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Air Pollution in the Philippines

This research’s scope is about the Air pollution here in our country. Air pollution
is one of our country’s largest health and environmental problems. Air Pollution, addition of
harmful substances to the atmosphere resulting in damage to the environment, human health,
and quality of life. One of many forms of pollution, air pollution occurs inside homes, schools,
and offices in cities. Air pollution makes people sick it causes breathing problems and promotes
cancer and it harms plants, animals, and the ecosystems in which they live. In this research i
intend to find out how to solve the continued air pollution.

In this research , I would show to readers how dangerous it is to our health and
environment. This is not just for us but for everyone. We as humans depend on the air around
us to live, without it we would die. Although we rely on this as an essential source for living, it is
still littered and polluted with chemicals. Pollution of the atmosphere and the air around us is
air pollution, and this is becoming more "popular" everyday. I searched from the internet some
facts and arguments about this problem. Air pollution worldwide is a growing threat to human
health and the natural environment. This research covers the following: history of air pollution,
the various common air pollutants and their sources, and solution how to solve it in our

This study will answer the following question:

 What should a individual do to help for solving this problem?

 What are the causes of this environmental problems?
 Who are the one that most affected?
 How this problem will affect you as a citizen of Philippines?

In the Philippines, air pollution is a problem that cuts among demographics,

affecting rich and poor people alike. “Air pollution affects each and every one of us. We need
stronger coordination and wider collaboration so we can once and for all solve our air pollution
problem,” said Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu. The Philippines’ Clean Air Act of 1999
(Republic Act No. 8749) is almost two decades old, yet enforcement seems to be an issue as the
quality of air in the Philippines continues to deteriorate. The Department of Environment and
Natural Resources (DENR) says it is working with the Department of Health and WHO to
decrease the environmental health risk of air pollution by improving the linkage of air quality
and health monitoring, reviewing the air quality index, and strengthening the health impact
assessment for projects and activities that may cause air pollution. The DENR’s Air Quality
Management Bureau and the Land Transportation Office (LTO) are working together to track
and apprehend smoke belchers. Smoke belchers are subject to fines, license suspensions or
franchise cancellations. The air we breathe today is full of toxic and hazardous pollution.
Pollution is a big problem to our health and the environment here in our country. (Jimeno ,

Pollution is created by individuals, communities or industries that collect and dispose of

pollutants improperly. Pollution can be classified into two sections, visible air pollution and
invisible air pollution. Here are the causes and effects on pollution. Burning of fossil fuels like
coal, petroleum and other factory combustibles is one major cause of air pollution, also vehicles
like cars, trains and airplanes cause a big amount of air pollution. Carbon monoxide is a
poisonous, odorless, colorless gas that is formed when burning fossil fuels such as coal,
petroleum and natural gas. We rely on these fossil fuels to fulfil our daily needs of
transportation but the overuse is killing our environment. Manufacturing industries release
large amounts of chemicals into the air, these industries can be found in every corner of our
country and there is no area that has not been affected by it. (GradesFixer,2019)

Indoor air pollution like household cleaning products or painting supplies throws out
toxic chemicals into the air. Mining operations, where minerals from below the earth are
extracted, causing dust and chemicals to be released into the air. All these things cause Smog to
form, smog is a yellowish or blackish fog formed mainly by a mixture of pollutants, when a city
or town gets covered by smog the effects are felt immediately.The effects of air pollution are
alarming. They are known to create several heart and respiratory conditions along with cancer
and other threats to the body. In large cities, over eighty percent of fatal pollutants that cause
lung damage come from cars, buses, motorcycles and other vehicles on the road. Air pollution
affects more kids than adults due to higher concentrations of polluted air in their systems per
body size.

Millions of people are known to have died due to the effects of Air pollution. We
humans is the most affected of this environmental problem. Global warming is the immediate
alteration that the world is witnessing, with increased temperatures worldwide, icebergs are
melting causing sea level to rise, and toxic chemicals present in the air can cause animals to
move to different habitats. Eutrophication is a chemical that is present in lakes and sea surfaces
that turns itself into algae which affects sea animals and other fish. During the burning of fossil
fuels harmful gases like nitrogen oxide and sulfur oxides are released into the atmosphere,
when it rains the water droplets combine with the air pollutants and become acidic and form
acid rain, acid rain can cause great damage to humans, animals and crops. Pollution is greatly
affecting the ozone layer which is responsible for protecting humans from harmful ultraviolet
rays; the ozone layer can become thinner and thinner with all these chemicals being released
into the air. As the ozone layer gets thinner it will throw off harmful rays back on earth and can
cause skin and eye problems and also affect crops.

Here are some solutions that a individual can do. Why don’t we start with our machine.
Traveling along busy roads is a part of everyday life in Manila. Research shows that exposure to
harmful levels of PM decreases with distance from major roadways, especially in places with
high numbers of diesel engine vehicles. Try to avoid prolonged amounts of time along major
roadways and if possible take a route that will provide distance from major roads. Use air
filters in your home, and anywhere where you spend a lot of time indoors. Indoor air filters that
have high rates of circulation are most effective, combined with keeping the indoor space
sealed. And be sure to change your filter as instructed. When possible, avoid traveling during
the busiest times of the day in Metro Manila. In traffic congestion, the higher number of
vehicles and rapid stopping and starting behavior produce greater particulate matter (PM)
concentrations. You may also want to avoid rush hour to save time. If you’re behind the wheel,
try to “smooth” your driving by limiting abrupt acceleration, which also saves money in fuel
We as citizen of Philippines can help with this problem of our environment. Through
these actions, people will learn how they can access a clean air and have a big impact in our
environment. It is important for the Filipino Government to act now, before this problem will
get worst. We should take an act and help each other for this environmental problem of our
country because we are the one that most affected.


Jimeno K. (2018) Are Filipinos experiencing ‘wildfire’ pollution every day. Air Pollution .
Retrieved from

GradesFixer. (2019) Environment problems . Cause and Effect of Air Pollution. Retrived from

Shell M. (2019) Top 8 Tips to Reduce Exposure to Air Pollution . Environment. Retrieved from

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