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Lesson Plan

SPED 435/ED 427

Topic: What plants need to survive

LS1-K-1. Use observations to describe patterns of what plants and animals (including
humans) need to survive.

RL.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

ICT.K-2.3.c with guidance from an educator, students explore a variety of teacher-

selected tools to organize information and make connections to their learning

Objective: SWBAT name what plants need to survive correctly 80% of the time.

Student-Friendly Objective: I can name what plants need to survive.

Assessment Plan: This assessment will be completed individually. The students will
circle the items a plant needs to survive and will then create their own plant.

Materials Needed:
Assessment Sheet
Ipads (Fast finisher Activity)
Link for website:
Seed Secret Book

Key Vocabulary:
Survive: To stay alive
Photosynthesis: How plants make their own food
Living: Alive (can move by itself, grow, breathe, food/water)
Non-living: Not alive (can’t move, grow, breathe, food/water)

Anticipatory Set
• (1 minute) We will do the motions again to remind ourselves what a living and
non-living thing is. I will say, “Who remembers the motions we do for living
things?” Then we will do the motion of moving (jumping/dancing) growing
(starting small then getting big) breathing (take a deep breath) eating and drinking
(eat food/drink water).
Instructional Inputs:
• I will remind students “I can’t hear you if your hand is not raised.”
• Only the person who has been called on should be talking.
• I will encourage students by saying “____ is ready to learn or move on to the next
step. “
• We will review what a living thing is and what a non-living thing is. A living thing is
something that can move by itself, breathe and grow and needs food and water!
A non-living thing is something that does not move by itself, breathe or grow. We
will then talk about if a car is a living or non-living thing for a reteaching moment.
• We need to know how to care for our plants because they can give us food and
help the earth. They are a part of our everyday life.
• Deeper Questions:
o Do all plants need the same things?
o Why did our plant on the computer not stay alive sometimes?
o How can we help plants that are near us?
o Why do we need plants?

Modeling/Guided Practice:
• (3 minutes) Today we are going to learn about what plants need to survive. This
weekend I went on a field trip to find out more about plants and I wanted to
bring you all with me so I took a video of what I learned and I even met a
scientist to help me learn about what plants need to survive!
• Video Clip: See Flashdrive
• I will stop the video periodically and ask students what plants do you see? How
do you think they survive?
• What did scientist Frank tell us that plants need to survive? (Students will answer
water and sunlight)
• I brought a special book about plants called Seed Secrets that will tell us more
about plants. During this reading I will ask questions like, how do seeds become
plants? What do seeds need to survive?
• Now we are going to test out what we know about plants to make one grow! (I
will bring up the website and explain that we click the play button and then
decide if it needs more water or more sunlight to grow! (We will do this together
using the smartboard) To check for understanding I will ask questions like: What
happens when we add too much water? What happens when we add too much
sunlight? Why do plants need water and sunlight? Students will then be
dismissed for P.E.
• When the children come back, I will have set up my plant along with the water,
chips, flashlight (sun), and banana. I will ask the children to help me in
remembering what we learned before P.E. I do not remember what I am
supposed to give my plant. I will call on children to come pick something out of
the box and will then ask them to tell me what they think. Then to asses the class
for understanding I will also ask those at their desk for a thumb up or thumbs
down on if they agree with their peer that the plant does or does not need that
item to survive.
• Thank you for helping me take care of my plant! Now that we know what a plant
needs to survive, we will draw our own plant on this paper and then we are
going to circle the items our plant needs to survive.

• What did we learn plants need to survive? What else did we learn about

Independent practice/application:
• Children will draw their own plant and will then circle the items it needs to stay

• For learners that are struggling they will be able to have a mini review before we
do the independent practice.
• Students that finish early they will go to the table with the iPad to play the online
game to find out more about how to properly care for plants.
• I will give a 5-minute warning to finish up and then at the two-minute mark will
have the students put their items back and get their coats on to get ready for

Circle what does your plant need to survive:

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