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Journal of Applied Psychology

1977, Vol. 62, No. 2, 237-240

Intermediate Linkages in the Relationship Between Job Satisfaction

and Employee Turnover
William H. Mobley
University of South Carolina

The relationship between job satisfaction and turnover is significant and con-
sistent, but not particularly strong. A more complete understanding of the
psychology of the withdrawal decision process requires investigation beyond the
replication of the satisfaction-turnover relationship. Toward this end, a heur-
istic model of the employee withdrawal decision process, which identifies pos-
sible intermediate linkages in the satisfaction-turnover relationship, is pre-
sented. Previous studies relevant to the hypothesized linkages are cited, and
possible avenues of research are suggested.

Reviews of the literature on the relationship A schematic representation of the withdrawal

between employee turnover and job satisfaction decision process is presented in Figure 1. Block A
have reported a consistent negative relationship represents the process of evaluating one's existing
(Brayfield & Crockett, 19SS; Locke, 197S; Porter job, while Block B represents the resultant emo-
& Steers, 1973; Vroom, 1964). Locke (1976) tional state of some degree of satisfaction-dis-
noted that while the reported correlations have satisfaction. A number of models have been pro-
been consistent and significant, they have not posed for the process inherent in Blocks A and
been especially high (usually less than .40). B—for example, the value-percept discrepancy
It is probable that other variables mediate the model (Locke, 1969, 1976), an instrumentality-
relationship between job satisfaction and the act valence model (Vroom, 1964), a met-expectations
of quitting. Based on their extensive review, model (Porter & Steers, 1973), and a contribu-
Porter and Steers (1973) concluded the following: tion/inducement ratio (March & Simon, 1958).
Comparative studies -that test the relative effi-
Much more emphasis should be placed in the cacy of these and other alternative models of
future on the psychology of the withdrawal satisfaction continue to be needed.
process. . . . Our understanding of the manner
in which the actual decision is made is far Most studies of turnover examine the direct
relationship between job satisfaction and turn-
from complete, (p. 173)
over. The model presented in Figure 1 suggests
The present paper suggests several of the pos- a number of possible mediating steps between
sible intermediate steps in the withdrawal decision dissatisfaction and actual quitting. Block C sug-
process (specifically, the decision to quit a job). gests that one of the consequences of dissatis-
Porter and Steers (1973) suggested that expressed faction is to stimulate thoughts of quitting.
"intention to leave" may represent the next log- Although not of primary interest here, it is recog-
ical step after experienced dissatisfaction in the nized that other forms of withdrawal less extreme
withdrawal process. The withdrawal decision than quitting (e.g., absenteeism, passive job be-
process presented here suggests that thinking of havior) are possible consequences of dissatisfac-
tion (see e.g., Brayfield & Crockett, 195S; Kraut,
quitting is the next logical step after experienced
dissatisfaction and that "intention to leave," fol-
Block D suggests that the next step in the
lowing several other steps, may be the last step withdrawal decision process is an evaluation of
prior to actual quitting. the expected utility of search and of the cost of
quitting. The evaluation of the expected utility
of search would include an estimate of the
Preparation of this paper was supported by a chances of finding an alternative to working in
grant from the South Carolina Business Partnership
Foundation. the present job, some evaluation of the desir-
Requests for reprints should be sent to William ability of possible alternatives, and the costs of
H. Mobley, College of Business Administration, search (e.g., travel, lost work time, etc.). The
University of South Carolina, Columbia, South evaluation of the cost of quitting would include
Carolina 29208. suc'h considerations as loss of seniority, loss of

A. if,-; Evaluation of Existing Job

i «* i*
B . l L Experienced Job Satisfaction- (a))Aite
(a Alternative forms of withdrawal, e.g.
4... absenteeism, passive job behavior
1 * Dissatisfaction absents

Thinking of Quitting

,Pi1 ^ L
Evaluation of Expected Utility of Search
and Cost of Quitting
LJL-: Intention to Search for Alternatives < )Nor
(b(b) Non-job related factors e.g.,

i I transfe of spouse, may stimulate


F. I-L-. Search for Alternatives

(c) Unsolicited or highly visible
1 alternatives may
stimulate evaluation
G. 1
1 (d) One alternative may
1 J be withdrawal from
labor market
»1_ Comparison of Alternatives vs. Present Job

1. Intention to Quit/Stay

i (e) Impulsive Behavior

Figure 1. The employee turnover decision process.

vested benefits, and the like. This block incor- an alternative and if the costs are not prohibitive,
porates March and Simon's (1958) perceived ease the next step, Block E, would be behavioral inten-
of movement concept. tion to search for an alternative (s). As noted by
If -the costs of quitting are high and/or the Arrow (b) in Figure 1, non-job-related factors
expected utility of search is low, the individual may also elicit an intention to search (e.g., trans-
may reevaluate the existing job (resulting in a fer of spouse, health problem, etc.). The inten-
change in job satisfaction), reduce thinking of tion to search is followed by an actual search
quitting, and/or engage in other forms of with- (Block F). If no alternatives are found, the
drawal behavior. Research is still needed on the individual may continue to search, reevaluate the
determinants of alternative forms of withdrawal expected utility of search, reevaluate the existing
behavior and on how the expression of with- job, simply accept the current state of affairs,
drawal behavior changes as a function of time and decrease thoughts of quitting, and/or engage in
of changes in or revaluation of the environment. other forms of withdrawal behavior (e.g., absen-
If there is some perceived chance of finding teeism, passive job behavior).

If alternatives are available, including (in some relations between expressed intention to stay and
cases) withdrawal from the labor market, an subsequent employee participation. These correla-
evaluation of alternatives is initiated (Block G). tions were much stronger than relationships be-
This evaluation process would be hypothesized tween expressed satisfaction and continued par-
to be similar to the evaluation process in Block A. ticipation. Finally, Armknecht and Early's (1972)
However, specific job factors the individual con- review is relevant to the relationships between
siders in evaluating the present job and alterna- Blocks D and/or F and Block J. They concluded
tives may differ. (See Hellriegel & White, 1973; that voluntary terminations are closely related to
and Kraut, 1975, for a discussion of this point.) economic conditions.
Independent of the preceding steps, unsolicited Each of these studies fails to look at a complete
or highly visible alternatives may stimulate this withdrawal decision process. Such research would
evaluation process. appear to be sorely needed. Several researchable
The evaluation of alternatives is followed by questions that follow from the withdrawal deci-
a comparison of the present job to alternative(s) sion process described in the present note were
(Block H). If the comparison favors the alterna- mentioned earlier, Additional questions include
tive, it will stimulate a behavioral intention to the following. Do individuals evaluate the ex-
quit (Block I), followed by actual withdrawal pected utility of search? If so, what are the
(Block J). If the comparison favors the present determinants and consequences of this evaluation?
job, the individual may continue 'to search, re- What are the consequences and determinants of
evaluate the expected utility of search, reevaluate behavior in the face of an unsuccessful search? In
the existing job, simply accept the current state such cases, do individuals persist in search, re-
of affairs, decrease thoughts of quitting, and/or evaluate their existing jobs, reevaluate the cost
engage in other forms of withdrawal behavior. of search, or engage in other forms of with-
Finally, Arrow (e) gives recognition to the fact drawal? Is the process and/or content for evalu-
that for some individuals, the decision to quit ating alternative jobs the same as for evaluating
may be an impulsive act involving few, if any, the present j o b ? Does satisfaction with the pres-
of the preceding steps in this model. The relative ent job change as a function of the availability
incidence and the individual and situational deter- or evaluation of alternatives?
minants of an impulsive versus a subjectively Attention to these sorts of questions rather
rational decision process presents yet another area than a continued replication of the direct rela-
of needed research. tionship between job satisfaction and turnover
The model being described is heuristic rather would appear to be warranted. Particularly useful
than descripitve. There may well be individual would be the longitudinal analysis of the vari-
differences in the number and sequence of steps ables and linkages suggested by the model. Such
in the withdrawal decision process, in the degree research would be responsive to Porter and
to which the process is conscious, and as noted Steer's (1973) conclusion that more emphasis
earlier, in the degree to which the act of quitting should be placed on the psychology of the
is impulsive rather than based on a subjectively withdrawal decision process.
rational decision process. One value of such an
heuristic model is to guide thinking and empirical Reference Note
research toward a valid descriptive model that
1. Mobley, W. H. Job satisfaction and thinking of
can account for such individual differences. quitting (Tech. Rep. 7S-3). Columbia: University
There is a lack of research evaluating all or of South Carolina, College of Business Administra-
even most of the possible steps in the withdrawal tion, Management and Organizational Research
decision process. There have been a few studies Center, 1975.
that have tested one or two of the intermedi-
ate linkages proposed in the present note. References
Mobley (Note 1) found high negative correla-
tions between satisfaction and frequency of think- Armknecht, P. A., & Early, J. F. Quits in manu-
ing of quitting (Blocks B and C). Atkinson and facturing: A study of their causes. Monthly Labor
Lefferts (1972), who dealt with the association Review, 1972, 11, 31-37.
Atkinson, T. J., & Lefferts, E. A. The prediction of
between Blocks C and J, found that the fre- turnover using Herzberg's job satisfaction tech-
quency with which people thought about quitting nique. Personnel Psychology, 1972, 25, 53-64.
•their job was significantly related to actual termi- Brayfleld, A. H., & Crockett, W. H. Employee atti-
nation. Kraut (1975), looking at the associations tudes and employee performance. Psychological
among Blocks B, I, and J, found significant cor- Bulletin, 1955, 52, 396-424.

Hcllriegel, D., & White, G. E. Turnover of profes- oj industrial and organizational psychology. Chi-
sionals in public accounting: A comparative analy- cago: Rand-McNally, 1976.
sis. Personnel Psychology, 1973, 26, 239-249. March, J. G., & Simon, H. A. Organizations. New
Kraut, A. I. Predicting turnover of employees from York: Wiley, 1958.
measured job attitudes. Organizational Behavior
and Hitman Performance, 1975, 13, 233-243. Porter, L. W., & Steers, R. M. Organizational, work,
Locke, E. A. What is job satisfaction? Organizational and personal factors in employee turnover and
Behavior and Human Performance, 1969, 4, 309- absenteeism. Psychological Bulletin, 1973, SO, 151-
336. 176.
Locke, E. A. Personnel attitudes and motivation. Vroom, V. H. Work and motivation. New York:
Annual Review oj Psychology, 1975, 26, 457-480. Wiley, 1964.
Locke, E. A. The nature and consequences of job
satisfaction. In M. D. Dunnette (Ed.), Handbook Received February 5, 1976 •

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