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Glossary 2016
Production Department


Bestway Cement Limited Chakwal- Glossary includes details of all terms used inside Production
Table of Contents
1. Production Abbreviation............................................................................................................................................2
2 Plant performance ......................................................................................................................................................3
2.1- Specific Power consumption; .............................................................................................................................3
2.1.1Lime Stone crusher .......................................................................................................................................3
2.1.2 Clay crusher..................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.3 Auxiliary crusher ..........................................................................................................................................4
2.1.4 Raw Mill .......................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.5 Kiln ...............................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.6 Coal Mill .......................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.7 Cement Mills (KWH/Ton Cement)................................................................................................................4
2.2- Specific Heat consumption; ...............................................................................................................................4
2.3- Coal per ton clinker including Alter. Fuel (Pulv.) ................................................................................................4
2.4- Production Rate .................................................................................................................................................5
2.4.1 Total Output/hr (TPH) ..................................................................................................................................5
1.2.4- Equipment Rated capacities .......................................................................................................................5
2.5 Stoppages ............................................................................................................................................................6
2.5.1 Equipment Failure ........................................................................................................................................6
2.5.2 Planned Stoppage ........................................................................................................................................6
2.5.3 WAPDA Stoppages .......................................................................................................................................6
2.5.4 Voluntary Stoppage (Circumstantial) ...........................................................................................................6
3 Production Cost (Cement Costing) .............................................................................................................................6
3.1 Raw Material Cost (Ton/Ton of Material) : .........................................................................................................6
3.2 Fuel Cost Rs: ........................................................................................................................................................6
3.3 Power Cost Rs: .....................................................................................................................................................6
3.4 Refractory Cost (Cost/Ton of cement): ...............................................................................................................6
3.5 Grinding Media Cost (Rs/Ton of cement) ............................................................................................................6
3.6 Maintenance cost (Rs/Ton) .................................................................................................................................6
3.7 Mining/Auto ........................................................................................................................................................7
4. Key Process Indicators ..............................................................................................................................................7
4.1 Run Factor (%): ....................................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Production Efficiency (%): ...................................................................................................................................7
4.3 Machine Availability (%): .....................................................................................................................................7
4.4 Machine Reliability Factor (%): ............................................................................................................................7
1. Production Abbreviation
Sr.# Name Description
1. KPI Key Performance Indicator
2. BCL Bestway Cement Limited
3. CHK Chakwal
4. PROD Production
5. DPR Daily Production Report
6. DPD Daily Production Data
7. DPS Daily Production Summary
8. RM Raw Mill
9. CM Coal Mill
10. CEM.M Cement Mills
11. K-I Kiln #01
12. K-II Kiln #02
13. LSF Lime Saturation Factor
14. SM Silica Modules
15. AM Alumina Modules
16. TPH Tons Per Hour
17. TPD Tons Per Day
18. V-Sepa V-Separator (Static Separator)
19. O-Sepa O-Separator (Dynamic Separator)
20. JD’s Job Description
21. WI Work Instruction
22. KWH Kilo Watt Hours
23. R Reclaimer
24. S Stacker
25. R. Hrs Running Hours
26. Rated Capacity Design Capacity
27. PI Performance Improver
28. LOI Loss On Ignition
29. DOC Degree of Calcinations
30. NOX Nitrogen Oxides
31. SOX Sulfur Oxides
32. PPM Parts Per Million
33. TDF Tyre Drived Fuel
34. CB Carbon Black
35. AF Alternative Fuel
36. PW Poultry Waste
37. Pet Coke Petroleum Coke
38. C3S Tri Calcium Silicate
39. C2S Di Calcium Silicate
40. C3A Tri Calcium Aluminates
41. C4AF Tetra Calcium Alumina Ferrite
42. Coal (P) Coal used for Clinker Production
43. Coal (H) Coal used for Kiln Preheating
44. CF-Silo Continuous Flow Silo
45. Cem-Silo Cement Silos
46. R. Meal Raw Meal
47. OPC Ordinary Portland Cement
48. SRC Sulfate Resistant Cement
49. LAC Low Alkali Cement
50. LS Crusher Limestone Crusher
51. MW Mega Watt
52. MDI Maximum Demand Indicator
53. WHRPP Waste Heat Recovery Power Plant
54. CFB-1 Coal Fired Boiler-1
55. CFB-2 Coal Fired Boiler-2
56. AQC-Boiler Air Quenching Cooler
57. PH-Boiler Preheater Boiler
58. RCA Root Cause Analyst
59. Mech Mechanical
60. E,I&C Electrical, Instrument & Control

1. Raw Material Limestone Clay Laterite Bauxite
2. Cement Material Clinker Gypsum Fly Ash PI

2 Plant performance

2.1- Specific Power consumption;

Specific power consumption of equipment is calculated to determine the over all efficiency of equipment.
All major equipment power consumption is recorded.

For calculation of specific power monthly Factor of Raw Meal to clinker and cement is developed.

2.1.1Lime Stone crusher

2.1.2 Clay crusher

2.1.3 Auxiliary crusher

2.1.4 Raw Mill

2.1.5 Kiln

2.1.6 Coal Mill

Coal Mill (KWH/Ton clinker) =

2.1.7 Cement Mills (KWH/Ton Cement)

2.2- Specific Heat consumption;

Specific heat consumption covers total fuel consumption (Coal +Alternative fuels) for production of
clinker. Unit for specific fuel consumption is Kcal/Kg clinker. With increase in Specific fuel consumption
fuel consumption also increases.


2.3- Coal per ton clinker including Alter. Fuel (Pulv.)

2.4- Production Rate
2.4.1 Total Output/hr (TPH)

TPH (YTD) = Total year average of TPH

1.2.4- Equipment Rated capacities

Sr No of
# Equipments UOM Units Rated Capacity

1 TPH 1
Limestone crusher 1500
2 TPH 1
Clay crusher 400
3 TPH 1
Auxiliary crusher 170
4 TPH 1
Coal crusher 200
5 TPH 2
Raw mill 2*450
6 TPH 2
Coal mill 2*40
7 TPH 2
Kiln 2*5700
8 TPH 4
Cement mill 4*150

Plant storage
9 CF silo (Raw Meal) Tons 2 2*22000
10 Tons 2
Clinker dome 2*80000
11 Tons 8
Cement silo 8*11700
Clinker open yard Tons - 200,000 ~ 300,000
WHRPP + Boilers (Steam)
12 Tons/hr. 1
AQC-1 20
13 Tons/hr. 1
AQC-2 19
14 Tons/hr. 1
Preheater Line # 1 (PH-1) 20
15 Tons/hr. 1
Preheater Line # 2 (PH-2) 19
16 Coal Fired Boiler (CF1 & 2) Tons/Hr 2 25

17 Turbine Rated Capacity MW 1 16.5

2.5 Stoppages
Equipment stoppages during operation is mentioned as per following details

2.5.1 Forced/Incident stoppages

Forced/ incident stoppages are due to machinery and equipment breakdown. I.e. Kiln stopped due to
cooler jack damage, Kiln brick lining failure, ID fan tripped on winding temperature (Elect)

2.5.2 Planned Stoppage

In case equipment stoppage is planned then the stoppage is charged as planned stoppage.

2.5.3 WAPDA Stoppages (Consider voluntary Stoppages)

WAPDA stoppages are charged to IESCO

2.5.4 Voluntary Stoppage (Circumstantial)

A stoppage that is not deliberately planned is voluntary /circumstantial stoppage. Thunder storm, strikes,
Wapda, silo level high and to avail peak hours.

3 Production Cost (Cement Costing)

3.1 Raw Material Cost (Ton/Ton of Material) :

Total Fuel cost =

3.2 Fuel Cost Rs:

Monthly Fuel Cost (Rs) =

3.3 Power Cost Rs:

Total power cost (Rs) =

3.4 Refractory Cost (Cost/Ton of cement):

3.5 Grinding Media Cost (Rs/Ton of cement)

3.6 Maintenance cost (Rs/Ton)

3.7 Mining/Auto

4. Key Process Indicators

4.1 Run Factor (%):

4.2 Production Efficiency (%):

4.3 Machine Availability (%):

4.4 Machine Reliability Factor (%):

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