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Prepared by : Mudita Shah


The common Sunflower is a native of Mexico and Peru . It is an annual herb, with a rough, hairy stem, 3 to 12
feet high . They are tall, hardy, annual or perennial herbs . The Sunflower is valuable from an economic, as well
as from an ornamental point of view. Every part of the plant may be utilized for some economic purpose. The
leaves form a cattle-food and the stems contain a fibre which may be used successfully in making paper. The seed
is rich in oil, which is said to approach more nearly to olive oil than any other vegetable oil known and to be
largely used as a substitute. The flowers contain a yellow dye.

For commercial purposes, sunflower seeds are usually classified by the pattern on their husks.

 If the husk is solidly black, the seeds are called 'black oil sunflower seeds'. The crops may be referred to
as 'oilseed sunflower' crops. These seeds are usually pressed into sunflower oil.
 If the husks are striped, the seeds are called 'striped sunflower seeds' or 'stripers'. Due to their lower oil
content, the crops are called 'non-oilseed sunflower' crops, used primarily for food, as a result, they may
also be called 'confectionery' sunflower seed.

Sunflower is one of the important crops in India's oil seed production that has contributed to rapid growth in
oilseed production during late eighties and early 1990s.Sunflower oil is the largest selling oil in the branded oil
segment. It is also a crop of choice for farmers due to its wider adaptability, high yield potential, shorter duration
and profitability especially in Southern peninsula, consisting of Northern Karnataka, Marathwada and
Rayalseema, where the crop is largely cultivated under rainfed conditions during late kharif/rabi season. Around
70% of the crop is produced in the rabi (November – March) season. The kharif (June – September) period
accounts for less than 30% of the crop.

1. Short duration (80-115 days)

2. Due to its deep tap root system, it is a drought tolerant crop and suitable for growing in rainfed conditions.
3. Ability to perform in diverse agro-climatic and soil conditions.
4. Sunflower, being a commercial crop, offers attractive price for the produce and the economics of the crop
is highly profitable compared to other crops in similar maturity groups.

5.Availabilty of hybrids having potential to yield upto 10 quintals/acre with oil content of >40%, under right
growing and management conditions.

In India Technology Mission on Oilseeds and restriction on import of edible oils through import tariff
interventions to ensure better commodity price for domestic sunflower growers shows Govt’s approach to
promote large scale sunflower cultivation.

Prepared by : Mudita Shah

World Scenario

World Sunflower Seed Production '000 MT
08-09 09-10 10-11 30478
10000 6425 6500 7027
5000 2300 800

14000 12325
World Sunflower Meal Production '000 MT
4000 3346
2253 2576
2000 1060 529

World Sunflower Oil Production '000 MT 11435
4000 2505 2615 2435
2000 1035 592

Prepared by : Mudita Shah

World Sunflower Exporting Countries


In 2008-09 India produced at 1.25 million tonnes of sunflower seed in 1.83 million ha. Productivity averaged
around 683 Kg/Ha.

Production (Million Tonnes) Area (Million Ha) Yield (Kg/Ha)

2.5 900
765 800
2 1.91 683
1.83 650 700
1.46 600
1.5 1.4
1.25 500
0.91 400
0.5 200
0 0
2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10*

*3rd Advance Estimates

Domestic Consumption (Lakh Ton)

Meal Oil 8.52 8.8
8 7.31
6 5.58 6
5 3.98 4.24
4 3.39 3.76
2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Jul

Prepared by : Mudita Shah

MSP for oilseeds has increased by merely 2-9% and only 6% in case of sunflower seeds (YoY basis).

2400 2350
2215 2215
1600 1500 1500 1510
1400 1340
1170 1185 1195 1250
00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 07-08 08-09 09-10

Factors affecting prices:

1. The production highly fluctuates between years, depending on the monsoon.

2. There is high substitutability between sunflower oil and groundnut oil especially in AP among the
consumers. So, price of other major oils like groundnut, soyoil and other edible oils also influence the
prices of refined sunflower oil.
3. Low MSP for oilseeds is also causing farmers to shift towards cultivation of remunerative crops like
pulses for which MSP for the present has shot up by 15-30%
4. Besides this, production of the other leading exporting countries like Russia, Ukraine, Argentina, USA
and EU also influence the prices to great extent.


Prices as on 29th August (average of reported mandi prices):

Karnataka: ` 2400/quintal

Andhra Pradesh: ` 2410/quintal

Sunflower Oil

The oil pressed from the seeds is of a citron yellow colour and a sweet taste and is considered equal to olive
oil or almond oil for table use. The resulting oil-cake when warm pressed, yields a less valuable oil which is used
largely for technical purposes, such as soap-making, candle-making and in the art of wool-dressing. As a drying
oil for mixing paint, it is equal to linseed oil and is unrivalled as a lubricant. The residue after the oil is expressed
forms an important cattle-food. The oil content in Indian Sunflower seed ranges between 38 and 44% .It is
considered healthiest of edible oils.

 The protein content is around 18-25% and sunflower meal is used as a protein source in animal feed
 The original sunflower oil (linoleic sunflower oil) is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (about 66% linoleic
acid) and low in saturated fats, such as palmitic acid and stearic acid. However, various hybrids have been
developed to alter the fatty acid profile of the crop for various purposes
 There are several types of sunflower oils produced:
High Linoleic: typically has at least 69% linoleic acid
High Oleic : has at least 82% oleic acid.
Prepared by : Mudita Shah
Mid Oleic.
 Crude oil to refined oil conversion rate is 95%.
 Average yield of oil obtained by mechanical extraction from sunflower seed :
o 35 % from unshelled seed of normal moisture content (9%)
o 42.5% by pre-press and solvent extraction.

It is commonly used in food as a frying medium, and in cosmetic formulations as an emollient. Sunflower oil is
light in taste and appearance and supplies more Vitamin E than any other vegetable oil. It is a combination of
monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats with low saturated fat levels. Sunflower oil is valued for its light taste,
frying performance and health benefits.

The clear and slightly amber coloured oil has a high smoke point of 232 OC (refined) and 227OC (unrefined).

Fatty acid composition per 100g:

Saturated Fat Monounsaturated Fat Polyunsaturated Fat

Sunflower oil 10g 20g 66g

India is the fourth-largest edible oil economy in the world after the US, China and Brazil and accounts for 10% of
the world vegetable oil import and consumption. However, it accounts for only 7.4% of the world’s oilseed
output. Oil Consumption Worldwide

4% 2% 1%
4% Palm
4% Soybean
32% Rapeseed
7% Sunflower
15% Palm Kernel

Domestic Consumption (Lakh Ton)

Oil 8.52 8.8
8 7.31
7 6
5 3.98
2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Jul

Prepared by : Mudita Shah

Domestic consumption of sunflower oil stood at 8.52 million tons while that for sunflower oilseed meal
stood at 3.39 lakh tons. Sunflower Oil import in 2009/10 was 5.5 lakh ton.

India Oil Industry Highlights:

1. The edible oil industry is faced with negative crush margins due to
 Reserve Selling by stockists and farmers
 Excessive Speculation in the markets
 Duty free import of crude vegetable oils
 Oil-bearing material like rice bran, copra cake and palm kernel cake attracting 15 per cent import
 Import Duty on Crude sunflower oil Nil
 Import Duty on Refined sunflower oil lowered to 7.73%
 Currently, export of edible oil in consumer packs upto 5 kg subject to the ceiling 10,000 metric
tonne (MT) is allowed. The current ceiling is expiring on 31 October, 2010. Upto 7 July 9,598
tonnes have already been exported and hardly 400 tonnes is remains. SEA has requested for a
raise in the ceiling for the current year and also requested to review the current policy for exports
of edible oil.

Indian Imports:

Sunflower Oil Import( Lakh Ton)

7 6
5.83 5.5
3 2.03
1 0.18
2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Jul 2010/11

India imports sunflower oil mainly from Ukraine, Russia and Argentina.

Sunflower Oil lmports:

S.No. HSCode Commodity Unit 2010(Apr- %Growth
1. 15121110 SUNFLOWER SEED OIL CRUDE  KGS 279,361.59 357,574.03
Dated:10/8/2010 :Quantity in Thousands: Source: Min Of Commerce

Indian Exports:

Sunflower Seed Export: Major destinations for Indian sunflower seeds are Pakistan, U.K, China, Netherlands,
Philippines & Poland

Prepared by : Mudita Shah

Sunflower Meal Exports : The export of Indian Sunflower meal is very limited as compared soybean meal and
rapeseed meal with Thailand being the major buyer.

Sunflower Oil Exports:

S.No. HSCode Commodity Unit 2008-2009 2009-2010(Apr-Dec)

1. 15121110 SUNFLOWER SEED OIL CRUDE  KGS 4.60 7.09

S.No. HSCode Commodity Unit 2008-2009 2009-2010(Apr-Dec)

1. 151219 OTHER SUNFLWR & SAFFLWR OIL & THEIR FRCTNS   374.34 727.53

Dated:10/8/2010:Quantity in Thousands:Source: Min Of Commerce

Sunflower Oil National Brands:

NDDB- Dhara Ruchisoya-Sunrich(RSO),Ruchi gold Lite, Mahakosh

Agrotech Foods Ltd.- Sundrop NK proteins Ltd.
Panak Ltd.- Cargill-Nature Fresh(RSO),Gemini
Marico Indus-Sweekar (RSO)
Adani Wilmar Ltd.-King’s (RSO),Fortune RSO: Refined Sunflower Oil

Prepared by : Mudita Shah

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