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Cambridge University Press

978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook

Sue Pemberton
More Information

Sue Pemberton
Cambridge IGCSE and O Level

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information

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© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information

Acknowledgements vi
Introduction vii
How to use this book viii
1 Sets 1
1.1 The language of sets 2
1.2 Shading sets on Venn diagrams 6
1.3 Describing sets on a Venn diagram 9
1.4 Numbers of elements in regions on a Venn diagram 10
Summary 15
Examination questions 16
2 Functions 19
2.1 Mappings 20
2.2 Deinition of a function 21
2.3 Composite functions 23
2.4 Modulus functions 25
2.5 Graphs of y = |f(x)| where f(x) is linear 28
2.6 Inverse functions 30
2.7 The graph of a function and its inverse 33
Summary 36
Examination questions 37
3 Simultaneous equations and quadratics 41
3.1 Simultaneous equations (one linear and one non-linear) 43 iii
3.2 Maximum and minimum values of a quadratic function 46
3.3 Graphs of y = |f(x)| where f(x) is quadratic 52
3.4 Quadratic inequalities 55
3.5 Roots of quadratic equations 57
3.6 Intersection of a line and a curve 60
Summary 62
Examination questions 64
4 Indices and surds 67
4.1 Simplifying expressions involving indices 68
4.2 Solving equations involving indices 69
4.3 Surds 73
4.4 Multiplication, division and simpliication of surds 75
4.5 Rationalising the denominator of a fraction 78
4.6 Solving equations involving surds 81
Summary 85
Examination questions 85
5 Factors and polynomials 88
5.1 Adding, subtracting and multiplying polynomials 89
5.2 Division of polynomials 91
5.3 The factor theorem 93
5.4 Cubic expressions and equations 96
5.5 The remainder theorem 100
Summary 104
Examination questions 105
6 Logarithmic and exponential functions 107
6.1 Logarithms to base 10 108
6.2 Logarithms to base a 111
6.3 The laws of logarithms 114
6.4 Solving logarithmic equations 116

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Additional Mathematics

6.5 Solving exponential equations 118

6.6 Change of base of logarithms 120
6.7 Natural logarithms 122
6.8 Practical applications of exponential equations 124
6.9 The graphs of simple logarithmic and exponential functions 125
6.10 The graphs of y = k enx + a and y = k ln (ax + b) where n,
k, a and b are integers 126
6.11 The inverse of logarithmic and exponential functions 129
Summary 130
Examination questions 131
7 Straight-line graphs 134
7.1 Problems involving length of a line and mid-point 136
7.2 Parallel and perpendicular lines 139
7.3 Equations of straight lines 141
7.4 Areas of rectilinear igures 144
7.5 Converting from a non-linear equation to linear form 147
7.6 Converting from linear form to a non-linear equation 151
7.7 Finding relationships from data 155
Summary 161
Examination questions 161
8 Circular measure 166
8.1 Circular measure 167
8.2 Length of an arc 170
8.3 Area of a sector 173
Summary 176
Examination questions 177 iv
9 Trigonometry 180
9.1 Angles between 0° and 90° 181
9.2 The general deinition of an angle 184
9.3 Trigonometric ratios of general angles 186
9.4 Graphs of trigonometric functions 189
9.5 Graphs of y = |f(x)|, where f(x) is a trigonometric function 199
9.6 Trigonometric equations 202
9.7 Trigonometric identities 208
9.8 Further trigonometric equations 210
9.9 Further trigonometric identities 212
Summary 214
Examination questions 215
10 Permutations and combinations 218
10.1 Factorial notation 219
10.2 Arrangements 220
10.3 Permutations 223
10.4 Combinations 227
Summary 231
Examination questions 232
11 Binomial expansions 236
11.1 Pascal’s triangle 237
11.2 The binomial theorem 242
Summary 245
Examination questions 245
12 Differentiation 1 247
12.1 The gradient function 248
12.2 The chain rule 253
12.3 The product rule 255

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information


12.4 The quotient rule 258

12.5 Tangents and normals 260
12.6 Small increments and approximations 264
12.7 Rates of change 267
12.8 Second derivatives 271
12.9 Stationary points 273
12.10 Practical maximum and minimum problems 278
Summary 283
Examination questions 284
13 Vectors 288
13.1 Further vector notation 290
13.2 Position vectors 292
13.3 Vector geometry 296
13.4 Constant velocity problems 300
13.5 Interception problems 304
13.6 Relative velocity 307
13.7 Relative velocity using i, j notation 314
Summary 315
Examination questions 316
14 Matrices 319
14.1 Addition, subtraction and multiplication by a scalar 320
14.2 Matrix products 322
14.3 Practical applications of matrix products 325
14.4 The inverse of a 2 × 2 matrix 330
14.5 Simultaneous equations 334
Summary 336
Examination questions 340 v

15 Differentiation 2 341
15.1 Derivatives of exponential functions 342
15.2 Derivatives of logarithmic functions 346
15.3 Derivatives of trigonometric functions 350
15.4 Further applications of differentiation 355
Summary 361
Examination questions 362
16 Integration 365
16.1 Differentiation reversed 366
16.2 Indeinite integrals 369
16.3 Integration of functions of the form (ax + b)n 371
16.4 Integration of exponential functions 372
16.5 Integration of sine and cosine functions 374
16.6 Further indeinite integration 376
16.7 Deinite integration 380
16.8 Further deinite integration 383
16.9 Area under a curve 385
16.10 Area of regions bounded by a line and a curve 391
Summary 396
Examination questions 397
17 Kinematics 400
17.1 Applications of differentiation in kinematics 402
17.2 Applications of integration in kinematics 410
Summary 416
Examination questions 417
Answers 419
Index 449

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Additional Mathematics

Past examination paper questions throughout are reproduced by permission of Cambridge
International Examinations.

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© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information

This highly illustrated coursebook offers full coverage of the Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional
Mathematics syllabuses (0606 and 4037). It has been written by a highly experienced author, who
is very familiar with the syllabus and the examinations. The course is aimed at students who are
currently studying or have previously studied Cambridge IGCSE® Mathematics (0580) or Cambridge O Level
Mathematics (4024).
The coursebook has been written with a clear progression from start to inish, with some later chapters
requiring knowledge learned in earlier chapters. Where the content in one chapter includes topics
that should have already been covered in previous studies, a recap section has been provided so that
students can build on their prior knowledge.
At the start of each chapter, there is a list of objectives that are covered in the chapter. These objectives
have been taken directly from the Cambridge IGCSE® Additional Mathematics (0606) syllabus.
‘Class discussion’ sections have been included. These provide students with the opportunity to discuss
and learn new mathematical concepts with their classmates, with their class teacher acting as the
facilitator. The aim of these class discussion sections is to improve the student’s reasoning and oral
communication skills.
Worked examples are used throughout to demonstrate each method using typical workings and
thought processes. These present the methods to the students in a practical and easy-to-follow way that
minimises the need for lengthy explanations.
The exercises are carefully graded. They offer plenty of practice via ‘drill’ questions at the start of each
exercise, which allow the student to practise methods that have just been introduced. The exercises
then progress to questions that typically relect the kinds of questions that the student may encounter
in the examinations. ‘Challenge’ questions have also been included at the end of most exercises to
challenge and stretch high-ability students.
Towards the end of each chapter, there is a summary of the key concepts to help students consolidate
what they have just learnt. This is followed by a ‘Past paper’ questions section, which contains real
questions taken from past examination papers.
The answers to all questions are supplied at the back of the book, allowing self- and/or class-assessment.
A student can assess their progress as they go along, choosing to do more or less practice as required.
The answers given in this book are concise and it is important for students to appreciate that in the
examination they should show as many steps in their working as possible.
A Practice Book is also available in the Additional Mathematics series, which offers students further
targeted practice. This book closely follows the chapters and topics of the coursebook, offering
additional exercises to help students to consolidate concepts learnt and to assess their learning after
each chapter. ‘Clues’ and ‘Tips’ are included to help students with tricky topics. A Teacher’s resource
CD-ROM, to offer support and advice, is also available.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Additional Mathematics

How to use this book

Chapter – each chapter begins with a set of learning objectives to explain what you
will learn in this chapter.

Recap – check that you are familiar with the introductory skills required for
viii the chapter.

Class Discussion – additional activities to be done in the classroom for enrichment.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information

How to use this book

Worked Example – detailed step-by-step approaches to help students solve problems.

Note – quick suggestions to remind you about key facts and highlight important

Challenge Q – challenge yourself with tougher questions that stretch your skills.


Summary – at the end of each chapter to review what you have learnt.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press
978-1-316-60564-6 — Cambridge IGCSE® and O Level Additional Mathematics Coursebook
Sue Pemberton
More Information

Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Additional Mathematics

Examination questions – exam-style questions for you to test your knowledge and
understanding at the end of each chapter.

© in this web service Cambridge University Press

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