins. before the color comes back (becomes blue then
- Significance: poor arterial blood supply
- Procedure: elevate the leg at 45-degree for at least 3 minutes, foot
blanches. Position is then place at short-sitting

 Dorsalis pedis – at the dorsal side of the foot

 Inspect and palpate when leg
extremities are (+) pallor,
together with the posterior tibial
❹ Spider Veins
- The valve is incompetent, weakened walls, and back flow of blood
- It will give you edema
❺ Varicose skin/Varicosity
- Distended vein that is greenish-bluish in color
- Damaged valves allow backflow of the blood
- This condition is hereditary
- Female are more susceptible due to the estrogen which weakens
the walls of the vein

❻ Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

- Reddish, hard and warm to touch, and swelling
- Those patients who are in supine position for more than 3 days are
more susceptible on having DVT
- No lesions visible o It is due to the blood that is stagnant allowing solid
o Abnormal if lesions don’t heal easily elements (platelets) to clump together which forms
o If there is a lesion, classify it: clotted blood thus, the blood does not go up
 Petechiae— small red dots; common in - Should be suspected if there is:
dengue fever o Pain
 Ecchymosis— bruise-like, larger than o Swelling
purpura o Tenderness over vein
 Purpura— snake bites - Turn client side to side or perform compression stocking
❷ Hair - Observe the lower extremities for any manifestations of arterial
- Hair distribution insufficiency and obstruction
o If hair growth is evident, it should be equal in - A thrombus in the vein can dislodge (embolus) and will flow with
distribution bilaterally. the blood back to the superior or inferior vena cava to the heart
o Person with ischemia has less hair or no hair at all. and to the lungs via the pulmonary arteries, thus causing
 Patient with arterial insufficiency will have PULMONARY EMBOLISM
hairless shiny skin on the legs
 Due to lack of blood supply that  ASSESSMENT TESTS
brings oxygen and nutrients to Trendelenburg Test
the hair follicles for hair growth. o Purpose: to assess the competence of the valves
❸ Nails o LE is elevated to allow venous blood to empty
- If the nails are dead / brittle, there is low blood supply which results o A tourniquet on the thigh will prevent backflow
to low oxygen and nutrients. o After 20 to 30 seconds, remove the tourniquet
o Competent valves – there will be a slow filling of blood
o Damaged valves – immediate filling of blood and veins
will distend (within 5 seconds)
o Tourniquet is applied to 1. Prevent backflow of blood,
and 2. To temporarily stop the blood flow

❸ Pitting edema
- Indentations
❼ Arterial occlusion
- Most common cause of occlusion is fats/lipids

Position Change Test

o Elevate the leg/s 12 in above the heart
o Dangle the leg beside the bed
o After 15 s, the leg/s should return into its normal pinkish
color – veins
o After 10s or less – artery
o If occlusion has been shown in developing, there will be
more likely conditions like the ff:
 Muscle atrophy
 Skin atrophy
 Loss of hair growth
❶ Capillary Refill Time
- Normal
o Normal pinkish color will return after 1-3 seconds
- Abnormal
o More than 3 seconds (in people with Peripheral ❹ Bruit sound
Vascular Disease or PVD) - Done during hemodialysis
❷ Radial artery and Dorsalis pedis artery - Presence of arteriovenous fistula
- Most distal pulses
- Palpate using the 1st and 2nd finger pads
o Quality of pulse is the measurement of the force of
ventricular contraction that produces pulse wave
o Tests the integrity of the arterial wall
+3 Full/bounding pulse
+2 Expected
+1 Diminished/barely palpable
0 Absent pulse

Allen’s Test
o Assesses for the
 Competency
 Patency
 Adequate collateral circulation of blood
o Radial artery
 Supplies the thumb and the lateral side of  ELDERLY
the index finger - Higher blood pressure due to blood vessels being LESS ELASTIC and
o Ulnar artery RIGID due to CALCIUM and FAT DEPOSITS
 Supplies the remaining digits and the medial - Increase PERIPHERAL VASCULAR RESISTANCE
side of the index finger

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