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Couse Code: CSE-4101

Course Title: Artificial Intelligence

Solve the following problems:

1. Define in your own words: Intelligence(Intelligence (also called intellect) is an umbrella
term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities,
such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to
comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn), AI(we define artificial intelligence as
“the study and design of computing systems that perceives its environment and takes
actions like human beings”).Strong AI(Strong AI is a term used to
describe a certain mindset of artificial intelligence
development. Strong AI's goal is to develop artificial
intelligence to the point where the machine's intellectual
capability is functionally equal to a human's.), Rationality, Agent(An
agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors &
acting upon that environment through actuators), Rational Agent, and Rational System.
2. Goals of AI, Applications of AI
3. Defining AI Systems ( Thinking Rationally, Thinking Humanly, Acting Rationally,
Acting Humanly) ** Explain them briefly.
4. Is AI science, or it is engineering? Or neither or both? Explain.
5. To what extend the following computer systems are the instances of AI:
a. Supermarket bar code scanners.
b. Voice activated telephone menus.
c. Web search engines.
6. “Surely computers cannot be intelligent – they can do only what their programmer tell
them.” Is the later statement true, and does it imply the former?
7. Knowledge(Can be defined as the body of facts & principles accumulated by humankind
or the act, fact, or state of knowing.)Heuristics Knowledge, Intelligent Agent, Agent
function, Agent and Environment, Percept Sequence and Agent Function for Vacuum
Cleaner Agent.
8. For each of the following activities, give a PEAS description of the task environment and
characterize it in terms of the PROPERTIES OF THE TASK ENVIRONMENT:
Automated Taxi Driver, Playing Cricket, Shopping for used AI books on the internet,
playing a table tennis match, bidding on an item at an auction, Medical Diagnosis System,
Satellite Image Analysis System, Part Picking Robot, Refinery Controller and Interactive
9. Properties of the task environment (Fully Observable VS Partially Observable,
Deterministic VS Stochastic, Episodic VS Sequential, Static VS Dynamic, Discrete VS
Continuous, Single VS Multi, Known VS Unknown)

10. Explain each of the following agent type with proper block diagram and pseudocode:
Simple Reflex Agent, Model Based Agent, Goal Based Agent, Utility Based Agent and
Learning Agent.
11. Exercise 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6.
12. Problem Solving Agent with agent function, Problem formulation (five components-
topic 3.1.1 of text book), problem formulation for toy problems like Vacuum World, 8-
Puzzle, 8- Queen, problem formulation for real world problems like Route Finding
13. Measuring Problem Solving Performance (Topic 3.3.2 of text book), Informed Vs.
Uninformed Search Strategy.
14. Uninformed Search (BFS, DFS, Uniform Cost Search, Depth Limited Search, Iterative
Deepening Search) with property (Complete, Time, Space, optimal).
15. Comparative analysis of BFS and DFS for different values of b and d.
16. Consider a problem where branching factor is very high. Which will Work better, BFS of
DFS? Justify your answer.
17. Heuristics Search and Heuristics function.
18. Simple hill climbing, Steepest-Ascent Hill Climbing and their differences.
19. Problems of hill climbing search.
20. Informed Search (Best First Search, Greedy Best First Search, A* Search), A* optimality
proof, Properties of A*, finding optimal path using A* and Greedy Best First Search.
21. Show that, Uniform Cost Search is a special case of A* Search.
22. Adversarial Search definition, Game Problem Formulation (6 components- page 164 of
text book).
23. Minimax Algorithm, applying Minimax in different trees, properties of Minimax.
24. Alpha- Beta pruning, why it is used?
25. Alpha- Beta pruning algorithm. Apply it on different trees.
26. What do you mean by α- cut and β- cut? Determine the number of α- cut and β- cut using
α- β pruning algorithm.
27. Propositional logic with their basic operations (Converting English sentence into
propositional logic and vice versa), Entailment, Logical equivalence.
28. Valid, satisfiable and unsatisfiable sentence.
29. Limitations of propositional logic (Explain with example).
30. Define Predicate Logic/ FOL. Propositional logic Vs. FOL. Which one is better, why?
31. Explain the significance of different quantifiers (Universal/ Existential) in FOL.
32. Reasoning using Predicate Logic (Learn the examples of the slides). Find the answers of
the questions like “Was Marcus Loyal to Caesar? “
33. Computable Functions & Predicates with example.
34. Resolution – Steps with example.
35. CNF rules (Step by step), Converting FOL into CNF.
36. Proof by resolution example (Practice the problems solved in the class and HW).
37. Drawing resolution graph from a set of statements.
38. Unification – example and algorithm.
39. Exercise problem 7.4, 8.10, 8.11, 8.24.
40. Artificial Neural Network, Basic Structure of ANN, Different Layers of ANN, Activation
Function, ANN architecture (Feedforward NN, Recurrent NN).
41. Different Learning Methods (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement).
42. Supervised Vs. Unsupervised Learning.
43. Applications of ANN.
44. Define NLP. What does it involve?
45. Why NLP? Application area.
46. Steps of SR and NLP.
47. Morphological Analysis, Types of Morphemes
48. Classification of Phrases.
49. Constructing PS rules for different sentences and generating parse trees (top- down and
bottom- up parsing).
50. Syntax Analysis, Sematic Analysis.

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