What Is Down Syndrome?

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People will always judge or insult the way you look or just the way you move.

You can easily change these characteristics but how about those people

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that delays the physical or intellectual

development of a person(). It is caused by the presence of an additional copy of
chromosome 21 in the person’s cells. Humans usually have 46 chromosomes, 23
chromosomes come from each of the parents but people who have down syndrome
have 47 chromosomes. The additional chromosome causes some of the physical
characteristics and developments problems. About 6,000 babies are born with this
condition each year, which means there is 1 out of 700 babies who have Down
Syndrome. The risk of a baby having Down Syndrome will increase as the age of the
mother also increases.

Symptoms of this condition can be seen physically while other symptoms must
be observe carefully to be identified. Some of these symptoms that can easily be
identified are: poor muscle tone, flattened facial profile, flat nose, small face and. The
other symptoms can be identified by observing their behavior. For example, people who
have Down Syndrome have short attention span and poor judgement. Diagnostic tests
are also ways to find if your baby have this syndrome. Also, they mostly have mild (IQ:
50–69) or moderate (IQ: 35–50) intellectual disability with some cases having severe
(IQ: 20–35) difficulties. Some of them have also hearing and speech problems.

Down Syndrome victims are also high risk to many health problems.
Approximately 40% of the victims have heart diseases. They mostly have CHD’s or
congenital heart diseases. Some of these heart conditions required surgeries while
others just require careful monitoring. They are also prone to vision disorders just like
congenital cataract, nystagmus, and more. They are also at high risk to ear, respiratory
and immunological disorders.

A British physician named John Langdon Down, first described Down Syndrome
on his paper entitled "Observations on an Ethnic Classification of Idiots". He first used
the term “mongoloid” to describe Down Syndrome victims, due to his opinion that they
have the same physical features as with the Blumenbach’s Mongolian race(). The term
became less common after 1970’s due to its inaccuracy and the fact that it was
considered pejorative.

Historically, many individuals who have Down Syndrome were killed, abandoned
or ostracised from society. There are many historical arts that portrayed Down
Syndrome, such as “The Adoration of the Christ Child”. In the 20th Century, many
victims were institutionalized, some of the associated medical problems were treated
while others died at an early age. With the rise of eugenics movements,

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