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Lesson 1: Introduction

Winning THE One: 27 Ways in 27 Days to THE Love of Your Life

I want to start these pages by unequivocally stating that this 27 Day process will work to bring you the
love of your life as well as the love life of your dreams whether you are currently in any sort of romantic
relationship or not . After writing about, counseling and coaching clients through all kinds of life agendas
using all kinds of empowerment rituals and regimes, secrets, shortcuts, tips and techniques, I feel MORE
than confident in promising, (guaranteeing almost) success-FULL and positive results with all the influential
and effective information I have packed into this one single effort!

To be able to share these secret tips and techniques makes me feel both humbled and honored.

But maybe you’re asking yourself who I am and why I should even have access to these sorts of secrets? I
am Ellen Whitehurst, an author, a teacher, a healer and an intuitive. I contribute to and write regularly for
major national women’s lifestyle magazine titles (REDBOOK, SEVENTEEN, COSMO GIRL, NATURAL HEALTH,
WOMEN’S WORLD to name just a few) and counseled/advised/consulted with some of the more
recognizable names on the globe. I contribute a daily tip to NBC/Universal that currently gets sent to over
a half million readers a day and I appear regularly on television, nationally syndicated radio and also on
such high profile websites as ‘The Huffington Post’ and John Edward’s new launch, ‘Infinite Quest.’ I have a
bestselling book out and about (MAKE THIS YOUR LUCKY DAY) and have done cross promotional product
partnerships with Starbucks, Barnes and Noble and the Trump Organization among other high profile
Fortune 500 companies.

I have studied different traditions, cultures, philosophies and healing modalities from master gurus and
teachers all across the planet and have apprenticed with shamans, medicine women, touch healers,
psychics and holistic doctors from almost every walk of life; all in efforts to learn and then share the
information that I have been so privileged to learn with anyone interested in building their best life
possible. I want to help you make your hopes and wishes and, yes, your dreams a reality. And, if having a
wonderful, romantic and fully satisfying love life is one of those dreams than THESE pages were written
expressly for you!

See, for years now I have had certain clients, now living happily ever after, sending me their friends and
colleagues so that I could then help find them their perfect partner, their loving soul mate. After having
seen such success on their own heart’s quest it’s almost inevitable that these same people come back to
me and ask why I haven’t put this process down on paper for the whole world to be able to have access
to? And, well, I guess I just have to be honest here. For the longest time, part of that reason I didn’t
gather and dispense all this information under one title has been my concern over honoring the lineages
that I’ve had the great and good fortune to study with respect and with confidentiality. I have always
learned that some of these symbols and techniques, affirmations and rituals that I am about to share with
you inside these pages were earmarked for secrecy and silence to be withheld from public or mass
consumption all down through the ages. But, now, the times are changing and I’ve received permission
from powers that be to be the vehicle, the conduit, the purveyor to the path that can now lead you to
these very same powerful and effective symbols and secrets. All so you can live your life in peace and
partnership, if that is your desire. It’s time. In fact, if you are reading these words right now, then, it’s
YOUR time! And I, for one, couldn’t be happier for you!

I have broken the teachings up into four parts for each of the 27 days represented in the process. There
are affirmations included for each day as well as a written exercise. There is a tip or some proactive advice
offered on each of the twenty-seven days and then, finally, there is a bit of encouragement and inspiration
from me that I hope will help keep you both engaged and enthused!

This process has been designed so that you can do, on a daily basis, for a consecutive twenty-seven days,
what you feel most comfortable with. If you are truly and genuinely serious about finding the love of your
life, you may want to go ahead and write and repeat your daily affirmations as well as adding the daily
writing exercises too. You could also enact the advice offered under the ‘Tip of the Day’ header while
embracing my constant support included in my ‘Enthusiasm’ comments. But, you should only do whatever
most makes you feel like can carry you through all the way to the end of the twenty-seven day process. If
all you want to do at first is write and repeat the daily affirmations then you will still see terrific and
tremendous results at the end of the 27 Day process simply by embracing those efforts. If you feel like you
want to dedicate your energies to the affirmations as well as the writing exercises but feel like putting all
the cures and adjustments in place just doesn’t feel right at this juncture, then, let that piece go for now.
The whole idea here is to get you started on doing something proactive and life-altering for a
CONSECUTIVE twenty-seven days. And, because you need to make that commitment, the one that keeps
you following this process for twenty-seven days, you need to be sure that you are mapping out the best
plan for you. Remember, you can return to these pages time and again and make good use out of this
information at any time. Truly, these are powerful teachings and any single one of them could turn your
love life into the positive, wonderful place you intention it to be. That’s the beauty of this path. You can use
some or all of the teachings and information and still see HUGE results no matter what you choose to do as
long as you stick with it for twenty-seven days. Likewise, you could pick to put just one piece of advice in
place, trigger one adjustment or cure and leave the affirmations and exercises alone if you choose. But you
must then be sure to leave all cures in place for twenty-seven days to see success from that front as well.
Just be sure to review this checklist before you begin:

1. Commit to working this program for twenty-seven consecutive days no matter what. Even if that
means putting ONE symbol in place and leaving it there for 27 days, make the commitment to follow
2. Commit to begin again and anew if you somehow skip a day.
3. Remember to write everything, your affirmations and/or your daily exercises, by and in your own
hand. NO computers or other electronics can evoke the powerful response that writings from your
own hand can elicit.
4. Try not to critique yourself or change anything that you’ve written as you get further on into the
process. Don’t look back. Don’t edit what you’ve previously written. This is important.
5. When first beginning, follow your own intuition and your own inner guidance. This applies to how
much you choose to address and what you put down on paper. You simply CANNOT do anything
wrong here. Don’t judge yourself. EVER. Just do what feels natural and what flows forth from you.

Now, I will share a really brief story with you right now. While I was crafting, creating and, then, finally,
writing these pages I started to see a totally different reaction and interest coming to me from people all
around me. I felt infinitely more attractive and much more alluring then I’d felt in a really long time. And it
seemed like I was almost magnetic. Suddenly it seemed that people were mystically and magically drawn
to me. My intellectual side kept telling me that all of these things were happening because I was, in effect,
following the same program that I was in process of creating. But, my intuitive side, the one I count on the
most, told me it was because I had within my grasp a magic so powerful and so filled with possibility and
potential, that I needed to see for myself how truly absolute these teachings were. Boy oh boy, I found out
alright. Along that way I also found a new and loving relationship with the woman I have grown to be. And
for that I am filled with appreciation and awe to these teachings. I now happily and humbly pass them to
you with blessings and grace.

I pass my own blessings and grace, gratitude and love as well to Florence Scovel Shinn whose affirmations
I was adept to adapt for our purposes on this path and process. The writing exercises are actually almost
older than writing itself as there are so many teachings, including modern day Psychology 101, that
instruct us to write and act ‘AS IF’ and to do that for at least 21 days (research shows that doing anything
for twenty-one consecutive days creates a strong and reliable habit) in order to create a new personal
paradigm. I owe debts of gratitude to the teachers and hunas, shamans and medicine women who have
shared these secrets with me and now give their permission for me to pass them along. Among them and
a great gratitude wells up within me and goes to my Grandmaster, Lin Yun, who shines a light on this
planet that illuminates us all.

And, finally, to your own light, the one that will brighten your own path the minute you begin this process I
have this to say: I am grateful beyond belief to THAT light for deciding to fulfill your dreams. For it is said
that whenever one of us takes a single step to make this world a better place to be that we then make it a
better space for all of us. So, as YOU make this whole world a better place, while making your own a more
loving and lovely place to be, please accept my deep and sincere thanks. You are beautiful in more ways
than you could ever know. Soon enough that same whole world will be telling you that same thing!
Lesson 2: Day One


“I AM one with my undivided love.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Because you ARE now coming closer and closer to being one with YOUR undivided love!
Congratulations to loving and lovely you!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What are the physical characteristics of your perfect partner?

Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing this question like this;



Let’s go ahead and start these efforts with your bed, after all that’s one of the places that you’re going to
end up! Take your sheets off and wash them well. While they are washing, let’s cleanse and clear the
mattress and make it ready for your perfect partner. Using either a stick or sandalwood or frankincense
incense OR burning a small sage leaf, waft the smoke all around your mattress; over, under, above and
below. The whole time you are doing this picture your bed now being released from any past alliances or
any negative programming that may have become embedded in the energies surrounding it. Replace those
energies by visualizing your bed now surrounded by pure white light. Now, move your bed and vacuum all
around and under it. When you move it back, place it slightly to the right or the left of where it was but do
try best not put it back in the exact space it was before. This will open up opportunities to meet someone
wonderful and new that you simply won’t believe. Eastern philosophy says that if you put pink sheets on
your bed you will meet the partner of your (sweet) dreams. Even if you don’t find that doable, be sure to
cleanse and clear around the bed and then move it. This can and will change the flow of energy in the
entire room.


Okay, so, you know how raring to go you are right now? Keep that sense of enthusiasm and hope and faith
alive all through this whole process! Remember I KNOW this stuff works. Soon enough you will too! YAY for
Lesson 3: Day Two


“I Am NOW one with my heart’s desire.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Because you ARE now coming closer and closer to being one with YOUR heart’s desire!
Congratulations to success-FULL you!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What are the personality characteristics of your perfect partner/lover/soul mate? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



I think this would be just the perfect day to bathe yourself in the waters of love. The following bath will
begin to allow your doubts and any lingering self-worth and/or trust issues to all go down the drain while
at the same time making you a magnet for true love! Start by creating an infusion of infatuation by
pouring boiling water over a few handfuls of fresh basil and fresh dill. Strain out the botanicals and then go
ahead and add this liquid to your bathwater. Lastly, stir in a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a
half cup of honey all the time thinking about becoming more and more attractive to THE One. Soak for at
least twenty minutes and try best to air dry when you are ready to be the magnet of attraction we both
know you are!


Having faith and belief in the success of any of the proactive steps you are taking while creating the lasting
love life of your dreams is critical to this process. Whenever a niggling doubt creeps into your
consciousness where these efforts are concerned, STOP, take a breath and then CONSCIOUSLY replace it
with any of the affirmations that resonate strongly with you. Making this a habit will have someone
fabulous making you theirs in no time at all!
Lesson 4: Day Three


“I Am an irresistible magnetic current and draw to me my own.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! You ARE now creating a magnetic and attractive field all around you even if only by simply reading
these exercises. But why not take that a (pro) active step further and visualize yourself as a magnet and
while also imagining that your perfect partner is being drawn towards you on every conceivable level.

NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What are the characteristics of the background of your perfect partner/lover/soul mate? (in some cases
you will need to use your imagination here, and that’s perfectly fine!) Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Lighten up! Illuminate your relationship prospects by placing a bright light in your bedroom. See, the main
lighting in your bedroom should already be strong enough to light the room on its own. But a brighter,
more luminescent light will lead to a brighter, more luminescent and effervescent love life as well. As extra
added bonus increasing the wattage of the main bulb in your bedroom also promises to create a bright and
positive future for you and your perfect partner. More bonus; just by changing the bulb to a higher wattage
you have already amped up your relationship success quotient regardless of whether you turn it on often
or not. In fact, once you enact this simple but VERY powerful romance ‘cure’ you’ll almost immediately find
that it’s you who will now be getting turned on on a regular basis. Ohhh la lightbulb!


Over the years I have had more than several clients (as well as a few friends) who have very casually put
this higher wattage light bulb in the bedroom only to immediately find someone who was VERY attracted to
them! In some cases, that certain attracted someone had been around for awhile but had never expressed
any interest before this single light apparently really turned them on! Why not just flip the proverbial
switch and brighten your love life all in one fell swoop! Soon enough you could be singing YOUR own body
electric! And making beautiful music with someone else who’d doing the exact same thing.
Lesson 5: Day Four


“I give thanks for my permanent love.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Gratitude is a VERY powerful emotion and has been known to crack even the hardest of codes!
Giving thanks AND acting ‘as if’ in one short affirmation will have Love saying “YES!” to you in no time at


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What are the life experiences that you and your perfect partner have in common? Describe in FULL detail.
Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



For this energetic effort you will not only need to know what animal you are according to the Chinese
Zodiac but you’ll also need to know compatible animal symbols that Eastern philosophies consider
synergistic to yours. This ‘secret’ cure says that under your bed, approximately parallel to your heart but in
the space what is or will be occupied by your perfect partner, you should place a figurine of one of your
compatible animal signs. This symbol should ideally sit atop a rounded or octagon shaped mirror that has a
similarly shaped piece of red material sitting underneath it. This is one of the adjustments that I have so
successfully used in past when helping whoever’s interested in calling in their soul mate. Quick index of
compatible animals; if you are a Rat your best mates are the Monkey or Dragon and vice, vice versa. If
you are an Ox, look to find a small symbol of the Snake or Rooster to partner you and those two others
know that these are your complimentary mates. Tiger, you are best suited with a Dog or a Horse as they
are with you and, Rabbit, run to partner with a Pig or a Goat and Pig and Goat you do same. If you like you
can match or mate two synergistic symbols and put them on the mirror/red material under and at the foot
of the empty side of your bed as well. I have seen great success with potential partners using BOTH
efforts. Just not at the same time!


Well here we are on Day Four and you may just be feeling a bit overwhelmed or even an early weary of
this process. Gotta be easier than this right? Wrong. Know why? This isn’t even that very hard. Writing the
affirmation is rewiring your psyche and subconscious and spending three minutes a day to virtually create
the perfect partner as well as to get clarity just who that person might be could possibly be the best three
minutes that you spend all day! You have a choice whether you want to use any of the secrets/shortcuts/
tips or techniques but you should know that they have stood the test of time and plan on energetically
standing next to you at your nuptials (or when you renew your vows!) as well. Day Three of any working
any process, whether healing from an injury, starting a new routine or regime or simply changing ingrained
behaviors is traditionally known as the day you hit the wall. In this case, just hit it and then climb over and
keep going. Your efforts towards these loving results WILL bear fruit. No nuts! Just delicious and juicy fruit!
I promise!
Lesson 6: Day Five
“I have a wonderful love in a wonderful way and my wonderful love has come to stay.”
Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.
Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! You do this because you DO have a wonderful love and it is going to stay forever and ever. You
MUST trust this and continue to call it in!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What is the ethnicity and values or core beliefs of your perfect partner? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



An image or symbol of two cranes has great influence and impact on your love life according to many
ancient Eastern philosophies. In fact, according to an old Chinese legend, a wealthy and astute mandarin
once hired a destitute but hardworking young man as his assistant. Over time this lowly servant fell madly
in love with the rich mandarin’s beautiful daughter. The two had a secret affair knowing the disapproval
that going public with their love would garner. However, as luck and legend would have it, one day the
mandarin stumbled upon the pair and flew into a rage so deep that he actually had a wall built around his
daughter’s house to keep her from her true love and to give him time to find a more suitable, well, suitor.
After some time passed the mandarin matched his daughter with another wealthy merchant who showered
her with luxurious gifts. But she was still in love with the poor secretary and so she arranged for the two of
them to escape together using some of the stunning jewels the merchant had gifted her with. Now the
father was not only enraged but was humiliated in his community as well. In hot pursuit of the pair, he
finally caught up with them and had the boy arrested as a jewel thief. The servant was executed and so
the daughter, distraught and grief-stricken then took her own life. Now one would wonder why I’m sharing
this story when we’re supposed to be upbeat and optimistic about finding one true love. But that’s not the
end of the legend as lore holds that these two star-crossed lovers were being watched their entire mating
period by two mystical and kindly cranes who reunited the two after death by transforming those two into
birds of a feather whereupon these two new cranes could now be together forever soaring among the
celestial clouds in true bliss and love for all eternity. Place an image/symbol of two cranes in the ‘Romance
and Relationship’ area of the main floor of your living space or in that same space of the bedroom you
sleep in. This symbol is particularly useful and effective in overcoming any problems surrounding your love
life but most especially if those problems stem from differing backgrounds.


Today we begin to explore some of the myriad obstacles, challenges and hurdles that sometimes stands in
the way of our finding and partnering a true and lasting love. I want to just continually stress that YOU can
influence and impact and even co-create whatever it is that you want in your life. Regardless the seeming
obstacles. You can transcend ANYTHING as long as you do the work. Doing ANY of these exercises show
that you are willing to do the work. And, so, according to the Laws of Physics you MUST see an equal
response. GOOD FOR YOU! Keep going! You’re NOW creating perfection in your love life!
Lesson 7: Day Six
“My one true love now comes to me in a happy and surprising way.”
Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.
Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! And be sure to start looking around you and being more aware of your surroundings. Once you
invoke the energy of this particular affirmation and embrace it as yours, you are promised to start seeing
happy surprises, including ones related to love and romance, everywhere you go!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What is the childhood of your perfect partner (of course if you don’t already know this, just use your
‘imagination’ and make it up)? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



One of the symbols that we are including with this report is something that we call ‘Love Letters.’ It is
actually an interpretation of special and significant ancient Taoist ‘commands’ or characters that invoke an
invisible presence to come forward and help you achieve and accomplish your hopes, wishes and dreams.
This particular symbol has the Taoist ‘command’ that will bring true and lasting into your love on one side.
On the other (right side) are four other Taoist characters or ‘commands’ that activate or trigger the
energies associated with the LOVE cuddled up next to it. You can frame and hang this powerful symbol in
the dining room, family room or anywhere in your bedroom in order to corral powerful forces that will now
be totally invested in the success of your loving intentions. Sometimes it’s good to be you. THIS is one of
those times.


Of all the experiences I have come across in my years of offering empowering advice and specific cures
and adjustments, some of the fastest acting energies occur as a result of believing in and using sacred
symbols in your space. Symbols are considered the language of the soul and speak to us on inner levels
that we can’t even begin to fathom. They speak to our subconscious and our psyches and make an imprint
there that then radiates outward contributing and creating positive and sometimes life-altering
experiences. Today’s symbol is one of them and I am more than happy to be able to share it with you. This
is one of those strong and secret symbols that I have seen work over and over and over again with clients
and friends alike. Now it will work for you!

Lesson 8: Day Seven


“I Am NOW flooded with the love that was planned for me in the Beginning.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! You might now begin to have some (sweet) dreams that will leave you feeling loved and cared for
when you awake each day. You might even get a glimpse of your perfect partner in some of your
slumbering times as well! Sweet dreams indeed!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:
What is the kind of work that your perfect partner engages in and gets paid from? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Oh congratulations to YOU! You have now been working this very powerful and effective process for an
entire week! You stuck with it and now it’s going to prove its promise of bringing true and lasting love for
you. Okay, so that’s the really wonderful and great news! However, what I also know though is that it’s
right about now when the dark stuff starts to come to the surface. You know what I’m talking about right?
Bubbling right beneath all your efforts could be those niggling thoughts of negativity and feelings of
unworthiness. This is also right about the time when skepticism starts to kick in too. You may start telling
yourself that this is all just a big waste of your time. And that it might work for someone else but won’t do
anything good or positive for you. I’m referring to the little voice in your head that sometimes shuts down
your expecting heart. You might start feeling that it’s perfectly true what that song said. So is it really true
that you can’t always get what you want? Nah. In fact, I’m right here to remind you that the Rolling Stones
once echoed that same sentiment; right before they remembered and reminded the rest of us that even
though you can’t always get what you want if you try sometime you just might find “you get what you
need.” Now, let’s cleanse and clear the negativity and create a clean slate for your perfect partner to come
and write a love letter to you on. Blend one cup uncooked white rice with a half cup of kosher or sea salt
and stir with the index finger of the hand you write with to thoroughly mix. Stir in a clockwise direction and
stir as many years as you are old PLUS ONE. So, if you are thirty two you would stir thirty three times.
Sprinkle a bit of this mixture in the corners of all the rooms on your main floor and in the corners of your
bedroom as well. A preparation of sea salt and rice is considered a supremely powerful cleanser since, in
part, the salt carries all the healing energies of the oceans. Walk from room to room in a clockwise
direction starting at the front door and visualize that you are cleansing your home of any Chi that will
prevent your from meeting the mate of your dreams. While you are peppering the corners with this
preparation you should continually be thinking “And we live happily ever after together.” Leave the blend in
place for a full 24 hours before sweeping up and disposing in any receptacle OUTSIDE of the house. Not
only will you get what you want but you’ll get what you need too. Now you’re cooking!


From all of my experiences in coaching clients from single status to their wedding day I have never NOT
found a period of skepticism at the process setting in somewhere around the Day Seven of this process.
So, I’m pretty sure that right about now, you too might be starting to doubt the efficacy and/or the power
associated and accorded this process. If that’s the case then today’s Tip IS the antidote. THE (PRO) active
antidote, in fact. Of all the enemies that might prevent you from living a life of true and lasting love, self-
sabotage is the most malignant. Let’s bring that out in the open, sprinkle it with a little salt and rice and
continue on our merry way. When you stare at the lion in the eyes it will turn and walk away. That’s a
proven fact. YOU ARE WORTH IT. Stay the course. I’m right here with you.
Lesson 9: Day Eight
“I am at peace with myself and with the whole world.”
Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! It’s important that you be at peace with this entire process as well as with the world at large and
your special affirmation today will put you in that exact same space. Peace!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What kind of food does your perfect partner like? Do they like to cook? Or go out to restaurants? What kind
of nourishment nurtures them? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Once upon a lifetime ago I had the rare and extraordinary opportunity to study with some of the most
revered and magical Shamans in my world. I learned many of their ‘recipes’ to manifest many different
energies and states. One of the lessons I was taught was in regard to summoning the spirit of fragrances
(of plant allies and friends) in order to achieve specific purposes. Those Shamans taught me that when you
pour particular oils onto your skin the fragrance then begins to penetrate your spirit and that spirit is what
gives you the force to attract or pull people to you. See, it’s YOUR spirit that becomes magnetic, attractive
and a force that can pull your partner to you; the magic inherent then is not how these oils react on others
but, rather, the magic is within you! Self belief, believing without any doubt at all is what empowers the oil
to work for you. One such oil ‘recipe’ is said to be a fragrance used to pull your “ideal mate” to you and it
goes like this: To a quarter cup of almond oil (your base oil for this blend) add five drops of true patchouli
essential oil and one drop of cinnamon oil. Now (again, this is according to Shamanic beliefs and traditions)
you rub this oil on a white candle. If you wish you can put a photo of your ideal mate (or who that might
look like to you) next to the candle and then light it. As the candle burns down, visualize your perfect
partner walking easily and effortlessly into your life bringing you true and lasting love forever and ever.
Keep this vision and hold this intention until the candle burns out. You can then dot this oil on your pulse
points before leaving the house or add a tiny touch of it to your bath water as well. This is a Shamanic
secret of attraction. I have seen this single scentsation work over and over again.


Using essential oils for all different purposes and intentions is a particular favorite exercise of mine since
I’ve had such extraordinary experiences using them both for myself and with others. When you employ
essential oils in any of your intentional efforts you actually open yourself to a world of support from all the
flora and fauna on the planet. I often find that last thought simply miraculous and it makes me so grateful
to the elders who were so generous and illuminating both to and for me. It makes me humble as well to be
able to share such powerful ‘medicine’ with all of you!
Lesson 10: Day Nine


“My love NOW flows to me in a steady, ever-increasing stream of happiness.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Your true love IS now flowing towards you on a stream of happy and positive life experiences
together. Hold THAT vision. ‘See’ the two of you walking hand in hand together and actually feel the
emotion that elicits from you. Now, in THAT state, say your affirmation out loud.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What would you and your perfect partner do for leisure activities? If you had a whole weekend to
yourselves what would you do together? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Happiness is the keyword of the day today. A lot of times when I counsel clients towards coupledom, I
often find that they are sometimes so intent on finding a partner that they forget to remember to add a big
dose of comfort and happiness to that mix as well. This entire process is centered around bringing
complete and crystal clarity to your relationship prospects as well as success to your active efforts at
manifesting the perfect partner. As well, this symbol also brightens and brings more happiness to the
healthy relationship that you might already be engaged in. Clearly, you want HAPPINESS to accompany
your long loving life together. So, it stands to reason that you should implement a symbol that’s long been
considered the ‘gold standard’ in corralling and then showering happiness on the couples who embrace this
calligraphy. So the symbol we’re using today is appropriately called THE DOUBLE HAPPINESS SYMBOL and
is included with this report for your happiness and ease in making your love dreams come true. When you
think about it it really does make perfect sense that your love life could only be made better when
partnered by a double dose of happiness. In the East, this is the most powerful and most widely recognized
symbol of marital happiness, surpassing even the mystical/magical uber powerful Dragon-Phoenix symbol.
DOUBLE HAPPINESS virtually ensures good fortune for the lucky couple who activates its energy.
Displaying any sort of double-happiness calligraphy in the home is said to bring balance and happiness
(duh!) to a married couple especially those who might have some incompatibilities or obstacles plaguing
their relationship. It is additionally thought to bring THE One for those who are seeking. Therefore, hanging
this happiness symbol in the bedroom, especially on the ‘Romance and Relationship’ wall (or over the top
of the bed if you are already partnered) is believed to successfully create excellent marriage energies that
are fully immersed in happiness always.


I don’t know any couple who has hung this symbol over their bed who has not seen an immediate and
positive response in their relationship. Not a one. Conversely, I have witnessed many a miracle happen
when this calligraphy is hung in a house with the intention of creating more happiness. Lay claim to your
own empowerment and then grab some happiness for yourself. This symbol will do that for you. Twice.

Lesson 11: Day Ten


“I love everyone and everyone loves me.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! It’s important to put the message “out there” that you are open to meeting anyone and everyone
in this process. You NEVER know how or who might just be waiting around the proverbial corner. Become a
magnet and an attractor to everyone because ‘they’ might just be the conduit to your perfect partner!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What makes your perfect partner smile/laugh?

Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



There is a cure in the Feng Shui philosophy that is called (wait for it!) ‘Adjusting the Chi of Moving Water in
order to Advance Career and/or Social Life.’ Rolls right off the tongue doesn’t it? Anyway, this adjustment
(or cure) promises to enhance and bring about an active love life by using the energies of moving water.
Kind of. See, in Feng Shui, moving water is believed to bring a better career, better business opportunities,
better cash flow and, finally, a beautiful love life. The moving water part of this adjustment refers
symbolically to the ocean of people that we all swim in and how those people can not only invigorate
different areas of our lives but might, as well, possibly or potentially be the conduit to THE One! The
process goes like this: every day for twenty-seven (there’s THAT number again!) consecutive days you
must contact or connect with at least one person who you know but have had no contact with in the past
six months. You can connect with them by text or Twitter, Facebook, phone, or email. It doesn’t matter.
What does matter is that you keep it short and sweet avoiding any kind of complaining or, God forbid,
gossip! And that you don’t skip one single day in this effort. Don’t make any requests or ask anything
either. This is energetic networking of the highest order! Now, the other piece of this cure that is necessary
is that you should do everything in your power to take advantage of any opportunities that arise from
these communications. With each reach you should also visualize that you are bringing more balance and
harmony into ALL of your relationships, even the ones that you’re not yet aware of. And even though this
exercise of ‘Adjusting Moving Water’ might involve an exercise in social courage as well, once you get
closer to completion you simply won’t believe the boost in your self-esteem and confidence that your
empowered efforts created. You’re getting closer and closer! Don’t kid me, you feel it too!


A few years ago I had a client who told me a story about what happened when she used this cure. You just
know I’m going to share right? Anyway, this particular client was in her mid-fifties when her daughter
called and hired me to consult with her mom. The daughter told me that the mom was ready to find a new
and fulfilling relationship after having grieved the death of her husband who had died five years earlier.
She shared that her mom didn’t have any self-confidence that she would be able to find a single man who
might have any sort romantic interest in her. I, however (and thank goodness!) knew better. So, after we
made a few quick fixes to her attitude and her house, the mom agreed to do this powerful ‘Adjusting
Moving Water’ cure for the requisite twenty-seven days. After the time period expired here’s the story she
told me: At first she was afraid to even reach out to one person she hadn’t seen in six months but by the
time she completed this exercise she was calling as many as three people a day that she hadn’t seen in
years and years. And she was enjoying every minute. But NOT ONE of those people was the one who
eventually introduced her to her new husband. Yes, I said new husband. What happened was that halfway
through the twenty-seven days she came home one day to find a foreign number showing up on her Caller
ID. The same number registered twice and since she was engaged in talking to so many different people,
she didn’t think twice and just picked up the phone and dialed back the number. A young guy answered his
phone and apologized saying that he had called her number erroneously and that’s why there was no
message left. But the two struck up a conversation because she told him about what she was doing and he
thought it was ‘funny’ (yeah, we’ll go with funny!) Anyway, the two discovered that they attended the
same church and agreed to meet at the next social function, something she never would have attended in
the past. Now, before you think this story is complete baloney I’ll just cut to the chase. The guy was in his
thirties and was already in a relationship. But, when my client went to the church picnic, this guy, who
knew that his ‘mistaken’ phone friend was looking for a partner, also invited his single uncle to the event
and, well, you know the rest right? Happily ever after alright. So, you see, although this woman didn’t find
THE One through her energy networking efforts, they reaped a positive and wonderful reward anyway. You
can create the same connection anytime you want. In twenty-seven days! WOOT!
Lesson 12: Day Eleven


“I shall never wander from my heart’s desire.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Today you are declaring and owning your intention to pursue this process to successful
completion. As you know by now, you are exploring deep emotional terrain that is now beginning to
magnetize and attract love and attraction to you from both expected and now unexpected places as well.
When you least expect it, you will get the most happy surprises as reward for your discipline and your not
wandering from your heart’s desire. Good for you. You deserve it!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What entertains your perfect partner? What movies or music does he/she listen to? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



You two will surely make some beautiful music together, but, first, let’s use some of same to make that
very thing manifest! It has long been believed that the sounds produced by the stringed instrument called
the Chinese lute are said to be so harmonious that they signify or represent a perfect union happening
between two people. In fact, in many Oriental traditions the lute is THE emblem of marital happiness. The
sound this instrument makes (here in the West we would probably liken it to the same sounds that violins
make) is said to not only express sexual bliss (although that would be enough for some!) but much more
importantly exemplifies the undying and true friendship that forms between the two partners. On a more
mystical level, because the lute produces sounds that resemble the sweet song of the singing pine, this
music is also then thought to prompt thoughts of loyalty and fidelity as well. In fact the lute is attributed
with far more than just making music to your ears, it’s also believed to bring happiness, elegance,
sweetness, subtlety, softness and strength among myriad other positive qualities and characteristics.
Hanging an image of a woman playing this instrument anywhere in your living room will most certainly
bring your perfect partnering intentions to life. With strings attached.


There are many, including me, who believe that music has the ability to induce a trance like state of
consciousness that can also induce an optimal emotional state that will allow you to subliminally manifest,
among other things, a true and lasting love in your life. Hence, love songs. See, singing is actually one of
our most creative acts as it links us to our very essence and our being. Many of the master teachers tell
that words in and of themselves have vast power (after all, in the beginning WAS the Word!) but, the
teachers do tell as well that when words are sung their power then becomes Universal. They say that the
“one who sings, prays twice.” Why not try cleansing your entire aura today by singing the ‘Doe a deer’
song from the musical movie ‘The Sound of Music?’ According to teachers of sacred sounds, four rounds of
singing this song will clear the way and create the personal path for your perfect partner to come calling.
What will your song be?

Lesson 13: Day Twelve


“I NOW gather my harvest in a remarkable way.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! You are almost two weeks into this process now and enacting and empowering great and positive
changes within. These changes will bring you a hailstorm of remarkable and positive energies that you will
now begin to harvest for your own dreams and desires. Be a constant gardener and weed what’s not
working from your life so you can allow joy, fulfillment and true love in. I am humbled at your commitment
and happy for your harvest.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:
What is your perfect partner’s favorite sport(s)? Do you share this passion? What sports do you both like?
Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



This next cure is to be used only if you want to attract or bring a NEW romance into your life: Place a red
flower (if you use any flower with thorns on the stem you must be sure to remove them!) into a white vase
and then station that in the ‘Relationship and Romance’ area of your bedroom. When you plant this bloom
in place, be sure to visualize a new and wonderful love growing up all around you. Now, if you are looking
for love OR perhaps looking to enhance your current and existing love life, you can use a variant of this
adjustment to your best benefit as well. This next cure says that you should place TWO PINK long-
stemmed roses (thorns removed) into a white vase and put them on your bedside table on the side of the
bed that you sleep on. You must change these roses to two more fresh ones every three days for a total of
nine days or three changes altogether. If the first and second duos aren’t dead or wilted, don’t throw them
away but rather move them to another space in your house when replacing them with the next new and
fresh florals. Either way, once you plant these intentions in place you should shortly see loving energies
popping up all around you!


Right after my first book was published I was doing a round of radio in all efforts to promote and market
‘MAKE THIS YOUR LUCKY DAY.’ The book pubbed early in the year and so I was full court pressed to
promote all around Valentine’s Day. That’s when I met Beth Adams, a radio co-host of a great show out of
Rochester, New York. Beth was one of the first people whom I’d ever met who actually did the two pink
roses cure for the requisite nine days and followed the instructions to the petal. Now, understand that she
didn’t learn this cure from me but was merely sharing when I was a guest on her show that she had tried
this one Feng Shui cure to find true love. She swears that she met her now husband shortly after
concluding her commitment to the cure and has been an avid advocate of using Love Shui ever since. Like
I said from the get-go, you don’t need to put all of these adjustments and action steps in place. But,
certainly if you decide to try any of them, ones that have success stories attached can certainly be both
inspirational AND motivational. This is one of THOSE cures! Other than having to stop by the local floral
shop a bit more than you would usually, what have you possibly got to lose? Conversely, why not spend
time thinking about all that you have to gain!
Lesson 14: Day Thirteen


“I am harmonious, poised, irresistible and magnetic.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! The more you ‘own’ or ‘claim’ or ‘declare’ that you are powerfully poised and a virtual attraction
magnet, the more you will find those exact same energies coming forward every moment of every day.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What is your perfect partner’s perfect day?

Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



This particular piece of wisdom and advice doesn’t so much call in the perfect partner as much as it makes
you more attractive, alluring and, well, magnetic to THE One. It is a simple ritual that utilizes Eastern
ingrained beliefs that mirrors carry magic inside them; a magic that we can transfer to our own beings if
we want. On any sunny day hold a small hand-held mirror inside the palm of your hand and then hold it up
high tilting it so that it absorbs direct sunlight into the reflective surface. Stay NO MORE THAN NINE
SECONDS in this position but be perfectly sure that the sun is fully reflected in the mirror. Do not look
directly into the mirror during this time but rather keep eyes lowered. As well, try best to make sure there
aren’t other people in your immediate environment when enacting this intention. Next you should chant
the Buddhist mantra, OM MANI PEH MEH HONE into the mirror nine times as well. Your mirror has now
been ‘activated’ and is powerful beyond words in bringing a bright energy into your life. This ritual advises
that you use the mirror to reflect your face immediately after it has been energized by the sun. Looking
into that mirror in this way while focusing briefly on your intention to become harmonious, poised,
irresistible and magnetic will encourage your spirit to rise up and fill your very being with those same
stunning and beautiful qualities. Keep this mirror wrapped in some soft material and bring it out on
occasion to use ONLY for these purposes. Now who’s the fairest (most poised, irresistible and magnetic!) of
them all? Uh huh, I thought so.


It’s totally true that before someone else can love you truly, madly and deeply you simply have GOT to
love yourself that exact same way. Just simply committing to the time and energy that this cure takes to
nourish and nurture your own internal and external sunshine of the mind, body and spirit will do more
towards fulfilling your own well than you could ever know. See, once your well if overflowing everyone
around will want to come and take a dip in it. If you know what I mean? Make yourself a magnet by
charging your Chi with the sun’s rays. You’ll end up so much hotter than when you started.
Lesson 15: Day Fourteen


“Divine Love NOW floods my consciousness and every cell of my being is filled with love and light.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! When you are feeling this affirmation today, literally take a few seconds to also feel Divine Love
filling you all up, from your toes to the tip top of your head. See yourself as glowing from the inside out
with this light and this love. It really is that easy. Really.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What is your perfect partner’s color and why?

Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



According to ancient Chinese legend there really is a God of Marriage and he lives in the moon! He is called
Chieh Lin and is believed to be responsible for and in charge of all nuptials that take place between all of
us mere mortals living back here on earth. He allegedly sanctions such unions by matching mortal couples
together and then invisibly and/or figuratively tying the feet of the intended together with a red silk cord.
This belief must have predicated the Eastern act or ritual of the bride and groom at Oriental weddings
sealing their marriage vows to one another by drinking wine from two flutes that are tied together with one
red cord. Either way this old man in the moon certainly sounds like he’s the one to call on when trying to
find a wonderful and illuminating new relationship or when trying to brighten an existing one. To activate
romance and relationship luck in your life, display an image of the full moon WHEN THE MOON IS
ACTUALLY FULL in that same ‘Romance and Relationship’ sector of the living room. This particular cure
shouldn’t be enacted in the bedroom though since it’s very powerful and might bring a bit too much Yang
or aggressive energy to that receptive and quiet space. And one extra bonus bit for all the single ladies
looking to find a mate to marry: On the fifteenth day of Chinese New Year (which will also be a night of a
Full Moon) get one big and juicy orange. Holding the orange in both hands, close your eyes and visualize
yourself getting married to your perfect partner and mate. Anytime that night, throw the orange into any
body of moving water still holding your vision and your intent. Allow the flow of the waters carry the
orange off into the great unknown from where, some day soon, your true love will appear. Now, orange
you glad you read this?


There is another cure for find a soul mate that is very similar to the tips I just offered above. It says to
take two pink candles and put them in clear glass or crystal candleholders. You put some space between
the two candles and then you tie the holders together with twenty-seven inches of red thread making sure
to knot the thread TWICE when you are done. Then, each and every day you light the candles and move
the holders a bit closer to one another. You do this for 27 days. On the 27th day the holders should be
touching and you let the candles burn completely down before cutting the string and burying it somewhere
in the ‘Romance’ area of your backyard. Or, if you don’t have a yard, you put it away in the ‘Romance’ area
of your bedroom. Now, I happen to know someone who did the orange cure VERY successfully and not only
got married a year after doing something she thought was “completely crazy Ellen!” but she just delivered
twin boys to boot. This was a woman who told me once that she was ‘destined to be single her whole life.’
I bet she’d like a bit of that solitude back right now eh? Even if you miss the orange window, do be sure to
take advantage of tying up all your loose love ends. One thing’s for sure, if you use this cure you’ll never
be just someone to string along but rather will thought of as marriage material from the get go! So get
Lesson 16: Day Fifteen


“Endless love now comes to me in endless ways.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.
Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Don’t think today, just feel. Feel the excitement that knowing your true and lasting love could
come from anywhere at anytime brings. You are more than halfway through. Persist in believing that
endless opportunities for you to find THE One are swirling all around you. This endless love will indeed
come to you in endless ways. Faith. Hope. And clarity. Accent on the last part.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

How did your perfect partner find you? What attracted them to you? What six qualities or characteristics
that you embrace attracted your perfect partner to you in the first place? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Since you made it this far, and are more than halfway thought his entire exercise and process, you get a
GIANT reward. The secret symbol that I’ve been going on and on about only just came to me inside the
last year or so. I wasn’t sure if I should share it with everyone interested because I totally honor the
gravity of the power inherent in it. This is not for the faint-hearted or the dabbler. This is the REAL DEAL.
Make copies of it. Carry one on your person and place one where you can see it as much as possible. Put
another in the any of the ‘Romance/ Relationship’ areas of your living space. If this were THE ONLY
PROACTIVE STEP you took from this entire exercise, it just might be enough. Endless love. Coming to you
in endless ways. This is one of them! You’re welcome!


Okay, so this really did happen. One day I was deciding that my entire brand needed a reset. OR that I
just needed to marry someone really rich and handsome and who is great in bed. Or just reset my brand.
See, sometimes I have a hard time believing all these cures work. Even though I have client after client
testimonial and endorsement swearing same! But, on that particular day I was sitting in my office and
daydreaming I thought; “if only I had something that no one else has, some symbol that would make love
or money or good health happen in everyone’s life.” And, then, I kid you not, approximately five minutes
later someone I know called and told me about this fabulous new teacher and how the teachings held some
ancient secret symbols in them. Okay, you can just about guess the rest but you should also know that I
have tried this symbol on several willing friends who all swear that they were getting so much attention
after using it that one or two of them even took it our of their purses! It’s times like this that I LIVE for.
It’s times like these that you will LOVE. Literally. Use the symbol. It works.
Lesson 17: Day Sixteen


“The love that is rightfully mine is NOW given me under grace. Let the Divine Idea now come to pass.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! According to so many philosophies and different schools of thought YOU are a beautiful idea in
Divine Mind and all that you could conceive of is your absolute birthright. But you must call it forth in order
to manifest it. The affirmation given you today is tremendously powerful and puts you in the position of
asking for and owning all the gifts that you were promised as your very birthright! Happy Birth-Day!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What is your perfect partner’s relationship with his/her mother?

Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Does it seem sort of strange that I waited until now to introduce an exercise that will use a heart to trigger
or activate a positive and successful response to your loving intentions? Actually, this piece of advice is
right on time. You are well on your way to moving so many energies and so much Chi towards your hopes,
wishes and dreams that it’s time to open your heart to the entirety of this experience. We already know
that it’s time to capture another’s heart so the two, yours and theirs may now be made one. In fact, the
heart shape is probably THE most widely recognized symbol of love that there is in all the world, and, in
my world anyway, crystal hearts are the absolute gold standard for attracting your heart’s desires.
Literally. Try to find some decorative heart symbols that are either made of quartz crystal or any other
kind of semi-precious stone as these resonate VERY strongly with all important earth energy. Make sure
that your symbolic heart is either clear or is pink or red. Blue hearts (like lapis or turquoise ones) suggests
a short-lived affair while so steer clear. Speaking of clear, clear crystals actually activate mating or even
marriage fortunes and luck! If you want to ratchet up that energy then you can leave the heart somewhere
special where it can soak in the magic of moonlight too. On any night of the Full Moon, place a crystal
heart high on a window ledge or even outside on a terrace and allow it to be bathed in all that
aforementioned magical moonlight; charging and energizing this piece to be a powerful purveyor of your
intention. If at all possible allow your crystal to soak in the moon’s rays for three consecutive nights before
placing it in the ‘Romance/ Relationship’ area of your bedroom. OR you can put the heart under your pillow
and count on both your head and your heart to NOW attract the love of you life. Either way, be sure to
leave your heart in place for at least twenty-seven days and be patient that soon it will be FULL to
overflowing! With love, of course!


WOO HOO you are turning the corner and heading down the home stretch now. Which is why I chose to
use the symbol of the heart (especially if it’s infused with moon magic) to lend a big assist to your
intentions at this point. See, it’s right about now that these actions and exercises are starting to
permanently transform your whole way of thinking, being and feeling. Without any question your heart is
opening wider and wider. By all accounts and research, doing anything for 21 days creates a new habit.
You are almost at that mile-marker but I just want to be perfectly sure that once we get there your heart
has fully blossomed. So, even if you don’t enact today’s specific cure, do try to have an image of a heart
around you even when you just think through and own the energy of today’s affirmation. WOW! You are
transforming in a powerful, creative, loving, magical manifesting machine. Right before my very eyes. My
heart is open and FULL to the brim with gratitude for being allowed to be ANY part of you manifesting your
dearly held heart’s desires. Make no mistake, that IS exactly what you are now doing. As I said when we
started, WOO HOO!
Lesson 18: Day Seventeen


“All doors are NOW open for romance and love to enter my life and the Divine Plan of my life is speeded up
under grace.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Things should really be starting to speed up now, whether or not you can actually see the results
YET or not. All doors really are opening, literally and figuratively and you should start to see the most
unlikely and happy surprises marching right through all of them!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

How does your perfect partner handle an emotional crisis?

Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



After spending so many years and so much time devoted to learning ancient Eastern traditions of bringing
love to anyone’s life, I was very used to the techniques and rituals that used pink and red flowers. After all
those two colors both symbolize or represent both burgeoning and sweet romantic love and then move to
sizzle and sex and passion, not necessarily in that order. So, it was a bit of a surprise one day to sit and
learn that there are other colors that when used in an intentional combination would also affect the same
positive partnering results. In fact the combination of bright yellow and red when placed into the
‘Relationship and Romance’ area of your living room promised an upswing in activity in your social life
while also infusing vital earth energies and Chi into those same spaces. Now, you don’t want to have too
much red in any romance related areas as that could cloud the fine line between passion and fiery temper
but certainly a small red candle sitting next to a yellow one will do this trick nicely. Red and yellow lights
will also make some strong romance magic as well putting a vase full of bright red and yellow flowers into
this area too. Simply said, this perfect combo, when placed with faith and intention in the romance area of
your living room, can make you an integral part of one as well! In this case the lights are on and now
everybody’s home sweet home!


You are just a few days away from the critical Day 21 where so much of these energies will take off to
strastospheric levels. You know that you are now attracting and magnetizing love to you ‘effortlessly’
(although you and I both know that this wasn’t so entirely effortless was it?) Anyway, do remember that if
you start to feel your own energy and enthusiasm for this process beginning to wane during these days
that that’s normal. You just need to do a couple of things; Firstly, remind yourself that you’re really only
taking a few minutes out of each day to devote to these efforts. And your future happiness with your soul
mate is certainly worth more than a couple/few minutes of each day isn’t it? As well, I’ve found that if you
start to stall and then take a step back and recommit to your end goals that all of a sudden, seemingly out
of nowhere you begin to get a ‘second wind’ towards this whole agenda. There is a ton of inner work going
on here so I’m not surprised you’re feeling like you might not go the distance. Steady. Steady. You can see
the horizon from here. Your ship’s about to come in!
Lesson 19: Day Eighteen


“Time and space are obliterated! I am one with THE ONE.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Have you ever felt like you could, um, feel your true love even if they aren’t standing in the flesh
right in front of you? That’s what today’s energies are about; the two of you coming together across time
and space. Truth be told, you were never really separated to begin with. But now you parse your parallel
and pierce the veil and make ready the way to unite.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

How does your partner feel about the children in their life and would they want to have their own? Describe
in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



In Feng Shui the symbol of the fish is awash in energies of abundance, wealth, harmony and marital bliss!
When placed as a pair, this fish symbol does not only signify or represent double happiness in relationships
but also denotes the profound joy experienced in a physical relationship between two people who truly love
and desire one another. So, obviously, this would be a great symbol to display in the bedroom as it brings
fortune and luck for those in love with a side smattering of some quick cash attached too. Who’s your best
friend now? Actually, all kidding aside, the double fish is considered one of the single luckiest symbols on
the whole of the ancient Taoist or even Feng Shui pantheon. If you don’t want to display it in your
bedroom, you can carry it in your wallet as an amulet or charm of sorts that promises to protect as well as
to bring more money and a divine love. I’d say this is as good a time as any to go fishing! Two times!
Double your pleasure AND double your fun!


See, one of the things I love most about utilizing symbols to activate certain energies in our spaces is that
most of the time all we really have to do is get some sort of image of the symbol in question and then
simply place it in the right space. That’s ALL today’s advice asks; find an image of the Buddhist double-fish
symbol and either put in somewhere in your bedroom or carry it in your wallet. This is probably one of the
easiest ways to hook The One. And we’re all about easy!
Lesson 20: Day Nineteen


“I dwell in a sea of love.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! The author John Donne reminds us that “no man is an island, entire of itself.” You are always and
ever swimming in the ocean of mankind. You have NO idea when a wave will come along and sweep you
off your feet and throw you into a sea of love. Expect THAT! Anticipate THAT! And THAT’S what you’ll get!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What kind of vacation would you and your perfect partner would take together? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



It has long been believed that ‘accidentally’ discovering a piece of red ribbon, string, yarn, wool or even
any piece of red fabric indicates a powerful charge is about to occur in your love life and your romantic
fortunes are about to pick up. If you do come across something like that you are supposed to pick it up
and then express this wish; “luck and happiness in love.” Now, if you want to create luck and happiness in
your love life, whether you have an existing relationship OR NOT, you’ll need to get two pieces of red cord.
Each piece should either be approximately 9 or eighteen or even twenty-seven inches long. You ‘braid’ or
intertwine the two red cords together and then hang this one piece on the INSIDE handle of your bedroom
door. Leave in place for twenty-seven days or until you have found oneness with a special love! Now, if
you don’t have a handle on your bedroom door you can hang each piece of cord on each of your bed posts
at the head of the bed, but that cure doesn’t hold the same oooomph that the cords on the back of the
door does. Speaking of your bed posts; if you are looking to infuse an extra added burst of romance to
your love life (and, again, this is whether you are partnered or not) you can hang either one small red
Chinese lantern on each of the bedposts at the head of the bed OR you can hang a Good Fortune Coin Cure
on each post to achieve same stimulating and lovely effect. (See my website at
to find ‘The Good Fortune Coin Cure.’)


Of course we’re well into this entire process by now and just one day away from having only a week left
until completion. I bring this up now because of two reasons; the first is that the tips or advice (cures and
adjustments) may start getting a bit more, well, ‘woo woo’ now because we’re doing some really deep
energetic work. But rest assured that they will work just as hard as you do (maybe even more so!) to help
achieve and manifest your mate, your partner, your love! Secondly, you simply MUST remember that
much of this work IS energetic and as such can sometimes make magic in your life in the blink of an eye or
can sometimes take somewhat longer on the road to fulfillment and success. You don’t need to necessarily
have met the mate of your dreams by this date but are you noticing more people smiling at you? Are YOU
noticing how much more magnetic and attractive YOU are? That’s an important step in this entire affair;
you noticing the positive changes this whole exercise is making in you. Sometime today, look yourself in
the eye in any mirror and declare to yourself how ready you are to meet and mate with that special
someone. They are out there looking just as hard for you as you are for them. OR if it’s renewed romance
you’re looking for then look yourself in the eye in a mirror and declare how very worth extra efforts at
romance and love YOU are. People around you are noticing. You should too!
Lesson 21: Day Twenty


“The love I expected has come upon me.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! In many of the inspirational and motivational philosophies we are constantly reminded that an air
of expectancy is the substance of the things hoped for. You affirmation today hold all the ideal of all the
blessing which you are working towards. Let us now expect all those blessings to come to pass.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What is your sex life with your perfect partner like?

Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Inside many ancient cultures and traditions the lotus is considered the single most stunning symbol of
purity and perfection. Especially where love is concerned. There is actually a mantra or a chant associated
with invoking the energies of the lotus and it goes like this:


It is said that reciting this mantra as much as possible, as much as many thousands of times a day in fact,
will bring a rain of blessings on whomever repeats it religiously. In fact, one of the many blessings
promised by recitation of this mystical mantra is that of a pure and perfect love life. Adherents to the
Eastern philosophies say that romantics who believe in and wish for a traditional or even old-fashioned
kind of love (one that leads to marriage and children) should have an image of this floral adorning their
environments and immediate surroundings. Bedrooms and living rooms especially, when decorated with an
image of the lotus or even with the real/artificial plant or flower itself, will exponentially help to call in THE
One or even contribute to nurturing peace and joy and understanding in an already existing relationship.
For today’s tip, place an image of the lotus in the ‘Romance / Relationship’ area of your bedroom and recite
the OM MANI PEH MEH HONE mantra nine times, all the while visualizing your perfect partnership blooming
first within your own heart before reaching out and engaging someone elses.


Okay, so, here we are on Day Twenty, the start of the last week of this process and these exercises.
Tomorrow is a big day insomuch that we know that if we do ANYTHING at all for twenty-one consecutive
days, it becomes a habit. That’s an undisputed and true fact. Doing ANYTHING for 21 days straight creates
a new habit. That includes doing things that are good for you (like building your confidence and knowing
that you are a powerful magnet of attraction) as well as things that aren’t. What I’m most aware of and
humbled by in this particular instance is that if you’ve been doing something proactive to feel more loved
(as well as to find a perfect partner) every single day; if you’ve been doing that every day for the last
twenty days then you CANNOT help but be in the habit now of realizing how powerful and perfect you are
as well. And, you know how it works right? Once YOU realize that, poof, just like magic, everyone else
around you will realize it too. Even if they knew it already, they’ll feel it much more acutely now. And, for
that ideal alone, a BIG boost and bolster to your confidence and esteem as you get your groove on, well,
for that alone I am supremely happy for and proud of you!
Lesson 22: Day Twenty-One


“I now catch up with my love, for before I called I was answered.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Go ahead and re-read today’s affirmation while breathing into your body every single word. Now
know that I couldn’t have said it better myself. FAITH.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:
What turns your perfect partner on?
Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



There are women who inhabit a city called Iquitos, the largest city in the Peruvian rainforest, who are
actually feared throughout the entire country fro their ability to attract any partner or mate that they want.
People who have observed these women say that they walk the streets with a magnetic and radiant quality
surrounding them, confident and self-assured of their own attractiveness. They KNOW how powerful they
are and this translates loud and clear. What they also KNOW is that this power lies within even if that
means that their own powers of attraction to outsiders exponentially increase because of their beliefs. They
have a relaxed sexuality and are happy and comfortable with their own bodies NO MATTER what those
bodies look like. They feel worthy and so are happy to allow their inner beauty to shine. It is these women
who also offer a recipe of essential oils that when diffused into the atmosphere or worn on the body
transmit this same feeling of (sexual/sensual) confidence and alluring energies. Two drops of ginger
essential oil, two drops of patchouli and one drop each of sandalwood and cardamom essential oils added
to a quarter cup of almond oil and blend. Bathe in it. Add the oils (all except the almond) an atomizer filled
with spring water and spray around your space. Wear the blend as a perfume or put it on your pillows. It’s
called ‘Sensual’ oil. I think that about says it all.


Okay, so, here we are at the crucial and critical Day 21. The rest is all gravy from here as you’ve now
established and embedded a new way of thinking about you, your past, your love life, your sexual side,
etc., in your world. YOU created a new habit that pushes the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviors out
into the light for transformation. You literally have now realigned your intention and created such a
magnetic and attractive force and aura around yourself that like those ladies of Iquitos I just mentioned
confidence (on every level) will now pour forth from your every pore. Now THAT’S a glow worth working
Lesson 23: Day Twenty-Two


“Love is the great attractive power of the Universe. I am LOVE.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! You draw to yourself what you are, so to speak. This gives the whole magnetic thing a different
sort of spin. You attract what you are. You become a magnet and pull to you what YOU are. Declare and
own and claim today that you are love.


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What would Valentine’s Day with your perfect partner be like? Describe in FULL detail.
Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



In some of the lesser known and more secretive but tremendously powerful Yogic traditions there is
something practiced called a ‘Success Breath.’ Simply practicing this breath promises is to put you in a flow
(a current or jetstream of sorts) that will make you a channel for any ideal that you intention and desire to
run through you. In this case, practicing this ‘Success Breath’ on a daily basis will allow you to become a
channel of and for LOVE. Ideally you should practice this powerful technique alone and even more ideal is if
you practice it out in the open air. But that last part is not necessary for you to get all the benefits and
blessings that breathing in this way brings. Sit in an upright position, back erect and all other limbs and
muscles in a state of relax. Both feet should be flat on the floor while your hands should rest on your knees
with your thumbs pointing outward. Breathe deeply on the inhale filling your belly with your breathe. On
this inhale imagine yourself as ONE with everything everywhere. On the exhale, see yourself as a human
sun radiating LOVE outward. Do this for five minutes each day for three or nine or twenty-seven (of
course!) days. Just remember, the greater and the purer your LOVE, the stronger and stronger your
powers of attraction will be. Now you can breathe easy.


There’s a reason that yoga’s been around for as long as it has and that’s because it is one of the pathways
to pure personal power and flow. It brings balance to your body, your mind and your spirit. Breathing
techniques are integral to affecting change inside us and all around us. Some techniques are so powerful
that they are rarely shared. Uh huh.
Lesson 24: Day Twenty-Three


“The floodgates of my good NOW open.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! You are nearing the end of a process that contributed in a HUGE way towards your future
happiness as well as towards bringing you and your perfect partner to a place of peace and passion. You
can trust me when I say that the floodgates of YOUR good now open. Actually those floodgates are opening
really REALLY wide! Receive your good NOW!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

Describe an argument or fight that you and your perfect partner would have. What are you fighting about
and how do you reach resolution? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



I feel as if today is the perfect day to go ahead and continue to neutralize any negative or self-sabotaging
energy that will always creep up for any of us who do any sort of committed and deep inner emotional
work. And, believe me, if you have stuck with this process this far, you are doing fine and DEEP work my
friend! This next ‘cure’ not only gives negative self-talk a passport to Palookaville but also affects a deep
inner cleansing of all the layers of your aura. Then it brings love to feed and fill any holes left by giving
unworthiness the boot. The thought being here that when we do have a true and lasting love in our life
that love can actually neutralize the negative, both inside and out. LOVE, true love, is THE single most
powerful nourishment, nurturing and protection (on every level) that our bodies can have. So, today, I am
going to offer a very special meditation that comes from Russian traditions and promises to attract
everlasting love into your life. And, although this exact ritual comes from the colder climes, I have seen
variation after variation of this same technique run across many, many cultures and orthodoxies, most
especially the mystical, magical ancient Taoist traditions. For this exercise you will need nine flowers and
any medium sized mirror. Now, you can basically use ANY flowers (except lilies) although the particular
meditation I learned used red roses. Thorns removed. That said, I have ALWAYS and ever learned that
YELLOW roses were the true flower of love so if you can grab nine of them, all the better. Thorns removed.
Now you also have to be sure that you are doing this entirely by yourself since you will need to fully focus
and have NO distractions. Put the flowers in a vase and stand them next to your mirror. Be sure that you
can see your face in the mirror either by sitting or kneeling in front of it. Now, taking the first flower from
the vase, stroke your heair, your head and your face with its petals. Start at the top of your head and end
at your chin and neck. Feel the energies of love coming from the flower and open and receive them. Close
your eyes and running the rose over them say, “I can see love.” Next, move the flower next to your nose,
inhale deeply and say, “I inhale love.” Open your eyes now and holding the flower over your head go
ahead and declare that “Love is in my hands now.” Next, press the flower to your heart and press it so that
the petals are softly forced to somewhat open before proclaiming, “I FEEL LOVE!” Okay, the next step is to
lightly touch the flower to your abdomen against bare skin and aloud, “I absorb love.” Hold this flower
directly in front of you and look at yourself in the mirror, actually staring straight into your eyes and
without looking away say, “In front of me, Love. Behind me, Love. To the left of me, Love. And to the right
of me, Love. Above me and below me, Love. All around me and inside me, Love. I radiate Love and Love is
coming my way. I glow with Love!” Once you are complete, put the flower back in the vase and put that in
the ‘Relationship and Romance’ area of your main floor OR anywhere where you can see it frequently.
Once the flowers begin to wilt, take the one you used for this meditation and dry it before burying it in
some special spot in the earth, all the while thanking it for the assistance it lent in these powerful efforts.


Today’s Tip is one of the longer rituals or techniques to affect where attracting a new and everlasting love
is concerned but, the way I figure, if you’ve made it this far then you are truly and wonderfully committed
and I wanted to roll out the BIG guns! There isn’t one of these cures that I think has more power than any
other, because, well, I pretty much happen to know HOW HUGELY POWERFUL they all are. Which is exactly
why I wanted to write this book. But, if you put a gun to my head, I’d have to say that this particular cure
is really, really, REALLY effective. And that’s all I’m saying, but, I’m FULLY confident you get my drift. Now
get that gun away from my head! THIS is as good a shot at true love as you can get! Promise!
Lesson 25: Day Twenty-Four


“Behold! I make all things new.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.
Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! As we round the bend to the fruition of your dreams and the completion of these exercises and this
process, it’s incumbent upon me to commend you for affecting a total cleanse of your past experiences and
beliefs. Everything now is made new. Whether that includes a new love or just a renewal of an existing
one. Everything now is made new!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What secrets from the past might your perfect partner be ready to release? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



You can use the clothes and the jewelry that you wear to help bring the bright promise of an everlasting
love to light. In fact, by adjusting the colors of your clothes and wearing them with conscious intent you
can create lasting changes in both your Chi AND your destiny. To manifest a new relationship wear
something PINK (this relationship and romance color does NOT have to be visible or seen!) Wear some
article of clothing in this color for at least nine days in a row all the while knowing that YOU have now
become a true love magnet. As well, Feng Shui says that wearing a pink rose quartz bracelet on the left
wrist will or arm will attract and engage your perfect partner as well. As with everything we’ve been
discussing, wearing this jewelry for twenty-seven days exponentially increases your odds at finding true
love. Lastly, there is also a ‘secret’ cure in Taoist Feng Shui that says if you are single woman (something
for you in a minute guys!) that you should wear a ring on your right index finger with the intention of
meeting your mate within three months. Once you meet, if you want to marry then you should move the
ring to your right middle finger. Once you marry, you wear the ring on your ring finger for happily ever
after. Look, if you like it (LOVE that is) then you better put a ring on it! Fella’s you need only put an image
of apple blossoms in the east of your bedroom to get same super results!


At last count TEN readers/clients had FAITHFULLY tried the ring cure and were all either engaged or
happily married. Those are just the ones I’ve heard from. What number will you be on that success list?
I’m ALL ears!
Lesson 26: Day Twenty-Five


“I AM continually reaping the fruits of my words.”

Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.

Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! I am so happy for you! You have put it all out there. Your big opportunities and your success that
will come from these efforts will now come when you least expect it. You simply need to do the work and
then LET GO! Magnets don’t worry because they KNOW the needles will jump to them! Your ship WILL
come in as soon as you stop trying to steer it exactly where you think it needs to go. Let go of the wheel
and drift. TRUST that you are in the flow. Because, you are!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What was your perfect partner wearing when you first met? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Today we’re going to start to wrap all these efforts (only two more days to go!) and we’re going to do that
by making a wish for love. But, I’m going to share the secrets today of how the sacred shamans of Hawaii
(the Huna) taught their adepts to wish the right way. Their right way. It’s an 8 tiered process and goes like

Firstly, sit down with your spine straight and both feet firmly on the floor. Take a few moments to calm,
quiet and center yourself. (1) Now, focus your attention on your ‘wish target.’ What they meant by
focusing on a ‘wish target’ was that you need to both connect AND resonate with something in nature,
something that’s alive. A tree? A dog? A plant growing outside your window? You need to center your
attention on something that’s alive and in nature (2) Now, once you’ve taken some time to make that
connection, close your eyes. (3) Next, slowly and deliberately take in a deep breath and let it fill your
abdomen. (4) Gently place your left hand over your heart (5) and then firmly press your right hand over
the left. (6) On your exhale, whisper your wish (7) using ONLY eight short words. (8) My love and I live
happily ever after. Put it your words. FEEL an emotional connection to your wish. Please, oh please, bring
me my true love! If you practice this process more than once, try to keep focused on the same wish for the
first eight times. And believe. This wish WILL come true.


You are complete. And now you are almost finished with this very powerful process that WILL bring you
together with a true and lasting love that WILL fulfill you and nurture you and nourish you. If you find you
skipped a day and then just let everything go, that’s okay. Whenever you are ready just go ahead and
begin again. You are courting this process and should be perfectly and totally comfortable with however
and whenever you apply it. Look, even just thinking the daily affirmations will bring you tremendously
positive powerful results. Commit to whatever feels right to you. These exercises are intended to focus
your attention on establishing a soul satisfying romantic relationship. Soon enough that relationship will be
focusing fully on you! That much you can count on!
Lesson 27: Day Twenty-Six
“I give thanks for my fearless faith that wins!”
Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.
Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! Fearless faith is what you need to embrace now. You’re going to go ahead and just put these
intentions out into the Universe and then have FEARLESS FAITH that you have done the job powerfully
AND successfully. Believe me, you have!

NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

Describe the space that you and your perfect partner are living in together. Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;



Ancient Oriental philosophies use some modern day accoutrements to help to make your dreams come
true. In today’s case, we will be harnessing the energies attached to the wind in order to send a full list of
requests and wishes to that God of Marriage who sits high in the skies. Remember how Eastern cultures
and traditions maintain that the God of Marriage resides in the moon? Well today he will weave his
matchmaking magic for you as he is one of the most reliable and excellent energy sources to tap when it
comes time for the love of your life to come courting. And although you can do this next exercise on ANY
day, it’s purportedly much more powerful when performed on the FULL moon. Early evening on any day of
a Full Moon works best as well. You’ll also need a bottle of bubbles. Yes, I said bubbles. Now, on any night
of a Full Moon when there is still a bit of daylight in the air and with a breeze blowing, visualize yourself
with your perfect partner. You could be kissing or strolling along a city street holding one another tight,
but, you need to get a good visual going before doing anything else. If you want to get really REALLY
serious, visualize the two of you on your wedding day. Literally see the two of you dressed and standing
and kissing to seal the ‘just married’ deal. As soon as you have your scenario set, then begin blowing
bubbles; the bigger the better. Imagine that picture you just planted in your brain now happening inside
any and all of these bubbles. ‘See’ these bubbles bringing your message to the God of Marriage and then,
with fearless faith, believe that he will positively support and answer your request. These bubble first. The
other bubbly next! Uh huh.
Okay, this is it. Next to last day of YOU winning THE one. I am happy for you. Remember you have now
set all the energies in motion. The Laws of Physics promise that you MUST see a response to all your active
efforts. The Law of Attraction is at work for you BIG TIME! Fearless faith and go about your life. It’s now
bringing you the true and lasting love. And aisle be the first to congratulate!
Lesson 28: Day Twenty-Seven
“I NOW expand rapidly into the divine plan of my life where all conditions are permanently perfect.”
Write this affirmation in your own hand at least one time but not more than 9xs. Activate the written
affirmation by using red ink.
Claim this state as your own by affirming this statement aloud at least nine times during this day. When
you close your eyes to go to sleep tonight, say this affirmation silently in your head. And as soon as you
wake tomorrow morning, declare ownership of this exact energy owning the positive results of this effort
as well! All I can say as we end these powerful and proactive efforts is that YOU are now expanding into
the DIVINE plan of your life. All the conditions in that place are permanently perfect. As are you!


NOW, spend a full two minutes and forty seconds (at least) of your undivided attention answering the
following question. You MUST write the answer to this question in your own hand and you must be
undisturbed and not distracted in any way. The answer to this question requires your FULL attention,
thought and clarity. Do not spend more than twenty minutes on this exercise:

What does your commitment ceremony to one another look like? Describe in FULL detail.

Begin your writing process by framing the question like this;

I’ve saved the ‘gold standard’ for last: Take a piece of paper and make two columns. Use a new red pen
that you buy JUST for this occasion. In the right-hand column write down nine qualities that your soul-
mate embraces. This goes full circle back to the ‘Successful Process’ part of Day One. Except this time you
are simply writing down nine traits, qualities and/or characteristics. Then, in the left-hand column write
down nine more traits, qualities and/or characteristics that you wouldn’t be totally thrilled about but would
tolerate. When you do this you are bringing balance back to this magical equation. Once you have
concluded the list, put it in a small silver box. The box can be real silver or it can be a small gift box that
has been spray painted silver or even wrapped in tin foil. Insidet he box should also be image of TWO PINK
PEONIES, FIVE RED BATS and THE DOUBLE HAPPINESS SYMBOL. Close the box and wrap it in red ribbon
and put it in the ‘Helpful People’ area of your bedroom (lower right-hand corner as you look into the room
from the door.) Leave it there for, what else, twenty-seven days OR until you find the love of your life. If
you know who that is, you can also write his/her name on a piece of paper and include that in your box as
well since this exercise also promises to put the zip back into an existing relationship as well.



Lesson 29: Aries 2010 Love Shuistrology

Before I go ahead and share with you a super special and secret symbol that can transform your entire
love life in the year ahead, I want to simply and quickly shine a light on another schedule that we should
each be aware of as we make our way through 2010. You see, with each and every turning of the calendar
pages to another New Year there also comes an opportunity for something called ‘The Flying Stars’ to whiz
around and take up new positions inside our living spaces. The quick hit is this; as each New Year begins it
is considered critical to always know the locations of all those different stars in part and particularly if we
are looking to enhance our relationships, energize friendships and activate romance as well as to maximize
all invitations to increase love in every area and/or aspect of our lives. We want to be sure to subdue any
misfortunes, bad luck or negativity that can be caused by certain problematic Flying Stars as well as also
being sure to engage the luckier stars with specific symbols, energetic enhancers and appropriate

One of those aforementioned luckier stars is called the ‘Romance and Scholastic Star’ which governs the
energies surrounding the A, B, Cs of LOVE! This single star is said to bring romantic opportunities, good
luck in love and great fortunes both in and around the heart-space! As long as it’s activated appropriately
that is! For this year of 2010, the Year of the Metal Tiger, the best way to enjoy all the luck shining from
this star is to place an image (or statues etc) of a pair of mandarin ducks somewhere in the NORTH sector
of your living space. That symbol is included with these bonus pages. You simply won’t believe the great
energies you’ll engender in your love life by simply lining all these ducks up in a row!

As well, I do want to reiterate here that this NEW information in no way takes the place of all the secrets
and shortcuts that I shared in your personal MAKE THIS YOUR LUCKY YEAR astro report still available by
sun sign. If you still haven’t ordered your copy of that downloadable report you can certainly go ahead
and click here to take advantage before we retire the book for the year.
Now on to your specific ARIES love luck in 2010:
Now, the second symbol that I am including in this special bonus section is called THE SACRED WHEEL
representing one of the auspicious objects believed to be imprinted on the soles of Buddha’s feet. As this
wheel turns it also symbolizes and signifies our own abilities to transcend ignorance, anger and
attachment; long considered by many eastern traditions to be the root causes of all suffering.
That’s right. This single symbol represents peace of mind and inner wisdom. It also is supportive for all of
those either looking for a soul mate or can bring fulfillment and happiness to those already involved in a
love relationship. You will place this symbol in the Northeast of your bedroom on any or all of the following
times of this year:
March 7, 2010 – You are a magnet of attraction.
March 31, 2010 – You enjoy earthy pleasures. You might meet someone at a restaurant tonight. It’s
highly probable.
April 25, 2010 – Friends could be the conduit to your soul mate. Everything just flows. You don’t have to
orchestrate a thing.
May 19, 2010 – You NEED the symbol to smooth over interactions. You are in the right, let the wheel turn
where it may and you stay centered.
June 14, 2010 – Light and easy energies. You are VERY attractive today. Use the magnetism to your
advantage. Things feel better.
July 10, 2010 – Differences rule the day. Stop being so hard on yourself. Put the Wheel in place and
leave it there for nine days. At least.
could also meet a true soul mate, the forever kind, today.
September 8, 2010 – Cranky energies. Cranky you. Lay low.
November 7, 2010 – Tense times.
November 29, 2010 – Deep expressions of love and intimacy. Saucy. Sexual. Love. Get out and look for
it. It’s looking for you too.

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