Ecd350b Group Activity Matrix

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Daily Name: Name: YYYY Name: VVVV Name: Name: Name: BBBB Name: AAAA Name: RRRR


Arrival XXXXX will ZZZZ will BBBB will use AAAA will use
use her words say hello to words to his fine motor
and/or signs her peers welcome skills to unzip
to say which and everyone as his coat when
activity that teachers as he arrives to he comes into
she would like she comes lab. He’ll use lab.
to go to first into the words such
and asks for classroom. as saying “hi”
help to take to his peers
her coat off. and teachers.

Snack XXXXX will YYYY will VVVV will point ZZZZ will BBBB will AAAA will use
practice using help a teacher to which snack interact with interact with his fine motor
words and/or to serve she wants her peers at his peers skills at snack
signs to himself and when the the snack during snack when he
express what other toddlers teacher shows table by as he shares serves
it is that she their snack for her the options talking his food with himself, using
would like to the day. for snack. about the his peers. tongs or
first for snack. food she is serving
eating and spoons.
her peers.

Flop & Drop XXXXX will VVVV will point OOOO will BBBB will use AAAA will use RRRR will
Book practice using to what she share books three to four his fine motor take turns
her left arm to sees in a book with his peers words to skills as he when
put books on when being and teachers. interact with turns the choosing a
the shelf and read to. other children book to read.
take them off as they read page of a
the shelf books. book.

Blocks YYYY will OOOO will AAAA will use RRRR will
help another count the his fine motor share blocks
toddler build a blocks while skills as he when building
tower as they he stacks builds towers towers
share the blocks in a with blocks. without taking
blocks tower. blocks from
together. peers when
they’re using

Dramatic XXXXX will YYYY will ZZZZ will OOOO will RRRR will
Play practice using help another hand a peer share toys share the play
her left arm to toddler put a a baby doll such as toy food and not
reach up onto hat on their and start to food with his take it out of
the shelves in head and parallel play peers. his peers’
the kitchen to participate in with them. hands if he
take food off cooperative wants it.
of them, and play.
to carry a
baby doll.

Indoor Gross XXXXX will YYYY will ZZZZ will OOOO will BBBB will use RRRR will
Motor use words wait for a join a group count how three or four take turns
and/or signs toddler to of peers on many times words as he going up the
to express come down the slide he goes down interacts with stairs without
when she the stairs and and interact the slide and his peers cutting in front
needs help slide before with them as will share the while going of his peers.
getting on or he goes up it. they go up slide with his down the
off the stairs and down peers. slide. He’ll
of the slide. the slide. use words
She will use such as “lets
her left arm to go down.”
reach up and
hold the

Indoor Fine VVVV will point

Motor to which toy
she wants to

Art YYYY will VVVV will point OOOO will RRRR will
make room in to which color identify what share the
front of the art of crayon or art colors of crayons
easel for material she crayons he is without taking
other toddlers wants to use. coloring with. the one he
to color too. wants from
his peers.

Sensory YYYY will VVVV will point ZZZZ will BBBB will use AAAA will use RRRR will
offer a to the objects in socialize words to his fine motor share the
sensory toy to the sensory with her interact with skills as he scoops in the
another area when she peers by his peers in uses scoops sensory table.
toddler and wants to play parallel the sensory in the sensory
help him/her with them playing with area. table.
scoop rice. (funnel, the different
measuring materials in
cup). the sensory

Clean-up OOOO will AAAA will use

begin to count his fine motor
how many skills as he
toys he helps picks up toys
pick up during and puts them
clean up time. in bins during
clean-up time.


Large Group

Outside 1 XXXXX will BBBB will

use signs to interact with
express when his peers by
she wants to sharing the
get off the sand toys in
jumperoo or the sand box.
play in the
Outside 2

Departure VVVV will point ZZZZ will

and wave to her initiate
peers as she socializing
leaves. by waving
bye to her
peers and

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