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Setup Koha Server

Enable Koha OAI Server

Access Koha via a web browser http://[IPofKohaVM]:8080/

Log in with the “kohaadmin” account
Enter the system preference page More > Administration > Global system preferences
Under OAIPMH, set the OAIPMH parameter to ON
(Note :Points to be considered when using KOHA-GSDL Integration )
1. The collection name of GSDL collection should be the same as
"LibraryName" of KOHA whereas OAI-PMH-archiveID can be anything
and will be used during collection building on GSDL.

To test the OAI server is set up correctly, you need to make sure there are some records in the system. If
there aren't any, add some new records via the "Cataloging" panel.

To show a list of OAI records


In here, you will be able to find a list of OAI identifiers.

By default, the identifier is constructed as "KOHAOAITEST:" followed by the Koha internal ID.
For example, "KOHAOAITEST:1" is the OAI identifier for the first Koha record.
To retrieve OAI metadata for the specified OAI Identifier


Set up Greenstone2.83

IMPORTANT: The has been modified to allow the custom to work properly. However, the fix is not in any current tagged
version. Please use the attached to replace the one in [Greenstone

Set up Koha OAI collection with GLI (Linux)

Starting up the GLI server by running. / and create a new collection under File > New... In this
example we use "test" as our collection name.

Gather Panel

Use the Gather panel and put the source files into the test collection.

Enrich Panel

Add Dublin Core Metadata to the source documents.

IMPORTANT: Add the “Koha OAI identifier” for the source document to the "dc.Resource
Identifier" field (for example, KOHAOAITEST:1) This is how we link between Greenstone and
In above case it will be like : test:1

Manual process for installing OAIMetadataXMLPlugin

Quit out GLI
Enter your Greenstone test collection from a terminal [Greenstone Installation]/collect/kohaoai
Create perllib/plugins and copy the into there from the folder.

Design Panel
Reenter GLI and move on to the Design Panel
Enter Document Plugins, choose the plugins that processes your source documents.
IMPORTANT: You should see the OAIMetadataXMLPlugin as an option in the "Select plugin to
add" list.
Add the plugin and set "oai_server" to http://[IP of the Koha VM]:8080/cgi bin/koha/

Under the Librarian mode (the default mode), move the OAIMetadataXMLPlugin to the end of
your plugin list.
Under the Expert mode, move the OAIMetadataXMLPlugin to the front of MetadataXMLPlugin.
Create Panel
IMPORTANT: Under Librarian mode (the default mode), enable the OIDtype and set it to
– Build the collection

Format Panel
Enter Format Features and configure the page to have the following formats
<td valign=top>[link][icon][/link]</td><td valign=top>[highlight][link]{Or}{[classifyTitle],
{[Title],<small> Extracted Title: [Title]</small>}}[highlight]{If}

<b>Greenstone Metadata</b>
<hr width=\"100%\"/>
<b>dls.Title:</b> [dls.Title]<br/>
<b>dls.Subject:</b> [dls.Subject]<br/>
<b>dc.Identifier:</b> [dc.Identifier]<br/>
<b>{If}{[oaiextracted.title],Koha Metadata, <span style=\"color: #B0B0B0\">Koha Metadata (No
Koha Metadata Extracted)</span>}</b>
<hr width=\"100%\"/>
{If}{[oaiextracted.title], <b>dc.Title:</b> [oaiextracted.title]<br/>}
{If}{[oaiextracted.type], <b>dc.Type:</b> [oaiextracted.type]<br/>}

{If}{[], <b>dc.Date:</b> []<br/>}

{If}{[oaiextracted.koharecordlink], <a href=\"[oaiextracted.koharecordlink]\">Koha

<b>Extracted Metadata</b>
<hr width=\"100%\"/>
{If}{[Title], <b>Title:</b> [Title]<br/>}
{If}{[Date], <b>Publication Date:</b> [Date]<br/>}
{If}{[NumPages], <b>No. of Pages:</b> [NumPages]<br/>}
{If}{[FileFormat], <b>File Format:</b> [FileFormat]<br/>}
{If}{[ImageWidth], <b>Image Width:</b> [ImageWidth]<br/>}
{If}{[ImageHeight], <b>Image Height:</b> [ImageHeight]<br/>}
<hr width=\"100%\"/>
DocumentImages true

NOTE: Koha OAI metadata is extracted and stored as "oaiextracted.metadata_name". These

metadata can be used in the format statement as [oaiextracted.type]

Screenshots for Integration of

1. OPAC Search Results
2. OPAC Details Page

3. Staff Client Configuration for controlling FullText Link

4. Final Integration result and URL

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