Application of Derivatives

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Application of Derivatives
*Geometrical And Physical Meaning Of 12) If X+Y=k is normal to y2=12x then k is
Derivative* a)3 b)9 c)-9 d)-3
−1 13) If the tangent to y 2=4 ax at the point
1) Slope of normal to curve y=x2 at (-1,0) -- (at ¿¿ 2 ,2 at) , ¿ where |t|>1 is a normal
1 −1 x 2− y 2=a2 at the ( a secθ , a tanθ )then
a) 4 b) c)-4 d) a)t=−cosecθ b)t=−secθ c)
4 4
2) The slope of tangent to the curve t=2 tanθ d)t=2 cot θ
14) If the tangent to ax +by +c=0 is tangent to
x=t 2−3 t−8 , y=2 t 2−2t −5 at the point (2,-1)
6 −6 22 the curve xy=4 then
is a) b) c) a)a<0, b>0 b)a ≤ 0 , b>0 c)a<0,
7 7 7
7 b<0 d)a≤0 , b<0
d) 15) The point on the curve 9y2=x3, where the
normal to the curve makes equal
3) The normal to the curve y=f(x) at the point
intercepts with the axis is

(3,4) makes an angle with positive X-axis 8 8 8
then f ' ( 3 ) is equal¿
( )(
a) 4 , ∨ 4 ,−
3 )3 ( )
b) −4 , c)
d)1 ( )
−4 ,−
d)none of these

4) If the slope of tangent to the curve 2 3 1 2

16) At what points of the curve y= x + x ,
y=ax3+bx+4 at (2,14) is 21, then the value if a 3 2
and b are respectively tangent makes the equal angle with axis ?
1 5 1 1 4
a)2,-3 b)3,-2 c)-3,-2 d)2,3
5) For the curve x=t2-1, y=t2 –t the tangent line is
( )( ) ( )
a) ,
2 24
∧ −1 ,− b ¿ , ∧(−1,0 )
6 2 9
1 1 1 1 4 1
perpendicular to X-axis when
a)t=0 b)t=∞ c)t=
−1 ( )( ) ( )(
c) , ∧ −1 , d ¿ ,
3 7 2 3 47
∧ −1 ,− )
√3 √3 17) The equation of the normal to the parabola
6) If slope of tangent to curve y=x3 at a point x 2=8 y at x=4 is
equal to ordinate of the point then point is a) a ¿ x + y=6 b ¿ x +2 y=0
(27,3) b)(3,27) c)(1,2) d)(-1,3) c ¿ 3 x− y=0 d ¿ x+ y =2
7) The co-ordinates the point on the curve y=x3- 18) If x=t 2 and y=2t then equation of the
3x+2 where the tangent is perpendicular to normal at t=1 is
the straight line y=x are a)x+y-3=0 b)x+y-1=0
a)(0,2) b)(1,0) c)(-1,6) d)(2,-2) b)x+y+1=0 d)x+y+3=0
19) The equation of normal
8) The point on the curve y= √ x−1 where the
tangent is perpendicular to the line 2x+y-5=0 x 2+ y 2−2 x + 4 y−5=0at (2,1)
a)(2,-1) b)(10,3) c)(2,1) d)(5,-2) a)y=3x-5 b)2y=3x-4 c)y=3x+4 d)
9) If y=4 x−5 is tangent to the curve y=x+1
20) The equation of tangent to the curve
y 2= px 3+ q at (2,3) then
x n y n
a)p=2, q=-7
c) p=-2, q= -7
b) p=-2, q=7
d) p=2, q=7
=2at the point (a, b) is

10) If the line y=−4 x +b are tangent to the x −y x y x y x y

a) = b) + =2 c) = d) + =n
1 a b a b a b a b
curve y= then b= a) 21) The equation of the tangent to the curve
± 4 b)± 2 c)± 1 d)± 8 π
x=2 cos3 θ∧x=3 sin 3 θ a the θ=
11) Point of the curve y 2=2(x −3) at which the 4
normal is parallel to the line y−2 x +1=0 is a)2x+3y=3√ 2 b) 2x-3y=3√ 2 c)
a) 3x+2y=3√ 2 d) 3x-2y=3√ 2
−1 3
(5,2) (
2 ) ( )
,−2 c)( 5 ,−2 ) d) , 2
22) The distance between the origin and normal 32) A point moves in a straight line during the
to the curve y=e2 x + x 2 at x=0 time t=0 to t=3 according to the law s=15t
2 2 1 – 2t2. The average velocity is
a)2 b) c) d) a)3 units b)9 units c)15 units d)27 units
√3 √5 2
23) If the slope of the tangent to the circle 33) Particle moves in a straight line in such a
S ≡ x 2+ y 2−13=0 at (2,3) is m then point way that its velocity at any point is given
−1 by v2=2-3x where x is measured from a
( m,
m ) fixed point. The acceleration
a)uniform b)zero
a)an external point with respect to the circle S=0
c)non-uniform d)inderminate.
b)an internal point with respect to the circle S=0
34) The displacement x of a particle at time t is
c)The center of the circle S=0
given by x= At 2 + Bt +C where A,B,C are
d)a point on the circle S=0
constant and v is velocity of a particle, then
24) The normal of the curve y=a(sinθ−θcosθ)
the value of 4Ax-v2
and x=a (cosθ+ sinθ) at any point θ , is
a)4AC+B2 b)4AC-B2
such that
c)2AC-B2 d)2AC+B2
a)it makes a constant angle with X-axis 2
b)it passes through the origin 35) If t= v then is equal to (f is
c)it is at a constant distance from the origin 2 dt
d)none of these. acceleration)
25) The normal to the curve x 2+ 2 xy −3 y2 =0 at a)f2 b)f3 c)-f3 d)-f2
(1,1) a)does 36) If the displacement velocity and
not meet curve again b)meets the acceleration of a particle at time t be x, v
curve again in the second quadrant and f respectively then which one is true?
2 2
c)meets the curve again in the third quadrant 3d t 3d t
a ¿ f =v b)f =−v
d)meets the curve again in the fourth dx 2 dx 2
2 2
quadrant. 2d t 2d t
c ¿ f =v d)f =−v
26) The sum of intercepts on co-ordinate axes dx2 dx 2
made by tangent to the curve √ x+ √ y =√ a 37) If the low of motion in a straight line is
is 1
a)a b)2a c)2√ a d)none of these s= vt then acceleration is
2 2 2
27) Let p be any point on the curve x 3 + y 3 =a 3 a) A constant
b) Proportional to t
then the length of the segment of the
c) Proportional to v
tangent between the co-ordinate axes is of
d) Proportional to s
length a)3a b)4a c)5a d)a
28) The angle between the tangents to the curve 38) A particle moves so that s=6+48 t−t 3. The
direction of motion reverses after moving a
y=x 2−5 x +6at the point (2,0) and (3,0) a)
distance of
π π π π
b) c) d) a)63 b)104 c)134 d)288
3 2 6 4
39) The speed v of a particle moving along a
29) The angle between the curves y=sin xand
straight line is given by a+ bv 2=x 2 (where x
y=cos x is
is its distance from the origin). The
a ¿ tan−1 (2 √ 2) b ¿ tan−1 (3 √ 2) acceleration of the particle is
c ¿ tan −1(3 √3) d ¿ tan −1( 5 √2) a)bx b)x/a c)x/b d)x/ab
2 2
30) Let y=e x ∧ y=e x sinx be two given curves. *APPROXIMATIONS*
Then the angle between the tangent to the 40) The approximation value of
curves at any point of their intersection is f ( x )=x 3 +5 x 2−7 x+ 9 at x=1.1 is
π π a)8.6 b)8.5 c)8.4 d)8.3
a)0 b)π c) d)
2 4 41) The approximate value of √3 −0.99is ----
*Derivative Of Rate Measure* a)-0.9967 b)-0.9976 c)-1.0033 d)-1
31) A body moves according to the formula 42) If f ( x )=x 3−3 x +5 the approximate value of
v=1+t2, where V is the velocity at time t. x=1.99
the acceleration after 3 sec will be (c in a)6.91 b)6.19 c)6.09 d)6.29
cm/sec) 1
a)24cm/sec2 b)12cm/sec2 43) The approximate value of
√ 25.1
c)6 cm/sec d)none of these. a)0.0916 b)0.1996 c)0.0016 d)0.9006
1 line tangent can be obtained by mean value
44) The approximate value of 2 theorem for the interval [-2,2] are
a)0.2495 b) 0.2595 2 √ 3 d)0
a)± b)± √3 c)±
c)0.2095 d)0.2395 √3 2
45) The approximate value of (80) 4
a)2.0907 b)2.9907
55) For all real value of x, increasing function
c)2.9070 d)2.0097
f(x) is
*ROLLE’S THEOREM* a)x-1 b)x2 c)x3 d)x4
46) If Rolle’s theorem for f ( x )=e x (sinx−cosx ) 56) The function f ( x )=ax+ b is strictly
π 5π increasing for all real x if
is verified on [ , ] then the value of c is
4 4 a)a>0 b)a<0 c)a=0 d)a≤0
π π 3π 57) For which value of x, the function f(x)=x2-
a) b) c) d)π
3 2 4 2x is decreasing?
47) For the function f ( x )=ecosx , Rolle’s theorem a)x>1 b)x>2 c)x<1 d)x<2
is 58) The function f(x) = tan x –x
π 3π a)always increases
a)applicable when ≤ x ≤ b)always decreases
2 2
π c)never decreases
b) applicable when 0 ≤ x ≤ d)sometimes increases and some tine
c) applicable when 0 ≤ x ≤ π decreases
π π 0 , x=0
d) applicable when ≤ x ≤
4 2 {
59) f ( x )=
x−3 , x> 0
the function f ( x )is

48) In which of the following function Rolle’s a ¿ increasing when x ≥ 0

theorem is applicable? b ¿ strictly increasing when x> 0
a)f ( x )=| x|∈−2 ≤ x ≤ 2 c ¿ strictly increasing at x=0
b)f ( x )=tan x∈0 ≤ x ≤ π d ¿ not continuous at x=0∧so its not increasing when x
2 60) Function f ( x ) cosx−2 px is monotonically
c) f ( x )=1+(x−2) 3 ∈1 ≤ x ≤3 decreasing for
d) f ( x )=x ( x−2)2 ∈0≤ x ≤ 2 1 1
a) p< b) p< c) p<2 d)p>2
49) For the function f ( x )=e x , a=0 , b=1 the 2 2
value of c in mean value the theorem will 61) The function f ( x )=2 x 3−9 x 2+ 12 x +29 is
be monotonically decreasing when
a ¿ log x b ¿ log( e−1) c)0 d)1 a)x<2 b)x>2 c)x>1
50) The value of c in mean value of theorem for d)1<x<2
the function f ( x )=x 2 ∈[2,4] is 62) The function f ( x )=x 2 +2 x−5 is strictly
7 increasing in the interval
a)3 b)2 c)4 d¿ a)(−1 , ∞) b)(−∞ ,−1)
51) In the mean value theorem c)¿ d)¿
f ( b )−f ( a )=( b−a ) f ' ( c ) ,if a=4, b =9 and 63) For which interval the given function
f ( x )= √ x then the value of c is f ( x )=−2 x 3−9 x 2−12 x+1 is decreasing
a)8.00 b)5.25 c)4.00 d)6.25 a)(−2 , ∞) b)(-2,1)
52) For the function f ( x )=(x−1)( x−2) define c)(−∞ ,−1) d)(−1 , ∞ )∨(−∞ ,−2)
1 64) The function f ( x )=sin 4 x+ cos4 x increasing
on 0 , [ ] 2
the value of c satisfying if
π π 3π
Lagrange’s mean value theorem is a)0< x < b) < x <
1 1 1 1 8 4 4
a¿ b¿ c¿ d¿ 3π 5π 5π 3π
3 5 7 4 c) < x < d) < x<
π 8 8 8 4
53) If f ( x )=cos x , 0 ≤ x ≤ then the real number 2x
2 65) The function f ( x )=log ( 1+ x )− is
‘c’ of the mean value theorem is 2+ x
π π −1 2 −1 2
increasing on
a¿ b) c)sin d)cos a)(o , ∞) b)(−∞, 0)
6 4 π π
54) The abscissa of the pint of the curve y=x 3 c)(−∞, ∞) d)none of these
in the interval [-2,2] where the slope of the 66) If f ( x )=x 3−10 x 2 +200 x−10then
a)f(x) is decreasing in (−∞ , 10 ] and
increasing in [ 10 , ∞ )
b)f(x) is increasing in ¿ and decreasing in ¿
c)f(x) is increasing throughout real line.
d)f(x) is decreasing throughout real line.
67) If f ( x )=x ( 3 x−10 ) , x ≥ 0 ,then f(x) is

increasing in
a)(−∞ ,−1 ) ∪(1 , ∞)
c)(−∞ ,−1 ) ∪¿
d)¿ ∪(2 , ∞ )
68) Let f ( x )=∫ e ( x−1)( x−2) dxthen the f(x)
decreases in the interval
a)(−∞,−2) b)(−2 ,−1)
c)(1,2) d)(2 , ∞)

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