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1 TRAVELOKA EXTRANET GUIDE 1. Enter website 2.

Enter the Extranet user

name and password 3. If you want to change the password or forget the password, select / click
Forgot Password then enter the extranet access recipient in the Username field then click Send. After
that, check that is used as a username and enter the new password sent to it. Page 1 of 12

2 After entering the Extranet system a display will appear, in which there are several tools to change
or add information about the hotel that will appear on the Traveloka website. The tools consist of: A.
HOTEL DATA 1. Hotel Data Hotel Data functions to enter the required hotel data such as Hotel
Name, Star Rating, Hotel Address, Hotel Contact Number and Hotel Facility. Inside the Data Hotel,
there is the Hotel Attribute next to the Hotel Data column that serves to enter the description of the
hotel that must be completed before the hotel is aired on the Traveloka website. 2. Hotel Room Data
Hotel Room Data functions to enter the types of rooms that will be sold on the Traveloka website. The
addition or manufacture of room types can only be done by Traveloka. The hotel can only change the
information contained therein by: Entering Hotel Data Hotel Room Data After that several types of
rooms will be created by Traveloka. Select one of the room types and click Edit. Page 2 of 12

3 The information contained in the room type is: a. Room Type Name b. Room Description c. Number
of Rooms d. Size of Rooms e. Maximum Occupancy and Maximum Extrabed f. Hotel Facilities If the
price of the room type includes Wifi Access and Free Breakfast, before saving the hotel can check 2
small columns that say Wifi Included and Breakfast included at the bottom. Page 3 of 12

4 3. Hotel Room Photos Hotel Room Photos serves to include hotel photos or room photos that will
later appear on the Traveloka website. To insert photos, select Upload Photos Choose File Select the
photos or folder you want to upload. If the photo will be used as a photo of the hotel description, select
Hotel Category as the default main photo, click Set As Main then Upload. and if you want If the photo
will be used as a photo room description, select Room Category, select the room type by selecting
Room Type, select the room type, and if you want to be used as the default main room photo, click
Set As Main then Upload. Page 4 of 12

5 4. Payment This page functions to enter information about payment methods. This section is filled in
by traveloka. B. SETTING 1. General Hotel Setting This tool functions to enter the contact information
of the hotel (Main, Sales, Reservation, Accounting). This section can only be filled out by
Traveloka. 2. Hotel Commission Tools This function is to enter the commission information provided
by the hotel to Traveloka. This section can only be filled out by Traveloka. C. ROOM MANAGEMENT
1. Load Rates This tool functions to enter the Room Allotment or Room Rate which can be directly
applied to all room types if the number of allotments to be entered is the same amount and the same
period. This page also serves to update the room allocation or room price for one contract period /
period for one full year. 1.a. Creating or Updating Room Allotments Select Room Allotment in the
Load Tariff Mode option, select the room type to be updated for the room allocation amount in Room
Type, select the period for the number of allocations to be updated in the Date Range, to enter the
period of days (weekday, weekend, or certain days) ) select Day of Week. Enter the number of room
allocations to be given then click Save. Page 5 of 12

6 1.b. Creating or Updating Room Rate Select Room Rate in the Load Tariff Mode option, select the
price of the room to be updated in the Room, select the period of the allocation amount that will be
updated in the Date Range, to enter the period of days (weekday, weekend, or certain days) select
Day of week. Enter the price of the room to be given then click Save. Page 6 of 12

7 2. Room Allotment Tools This function is to enter the amount of allotment (room allocation) that will
be provided by the hotel for a certain period. The method that can be done is Room Management
Room Allotment, after that the display that will appear is as below: After that in the Room Type
column, click the small arrow on the right, then select the room type that will be set up for
allotment. After that in the Date Range column can be set from what date to what date allotment is
setup. In the day of week column, you can set whatever day the allotment will be set. After that, click
search, so the display will appear as below: In the display above there are several columns that
function as follows: a. Non-Guaranteed Allotment The column functions to enter the allotment amount
for the selected room type. b. Used Allotment Number of Allotments that have been used (rooms that
have been sold on Traveloka). Page 7 of 12
8 c. Close Out Checkable fields () if on certain dates these rooms cannot be sold on the traveloka
website. d. No Check-In Checkable column () if on certain dates the room is not allowed to check in
(for example on Nyepi days). e. No Check Out Checkable column () if on certain dates the room is not
allowed to check out (for example on Nyepi days). After the columns are filled in, the next step is to
click Save. 3. Room Rate Tools This function is to enter the price to be provided by the hotel for a
certain period. Steps that can be done is the same as the steps taken to enter allotments. But the
difference in appearance that will appear in this tool is as follows: The function of the columns above
is as follows: a. Selling Rate at Traveloka (Single) A column that functions to enter the price that will
appear on the traveloka website. The price in this column must be the same as the Selling Rate at
Traveloka column to the right of the Rate You Will Receive column. Page 8 of 12

9 b. Rate You Will Receive This column provides information about the net price the hotel receives
after the selling price on the Traveloka website (Selling Rate at Traveloka) is reduced by
commission. c. No Promotion This column can be checked if on certain dates of the selected room
type no promotion applies. After the columns are filled in, the next step is to click Save. 4. Promotion
Tools This function is to setup if there are promotions that will be displayed on the Traveloka
website. Steps to do is click Room Management Click Promotion Click Add Promotion Complete all
the information that must be filled in accordance with the instructions, then click Save. 5. Private &
Mobile Deals This tool functions to take part in the Private & Mobile Deals Promotion organized by This promotion will be displayed to Traveloka Mobile Application (Mobile Deals) and
Traveloka Member (Private Deals) users. To be able to follow this romance, hotels are required to
give a minimum discount of 5% of the contract price. Page 9 of 12

10 6. Hotel Room Inventory Tools This function is to check and change data regarding the amount of
pax available in each room by changing the Maximum Guest for Existing Bed, as well as entering the
Minimum Price. The function of the Minimum Price is to prevent price input errors from lacking
numeric digits or price settings. If the user enters a price smaller than the Minimum Price, the price
setting will automatically change. 7. Room Cancellation Policy This tool is for entering cancellation
policy on certain dates (not for general). Steps to do is click Room Management Click Room
Cancellation Policy Click Add / Edit Cancellation Policy Complete all information that must be filled in
accordance with existing instructions, for example enter a Rate Plan (Retail for regular contract prices,
Mobile or Private Sale for Mobile & Private Promotion Sale) select Room Type, select the period in
the Start Date and End Date, select the desired Cancellation Policy, then click Save. Page 10 of 12

11 8. Room Surcharge Tools This function is to enter additional prices to be displayed on the
Traveloka website for certain dates (high season, Eid al-Fitr, Christmas, etc.). Steps to do is click
Room Management Click Room Surcharge Click Add Room Surcharge Complete all the information
that must be filled in accordance with the instructions such as select a period in the Start Date and
End Date enter the Rate Plan (Retail for ordinary contract prices, Mobile or Private Sale for Mobile &
Private Sale Promotion) select Room Type select the day in the Applicable Day of Week select the
surcharge type in the Surcharge Name enter the surcharge nominal in the Surcharge Value, after
clicking Save. D. BOOKING MANAGER 1. Booking Details This tool functions to search for booking
details from the website for your property using Traveloka contract prices. You can
search for booking details by entering your booking ID, Check In Start Date, Check Out Start Date,
Name, or guest. Page 11 of 12

12 E. OPERATION 1. This Deposit History Tool contains a list of deposits originating from payments
that have already been made but the order with that payment was canceled. The payment amount
that has been sent will be made into a future deposit or payment for future orders. Deposit History will
always be updated every time an existing deposit has been used for further orders. Payment List
contains detailed proof of payment with a canceled order. Credit for the amount of deposit that is still
available and Debit for the amount of payment from the next order, while the balance for the
remaining deposit information. Page 12 of 12

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