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In the Laboratory

Investigating the Photoelectric Effect W

Using LEDs and a Modular Spectroscope
Lucia Diaz and Charles A. Smith*
Department of Chemistry, Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, TX 78207; *

Elementary spectroscopic investigations often utilize a in a region of voltage, V, is

commercial spectroscope (1–4). To maintain calibration, these (1)
W = q eV
devices have fixed positions for the slits and dispersive ele-
ment. Due to the rigidity and non-modular nature of these When the voltage applied across the gap is sufficient, the gap
spectroscopes, they may seem like a “black box” to students may be crossed and emission will occur; in this way emis-
since the students cannot investigate the role of each compo- sion from an LED is similar to the photoelectric effect. In
nent or the effect of position and orientation of each compo- the photoelectric effect, energy is conserved since the energy
nent on calibration or resolution of the instrument. However, of the incoming photon is equal to the sum of the work func-
use of a modular spectroscope allows students to understand tion of the metal, Φ, and the kinetic energy of the removed
the operation of the components. A lab-built modular spec- electron. A typical photoelectric equation is represented by
troscope is used in this experiment. Once the students fully 1
understand the operation of the components, they calibrate hν = Φ + me v e2 (2)
the spectroscope using a light source with a known spectrum. 2
A circuit board containing colored light-emitting diodes (i.e., where h is Planck’s constant, ν is the frequency of radiation,
LEDs) is then used to measure a value for Planck’s constant m is the mass of the electron, and v is the velocity of the
through a photoelectric-effect-type equation. This experiment electron. The situation is somewhat different for emission of
uses common items found in chemistry laboratories and lo- light from an LED. No longer is the energy of the photon
cal electronics stores. The experiment is suitable for both col- equal to the total energy. The work necessary to move a charge
lege and high school courses. across the band gap in a semiconductor is equal to the sum
of the energy of the released photon and the energy lost to
Background inefficiencies in the LED (e.g., heat). Hence, for LED emis-
sion the following equation holds where M represents any
When a p-type semiconductor is manufactured with an energy loss during the emission process.
n-type semiconductor, the result is a p–n junction. A light-
emitting diode is a p–n junction. When a forward bias is ap- W = q eV = h ν + M (3)
plied to the LED (i.e., positive terminal is attached to the p
In this exercise it is assumed that all the LEDs have the same
side and the negative terminal is attached to the n side) holes
value of M. This should be a good approximation since M is
are “injected” into the n side and electrons are “injected” into
small as LEDs are efficient consumers of energy converting
the p side. The emission of light occurs when the holes re-
very little energy to heat.
combine with the electrons (5). Regardless of whether the
semiconductor is of the n or p type, the unit charge that is
moved across the gap is the charge of an electron, (qe = 1.602
× 10᎑19 C.) Since voltage is electrical potential energy per unit The setup for calibration of the modular spectroscope
charge, the quantity of work, W, necessary to move a charge is illustrated in Figure 1. A mercury discharge lamp serves as

zero band
slit on

mercury open box grating projection

lamp path on wall
of light

Figure 1. Schematic of the modular spectroscope. Each component is freely adjustable. The setup shows a mercury lamp as the calibration
light source.

906 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 82 No. 6 June 2005 •

In the Laboratory

a calibration light source since its emission spectrum is known The zero band consists of light from the source that passes
and spans a wide range of visible wavelengths. In Figure 1, through the grating without diffraction. Resolution is in-
the slit after the light source consists of narrowly spaced ra- creased when the grating is moved farther from the projec-
zor blades taped onto a cardboard flat. A second razor blade tion since the bands become farther apart. Resolution is also
slit is on the side of a cardboard box, with the opposite side increased when the slit width in the box is decreased since
open, that has been prepared by the instructor. The box serves the bands do not change position but decrease in size, which
to prevent extraneous light from reaching the dispersed pro- increases the precision of determining the center of each band.
jection on the wall. A holographic grating1 suspended by a These effects dramatically illustrate the advantages of using
clamp and lab stand is placed after the box. long monochromators in conjunction with narrow slit widths
The LED light source and power supply are illustrated for maximum spectral resolution.
in Figure 2. The diodes and circuit board were purchased Once the operation of the spectroscope is understood
from Radio Shack. The diodes have clear rather than colored and resolution is optimized, students calibrate the apparatus
plastic and each emits a different wavelength. A regulated by marking with a pencil the centers of each band on the
power supply that outputs 4 V is sufficient. Slightly lower or projection. Calibration of the system involves measuring the
higher voltages may be necessary if a different resistor or vari- center-to-center distance between every band and the zero
able transformer2 is incorporated into the setup shown in Fig- band position. A plot of distance-from-the-zero-band versus
ure 2. Variable transformers are commonly found in wavelength may then be used to determine wavelengths of
chemistry laboratories since they are used for controlling the other sources shown through the spectroscope. When deter-
power supplied to heating mantles. The transformer is used mining the distance from the zero band for a new light source,
to make fine adjustments to the voltage applied across the the zero band of the new light source and that of the marked
LED. A voltmeter with 0.01 mV resolution is connected the zero band position from the mercury lamp must overlap.
across the LED to monitor the voltage. In order to make this alignment and maintain calibration,
LEDs are easy to short circuit. The manufacturer’s speci- the optimal spectroscope component to adjust is the light
fications stated on the packaging of a diode specify its cur- source. The wavelengths of emission of the diodes are deter-
rent and voltage maxima. To safeguard each LED, the output mined using the plot described above.
of the power supply is kept constant and the voltage applied To determine Planck’s constant, a minimum voltage
across the LED is controlled with the transformer. The in- measurement for each diode is necessary. Minimum-voltage
structor provides either the maximum transformer setting or measurements are determined by slowly increasing from zero
the maximum voltage allowed for each diode. The 1.1 kΩ the voltage applied across each diode and stopping when the
resistor in Figure 2 limits the current. first faint glimmer of light is observed. This is a very fine
measurement and the use of a voltage transformer greatly sim-
Procedure plifies this measurement.

If a mercury lamp is used in a properly aligned system, Hazards

students will observe a projection on the wall similar to that
shown in Figure 3. Students move the light source, slits, and Mercury lamps have strong peaks in the ultraviolet
grating making special note of the effect on resolution of the region. Do not look directly into a mercury lamp—eye
colored bands, their width, and the position of the zero band. damage may result.

LED variable


circuit 1.1 kΩ resistor
to regulated
power supply transformer

Figure 2. Schematic of the LED light source and power supply. Figure 3. The emission spectrum of a mercury lamp after pass-
The power supply for the LED consists of a regulated power sup- ing through the spectroscope. The center band, which underwent
ply connected to the input (i.e., plug) of a variable transformer. no diffraction, is referred to as the zero band.
The output of the transformer is connected across the LED and
monitored with a voltmeter. • Vol. 82 No. 6 June 2005 • Journal of Chemical Education 907

In the Laboratory

Analysis made through the use of LEDs and a photoelectric-type equa-

tion. All components necessary for construction of the ap-
From the data obtained using the mercury arc lamp, a paratus are inexpensive and consist of items commonly found
calibration curve of distance-from-the-zero-band versus wave- in college-level chemistry courses and electronics stores. Typi-
length is prepared. From this plot, the emission wavelengths cal student values of Planck’s constant have a relative per-
of the individual diodes are determined. The emission wave- cent error less than 7%. The error may be reduced by
lengths of the diodes in conjunction with the minimum volt- determining an average of two values for Planck constant
age measurements are then used to determine a value for when the bands on both sides of the zero band are used. Col-
Planck’s constant using the following equations. In eq 4 c is lege student evaluations reveal this laboratory exercise to be
the speed of light and λ is the emission wavelength of the interesting and stimulating. Additional observations for stu-
LED. dents to perform include determining the emission wave-
c length of an “unknown” LED or comparing the emission
ν = (4) spectrum of a white LED with that of an ordinary flashlight.
λ An interesting twist would be for the unknown LED to be
Substituting eq 4 into eq 3 and rearranging we find that of the type that emits more than one color.

Supplemental Material
hc 1 M
V = + (5)
qe λ qe Instructions for the students and a sample of a student’s
data are available in this issue of JCE Online.
where V is the minimum voltage necessary to observe emis-
sion of wavelength λ. From eq 5 it can be seen that a plot of Notes
1 1. The grating, part 3054510, can be purchased from
V versus (6)
λ Edmund Scientific (1-800-728-6999).
2. The transformer, part 09-521-130, can be purchased from
will produce a slope of Fisher Scientific (1-800-766-7000).

hc Literature Cited
1. Wakabayashi, F.; Hamada, K.; Sone, K. J. Chem. Educ. 1998,
from which Planck’s constant may be determined. 75, 1569.
2. Wickun, W. G. J. Chem. Educ. 1998, 75, 1477.
Conclusion 3. Cortel, A.; Fernandez, L. J. Chem. Educ. 1986, 63, 348.
4. Edwards, R. K.; Brandt, W. W.; Companion, A. L. J. Chem.
This exercise involves manipulation of the components Educ. 1962, 39, 147.
of a spectroscope to gain insight into its operation, calibra- 5. Fowles, G. F. In Introduction to Modern Optics; Dover: New
tion, and resolution. A determination of Planck’s constant is York, 1989; p 288.

908 Journal of Chemical Education • Vol. 82 No. 6 June 2005 •

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