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Toolbox Talk - Environment


Liquid waste can contaminate land and pollute waters if it is not properly stored or handled.
These guidelines shall help you to ensure that liquid wastes are stored and handled in an
environmentally safe manner.

• Always use appropriate container to store the liquid

• Store liquid waste in bunded areas and ensure that the bunded area is at least 10%
to 25% of the total volume of the liquid waste stored.
• Ensure that no storm water drains are located near to the liquid waste storage area.
• Store the liquid wastes only at designated areas and clearly label all drums with the
contents stored.
• Provide secondary containment for temporary storage of liquid waste at work areas
• Don’t use spill containment pallets for permanent or long-term storage of liquid
waste drums
• Minimize the number of liquid waste containers stored at work area
• Don’t store liquid waste in drums that are rusted, dented or show signs of
• Don’t stack or elevate liquid waste drums above bund walls.
• Provide appropriate spill kits in areas where liquid wastes are handled
• If any spill occurs try to contain the spill, notify area supervisor, clean-up
• Ensure that absorbents used to clean up spills and other contaminated materials
shall be disposed as per Environmental section’s instructions.
• Don’t dispose used absorbent materials with domestic wastes or any other material
• Contact Environmental Section if you need any assistance

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