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Masters of Submission 1

Master of Submission
Thirty-year-old English lawyer Emma Parkes believes Club
Submission holds the key to her best friend's disappearance. Well
out of her comfort zone, Emma's eyes are opened wide when she
observes the Masters of Submission at work. They're so confident
and sexually arousing—especially beautiful blue-eyed Master

Submission member and Dom Zane Anders frequently enjoys all

the club has to offer. The wealthy, forty-year-old diamond
importer has everything he could possibly need—everything
except for love. A natural dominant, he's not looking for a
permanent submissive in his life. But perhaps he'll make an
exception for the stunning lawyer from London.

When Club Submission is plunged into a high-profile murder

investigation, its very existence is put in jeopardy.

Can Emma unlock the truth, or will the devastatingly handsome

Zane Anders, a Master of Submission, unlock her deepest sexual
desires, instead?

Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

Length: 45,754 words

Masters of Submission 1

Jan Bowles


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Copyright © 2012 by Jan Bowles
E-book ISBN: 1-61926-696-2

First E-book Publication: April 2012

Cover design by Les Byerley

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Masters of Submission 1

Copyright © 2012


Emma Parkes pushed open the front door of her friend’s

apartment, and called out, “Chloe, are you there?”
No answer. The only sign of life was the Boston skyline twinkling
brightly in the huge glass windows.
Worried now, she dropped her suitcase inside and closed the door
behind her. What had happened to her best friend? Chloe had
telephoned five days ago, excitedly telling her that she was going to
spend the weekend with a guy she’d just met. She told her she’d be
out of circulation for a while, as hot sex was the only thing on the
“Are you mad? Going away with a chap you hardly know. Please
be careful, Chloe,” she warned.
Her best friend had laughed down the line. “It’s just some
harmless fun. You remember fun, don’t you, Emma? The kind we
used to have when we were at Oxford University together.”
Emma knew exactly what she meant. While studying law together
at Oxford, her newfound American friend was always trying to lead
her astray, encouraging her to stretch her horizons and boundaries.
Chloe had always been extreme in everything she did. Even down to
the type of men she dated.
8 Jan Bowles

Emma caught her worried frown in the mirror as she tentatively

looked around the empty apartment. Her friend was nowhere to be
seen. At least Chloe wasn’t lying dead on the bathroom floor, as she’d
imagined on the twenty-minute cab ride over here. That was a relief,
nothing unpleasant to report so far. Emma took a deep breath and
reined in her emotions. Surely there was a simple explanation why
Chloe hadn’t picked her up from Logan International Airport, as she’d
She’d waited for over an hour, calling her friend’s landline and
cell phone, over and over again. After an exhausting seven-hour flight
from London Heathrow, all she wanted to do was sleep for a week,
maybe more. Her body clock was still running on British time.
Well, first she’d have a bite to eat, and then rest for a while.
Acclimatize herself to life on the Eastern Seaboard. After all, Chloe
had told her, make yourself at home, honey. What’s yours is mine, and
what’s mine is yours. It was an exciting and challenging time for them
both. They were in the preliminary stages of setting up a small law
firm together, right here in Boston. She shrugged resignedly, guessing
her best friend would turn up soon enough, with graphic details of her
sexual exploits.
Master of Submission 9

Chapter One

One week later

With no news of Chloe, Emma stood staring up at the doors of the

private fetish club, wondering whether to enter. She’d found reference
to Club Submission when she’d accessed Chloe’s personal computer,
looking for clues to her disappearance. Chloe was so trusting, she
didn’t even have her computer password protected. Access to her
private files had been child’s play. There were a number of messages
from an unknown person simply calling himself Orion. The sexually
explicit e-mails repeatedly asked for them to meet up at Club
Submission. Knowing Chloe’s sexual preferences, she was in no
doubt that the mysterious Orion was a man. Whoever Orion was, he
was a persistent fellow, because he’d sent Chloe sixteen messages in a
twenty-four hour period. She guessed her impulsive and naïvely
trusting best friend had finally given in and met with the guy.
Emma had filed a missing person’s report with the police herself,
just a few hours after arriving at her friend’s apartment. Both of
Chloe’s parents were dead. They’d been killed in a horrific car crash
in Maine when Chloe was just an impressionable teenager. The
fatalities occurred just two days after Chloe’s fifteenth birthday. As an
only child, with few real friends, it seemed that no one had even
noticed that she’d disappeared off the face of the Earth.
The American police had entered Chloe’s personal details into the
FBI’s database, along with her friend’s medical and dental records.
They’d also asked for a recent photograph. It wasn’t against the law to
go missing, in fact thousands of Americans deliberately disappeared
10 Jan Bowles

each year—often to escape debt or abusive relationships. Most police

agencies didn’t actively search for an individual—not unless the
circumstances warranted it. In Chloe’s case the intriguing e-mail
messages and her insistence that they find her best friend had finally
made them sit up and take notice. She’d insisted they make further
inquiries. They’d told her they’d sent an officer to check out Club
Submission, but she wasn’t sure if she believed them or not. Until
new information came to light, there was nothing more they could do.
If Chloe were a child, it would have been a different matter. But as a
thirty-year-old woman, the cops seemed completely uninterested.
It wasn’t Emma’s style to just wait around and do nothing. Instead
of returning on the next flight to London, she’d decided to stay, and at
least try and find out what had become of her best friend. So that’s
how she came to be standing outside the very imposing BDSM club
on a cold, damp, November evening. Two huge bronze ravens
guarded the entrance. One stood either side of the oak double doors.
They looked menacing and forbidding, in the soft glow from the
gothic lanterns swinging eerily above them. All she had to do was
walk up the half dozen or so steps and go inside. She instinctively
knew the club held the key to her friend’s disappearance. Just who
was the mysterious Orion who’d arranged to meet Chloe here? Was it
the same guy she’d spent time with when she’d simply vanished off
the face of the Earth?
These questions needed answering. There was just one small thing
stopping her. She’d never stepped foot inside a fetish club before.
Even she was a little surprised her friend was into that lifestyle. She’d
known Chloe for a decade and was well aware that she was sexually
adventurous, even promiscuous on occasion. However, she never
suspected for a moment that her friend was into the BDSM scene.
She sucked in a deep breath, drawing the cold, damp November
air into her lungs. Keep strong, Emma. You’re doing this for Chloe.
Whatever lay on the other side of those doors would just have to be
Master of Submission 11

faced head-on. There was nothing else for it. Chloe’s life might even
depend on it.
Her legs shook as she walked up the short flight of steps, and
pushed open the heavy doors. She’d checked the place out on the
Internet, and already had her membership approved. During the sign-
up process, she’d learned that the club closely guarded the privacy of
its members. Their true identities would never be divulged to anyone
inside or outside the club, and everyone had the option of being
known by a scene name. If Chloe had chosen an alias, it might prove
more difficult finding out what had happened to her.
Emma took a deep breath before slowly releasing it as she moved
further into the club. A female receptionist sat behind a desk. She
looked up and smiled when she heard Emma enter.
“Hi, my name’s Andrea, welcome to Club Submission.” The
woman studied her more closely. “Is this your first time, honey?”
Emma nodded, nervously. “Is it that obvious?”
“Just a little. You’ll soon stop shaking when you get to know
“I applied to join the club by e-mail. I was told my membership
card would be at reception.”
Andrea flipped through several papers on her desk. “Ah, here it
is.” She handed over the card. “I’ll get one of the regular girls to show
you around. If you could just sign in.” She nudged a ledger toward
her. “Remember to put your scene name down, if you don’t want
members to know your real name. Discretion is a word we pride
ourselves on here.”
With trembling fingers, Emma took the pen from the pretty blonde
haired woman and signed in Emma Windsor. For simplicity she’d
only chosen a different surname. It wasn’t as if she would be
returning to the club after tonight.
“You can leave your coat here, honey.” She pointed to a coatrack
behind her. “You’re number fifty-three.” She tore a ticket from the
stub and handed it to her.
12 Jan Bowles

Emma nodded. “Thanks.”

She peeled off her chunky black coat. Now she felt even more
conspicuous. She’d borrowed some of Chloe’s revealing clothes—a
short black miniskirt that came to the top of her thighs, and a skimpy
leather bra top. She’d made up her face with more makeup than she’d
usually wear, using heavy black eyeliner to create an overtly sexual
look. Being a reserved Englishwoman, it wasn’t really her style, but
she was trying to blend in. A shiver ran down her spine as the door
opened behind her and several more women piled into the entrance
hall. They all appeared very happy, giggling and laughing out loud as
they too removed their coats. If Emma thought her clothes were
revealing, then she had to think again. Plump ripe breasts, squeezed
into tight-fitting leather and silk, jiggled wherever she looked. The
scent of expensive perfume filled the air. She had no doubt these
women were out to enjoy themselves.
The receptionist spoke to one of them. “Jessica, can you show
Emma around? It’s her first time here.”
“Yeah, sure, Andrea.”
Jessica smiled benignly, and took hold of her hand. “You’ll be
perfectly safe with me, sweetie. I just know you’re gonna fit right in
here at Submission. The Masters are simply gonna love you. You’re a
real pretty lady.”
Masters? Oh, hell. Emma knew all about the Masters. She’d read
about their preferences on the Internet. Weren’t they the ones who
wanted to chain people up and whip them for some perverse sexual
pleasure? Her throat went dry, but she managed to croak out, “I hope
they don’t mind someone who’s nervous?”
“Quite the opposite, sweetie. They’ll love breaking you in.”
Emma closed her eyes. That’s what she was afraid of. Jessica
squeezed her hand tighter, and led her through another set of doors.
“My, my, you really are nervous, aren’t you? You’re trembling
like a leaf.”
Master of Submission 13

“I hoped it wouldn’t be so obvious.” She smiled, unconvincingly,

trying to put on a brave face.
Jessica patted her hand. “Remember it’s what you’re willing to
do. Not what they’d like you to do. Us subs have the ultimate power.”
Ultimate power? Subs? Masters? Just what had she got herself
into? Yes, of course she wanted to find Chloe, and she’d do
everything in her power to discover what had happened to her. But
there’d be no kinky sex. She just wasn’t inclined that way. She’d only
ever experienced sex in the good old-fashioned missionary position.
So what if she didn’t orgasm every time, or hardly at all. At least
there was nothing perverted about her sex life.
Jessica held open a door for her.
“Thank you.”
“Say, is that an accent you have there?”
“I’m English.”
“Oh really, that’s just swell. Fancy, a real live Englishwoman in a
BDSM club.”
Emma smiled. Being English didn’t automatically stop a woman
from liking kinky sex, though she guessed Jessica seemed to think
that was the case. For some unknown reason, she felt the need to
explain herself further. “I was born and grew up in Oxfordshire,
although my father is an American. My parents divorced when I was
just three. It seems like Anglo-American marriages don’t work too
well. He returned to the US twenty-seven years ago.” She’d seen her
father on and off over the intervening period. He’d remarried and had
two more daughters. They’d never been really close, but at least they
kept in touch.
Jessica smiled. “Hey, dual nationality. Even better.”
Despite her obvious anxiety at being in the club, Emma couldn’t
help but warm to Jessica. The pretty brunette was dressed extremely
provocatively. Her full breasts were displayed for all to see, and her
skimpy black knickers clearly showed under her tight red skirt. She
could already tell she had a heart of gold.
14 Jan Bowles

Emma guessed Jessica was about twenty-seven or twenty-eight.

She wondered what had drawn a woman like her to the BDSM
lifestyle. Man trouble? Bad homelife? There had to be a catalyst. She
shook her head. Perhaps she’d never know. Perhaps Jessica didn’t
even know herself. The analytical and calculating part of her mind
had already started assessing the situation. It would be wise to keep
alert, and try and make some sense of it all once she returned home.
No one should be above suspicion, however nice they appeared. She
was a trained lawyer, and needed to keep her focus.
Jessica smiled incessantly as she showed her the changing rooms
and restrooms. “Think of it as three zones. This is the Cool Zone.
There are strict rules in place here. No sexual interaction between
masters, mistresses, and their subs.” Everything appeared normal. So
far so good. She could handle this. When Jessica squeezed her hand
and pointed to an imposing set of double doors at the end of the
corridor, she guessed the kinky side of the club lay behind them.
Already she could hear heady, sultry music drifting toward them as
they drew closer.
“Through there is the Warm Zone. Sexual interaction is allowed,
in fact it is encouraged. There are a few rules. We have to keep our
clothes on, for one, which makes for some interesting interplay. In the
Hot Zone, anything goes, but you should only venture there when you
feel comfortable everywhere else.” Jessica smiled, making Emma feel
a little less self-conscious. “Now don’t you worry about a thing. Trust
me, you’ll love it here. Club Submission is everything your heart
Emma nodded politely. This was going to be the scariest and most
bizarre night of her entire adult life.
Master of Submission 15

Chapter Two

Zane Anders glanced around the club. From his position at the bar
he had an uninterrupted view of the entire room. Decorated in deep,
seductive golds and reds, the subdued lighting helped enhance his
mood. A couple danced on the raised platform, their gyrations
extremely provocative and arousing. But that was the whole point.
That was why he was here. After a failed marriage, he’d finally given
in to his inner desires. A successful and extremely wealthy
businessman by day, his appearance was that of a regular, stand-up
guy. But by night it was a different story entirely. He could finally
allow his dick to rule his brain, rather than the other way around. His
inner cravings could be unleashed and satisfied right here at
He considered himself to be the ultimate Master of the female
body. It was his duty to extract every last cry and whimper of sexual
satisfaction from his subs—all in a controlled manner, of course.
There was no point in rushing something, which he considered to be
an art form.
The private club had already given him many nights of unbridled
pleasure. He was sure tonight would be no exception. He sighed
contentedly. Club Submission was the only place he ever felt truly
His senses came on high alert as Jessica walked past with a
woman he hadn’t seen before. His gaze shifted to the stranger, tracing
a line from the gorgeous mane of blonde hair that trailed down her
back, all the way to her cute sexy butt, which ripened into a peach
beneath her short, leather miniskirt. He glimpsed the soft underside of
16 Jan Bowles

her bare round ass cheeks, squeezing succulently below the tight
black leather. She wore a thong, or better still, even less. It would be
fun finding out. Just the idea of no panties made his cock harden.
With his curiosity piqued, he watched Jessica and the new woman sit
at the bar and order a drink.
The attractive blonde looked around nervously. He guessed it was
her first time in a BDSM club. It was certainly the first time she’d
visited Submission. He’d remember a woman who looked as good as
she did. He wondered what had spurred her to try the lifestyle.
Boredom? Lack of sexual fulfillment? Whatever it was, he’d make it
his priority to keep an eye on her. He loved observing his prey,
watching how they reacted to certain situations. It made his final
conquest all the more satisfying. She seemed drawn to the scantily
dressed couple, dancing provocatively on the revolving stage. He
figured the idea of public exhibitionism turned her on. It certainly
turned him on. Later on, he’d be more than willing to find out her
sexual preferences. She was a real cutie.
As he discreetly observed his prey, he noticed the sexy blonde’s
gaze sweeping the club, taking everything and everyone in.
Eventually her eyes settled on him. Sultry baby blues connected with
his. Her exquisite, heart-shaped face was framed by wild blonde hair.
He’d never seen a woman look more beautiful or more scared. A
primal urge clenched in his gut and twisted like a knife. He had the
overwhelming desire to protect this woman. Why? His mind hadn’t
entertained a thought like that…not since he’d asked Veronica to be
his wife. Yeah, and look where that got you, pal—a divorce settlement
that cost you millions. He pushed the unwanted thought back down.
Anyone entering Submission came of their own volition. They were
after sexual excitement, just like he was. Nothing else mattered.

Master of Submission 17

Emma could barely concentrate as Jessica explained the rules of

the club. Her mind was occupied with what was happening on the
revolving stage. A couple in their late twenties or early thirties danced
intimately together, their hips gyrating and grinding suggestively. The
man had a large erection filling his pants, and he wasn’t shy about
showing it off to the gathering crowd. He continually pressed it
against his partner’s pussy, to her obvious delight. Her moans of
sexual gratification grew louder, until she felt sure the woman was
climaxing right there in front of her on the stage. Emma knew she
blushed profusely, but she couldn’t drag her eyes away from the
erotic scene. She didn’t like to admit it, even to herself, but her pussy
was soaking wet. The woman’s head fell back, and the man
instinctively ravished the base of her throat before lifting his head and
swallowing the sounds of ecstasy that whimpered from her parted
lips. Totally mesmerized, Emma felt both disgusted and aroused by
such a public display of sexual promiscuity. How could this wanton
woman orgasm with her clothes on? Surely it had to be impossible?
Jessica’s soft voice broke her bubble. “I can see you’re interested
in what’s happening on the stage, sweetie. That’s Master Hunter, with
his latest sub. The guy is ex-military.”
Emma studied the tall, stocky man with short blond hair. His bare
arms were strong and well defined with muscle. They sported tribal
tattoos that swept down his biceps and forearms. Could he be Orion?
Jessica continued. “It’s early yet, so not everyone is here.” She
pointed across the room. “Those two guys sitting together over in the
corner are Master Matthew and Master Ethan. They’re the Strong
brothers. They own the club. Whatever they say goes. If someone gets
out of hand, they deal with it. They’re a real pair of kick-ass guys.
Nobody fucks with them.”
Emma glanced across the room. Both men appeared in their
midthirties. One wore his dark hair short. His face was rugged, with
deep lines etched either side of his mouth. The other, similar in looks,
had slightly longer hair which fell about the collar of his tight leather
18 Jan Bowles

shirt. They were big, powerful men. A woman on her own wouldn’t
stand a chance. Was one or both of them the mysterious Orion?
Jessica leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “Listen up,
sweetie, at the end of the bar is Master Zane. The guy’s a real stallion.
He’s always in demand, but he’s also very choosy. He’s a real man. A
guy that can stretch your limits in ways you’d never believed
Emma felt her heart thumping in her chest as she looked across at
the man Jessica was breathily describing. At that precise moment
Master Zane turned and stared right back at her. His deep blue eyes
pierced her inner tranquility. It was as if he’d stripped away her very
soul. God, he had a rugged beauty that was breathtaking. Aged about
forty, his muscular body and short dark hair demanded her attention.
Master Zane wore a white shirt open to his waist. She could clearly
see his athletic chest and abs for herself. Could this be Orion? If any
man could turn Chloe’s head, it was him.
Master Zane nodded in their direction. A slight smile to his lips.
“Jessica, you must introduce me to your new friend.”
“This is Emma, Master Zane. It’s her first time here.”
“Good to meet you, Emma. Let me get you a drink.”
Feeling compromised, Emma nervously replied, “No, thank you.
I–I’m perfectly all right.” If she accepted a drink, he might want
something in exchange.
“I insist, we’re all friends here.” He waved the barman over.
“Todd, get these ladies whatever they want, and put it on my tab.”
“Sure thing, Zane.”
Feeling overwhelmed by this beautiful man’s attention, Emma
finally relented. “Just freshly squeezed orange juice topped up with a
little lemonade, thank you.” Her whole body thrummed, and she
visibly squirmed in her seat. Sitting at the other end of the bar, she felt
his penetrating eyes intimately exploring her. A blush of heat burned
its way from her breasts, up her neck, until it reached her face. If the
floor opened up and swallowed her whole, she’d be truly grateful. She
Master of Submission 19

flicked him a quick look. To her horror he was still absorbing

everything about her, including her surreptitious glance in his
He burst out laughing, and walked across to her. She felt like a
small child sitting at her desk waiting for the teacher to admonish her.
He leaned down and whispered close to her ear, “No need to be
scared.” She felt his hot breath tracing across her skin. “It’s only a
drink.” He tenderly tilted her chin and turned her to look at him. His
fingers glanced across her skin, sending molten heat surging through
her veins. What the hell was wrong with her? She was a qualified
lawyer, for Christ’s sake. She could drop the most hardened criminal
to his knees with just a few choice words. When she raised her eyes to
his, he seemed to overwhelm her. “We’ll talk later, when you’re a
little more relaxed.”
Unable to speak, Emma nodded dumbly. She needed to pull
herself together. He was just a man, nothing more. As a lawyer, she
needed to remain objective at all times. It was the only way she could
amass the evidence that might lead her to Chloe. It would be foolish
to turn down his friendly invitation. Besides, Master Zane was the
most beautiful man she’d ever seen. “Okay,” she finally managed to
blurt out.
“Excellent, until then, I’ll leave you in Jessica’s capable hands.”
He turned and strode away, heading for a door that lead to who knew
Jessica sighed. “Oh, he’s so adorable when he’s being nice.”
“You really are a naïve little thing, aren’t you, sweetie? He can be
extremely loving, but he can also administer corrective punishment as
and when required.”
Although she was well aware that Submission was a BDSM club,
she still felt a little shocked by Jessica’s casual comments. “And has
he punished you?”
20 Jan Bowles

“Sure he has, sweetie. All the Masters have.” Jessica looked proud
of herself as she explained, “Sometimes I act like a spoilt brat just to
catch the Master’s eye.” She hugged her arms around herself. “Umm,
it’s so sexy. There’s nothing quite like having their attention focused
solely on you, be it punishment or praise. I just adore being flogged
naked by a sexy Dom. It’s why I come here. How about you? What’s
your kink?”
“Kink?” Emma swallowed hard. If she’d been taking a sip of her
drink, she’d have choked on it. “I don’t have a kink. A girlfriend of
mine recommended I came here. She said I’d enjoy it.” That’s it, play
it cool. I knew I’d eventually get around to bringing up the subject of
“What’s your friend’s name? I probably know her if she’s a
regular here.”
“Chloe, Chloe Watts.”
Jessica frowned, and shook her head. “No, sorry. I don’t know any
Chloe. If she comes here, she may use a scene name. Many people do.
What does she look like? Describe her to me.”
Before Emma had a chance to respond, Jessica waved
enthusiastically at someone across the room. She squeezed her hand.
“Gotta go, sweetie. Master Cole needs me, he’s just arrived and won’t
tolerate being ignored.”
Left alone, Emma had far more questions than answers. She
thought for a moment. In the messages, Orion had referred to Chloe
by name. He had her e-mail address. She obviously trusted him.
Totally lost in thought, it took her a while to realize that someone
had sat down next to her. When she turned, it wasn’t Jessica’s smiling
face she saw, but a man she’d yet to be introduced to. His chin wore a
five-o’clock shadow, and his ruddy complexion led her to believe
he’d been drinking heavily before he arrived. Club Submission only
served alcohol on certain evenings, such as special events and private
parties, and tonight was not one of them.
Master of Submission 21

He casually tossed a handful of peanuts into his mouth as he

stared intently at her. “I’m Aiden.”
His poor manners didn’t endear him to her. “Should I be
impressed by that?”
“Care to join me in the Hot Zone?”
Emma shook her head. She felt her body turn rigid when she smelt
the stench of alcohol on his breath. “I’m happy here.” In blissful,
unenlightened ignorance.
“That’s not very friendly now, is it?” His hand snaked around her
wrist. “I don’t take no for an answer, lady. You and I are gonna get
better acquainted. Makes no difference to me whether you like me or
not.” He began pulling her from her seat.
Events were starting to get out of hand. Panic began to creep into
the corners of her mind. Could this obnoxious, drunken man really be
Orion? How the hell had she got herself into this situation?
22 Jan Bowles

Chapter Three

When Zane heard a feminine scream coming from the bar area, he
knew without doubt that Emma was in trouble. He sprinted across to
her. With no time to waste he locked his arm around Aiden’s neck.
Using his other hand, he released Aiden’s hold from Emma, twisting
his arm hard behind his back until the big guy cried out in pain. He’d
never really liked Aiden. He’d always thought he was an abusive
prick. The guy simply had no understanding of women. They steered
clear of him as best they could.
Aiden cried out as he dragged him off Emma, “You’re breaking
my fucking arm, Zane. Get the fuck off me.”
“No chance, Aiden. What the hell is going on? Has this prick hurt
you, Emma?” he demanded as Matthew and Ethan quickly joined
them. Emma looked a little shocked, but otherwise okay.
Unable to speak, she just shook her head. Her hand repeatedly
patted her throat as she fought for breath. “No…I think…I’m okay,”
she finally managed to say in a strangled voice.
Ethan spoke, his eyes blazing angrily. “I’ve warned you before
about this sort of thing, Aiden. You’re banned.”
They all knew Aiden’s wife had left him and his two kids, to
shack up with a female Domme. He felt sure he was feeling pretty
bruised and battered emotionally, but there was no excuse for his
behavior. Safety of club members was of paramount importance,
especially new members and subs. If they didn’t feel they were in a
safe environment, then they wouldn’t come back. Of course, that
knowledge didn’t help Emma. He saw her visibly shaking.
Master of Submission 23

Matthew had obviously taken in the situation, too, because he

said, “Emma, as the newest member of our club, please accept our
apologies. This isn’t typical of what happens at Club Submission.”
“I’ll have to take your word for it,” she answered breathlessly.
“Zane, take Emma to the Chill-out Zone. Ethan and I will deal
with Aiden.” Grabbing an arm each, they both roughly hauled him
“Guys, I’m no threat to nobody.” Aiden protested as the club-
owning brothers dragged him unceremoniously outside. Matthew and
Ethan had become good friends with Zane over the years. There was a
mutual respect between them all. They treated everyone fairly,
although they clearly wouldn’t take any shit when club members
disrespected the rules. He knew Aiden wouldn’t be allowed in the
club again. Good. He was a sad, pathetic prick at the best of times.
He heard Matthew speak in a strong, angry voice. “Aiden, fuck
off and don’t come back. You’re not welcome here any longer.”
Zane turned his attention to Emma. He noticed her shivering. He
put his arm around her shoulder and guided her toward the Chill-out
Zone. It was a small, enclosed area of around three hundred square
feet, which provided comfortable seating and soft, intimate lighting. It
was the perfect place to get to know her better. After a few steps, she
stiffened beneath his fingertips.
“No, wait. Stop. Where are you taking me? I’m not comfortable
with this.”
“It’s okay, Emma. I’m taking you to the Chill-out Zone. You’ll be
perfectly safe with me. Trust me, I won’t let anything or anyone harm
“I thought I was safe by the bar.”
He detected a hint of sarcasm and smiled down at her. Her cheeks
were flushed, and her pretty lips parted. Her innocent charm aroused
him. He made a promise to himself that he would claim that beautiful,
sensual mouth before the night ended. “The Chill-out Zone is an area
you can relax in. No one will bother you there.” He pointed to several
24 Jan Bowles

inviting sofas and armchairs, in a roped off area. “When you’re sitting
here, everyone knows you want to be left alone. They will respect
your wishes. If they don’t, they will never see the inside of the club
again. Matthew and Ethan will see to that. You can just sit here and
observe, until you feel ready to rejoin the scene.”
“Okay, Zane. I’m going to trust you, until you give me a reason
not to.”
Her perfect enunciation intrigued him. When they were finally
seated together on a large, brown leather sofa, he asked, “That accent.
You’re not from Boston or anywhere else in the States, are you?”
She smiled sweetly, showing perfect white teeth. “Is it that
obvious? I’m from England. I was born and grew up in Oxfordshire.”
Now that she didn’t perceive him as a threat, it was amazing how
relaxed she became. Emma leaned back and let her hands rest openly
in her lap. The short leather skirt she wore barely covered her thighs,
revealing plenty of soft, feminine flesh. Flesh he wanted to explore
slowly, inch by inch, with his fingers and lips. He wanted this woman.
At this precise moment he wanted her more than anything else in the
world. He longed to run his tongue along her feminine slit and taste
her sweet, wet cunt.
“So you’re an Englishwoman.” The idea amused him, and truth be
known it turned him on, too. He couldn’t stop a smile forming on his
She held his gaze. “And just what exactly is wrong with being
English?” She was almost teasing him.
Zane raised his hands, palm up to placate her. “Believe me,
nothing. Nothing at all from where I’m sitting. I just have this idea in
my head that all English ladies spend their day sipping tea with the
local vicar,” he quipped, knowing full well it wasn’t true. The idea of
having a well-spoken English rose with a cut-glass accent as his sub
was a real turn-on.
Master of Submission 25

Emma smiled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “I believe

you’ve been watching too much Miss Marple on the TV, Zane. We
don’t all sit around eating jam and scones.”
“No. I guess not, if you’re here.”
She opened her mouth as though she were going to speak, and
then closed it again on a simple sigh.
He prompted. “You were about to say.”
“Nothing really. I was just curious. Is Zane your real name? Or is
it a scene name like a number of club members seem to use?”
“No, Zane is my real name.” He didn’t shout from the rooftops
that he frequented a BDSM club. He had a business to run, and he
needed to keep his personal and private life separate from each other.
But he certainly wasn’t ashamed of his involvement with Submission.
Far from it.
“Interesting. My friend Chloe suggested I come here tonight.” She
stared right at him, her bright blue eyes watching his every move.
“You might know her.”
Zane shook his head. “The name doesn’t ring a bell.”
“She’s about five foot five, and weighs around nine stone. She has
jet-black hair which she wears short and spiky.”
Zane couldn’t help but laugh. “Nine stone? We work in pounds
over here. Submission has more than five hundred members in total,
Emma. A lot of women who come here could fit that description.
Could be anyone of a dozen or more. Point her out to me when she
“I will.” She glanced over his shoulder at the door, which led to
the Hot Zone, and then quickly looked away. He knew she wanted to
know what lay on the other side. Maybe he’d show her when the time
was right.
Emma was an enigma. She appeared confident, yet vulnerable,
too. He wondered what she did for a living. It was unusual for people
to divulge their private lives at the club. Though if you were
perceptive, you could certainly pick up a few clues. Zane let his gaze
26 Jan Bowles

slide down Emma’s beautiful body. Experience told him he could

learn a lot from a woman’s body language.
Her bright mane of blonde hair spun out in a stream of tight curls.
He imagined she had trouble keeping it under control. Just the thought
of weaving his fingers through it, and tilting her head back as he
kissed her for the first time, stiffened his cock into a steel rod.
Zane adjusted his position on the seat to alleviate the ache in his
leather jeans. He could already tell Emma would be a hard nut to
crack. Yes, she was at a BDSM club, but she didn’t seem in any rush
to join in the scene. He realized then, that she might even leave this
evening with just her curiosity satisfied.
Diamond studs with heart-shaped droplets dripped expensively
from her exquisitely shaped earlobes. They glinted and shimmered
every time she moved her head. He’d seen enough diamonds in his
business life to know they weren’t fake. Emma—if that was her real
name—liked nice things, and could afford them, too.
He let his gaze trail lower. Her breasts, held in a tight leather bra,
rose into a tantalizing cleavage. It jiggled sexily every time she
breathed. He imagined himself squeezing those breasts together, and
hungrily sucking on them, before applying clamps to her taut little
nipples. Her bare stomach undulated, and her womanly hips flared
seductively. Her hands rested on top of her skimpy leather skirt. There
was no wedding band on her finger, though that didn’t preclude her
from being married.
Elegant, long, smooth legs gave way to perfect, tiny feet. Each
toenail neatly manicured and painted with a bright red polish. The
gold sandals she wore had delicate leather straps that circled each
ankle. He imagined leather restraints, taking their place as he spread
her legs wide for his own personal pleasure.
Zane leaned back in his seat and smiled. It was going to be a long
night. His observations led him to conclude that Emma, although a
natural sub, would fight against his control. Outside, in the real world,
he figured she was her own woman. Most likely she had a high-
Master of Submission 27

rolling job, and managed her own destiny. She was successful in her
own right. She wouldn’t take kindly to being mastered. Even if that
was what she needed to achieve full sexual satisfaction in the
He just caught her surreptitious glance over his shoulder again.
“You keep looking at the door that leads to the Hot Zone. Would you
like to see what’s on the other side?” he asked casually.
“I don’t know, Zane. That depends what’s on the other side.”
He smiled, and gently touched her hand. “Every sexual fantasy
you could possibly think of, Emma.” His highly evocative words
hung in the electrified air between them.
She stared once more in the direction of the door, and then licked
her lips. Emma was clearly an intelligent and sophisticated woman.
He wondered if curiosity would get the better of her. He figured she
wanted to know, but feared what she might find there. He held out his
“Emma, listen to me. The one word we respect here, more than
any other, is the word no. Forcing someone to do something against
their will is totally unacceptable, and certainly a big turnoff. So I ask
you again, Emma. Would you like to see what’s on the other side of
the door?”
She took a deep breath before answering. “As an observer, yes.
But as a participant, no.” She smiled. “I’m too nervous.”
“Then allow me to be your guide. You’ll be quite safe with me. I
promise.” He meant what he said, too. He noticed she was
apprehensive. It was part of his duty as a Dom to guide the
development of a new sub.
He felt immense satisfaction when she placed her small trembling
hand in his. “Then I thank you for your protection, Master Zane.”
28 Jan Bowles

Chapter Four

Emma felt intoxicated with the sights and sounds happening all
around. The seductive environment simply overwhelmed her. Like a
lure, the hedonistic lifestyle drew her in. Now there were even more
scantily dressed couples dancing provocatively on the revolving stage.
She had to make a conscious effort not to stare at them.
Her heart rate rose, making her breathing all the more noticeable.
She wondered if Zane could tell she was turned on. She immediately
pushed the intrusive thoughts away. What did it matter? She was just
curious to know what lay on the other side of the secretive door.
Exactly what had her friend Chloe really been into?
With her hand held snuggly in Zane’s big strong grasp, she didn’t
feel quite so nervous. As she walked beside him, she realized that he
must be around six foot three. He was so tall and beautifully toned.
Her gaze kept flicking to his strong biceps and chest muscles. She
knew he must work out to create such well-defined abs. When he
finally pushed the door open, he beckoned her in with an index finger,
and she tentatively followed his lead.
It took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust to the subdued
lighting. As everything came into focus, it soon became apparent that
they were in a much larger room. In the center stood an island that
was divided up into several smaller areas. It looked rather like a stage
set of a Hollywood movie, with different scenes being played out at
each station.
Still holding her hand and occasionally squeezing it for comfort,
Zane guided her around the perimeter. Lots of people in various
stages of undress, some completely naked, stood in front of each set.
Master of Submission 29

Despite straining her neck, she was unable to see what was
happening. With a word from Zane the audience parted, and she
moved to the front for a better view. The medium-sized area was
made up like a dungeon. A man was tying a naked woman up with
coils of rope. Feeling like a voyeur, Emma’s first reaction was to
leave. Recoiling, she immediately backed into Zane’s hard body
standing right behind her. His skin felt warm on her back, and the
breath spilled from her lungs in short, sharp pants. With his hands
resting on her shoulders, he leaned in and whispered against her ear,
“Easy, easy. I’m right here. You’re perfectly safe. Master Cole and
Jessica are demonstrating the art of shibari. It’s a very erotic form of
It was only when he mentioned her name that Emma recognized
the naked woman. The pretty brunette who’d shown her around the
club seemed to be enjoying the experience.
Master Cole spoke. “When you’ve checked that the ropes are not
too tight, you can then attach the hoist.” He clipped several hooks to
the ropes tightly binding Jessica, and using a set of pulleys, he lifted
her naked body from the floor. The ropes crisscrossed her body,
dividing her breasts, and spreading her legs wide apart. Master Cole
engaged the audience again. “Now you have your sub exactly where
you want her. You can administer a little punishment, or pleasure as
required. If your sub is disrespectful, a spanking may be in order. On
the other hand, if your sub has pleased her Master, he may feel
benevolent.” He gently kissed Jessica’s forehead as she swung
helplessly five feet from the floor. “What’s it to be, slave? Do you
deserve your Master’s displeasure or approval?”
“You decide, Master.”
Emma couldn’t drag her eyes away as Master Cole massaged the
entire length of Jessica’s body with his hands. By the time he’d
finished, Jessica was panting, and begging with sexual frustration.
Emma felt her panties moisten. She was shocked and disgusted
with herself, but she couldn’t stop looking as Master Cole moved
30 Jan Bowles

between Jessica’s widely spread legs and licked the entire length of
her shaven slit. When his tongue contacted her clitoris, sexual moans
and whimpers spilled from Jessica’s lips.
“Please, Master Cole. Please.” Jessica’s body arched and twisted
repeatedly against her bindings, to first a ripple and then a roar of
applause from the audience. Emma’s mouth fell open in astonishment.
Surely a woman needed more time to climax? Perhaps it had all been
an act. Even so, the whole scene had been intensely arousing. So
much so, her body shook with adrenaline. With his hands still resting
easily on her shoulders, she was sure Zane felt her trembling, too.
“How do you feel?” he asked as he guided her along to the next
“Is that all?”
“Yes.” She certainly wasn’t going to tell a complete stranger she
was turned on.
Zane chuckled, but didn’t argue. The next scene contained a
female Domme wearing skyscraper-high heels. Whip in hand, she
walked slowly and authoritatively over the back and ass of a naked
man. Despite his submissive moans and whimpers, he was clearly
enjoying himself. However, watching his ritual humiliation did
nothing for her, unlike the previous scene.
“Not to your taste?” Emma asked as Zane guided her away.
He smiled. “Absolutely not. I need to be in charge to get my
kicks. But if you’d like to—”
“Oh, no. I’m quite happy to continue. I’ll just see a little more of
what Submission has to offer, and then I won’t take up any more of
your valuable time.”
Zane nodded as he stared down at her. His eyes scanned her face,
and a faint smile drifted to his lips.
“Why are you here, Emma?” he asked very quietly.
“Curiosity, nothing more. As I said earlier, my friend Chloe
suggested I pay a visit.” She wasn’t going to tell him she was looking
Master of Submission 31

for clues to her friend’s disappearance. Even if it was proving harder

than she’d anticipated.
“Hmm, and what are your first impressions?”
“Not sure yet. I need more time to make an informed opinion.” He
clearly wanted to know how she felt about the erotic scenes she’d just
witnessed. But she wasn’t going to admit it to herself, least of all a
stranger. It had all taken her completely by surprise.
Changing the subject, she pointed to the next scene. “Surely that’s
dangerous.” A naked woman lay handcuffed to a bed, with a man
dripping hot candle wax between her breasts. The woman squirmed
with the intensity, but she didn’t cry out. She was clearly getting off
on it, and Emma had no doubt she was a willing participant.
They stood and observed for a while. She was acutely aware of
Zane’s presence. His large hands still rested gently on her shoulders.
The guy demonstrating turned to the gathering audience before
describing in great detail the type of wax that should be used. She
never realized there were so many different types. She learned they
didn’t all melt at the same temperature. Apparently some waxes were
safe to use, while others were not. Emma was pleasantly surprised
how safety conscious they were at Submission.
After a while, they walked past a couple preparing for a teacher-
pupil scene. On a blackboard were the words “must do better” written
in chalk, and a single cane lay on the desk. “It wouldn’t take a genius
to guess what happens next,” Emma commented as they strolled past.
Zane took hold of her hand and led her to the side, well away from
other club members. He caressed her face with the lightest touch of
his fingertips. “So what does happen next, Emma? Do you want to
“I–I don’t know what you—”
He smiled, and looked tenderly at her. “You’re an enigma all
right. I can’t quite figure you out. You’re dressed right for the scene,
but I get the feeling that you’re really just an innocent. A mere baby,
when it comes to knowing exactly what goes on here.”
32 Jan Bowles

“What do you mean?”

“I know you were sexually aroused, watching the show Jessica
and Cole put on.”
Emma wasn’t about to admit anything of the sort. She hadn’t been
brought up that way. “I wasn’t. I—”
“You don’t have to be scared of your own feelings. Just be true to
She lied again. “I am.” Feeling slightly irritated with his
perceptive observations, she added cuttingly, “You don’t know me.
We’ve only just met—”
At that moment he threaded his fingers through her hair. For such
a powerful man, his surprisingly tender touch caught her off guard,
and she allowed him to angle her face to his. He leaned down and
pressed his lips to hers. His kiss felt so gentle. She closed her eyes
and sighed in utter contentment. No man had ever kissed her this
sensually before. When her lips parted, he deepened the kiss, sliding
his tongue inside her mouth.
It had been a long time since she’d been kissed—too long. She
responded by threading her arms around his neck, and kissing him
back. Her skin where it touched his felt electrified. Tiny pinpricks
rippled and pulsed as she tried to get even closer.
Zane pressed her back against the wall. A waist-high shelf ran
around the edge of the room. He placed his hands under her butt, and
effortlessly lifted her onto it. Her legs automatically spread apart, and
he moved between them. Through his leather jeans, she felt his hard
erection pinning her in place. It pushed and twitched against the
crotch of her moist panties. My God, that feels good. Too good. As he
continued the kiss, she felt thoroughly possessed by him, and
whimpered against his mouth with pure pleasure. Each time she
squirmed with enjoyment, she ground her pussy against his hard
Like a bolt from the blue, Emma suddenly realized where she was
and what she was doing. “Zane, I’m not sure. I—”
Master of Submission 33

When he pulled away, molten heat shone in his gaze. “Don’t fight
your feelings, baby. Go with them.” He unclasped her hands from
around his neck and then held them at her side. “Shhh, everything is
okay. Everything is just fine.”
His comforting words made her rock her pussy against his prick
once more. Her skirt had ridden high up her thighs, and she saw her
panties pressed against the ridge of his erection. Even through the
leather of his black jeans, his dick looked huge. Reluctantly she
dragged her gaze away from the impressive bulge and looked right at
He whispered in her ear, “You like the feel of my hard dick
against your pussy. No point in denying it. Tell me the truth. I’ll know
if you’re lying.”
Emma longed to say yes, because he spoke the truth, but what she
was doing was completely out of character. Anger surged in her veins,
and she clamped her mouth shut. This wasn’t like her at all. She’d
always been in control. She’d had no idea that feeling helpless and
vulnerable could be such a serious turn-on, especially with a man like
Zane. His blue eyes searched her face as he waited for her answer.
She finally relented.
“You know I’m turned on. So why ask?”
“Because I want to hear it from your own lips, in that beautiful
cut-glass English accent of yours.”
“Okay, I’m turned on.”
“I think you meant to say, ‘Yes, I’m turned on. Thank you, Master
She was fully aware he was trying to overpower her with his
personality and presence. Should she stand her ground? Did she want
to? The words demurely slipped from her lips without any effort
whatsoever. “You turn me on. Thank you, Master Zane.”
“So when was the last time you orgasmed, if ever?”
Heat rose in her cheeks. She hadn’t expected him to ask that.
“That’s none of your bu—”
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“Baby, the only thing between my cock and your pussy is a scrap
of lace and my zipper. I’m making it my business.”
“I can’t remember,” she murmured miserably. It was
embarrassing just thinking about it. She must be useless in bed. It was
one of the reasons why she dated so very rarely. Emma bit down on
her bottom lip. “I dated a man last Christmas. We were together for
about three months in total. He tried everything he knew to give me
an orgasm, but couldn’t. He gave up in the end.” She raised her eyes
to his. The breath hitched in her throat at the way he looked at her. He
was so primal and masculine.
Zane kissed her lightly on the mouth. “See, confiding in me didn’t
hurt, did it?”
Emma was aware she blushed. “No, but it’s embarrassing.”
“Do you trust me, Emma?”
Master of Submission 35

Chapter Five

“What do you want from me?” she asked nervously. His cock, still
encased in his tight leather jeans, pressed erotically against the front
of her panties.
“I want to kiss you.”
A feeling of relief flooded through her. For a brief moment, she’d
visualized him dragging her into some seedy back room, where he’d
force her to have weird, kinky sex against her will. Beginning to feel a
little more confident now, she raised her chin, unafraid to hold his
gaze. “We’ve already kissed.”
“I want more.”
A tight coil of nervous energy twisted in her stomach. Zane stood
so achingly close to her, his wonderful masculine scent drifting to her
nostrils. She noticed long, dark lashes curling around his incredible,
striking blue eyes. His short brown hair fell about his forehead, and
was cut neatly around his handsome face. Traces of stubble showed
on his masculine jaw. Her gaze drifted to his full mouth. His lips were
soft and slightly parted.
“Okay, Master Zane,” she whispered submissively, knowing full
well that she was feeding his ego. Unable, and unwilling to lose eye
contact with him, she watched mesmerized as he slowly lowered his
head to hers.
He still held her hands. She liked it when he linked his fingers
through hers, grazing his thumbs over her palms. Just that simple
contact made the breath hitch in her throat. She parted her lips.
Waiting for him.
36 Jan Bowles

He held himself mere millimeters away. His lips now lay poised
directly above hers, as he observed her every move. “You’re such a
cutie,” he whispered softly.
He lifted her arms above her head and pinned them against the
wall. This authoritative action caused her spine to arch, and her clit
finally came into contact with his erect penis. Even through the
material of their clothing it felt highly sexual and erotic. She moaned
softly in appreciation.
“Shhh, baby, you’re perfectly safe. For the next five minutes you
belong to me. Mind, body, and soul.”
Instead of being frightened by his words, they excited her. It was a
heady aphrodisiac to be totally controlled by a man like Zane. When
his mouth finally covered hers, she felt thoroughly possessed by him.
His tongue slid deep inside her mouth and tangled with hers. His
broad masculine chest pressed against her breasts. She felt her nipples
chafe on the inside of her leather bra, and she knew they’d formed
into tight, pebbled nubs.
The feel of his hard shaft pressing between her legs, and the
knowledge that her clit was constantly being stimulated, made her
moan—a deep, heady reverberating moan that surfaced at the back of
her throat. The vibrations spread along her tongue as Zane sucked
heavily on it, teasing it slowly into his mouth.
He controlled her. At that precise moment in time Zane owned
her. Never before had she felt so vulnerable, yet so turned on. Her
whole body arched, making her even more aware of her hands held
captive high above her head. The entire length of his cock pressed
wonderfully between her legs. With her sexual nub pleasured into
sensory overload, her womb ached for him. That wonderful deep
ache, that sent a tight coil of pleasure to her pussy. She felt her vagina
contract and pulse in response.
Her mind went numb. All that mattered was the here and now.
The undeniable enjoyment she felt being restrained and sexually
stimulated made her clit throb. It felt superengorged, as though on
Master of Submission 37

fire. Moans of exquisite pleasure began drifting from her as she

surrendered all will and fight to this gorgeous, sexy man. The room
they were in, and the sounds she heard, all receded into the
background. It was just Zane, beautiful Zane, slowly opening the
closed door of her mind.
Every zone he touched on her body burned with sensual pleasure.
Her mouth, her palms, her nipples, her thighs, her pussy. Oh, God,
especially my pussy. It throbbed and pulsed until she felt ready to
explode. The closed door in her mind finally swung wide open.
She just needed a little more…pressure.
Emma arched back, grinding her clit against his prick, and the
whole world exploded around her. A million nerve endings popped
and zinged, allowing powerful endorphins to flood her brain. Unable
to move, her body rocked violently against his, as her orgasm finally
took hold. Zane squeezed her hands more tightly, as he swallowed her
intense whimpers of ecstasy.


Still holding Emma firmly in place, Zane slowed the movement of

his lips until he finally lifted from her. He whispered seductively in
her ear, “Baby, I promise you this. It will feel even better when you’re
lying under me, and my prick is impaled deep inside that cute pussy
of yours.” He felt immense satisfaction when his words made her
squirm beneath him. This was what he enjoyed most, controlling a
woman. Especially one who was new to the BDSM scene.
Unable to speak, Emma rested her head back against the wall as
she fought for composure. She looked startled by what had just
happened and worriedly glanced around the room. By the look on her
face, he could tell he’d rocked the very foundations she’d always
believed in. Gone forever was the notion that she needed tender words
and deeds to achieve sexual satisfaction. Now she knew differently.
By dominating her, he’d opened her mind to the possibilities of a new
38 Jan Bowles

type of sexual relationship. As a Dom, it was his duty to help Emma

explore her submissive side.
Looking a little dazed and bewildered, she murmured, “I don’t
know what happened. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing here.”
She started to panic, trying to pull away.
Zane wanted to keep her captive a while longer, so he resisted the
urge to let her go. “Shhh, it’s all right, baby. I know you’re a little
disorientated right now, but I can teach you to accept these new
feelings. You just have to trust—”
“This wasn’t what…” She shook her head. “This…I never
planned this.” She closed her eyes. “Oh, God what have I done?
People are staring at us, staring at me. I am not a sexual exhibit for
perverted people to stare at.” He could sense the anger in her voice.
“Emma, Emma, listen to me. Shhh.” He realized she was almost
hysterical. “No one here gives a damn about us. By the time they
return home, they’ll have forgotten everything that happened here.
Submission members are only interested in their own sexual
“But you don’t understand the real reason I came here…” Her
mouth clamped shut, and her eyes darkened. “Zane, let me go.”
“Baby, if I let you go, I get the feeling I’ll never see you again.”
“Zane, let me go,” she said it more forcefully.
“I know what’s just happened has shocked you. I just want to help
you adjust, that’s all.”
“No.” Her voice was hard and uncompromising. “You told me the
one word you respect here, more than any other, is the word no. Have
you changed your mind? Were you lying to me?”
Zane stepped back and let her go. Her frosty stare as she rubbed
her aching shoulders told the complete story. Emma was frightened
by her own feelings. By turning on him, she was building a very large
wall between them.
It was ironic. This beautiful, sexy, Englishwoman had the perfect
temperament for a sub, but she just didn’t want to acknowledge it. He
Master of Submission 39

knew she was someone who would blossom in the lifestyle. Although
he’d only known her for a few hours, he hoped he could share her
journey to sexual enlightenment.
He tried again. “Emma, we need to talk this through.”
“Zane, you’re a very attractive man. I’ve no doubt you have a
never-ending supply of women falling at your feet.” Emma slid off
the shelf, and began adjusting her clothes. He could tell she was
annoyed with both of them. When she was satisfied with her
appearance, she looked straight at him, unafraid to hold his gaze.
“This time your ego will have to take a nosedive. Let there be no
misunderstanding. This can never happen again. I’m leaving”—she
raised her chin defiantly—“right now.”
Zane stepped away and opened his arms wide, giving her room to
move freely. Were she his sub, he’d have laid her across his knee and
given her a bare-ass spanking for talking to her Master in such a
disrespectful manner. But alas, she wasn’t his sub, much as he wanted
her to be. He could only watch with regret as she began making her
way toward the door. A cloud of fragrant blonde hair bobbed and
bounced down her ramrod-straight back, as she hurried to the exit.
Her long legs seemed to go on forever. Damn, that beautiful body
would have been a joy to explore. Emma would surely have proved to
be a wonderful and worthy sub. He could almost visualize the endless
hours of pleasure as he trained her to his exacting standards. What a
pity she was too scared to try it for real. He figured she’d just been
curious. Most likely she was a frigid Englishwoman, hankering after a
little sexual excitement. Well, she’d certainly found that here at
Submission, but she couldn’t quite handle it.
Feeling thoroughly pissed, Zane massaged the back of his neck as
she finally walked through the door and disappeared from his life for
good. As he looked around the club, he had the sudden urge to leave,
too. Submission just didn’t have the same appeal, now that his
beautiful English rose had left.
40 Jan Bowles

For the first time since joining the club six years ago, Zane
decided to leave early.
Master of Submission 41

Chapter Six

Emma hurriedly collected her coat from reception, and

immediately dashed from the building. Such was her desire to leave,
she almost fell down the small flight of steps in her effort to get away.
Outside, the slight drizzle cooled down her overheated body as she
ran across the parking lot. Desperate to leave, she hadn’t even
bothered to put her coat on.
Still, at least she’d had the foresight to park her hire car close by.
She zapped the remote and unlocked the doors of the Chrysler. When
she got inside, she made a point of locking them.
Her hands were shaking as she sat behind the wheel. What the
fuck had she just done? She was supposed to be searching for her best
friend, Chloe. Instead, she’d willingly indulged in a seedy sexual
encounter with a man she barely knew. Tears streamed down her face,
and in frustration, she repeatedly banged her fists against the steering
wheel, sobbing with disgust at herself.
She shook her head. She’d enjoyed it, too. Just what the hell was
wrong with her? She’d never acted like that before in her life. She’d
never even had a desire to. Zane had simply overwhelmed her. He’d
overpowered her with his sexual magnetism. Even so, how could she
orgasm like that in front of a group of strangers? Christ, what the hell
have you done, woman? Zane had restrained her, and his dominant
actions had seriously turned her on. Did that make her some sort of
kinky pervert?
She laughed hysterically. All those incredibly embarrassing times
when her boyfriends had simply given up because their hands, wrists,
42 Jan Bowles

and cocks had become too tired to continue stimulating her. Zane had
made climaxing seem so simple.
She muttered sarcastically to herself. “If only I’d known I could
be cured with a set of restraints. I could have saved myself years of
orgasm-free humiliation. Instead I’ve just embarrassed myself with a
guy I hardly know. He must think I’m a sad, pathetic woman, who
can’t control her animal urges.”
Rain began to fall heavily, slashing across the windshield, and
flowing like a torrent down the screen. A chink of light caught her
attention as the door to Submission opened, and a tall, well-built
figure descended the steps.
A man dressed in a tailored suit held a coat above his head as he
hurried to his car. He turned in her direction as he opened the door
and slid inside, out of the rain. The breath caught in her throat. It was
Zane. She was sure of it. Gone were the black leather jeans, and in
their place lay a conservative suit, collar, and tie. He looked like a
well-heeled businessman. Perhaps he was a guy who worked in the
Could Zane be Orion? Did he know where her best friend was? If
she followed him, would he lead her to Chloe? At least she would
know for sure if he were involved with her disappearance.
She still couldn’t believe her foolishness and uninhibited sexual
behavior. She was a trained lawyer, for God’s sake. From now on, she
vowed to remain strictly professional.
The powerful headlights of the Mercedes illuminated the parking
lot, almost blinding her. Worried that he might spot her, Emma slid
down the seat as he drove past. “Shit.” She swore as she put the car
into drive and followed at a discreet distance. She’d never get used to
driving an automatic. It just wasn’t natural to drive a car where the
gears changed themselves. Living in England, she’d always preferred
a manual. She always liked being in control. Or so she thought.
Feeling annoyed with herself, Emma shook her head as she
concentrated on the traffic. “Pity you didn’t stay in control tonight,
Master of Submission 43

instead of submitting to the will of a complete stranger.” God, he was

so attractive. His deep, sexy voice and the way he’d acted mesmerized
her. Zane had simply bewitched her.
Afraid that she may lose him in the traffic, she gripped the
steering wheel tighter, and threaded the car closer to his. There was
no way she’d let him get away. As they drove through the suburbs, it
soon became clear that Zane lived out of town. When a set of traffic
lights halted her progress, she saw his car disappearing into the
distance. If he turned off the main highway, she knew she’d lose him
“Come on, come on,” she grumbled impatiently through gritted
teeth, as the lights remained stubbornly on red. “I can’t lose him. Not
When the light finally turned green, Emma breathed a sigh of
relief. “About time, too.” She floored the accelerator and took off
after him once again. Initially, she thought she’d lost him, but after a
few minutes, she spotted the silver Mercedes cruising a couple of
hundred yards ahead of her.
“You’re not getting away from me this time, mister.”
For another twenty minutes she followed him at a discreet
distance, until eventually, he indicated and turned down an unmarked
road. She looked around for familiar landmarks. Nothing. They
appeared to be driving in the middle of nowhere. Large open spaces
filled the darkness. After another ten minutes he turned onto an
impressive driveway. It meandered for almost half a mile through
mature trees, immaculate gardens, and shrubs. In the distance she
could just make out an impressive colonial property lit up like a
“Wow.” So Zane had money. An intrusive thought drifted through
her mind. He probably had a wife and kids, too.
Most likely he used Club Submission to get his kicks, and then
returned to a life of boring normality as though nothing had happened.
44 Jan Bowles

Not wishing to be seen, Emma hid her car beneath a large oak
tree. Shrugging on her coat she stepped out into the cold and heavily
raining November night.
Using the mature trees for cover, she could just make out his
Mercedes parked at an angle in front of an impressive porch. Two
imposing marble pillars guarded the entrance, while four large, leaded
windows graced the lower floor of the brick façade. The diffused light
coming from the interior spilled softly onto the paved driveway,
giving a warm glow.
If she were oh, so quiet and careful, she’d get a better view, and
then leave. After all, she didn’t know for sure if this opulent house
even belonged to him. He could just as easily be visiting friends,
visiting anyone, in fact. She stumbled in the darkness, twisting her
ankle. Pain like she’d never experienced before shot through her as
the heel of her stiletto broke away. Emma squeezed her eyes tightly
closed. Grimacing, she held a hand over her mouth. She dare not cry
out in the darkness, for fear of being discovered.
The pain in her ankle intensified as she limped helplessly on one
ruined shoe. Peering over a bush, she craned her neck to get a better
view through one of the massive ground floor windows. I’ll find out
who this guy really is, even if it kills me.
Without warning, a strong hand covered her mouth and nose.
From behind, her arm was twisted painfully up her back. Fear like
she’d never known before tore through her as someone large and
powerful dragged her unceremoniously into the open. Was this how
her life would end, on some cold, damp night, in the middle of
Master of Submission 45

Chapter Seven

“Just what the hell are you doing here? I’ve a good mind to call
the cops.” Zane held Emma tightly in his grasp. He felt her shaking,
but there was no way he’d let her go this time.
He’d been aware she’d followed him from the club. He couldn’t
help but smile when he’d seen her duck down in the seat of her car,
trying to avoid him. If she was a journalist, as he suspected, she
wasn’t very good at her job, because it was highly unusual to have a
car follow him onto the single track—a track that led only to his
house. As she’d snuck up the drive, he’d jumped from his car and
circled around behind her.
Still holding her, he pulled her into the piercing glare that shone
brightly from the overhead security floodlights. Emma struggled and
tried to pull his hand from her mouth. Even though he was angry, he’d
let her speak.
He moved his hand from her mouth, and she immediately started
screaming. He covered her lips again and whispered into her ear.
“Shhh, just tell me why you’re here, and I’ll let you go. There’s no
point in screaming, Emma, because apart from us, there’s no one else
within five miles of here. Promise me you won’t make a noise.”
Emma nodded frantically, and he slowly pulled his hand from her
mouth. Her whole body trembled beneath his. “Are you going to kill
me? Is that what you did to Chloe?” Her breathing was heavy. She
was shaking uncontrollably, and could barely get her words out. “The
police know I’m here. I called them on my cell phone when I parked
up. You won’t get away with it.”
46 Jan Bowles

That was not the answer he’d been expecting. “Chloe? What the
hell do I have to do with this Chloe, whoever she is?” He remembered
she’d spoken about a Chloe at the club. “I was hoping you’d explain
why you’re trespassing on my property.”
“Don’t play the innocent with me, lady. I know you’re some kind
of reporter.” He jabbed a finger at her. “You’ve set me up. You’re
after another seedy story to fill the pages of whatever crap you write
for. You can tell your boss to go fuck—”
“I’m not a reporter. You must believe me.” Rain streamed down
her face before dropping from her chin. “Whatever gave you that
Zane laughed dismissively. “Are you kidding me, lady? The very
fact that you’re snooping around my place uninvited sort of gives me
a clue. It’s just the type of thing that parasites who like to call
themselves journalists do.” He pointed at her again. “And it’s not for
the first time, either.”
The words “no, no, no, you don’t understand” spilled from her
lips, making him even more exasperated.
“I’m gonna ask you just one more time before I call the cops.
What the hell are you doing here?”
With her breathing still heavy and frightened, she finally managed
to say, “I’ve already told you. I’m looking for my best friend, Chloe.”
Zane felt his brows draw together. He didn’t understand any of it.
Starting to regain his composure, he said, “Look, let’s go inside and
discuss this. We’re both getting soaked standing out here.”
Her hands came to her face. “Oh, God, no one’s taking me
seriously. I know something’s happened to her.”
Zane put his arm around her and tried to guide her toward his
house, but it was obvious she’d injured her ankle. The poor girl could
barely walk.
When he looked at her, he knew she was genuinely distressed.
Mascara ran down her cheeks in long, black rivulets. Her flawless
Master of Submission 47

complexion was flushed, and her leg was bleeding. The heel of one
stiletto was missing. He realized then that Emma was no reporter. He
felt sorry that he’d been so harsh with her. Something softened in his
heart as he observed her obvious vulnerability. He wanted to protect
“Here, let me help you,” he said calmly. He scooped her into his
arms and started to carry her toward the house. “Let’s get you cleaned
up and then you can tell me everything. And I mean everything.” He
walked up the steps. “Hang on.”
Emma clung to him like her life depended on it. Her head rested
against his chest as he keyed in the four-digit code, and the impressive
front door clicked open. With her still nestled in his arms, he headed
for the kitchen at the back of the house. He flicked a switch, flooding
the room with light, and then gently placed her on top of the black
granite work surface. “Stay right here, and I’ll get you cleaned up,” he
“You’re not Orion are you?” she whispered, looking embarrassed.
Zane leaned down and grabbed the first aid kit from the bottom
drawer of the cupboard. “Just who or what the hell is Orion, Emma?”
Her winter coat was unbuttoned and it fell open, revealing the soft,
womanly flesh beneath. Fucking hell, you’re beautiful. He wondered
if she knew how attractive she looked, with the telltale signs of
distress plastered all over her face.
“Tell me about Chloe. Why do you think I should know where she
is?” He took an antiseptic swab from a pack and dabbed the drying
blood on her leg. “Let me know if it stings, baby.”
“I don’t know where to begin.”
“Try at the beginning.”
“My best friend is missing. I just know something terrible has
happened to her.”
Zane carefully removed the ruined stiletto from her perfect, tiny
foot, and then tossed it aside. He then gently manipulated her ankle,
checking out how much movement she had. Emma bit down on her
48 Jan Bowles

bottom lip, but didn’t cry out. “I think you’ve just sprained it, baby.”
He took a bandage from the first aid box. “So, this missing woman is
called Chloe?”
“Yes. I’ve lodged a missing person’s report with the police. It’s on
the FBI database, but there’s nothing more they can do. They’re not
treating her disappearance as important.”
“So what has Club Submission got to do with Chloe?” he asked,
as he carefully began bandaging her foot and ankle.
“She met a man there. He calls himself Orion. I think he’s the guy
she went away with for a long weekend of debauchery.” She couldn’t
help but giggle. He guessed it was at her choice of words.
Debauchery? How English.
“There, that should do it.” He tied the bandage off securely, and
released her foot.
“Thank you. That feels so much better.”
“So how do you know she met this guy? What’s his name again?”
“He’s called Orion. He sent her e-mails asking to meet up at Club
Submission. She’s been missing for over a week now.” Emma looked
right at him. He saw teardrops welling in her eyes, ready to flow
down her cheeks. “I know something bad has happened to her. I just
know it.”
Zane squeezed her delicate hand, trying to reassure her. “Maybe I
can help? Do you have a picture of your friend?”
Emma rifled through her purse and produced a small photograph.
“This was taken two years ago. It’s of us both. We were enjoying a
lovely holiday in Cannes together.” She handed it to him.
Zane studied the picture of the two smiling women, arm in arm.
The azure-colored Mediterranean Sea filled the background, while the
wind blew through their hair. His gut twisted. He knew the woman
with the short dark hair. He tapped the photograph. “That’s Giselle.”
Emma looked stunned. “Giselle, you say? You think you know
someone, but…” She sighed resignedly. “When did you last see her?”
Master of Submission 49

“A couple of months ago. Maybe a little longer. I can’t say I really

knew her that well.”
“I see.” Emma paused. “So was she your sub?”
“So what happened?”
“Jesus, Emma, so many questions. What are you, a cop?”
She shook her head. “No, but I’m a lawyer. I know when there’s
more to tell.”
Zane nodded. So Emma was a lawyer. It figured. “Look, after a
couple of weeks or so it became obvious we weren’t compatible. We
decided to call a halt. Both of us saw our D/s relationship was going
“I see.”
“I don’t think so. You’re not experienced enough at present.”
He studied Emma for a moment. For a woman who was so
obviously distressed only a short time ago, she now appeared
remarkably composed. Only the streaks of mascara still covering her
beautiful porcelain cheeks gave the game away.
The question still burning in his mind just had to be asked. “Why
did you run away from me at the club?”
Her lips parted, as she looked at him through hooded eyes. Her
bright blue irises flashed with uncertainty. “I was scared, Zane.”
“Scared of me, or scared of yourself?”
At least she was being honest. He stroked his hand down her
cheek, feeling a sense of satisfaction that she didn’t pull away. “How
do you feel now?”
“A little better. I’d feel a lot better if I knew more about you.”
Zane felt the sexual tension between them mounting by the
second, and he knew she felt it, too. He could imagine the inner
turmoil going on in her head. She knew he could do things for her that
no other man could. He saw it in her lovely, kind face as she studied
him. Yet he was well aware that he frightened her, too. “Let’s go into
50 Jan Bowles

the living room. We can relax, have a drink, and discuss things far
more freely.”
She seemed unsure of herself, again. “I really should be going.”
He gripped her upper arm, not hard enough to frighten her, but
just enough to let her know who was in charge. “You’re not going
anywhere. You’ve strained your ankle. You’re not capable of driving
home. Wherever home is.”
“Boston, at the moment. But I’m minded to fly back to England
soon. I don’t seem to be making any headway, trying to find Chloe.”
Master of Submission 51

Chapter Eight

Emma stretched, making herself more comfortable on Zane’s

luxurious black leather sofa. He’d arranged a bag of crushed ice
around her ankle to reduce the swelling, and the pain had already
diminished considerably. As she looked around his wonderful home,
she realized it was far more than she deserved. She’d acted like a
complete fool.
A large Adam chimneypiece dominated one wall, and several
more comfy sofas were positioned to take advantage of the soothing
warmth coming from the fire. All the walls were painted a wonderful,
calming green. It reminded her of summer meadows on a bright,
sunny day. Almost completely filling another wall stood a massive
bookcase. It overflowed with a large selection of books slotted
haphazardly into place. Their cracked spines showing evidence of use.
He handed her a glass. “I’ve poured you a bourbon. You look like
you need a stiff one.”
She immediately recognized the double entendre, but decided to
let it pass. “Thank you. My days are usually filled with boring stuff
like court appearances and filing reports. It’s not every day I think I’m
about to be murdered.” She took a sip of the golden liquor. A burning
sensation spread like wildfire into her stomach. “Gosh, that’s strong.”
She placed the glass on a side table. “It would be wise to drink that
Zane sat on the leather armchair next to her. He’d removed his
jacket, and loosened the top two buttons of his shirt. Dressed
differently from when he was at the club, he looked like an executive
winding down for the night, but she knew differently. This man was
52 Jan Bowles

heavily into domination and submission. Her panties moistened with

desire as she wondered how he would master her, if she ever gave
him the chance. “So what exactly do you do, Zane? What’s your full
He took another swig of bourbon before answering. “Curious,
aren’t you, baby? Well, for the record, my name’s Zane Anders. I run
an import export business. I deal mainly in gemstones, like diamonds,
rubies, and sapphires. I also deal in precious metals, such as gold,
silver, and platinum. I’m forty years old, and divorced. I have no
children.” He smiled. “Does that satisfy you?”
“Yes. I feel better now I know a little more about you.” She
reached across and fleetingly touched his hand. “I’d like to apologize
for my erratic behavior. I’m usually far more controlled.”
Zane smiled, and she knew he was thinking about their time
together at the club, when she was anything but controlled. “So tell
me about yourself, Emma. I’m intrigued. An Englishwoman in
Boston. Sounds interesting.”
“Okay, fair enough, Zane. You’ve told me about yourself, so now
I suppose it’s my turn.” She took a sip of bourbon to give her
confidence. “I’m thirty, and as I already said, I’m a lawyer. I’ve come
to Boston to start a law firm with my best friend, Chloe.” She sighed.
“Hmm, I suppose that’s unlikely to happen now.”
He stretched out his hand. “Good to meet you, Emma. I’m Zane.”
Emma placed her hand in his, and smiled. “Good to meet you, too,
Zane.” A jolt of electricity sped up her arm as he caressed his thumb
across her palm.
“There was no need to run off like that,” he said, letting her hand
slip from his. She could still feel his sensual touch as he leaned back
in his leather chair. He took another large slug of bourbon and placed
the empty glass on the table. Looking right at her, he said, “It would
have been better if we’d discussed what made you feel so
Master of Submission 53

She shrugged her shoulders, and relaxed into the sofa. Away from
the intimidating sights and sounds of the club, she felt far more
confident. The fact that Zane had made her climax for the first time in
two years made it appear they’d known each other far longer than
they actually had.
“I’m not used to giving up control. I felt shattered. I climaxed far
too easily. It scared me.”
“But that’s a good thing, surely? Not a bad thing.”
Emma forced an unconvincing smile. Zane didn’t know the half of
it. “Not when you’ve spent the last few years avoiding men because
you think you’re frigid.”
He looked surprised. “Well you’re clearly not frigid, Emma.
You’re a woman, most of your sexual desire is right here.” Zane
tapped an index finger to his forehead. “Men need visual as well as
mental stimulation to make them fully aroused. Women enjoy sex on
a more emotional level. But being a woman, you already know that.”
“Of course I do, but to have it so bluntly demonstrated rather
unnerved me. I left partly because of that, but mainly because it
wasn’t the reason I came to the club. I need to find out what happened
to Chloe. This not knowing, is just eating me up inside.”
“Maybe I can help. Matthew and Ethan are the owners of
Submission. They’re good friends of mine. Perhaps, with their help,
we may be able to find out what happened to Giselle”—Zane waved a
hand in the air as he corrected himself—“I mean Chloe. I’m sure if
some sick bastard is using Club Submission to lure women against
their will, they’d want to know about it.”
An inner calm began to flow through her. If she had some inside
help it could only improve her chances of finding Chloe. “You’d do
that for me? Even after I followed you here, and then accused you of
some truly awful things?” Guilt overwhelmed her. “I virtually said
you’d murdered her. I’m so sorry, Zane. I acted out of character. I’m a
lawyer. I should know better than to accuse anyone without firm
evidence. I hope you can forgive me.”
54 Jan Bowles

He smiled, and her stomach quivered at the way he looked at her.

“Sure I forgive you. It’s forgotten already.”
She blushed. “Thanks. But I don’t deserve your kindness.”
“I really like you, Emma. But deep down you know you need a
man’s guidance…my guidance.”
Her womb contracted at the way he said the word guidance. How
did he manage to make a simple, innocuous word sound so sexy?
How exactly would Zane guide her? He could certainly show her how
to enjoy sex. The thought excited her. He was clearly into domination.
What would he do to her? Tie her up, spank her, who knew what?
“Shall we go to bed, Emma?”
His sultry, provocative words hung in the air, refusing to
disappear. She could barely breathe.
He laughed and gently patted her hand. “My, my, you look just
like a frightened rabbit caught in the headlights. I’ve several spare
bedrooms upstairs, so you can take your pick or…you can sleep with
A warm feeling spread into her pussy. She liked Zane—a lot. “I’m
not sure.” Emma squeezed her fingers to her forehead. “Christ, I’m a
thirty-year-old woman, but I sound like a fucking virgin.”
Zane came and knelt beside her. He placed his hands on hers, and
slowly pulled her fingers away from her throbbing temples. He
cupped her chin, and tilted her face to his. “In my world, that’s
exactly what you are. A young virgin sub, waiting for her Master to
guide and protect her.” He placed his finger to her lips when she made
to protest. “Shhh, I can teach you things about yourself, Emma, but
only if you’ll allow me to. I won’t force you to do anything against
your will.”
She stared into his riveting blue eyes. Her heart beat like a tiny
bird caught in the mouth of a predator. Zane seriously turned her on,
but he frightened her, too.
“I know you’re scared, and aroused at the same time. That’s your
dilemma.” He smiled and stared at her lips. “Shall I make a
Master of Submission 55

suggestion? Why don’t I show you a spare room where you can
change and have a shower?” He then raised his gaze to hers. “Then if
you feel more confident, my room is just across the hallway.”
Nervous energy coiled deep within her, twisting her guts into a
series of tight knots. Even though he appeared calm and measured on
the outside, just staring into his all-knowing eyes, she could tell he
wanted her. His gaze held the look a hawk gives its prey, dominant
and merciless. It was frightening and incredibly exciting. Emma
cautiously nodded, grateful he’d given her the time to make a
Zane took her in his arms and carried up the stairs two at a time.
He pushed open a door with his foot, and she peered into a luxurious
bedroom. A curved bay window complemented beautiful French
doors, which opened out onto a wonderful terrace. She was sure in the
morning light, the pale blue room with its white gossamer curtains
would be a wonderful tranquil place to wake up. It was so light and
He placed her gently on the lush carpet. “Easy now, baby. Don’t
put too much weight on that ankle for a day or two.”
“Thank you. I promise I won’t.”
He opened a wardrobe and pulled out one of his shirts. “Here, if
you feel the need to cover your modesty, you can slip this on.”
“Thanks, I will. I am English, after all.”
Zane laughed. “The bathroom is through there.” He pulled her
into his arms and delivered a kiss that was as devastating as the one
they’d shared at the club. “Don’t forget, I’m just across the hall if you
need me.” He angled her face to his, holding her gaze. “There’s one
thing you need to remember though, Emma. If you do come to my
room, you won’t be leaving until morning. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Zane. I fully understand.”
“Excellent. Then understand this also, a D/s relationship is a
power exchange. You hand over your control to me, and I’ll give you
all the orgasms you could ever want.”
56 Jan Bowles

Discussing sex so openly made the breath hitch in her throat. Back
home in England she’d had a conservative upbringing. No one ever
spoke of such things, least of all her parents and boyfriends.
“I don’t give up control very easily,” she told him haughtily. If he
thought she’d fall at his feet, he had another thing coming.
“I know. But in my opinion all this feminist bullshit is killing the
Emma folded her arms defensively across her chest. “You must be
a male chauvinist, if you think woman aren’t equal to men?”
“On the contrary, women are equal to men in almost every way.
They can run countries for Christ’s sake, but when it comes to the
bedroom, they need to relinquish control, and hand it back to the male
of the species, just as nature intended. Why do you think there are so
many unhappy women across America right now?”
“Money worries?”
“Wrong.” He pulled her into his arms and whispered close to her
ear. “They’re unhappy because they need a good fucking from
someone who knows what they’re doing. They want to be spread
open and devoured as though they’re the last woman on the planet.”
Heat flooded her cheeks at his colorful description.
Zane smiled at her obvious embarrassment, and smoothed a
thumb over her lips. “It would be my pleasure to introduce you to my
world, pretty lady.” With a quick affectionate tap to her nose he began
walking away.
She watched his tall, broad frame retreat through the bedroom
door. I get the feeling this man is playing with me. He’s so full of ego.
He thinks I’m going come to his room and fall at his feet. Emma went
into the bathroom. Well he can’t possibly know what I’m going to do,
because I don’t even know myself.
During a long hot shower, the same insistent image kept filling
her mind—Zane—beautiful, handsome, Zane. She just couldn’t shake
his face from her mind. He was so charismatic and so fucking sexy,
too. She was sure he could deliver on his promises and more besides.
Master of Submission 57

Should she walk across the hall and go to his room? Did she trust him
58 Jan Bowles

Chapter Nine

Two hours later

Unable to sleep, Emma lay on top of the bed, staring at the

ceiling. Her mind kept coming back to Zane. Was he waiting for her
across the hallway? Tonight at the club he’d opened up the
possibilities of a new way of life. He’d shown her something she’d
never known was possible. Freedom to explore her sexual fantasies.
All she had to do was trust him. If you dare.
“Sod it,” she mumbled out loud, as she rose from the bed. Her
ankle still felt weak, but it wasn’t as painful as it had been. She
hobbled from her room, and stood breathlessly outside his bedroom
door. When she raised her hand to knock, she saw her arm visibly
shaking. Not daring to move, she stayed staring at the door. It was
now or never.
On a deep sigh, she rapped softly on the light oak panel.
At first she thought he hadn’t heard, and must be asleep, because
she stood waiting in the hall, listening to her own heavy breathing.
She felt like a naughty schoolgirl, standing outside the headmaster’s
office, waiting for him to call her in, and discipline her. Just on the
point of returning to her room, she watched mesmerized as the ornate
handle slowly started to turn. The door suddenly swung wide open.
Zane stood there in all his masculine glory. Wearing just a pair of
sweatpants, his broad chest was bare. He looked like he’d just jumped
from the shower, because his hair was all damp and spiky. He smiled.
“Well, well, my pretty English Rose. Your presence pleases me.” He
then ushered her inside.
Master of Submission 59

In stark contrast to the rest of the house, the dimly lit room was
dark and brooding. Deepest red colored the walls, and chunky
mahogany furniture enhanced his masculine persona. She couldn’t
take her gaze from the massive four-poster bed, which dominated the
entire room. Knowing she would soon be lying on it with Zane made
her heart beat faster.
When she heard the door lock behind her, her head snapped to
attention, and she watched him remove the key. She knew he was
doing it for effect. He most probably just wanted to see her reaction.
He held it up. “Just in case you were thinking of changing your
mind. There’s no escape now, Emma.” He opened a dresser drawer
and tossed it in, before removing what looked to her like a coiled
leather belt. He placed the item on top of the dresser, and then turned
back to her. She felt so small and vulnerable standing next to him. He
simply towered over her. Feeling in awe of the man, she couldn’t help
but blush.
“I can see you’re scared, so I’ll be extra gentle with you.” Without
asking her permission, he slowly began undoing the buttons of her
shirt. Already he was taking control, and making decisions for her,
and she liked it. He peeled the overlarge shirt from her shoulders and
let it drop to the floor.
“Aw, baby, you have such a beautiful body,” he murmured, letting
his gaze travel the whole length of her. “I shall really enjoy
discovering what makes you tick. You belong to me now.”
“I’m my own woman, Zane.”
“Not when you’re here with me and the door is locked.”
“That sounds like a threat.”
“No, not a threat, a promise.” Emma felt her body stiffen. Just
what had she let herself in for? She hoped she wouldn’t regret her
actions. She wasn’t naturally adventurous, so she was acting out of
character by being here at all. When she looked at Zane, her senses
became acutely aroused, her smell, her hearing, her touch. Everything
60 Jan Bowles

seemed heightened in his presence, even her sense of self-

“Shhh,” he soothed, gently massaging her shoulders. “You carry
so much tension in your body. The consequence of being a sexually
repressed Englishwoman, I guess.”
Emma smiled at his words knowing how very true they were. She
enjoyed his tender touch. “I’m here to learn, Zane. I’m sick and tired
of being uptight all the time.”
“You’ve made the right decision by coming to me, Emma.” Zane
stroked his fingers down her arms and then pressed her hands tightly
together. Before she knew what was happening he’d bound her wrists
with a set of leather handcuffs.
Emma took a deep breath. “Zane, is this strictly necessary?” She
tried to squirm away, but it was no use, his grip was too strong. She
studied the leather restraint more closely. It was thick, covering about
two inches of her wrists and forearms. The ornate leather was
decorated with two sturdy metal rings.
“You need to learn that I decide what is strictly necessary.” She
realized from the tone of his voice that he didn’t appreciate her
questioning his actions. “Remember what I told you earlier.” He
pointed to his eyes. “I get to witness your vulnerability and you”—he
touched her temple—“you get to experience it in here. It’s the perfect
trade-off. I’m going to give you a safeword. Do you know what a
safeword is?”
“Yes,” she said, in barely a whisper. She’d learned a lot about the
BDSM scene from the Internet. “If I use it, then you stop what you’re
doing. Is that right?”
“Absolutely, right.” He cupped her chin, and she slowly raised her
eyes to his. “If you use it, we’ll discuss what you’re unhappy with,
and if you still feel the same way, then I’ll stop whatever I’m doing.
Everything has to be consensual. So would you like to choose your
own safeword? Or shall I choose one for you?”
“You choose, I can barely think straight at the moment.”
Master of Submission 61

“Then I give you the word red. Red means stop.”

Emma nodded. “Yes, of course, the traffic light system.” Of all
the words, she realized that would be the easiest to remember.
He stroked a hand down her face. “No need to be worried, I’ll
look after you.”
“Will you?” she asked, drawing in a long, skittish breath.
“Yes, like right now. Hook your arms around my neck, and I’ll
carry you over to the bed. I normally start training a sub in the
standing position, but since you’ve hurt your ankle, I’m feeling
particularly benevolent tonight.”
“Thank you. Should I call you Master or Zane? I’ve read that
Doms like being called Master.”
“Hmmm, I think I prefer a combination of them both. I’ll allow
you to call me Master Zane when we’re being formal.”
“Master Zane it is, then.” She knew she was feeding his power
trip. Zane clearly had a large ego to service.
Emma hooked her arms over his head. He cupped her buttocks
and lifted her from the floor. Her legs automatically wrapped around
his taut, muscular thighs, sending her arousal off the scale.
Completely naked, her pussy opened and pressed deliciously against
the obvious erection filling his sweatpants. His bare torso felt
wonderful and warm as it feathered against her breasts. As he carried
her to the bed, she felt her hardened nipples chaffing on the
smattering of dark, masculine hair that covered his chest. Zane
carefully laid her on the bed as though she was the most precious
object he’d ever handled. The soft, luxurious feel of the damask quilt
teased her naked back and butt causing a deep sigh to leave her lips.
He lifted her bound arms from around his neck, and raised them high
above her head. Two hooks hung from the headboard, and he
immediately attached them to the metal rings of her leather restraint.
Emma pulled helplessly on her bindings. Pure fear pulsed through
her veins. Realizing she was trapped and there was no means of
62 Jan Bowles

escape, the words “Master Zane, I’m scared” tumbled from her
He leaned down and gently kissed her lips. “Shhh, baby. Be a
brave girl for me.” He trailed his fingers down her arms and cupped
her face. “It would please your Master.” His eyes were deepest pools
of cobalt blue.
She nodded, frightened, but excited and mesmerized, too. The
idea of being totally at his mercy intoxicated her. Gradually he moved
down the bed, letting his fingers caress every part of her naked body.
His hands massaged her breasts, the palms rolling over her aroused
peaks until she quivered with enjoyment.
“It pleases me that my sub responds well to her Master.”
“Yes, Master Zane.”
He moved lower, caressing and kissing her stomach, dipping his
tongue deep inside her belly button. He raised his head and held her in
his gaze, before skimming his tongue over the length of her baby-
smooth pussy. She saw her legs trembling as his large hands cupped
her buttocks and waist, and pulled her forcefully down the bed. The
leather restraint securing her arms above her head flexed slightly,
pulling her taut until her legs folded over the edge of the bed. A
bolster lay nearby and he rolled it under her butt, making her whole
body arch, ready to be fucked. Just her head and shoulders remained
in contact with the soft gossamer quilt.
“Master Zane, I feel I have no control. You’re frightening me.”
Her voice quavered.
“No need to worry, my sub. Your Master is simply making you
aware of who’s in charge.”
A submissive whimper left her lips as he attached a leather strap
around her knee, and then secured it to the thick ornately carved
bedpost. He did the same to her other knee, opening her pussy wide
for his perusal. Zane observed everything, every intimate womanly
part of her.
“Oh, God, I feel so exposed.”
Master of Submission 63

As she looked down the length of her body, her breasts jiggled
with her rapid breathing. With the bolster firmly placed under her
butt, her stomach rose up quivering with the adrenaline flooding her
veins. Her legs were spread wide apart by the leather restraints,
allowing Master Zane complete access to her pussy and butt hole.
They were now his to do with as he pleased. She’d never felt so
exposed or turned on.
Emma had never felt so frightened and vulnerable, either.
Her lower lip trembled. A teardrop slipped from her eye and
meandered slowly down her cheek. “Master Zane, please, I’m
64 Jan Bowles

Chapter Ten

Zane sat beside Emma’s prone body, and stroked a hand through
her soft blonde hair. He brushed it tenderly away from her face. He
saw she was frightened, and it made him feel that he wanted to protect
her. His hard cock throbbed inside his pants, but he knew that if he
pushed her too far, then he could frighten her away altogether. “If you
want it to stop, then use your safeword, baby.”
“Just talk to me, Master Zane. I’m way out of my comfort zone.
I’m not used to giving away so much control.”
Zane feathered a hand down her cheek. “Shhh. I’ll look after you,
I promise.” His heart was pounding as the power he had over her
surged through his body. When he felt the salt water trickling down
her cheek, he realized just how vulnerable she felt. He leaned in and
licked away a teardrop that had collected at the corner of her eye,
threatening to spill. Then he kissed her slowly and leisurely,
smoothing his hand down her belly until he reached her pussy. “Shhh,
baby, all is well,” he soothed, teasing a finger over her sexy clit.
“Master Zane will give you all the reassurance you need. Tonight is
all about pleasure…Your pleasure and mine. You don’t have to do
anything. All you have to do is feel.”
Emma had a perfect, fuckable body. He would enjoy getting to
know his new sub better, but first he had to calm the inner turmoil that
was tearing her apart. He knew she wanted to escape and run from
him, but he also knew she wanted to experience his skillful
domination of her body. This conflict raged like a typhoon in her
Master of Submission 65

Barely able to move her head, Emma lay almost motionless on the
bed. Tiny mews came from her lips. He watched as she slowly closed
her beautiful blue eyes, her breathing relaxed and her sensuous full
lips slightly parted. Her pussy was wet, and he knew she was finally
starting to let go of her inhibitions. “Good girl.” He gave her one last
kiss and then moved away.
Zane strode to the dresser, and pulled open a drawer. Inside laid
an assortment of tools designed to get the best from his subs. He
selected a two-foot-long riding crop, and flexed it in his hands. When
he finally returned to Emma, he stood at the end of the bed. Her legs,
restrained by the leather straps, were spread wide apart. The folds of
her pussy lay open like a perfect pink flower. Beautiful.
His prick pulsed inside his pants as he absorbed her total
vulnerability. Emma was his to do with as he pleased, and it was
incredibly arousing. With the bolster in place, her flawless rump
raised from the mattress. The swell of her womanly belly gave way to
her gorgeous, full breasts. Each pale pink nipple puckered into a
hardened nub. They undulated enticingly with her breathing. Her arms
were pulled taut above her head, the thick leather handcuff securing
her slender wrists to the headboard. Emma was going nowhere. Not
until he’d had his fill of her body and mind.
Her eyes widened as he touched the leather riding crop to her
mouth. “Not a sound, my pet. I demand your complete silence, or I
will punish you severely.” To emphasize his power over her, he
thwacked the riding crop hard against the headboard. It made a sharp
cracking noise that resounded around the room, as it impacted the
aged mahogany. The breath hitched in her throat, but no sound came
from her.
He trailed the soft leather tip down her neck, circling each breast
in turn, and then deliberately feathered it over her clit. Just the merest
touch on her open sensitive nub had her panting breathlessly. Her
head rolled from side to side, but still she didn’t make a sound. He
knew she would though. Experience with previous subs had taught
66 Jan Bowles

him the odds were stacked against her. He was in charge, and she
wouldn’t be able to resist for long. He smiled. He always won this
He touched the crop to her slightly parted lips. “Shhh, my pet.
Remember, not a sound must come from your beautiful mouth.”
He knelt down, and flicked his tongue over her open pearl.
“Mmm, such a pretty pussy.” He noticed her legs visibly trembling as
she tried to stay in control. Pulling back her clitoral hood, he teased
her sexual nub with his teeth, until he heard a sharp intake of breath.
Then he gave it to her full force, sucking her clit into his mouth,
swirling his tongue over the burning bead. It was music to his ears
when her cries of pure pleasure began filling the room. Slow and quiet
at first, they gathered in speed and intensity, as her orgasm took hold.
The sheer strength and potency of her climax left her shocked and
“Oh, Master Zane, please.”
He’d won this battle with his sub. Now he would move on to the
next stage of her training.
He stood, enjoying the sight of her bound body as she slowly
regained her composure. A fetching pink blush colored her cheeks,
and her stomach undulated sexily as she fought for breath. Her tongue
darted snakelike from her mouth. He leaned in and touched the tip of
the crop to her lips, tapping it several times against the pretty Cupid’s
bow. “You broke the rules, my pet. It is my duty as your Master to
discipline you.”
Breathlessly she replied, “I’m sorry, Master Zane. I couldn’t help
it. I couldn’t help myself. You made me do it.”
“Are you blaming your Master for you disobedience?”
“No, Master Zane, I’m sorry. I spoke out of turn.”
“In that case I accept your apology, my pet.” Zane trailed the crop
down her glowing naked body. He adored the way the perspiration
glistened on her feminine skin, giving it a pearlescent appearance.
“Now where should I administer your punishment? Your thighs?” He
Master of Submission 67

traced the leather crop over the soft flesh of her legs. “Or maybe the
soles of your feet?” He touched the crop to her instep and watched her
squirm. “Hmm, what to do? As you have not disobeyed your Master
before, I’ll allow you to choose.”
“My buttocks please, Master Zane.”
“Excellent choice, my pet. You possess a beautiful, fleshy butt.”
The bolster raised her creamy ass from the bed. He squeezed each butt
cheek in his hands, massaging the soft globes to concentrate her mind
on what was about to happen. He saw the apprehension in her eyes.
The riding crop made portentous swishing noises in the air as he
took a couple of practice swings. “Just making sure my aim is true.”
He then whipped the crop against the fleshy part of her butt. It was
more like a tap, than a strike, but he had to introduce her to D/s play
gradually. He didn’t want to scare her away. He must have judged it
right, because Emma didn’t cry out, she just bit down on her bottom
lip. “Excellent, my pet, excellent.” He soothed his hand over the red
mark clearly visible on her peachy ass, and stared into her beautiful
face. “I hope my sub has learned her lesson. There is to be no sound
coming from those sweet ruby lips. Not unless I give you permission.
When she nodded her agreement, he immediately slid his tongue
along the length of her totally hairless slit, smoothing it from butt hole
to clit in one fluent movement. Her feminine arousal had grown, and
spread like nectar in his mouth. This time he speared two fingers deep
inside her cunt as he dragged his tongue repeatedly over her swollen
Soft whimpers tumbled from her lips as she climaxed again. “Oh,
Master Zane, I can’t help it. I’m so sorry.” He lifted his gaze and
watched mesmerized as she lost her battle to remain silent, and
instead gave in to the undiluted satisfaction of yet another noisy
orgasm. Her head thrashed from side to side, and her stomach lifted as
she tried to escape his teasing tongue.
68 Jan Bowles

Zane pulled away, and paced the floor. He angrily swished the
riding crop in the air several times for dramatic effect. “You
disappoint me, my pet. Twice you’ve made a sound without my
permission. You must be disciplined for your own good. Two more
strikes will be administered to your butt. Understand?”
“Yes, Master Zane. Thank you.”
It pleased him how well she slipped into the role of sub. His cock
ached for Emma. He needed to be deep inside her feminine wetness.
It would be an aphrodisiac beyond belief to feel her heart fluttering
like a cornered wild animal, as he took total control of her.
Zane raised the crop high above his head, before disciplining her
creamy butt twice more. He then massaged the tender flesh, soothing
away her submissive cries with gentle caresses of his fingers.
“See how well your Master looks after you.” Each time his palms
soothed the redness from her butt, he flicked a thumb across her clit.
She held her breath. Her eyes searching his to second-guess what he
would do next. “Remember, not a sound, my pet.”
Zane touched her pussy, tenderly caressing her clit before sliding
two fingers deep inside. Her vaginal walls clamped and spasmed
around him as he finger-fucked her. With them still inside her, he
dipped down and swirled his tongue over her clit as yet another
orgasm came quivering and shaking from her body.
A scream left her lips. “Oh, Master Zane. It’s so powerful it hurts.
No more, please.” Her head rocked back and forth, as she muttered
incoherently. Zane removed his sweats. His cock stood to attention,
the purple crown, weeping from his arousal. He stroked it from base
to tip.
“You’ll want this, my pet.”
She lifted her head and looked at him. Her eyes widened as she
saw what he held in his hand. “Oh, Master Zane. Yes, just you,
Master Zane.”
Zane rolled a condom down his shaft, and then moved between
her legs. He held his cock at her entrance, and leaned over her.
Master of Submission 69

Holding his hands either side of her body to keep his weight from her,
he slowly sunk his length inside her. She was so tight. Her multiple
orgasms had sensitized her vaginal muscles until they clamped around
his prick like a vice.
“Oh, it hurts so good.” Her chin lifted as she writhed with the
ecstasy and the agony, stretching her head back as she gave herself
completely. Her breasts thrust toward him, offered to him in ultimate
Zane swooped down and licked the pulse at the base of her throat.
He felt her heart beating like a frightened wild bird. He feathered tiny
kisses to her beautiful ripe breasts, plucking the tender nipples into his
mouth, and teasing them with his teeth.
Each stroke of his cock made her whimper and moan. He couldn’t
have wished for more from a new sub. Emma was everything he
wanted in a woman—intelligent, soft, and submissive. She was
extremely compliant when she gave him control.
He stared into her hooded, baby blue eyes as he thrust deep and
hard. Teardrops clung to her lashes. Her vulnerability overwhelmed
him. At that moment he saw her for the first time. He saw her, and
something twisted deep in his gut. She wasn’t just a new sub he
wanted to train and use for his own personal enjoyment. Emma was
far more than that.
Zane needed to know her on an emotional level, too. He wanted to
see what she ordered at a fancy restaurant. He wanted to be there
when she first woke up in the morning. He wanted to know what
made her tick. He leaned down and kissed her sweet sensual lips,
caressing her slowly as she came again…and again. He enjoyed the
erotic feminine mews that spilled from her beautiful mouth.
“Oh, Zane…it’s so good…so good.” Her head fell back, and her
whole body went taut beneath him.
“That’s it, baby.” He gently brushed the hair from her eyes,
savoring her inevitable surrender. He loved the way their perspiration
mingled and mixed as his naked body glided over hers. “Let your
70 Jan Bowles

Master take care of you.” He thrust his cock deeper still, banging his
balls against her pussy lips, and pinning her in place, letting his
weight overwhelm her.
Her cunt gripped his cock, milking it for its contents, until he too
climaxed with a satisfied, deep-throated groan.
Master of Submission 71

Chapter Eleven

In a complete daze, Emma became vaguely aware when Zane

lifted his weight from her. The ache in her pussy intensified as he
withdrew his still-hard cock. She felt his large hands unbuckle the
leather restraints from her arms and legs. Not wishing to move or help
herself, he tenderly rolled her onto to her side, and covered her with
the soft duvet.
She snuggled into his warmth as he joined her on the bed, and
held her in his arms. “Shhh, baby. You’re safe with me,” he
whispered in her ear, as he slowly massaged her aching shoulders.
Emma clung to him. Zane was her only point of reference in the storm
raging through her head. He was her rock.
At first she’d been frightened, but then she’d reveled in his
domination of her body and mind. What sort of woman was she? A
woman who enjoyed being pinned out, and spread wide open for his
personal enjoyment? It went against everything she’d ever believed
Zane had simply mesmerized her. His power and control
combined to make a potent aphrodisiac. In the end, she’d been unable
and unwilling to resist. All those years when she’d thought she was
frigid. It pleased her that she wasn’t.
She looked up into his handsome face. His striking blue eyes held
hers. His cock had been buried so deep inside her it hurt—but in a
fantastic, sexy way. Now for the first time in her thirty years of life,
she truly felt like a real woman. A desirable, sexy woman. Like a cat
demanding affection, she stretched lazily against him, pressing her
body along the length of his, enjoying the feel of his naked skin where
72 Jan Bowles

they touched. Contented and completely at peace with herself, Emma

drifted, drifted slowly away…


She opened her eyes, and luxuriously stretched her arms above her
head. She glanced at Zane. A smile lifted his lips, and he stroked her
cheek and kissed her forehead.
“Welcome back, baby.”
“Mmm, how long have we been lying here?
“A couple of hours.”
“A couple of hours, but it only seems like a few minutes?”
“You drifted into a deep trance. How do you feel?”
“A little overwhelmed.” Her body was acting totally out of
character. Following a series of multiple orgasms, she’d been spaced
out, high on endorphins and pleasure. She’d completely lost track of
He tenderly stroked the hair from her eyes. “Emma, I want to
know what you’re thinking. I want to know what’s going through
your head right this minute.”
She felt herself start to stiffen. “I’d rather not discuss my
emotions, Zane.” Her inner thoughts were her own. They were her
Zane chuckled. “Baby, don’t get so tense.”
“I’m not tense, I can assure you.”
“I can feel it in your shoulders. My, my, you’ve tightened right
“No I haven’t.”
“You’re still fighting to stay in control, Emma. In a D/s
relationship you have to relinquish everything.” He cupped her head
in his hands. As he threaded his fingers through her hair, he looked
intently at her. “I demand to know exactly what you’re thinking.”
Master of Submission 73

Emma shook her head. “My thoughts are private. They should
remain personal to me, unless I choose to share them with you.”
Zane took hold of her arms and pinned her hands to the mattress.
Grinning like a Cheshire cat, he slowly pressed his weight on top of
her. He nuzzled into her neck, the stubble on his chin grazing her
skin. “So you think your thoughts are private. That’s where you’re
wrong. How am I supposed to satisfy your every fantasy, when you
keep them locked away in here?” He touched a finger to her temple,
making his point.
Emma squirmed, wishing to keep at least some control. If it came
to a battle of wills, she’d lose. Being dominated by Zane turned her
on. Already she felt her libido rising as his warm naked body spread
along the length of hers, pinning her in place. His cock was rock hard
and pressed deliciously against her thigh. “I need to be allowed to
have free will, Zane. You can’t have everything you want.”
“I’m your Master. I want it all. In fact, I demand it.” She wasn’t
about to divulge her innermost thoughts and desires, and kept her
mouth firmly shut. Then he said, “I see.” His eyes blazed hotly as he
stared at her. “Turn over and get on your knees. I want to see your ass
in the air.”
“Don’t make me ask you again.”
Realizing he was in no mood for compromise, she weakly replied,
“Yes, Master Zane.” A pulse of excitement coursed through her as she
did as he demanded. He pulled the covers back, and she kneeled on
the bed in front of him. Resting her head on the mattress, she raised
her butt high in the air. She felt incredibly vulnerable in this position.
“That’s better. Much better, but make sure you respond more
quickly next time I instruct you to do something.” He smoothed his
fingers over her buttocks, kneading the flesh. Emma bit her bottom
lip, feeling scared and turned on in equal measure. “Now place your
hands behind your back and grip your ankles. Your Master enjoys
seeing you restrained, and I know you like it, too.”
74 Jan Bowles

“Yes, Master Zane.” She complied immediately and this time

without question. Her pussy now throbbed with a deep, lingering
ache. How could she want more sex after Zane had repeatedly
pleasured her already? The intense power of the multiple orgasms
he’d gifted her was still shocking and new.
He roughly secured her wrists to her ankles with the leather
restraints. The same ones he’d used to secure her legs to the bedposts.
When he finally tightened the buckles to his satisfaction, he looked
directly at her and said, “There’s no escape now, my pet.”
He was right. Emma couldn’t move even if her life depended on
it. He rose from the bed and walked across the room. She heard the
dresser drawer open and then close again. When he returned, he
pulled her bound body down the mattress until her feet hung over the
edge. When he stood back, silently observing her, she knew he was
enjoying her complete submission.
Eventually he spoke. “I want to know exactly what you’re
thinking. It is my right as your Master to know everything that goes
on inside your head.”
Still holding on to a little control, she said, “Some things are very
personal, Master Zane.”
“Hmm.” He smoothed his hand across her butt and then feathered
his fingers down her ass crack. When he touched her puckered hole,
Emma jolted alarmingly, and sucked in a ragged breath. “Just as I
thought. I assume you haven’t had anal sex before.”
Panic rose inside her and rushed words spilled from her lips. “No,
Master Zane. Please don’t—”
“Don’t worry, my pet. I’m not going to claim your peachy ass
right now.” Emma breathed a sigh of relief, but it was short lived as
he added with a certain amount of relish, “But I’m gonna get you used
to the idea.”
Her eyes flew wide open, when she felt a cold, wet substance
being smoothed over her anus. Something hard and inflexible touched
Master of Submission 75

against the entrance to her puckered hole. “Please, Master Zane.

Please tell me what you’re going to do to me?”
He laughed. “Relax. It’s just a little butt plug. I promise you it
won’t hurt. You’re well lubed. It will help prepare you for when I
claim your virgin ass.”
A whimper left her lips as he began pressing it into her rectum.
She fought to keep it out, tensing her anal muscles, willing it away
from her. But it was no use. Despite her resistance he finally slid it
fully home, leaving her breathless and uncertain. What would anal sex
feel like? The fullness in her butt emphasized her vulnerability. Just
what was he going to do next?
“How do you feel?” He stroked his fingers between her legs,
occasionally grazing her pussy.
She knew he wanted to know every emotion, thought, and fear in
her head. Emma decided to submit some but by no means all of her
inner thoughts. “I feel a little scared, Master Zane.” She was sure he
had ways of extracting her acquiescence anyway. That thought alone
turned her on.
“Excellent, my pet. A little scared is good. A small amount of fear
heightens the emotions. What else?” He circled her clit with a finger,
making her moan out loud. “Mmm, so wet, my pet. Your sexually
repressed English persona may fool some that butter won’t melt in
your mouth, but we know different. Don’t we?” He squeezed her clit
hard between his finger and thumb, and she cried out, in pleasure and
pain. “I know you like being at my mercy.”
“Yes, Master Zane.” The breath panted from her body. “I need
you to be in charge.”
“What else? What did you feel when you first came to my
bedroom?” He speared two fingers inside her pussy, before pulling
them from her and sampling her juices. “Mmm, you taste divine.”
She knew what he’d just done, and his words excited her.
“Oh…I…can’t think straight, Master Zane.” Her voice became
muffled as she buried her head in the mattress.
76 Jan Bowles

“You still haven’t answered my question. You’re holding out on

me. Well you must pay for your disobedience.” She heard the
unmistakable sound of a foil packet being torn open. Then he hooked
his arm around her waist holding his spread palm to her belly. A rush
of air left her lips as he pulled her backward toward him and filled her
pussy in one quick brutal movement. “Tell me what I want to know. I
will not ask you again.” Dear heaven above, his cock feels huge.
Unable to move, and with her arms and legs restrained, she was
his to do with as he pleased. A mere plaything to be used in any way
he saw fit. Standing behind her, Zane gripped her hips, pulling her
onto his driving cock, which pierced deep inside her. His huge prick
filled every part of her sensitized vagina.
The butt plug pressed further into her anus, and hurried words
began tumbling from her lips. “Master Zane, I was scared when you
tied me to the bed, yet excited, too.”
He pumped harder and deeper. “Go on.”
“But fear mixed with excitement is good isn’t it?” she asked
breathily, wanting and needing his approval.
“It is, my pet.” He filled her once more. “I’ll make you blossom
like a beautiful butterfly.”
“Oh, God, yes,” she whispered softly. Her womb contracted
violently with the visual interpretation of his words. Zane continued
to fuck her hard, filling her relentlessly with long, deep strokes.
“Oh, my pet. I have found your weakness. You liked being spread
between my bedposts. Well, I can stretch you wider than you ever
imagined. I can have my fill of your beautiful body, and there’s not a
damned thing you can do about it.”
A cry left her lips as her pussy spasmed painfully with pleasure.
“Master Zane, I’m shocked to discover I would want those things, and
even more shocked that I’d allow you to do them to me.” Her voice
trembled as she spoke.
Master of Submission 77

“Now you’re opening up to me. You’re starting to let go

completely. You like me filling your sexy wet cunt, don’t you? As
your new Master, I demand to hear all your fantasies.”
“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Emma whimpered. Before the night
was over, she knew he would extract every last one.
78 Jan Bowles

Chapter Twelve
The next morning

Zane placed a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice on the

breakfast tray. He’d made it himself by juicing three large oranges.
He wanted to make sure Emma started the day with a good dose of
vitamin C.
He finally brought the breakfast tray through to the master suite.
Emma lay fast asleep in the middle of his four-poster bed. She looked
beautifully relaxed and at peace with herself. Her blonde hair flowed
softly around her heart-shaped face and trailed over the pillow. He
hadn’t noticed before, but tiny freckles dusted her cute button nose,
while long, pretty eyelashes curled down onto her cheeks. A deep,
even breath sighed through her sensuous, parted lips.
He checked his watch. It was way past noon. He couldn’t
complain, though. Not when he’d kept her awake half the night,
servicing her beautiful, fuckable body with his own. He checked his
watch once more and cursed under his breath. “Goddamn.” He
guessed it was time to wake her.
Zane smiled to himself. He’d learned a lot about Emma during the
twilight hours. What turned her on—and what didn’t. It had been fun
discovering her deepest and most secret fantasies. Emma’s strict
English upbringing had taught her to repress all sexual thoughts, so
much so that he’d resorted to underhand methods to get what he
desired. Even down to tickling her feet while he’d held her in place.
He had to stifle a snigger when the humorous event reentered his
mind. Their torrid time together between the sheets had given him a
Master of Submission 79

better understanding of her personality. He hoped she would stay

around long enough to train as his new sub. Already, he was growing
more fond of her than he cared to admit.
After placing the breakfast tray quietly on the bedside table, Zane
leaned down, and kissed her sweet lips. Bright pools of baby blue
flickered dreamily open, until she focused fully on him. A wonderful
smile beamed on her face. To have that effect on her made his cock
harden. All he wanted to do was slip back in bed and continue
training her in earnest, but that would have to wait. He had a shipment
of diamonds and emeralds arriving from South Africa later that
afternoon. He’d invested more than two million bucks in this
particular deal already, and he needed to be there when they arrived.
He teased the end of her cute button nose with his finger. “Rise
and shine, baby. I’ve brought you some breakfast. Or maybe I should
say brunch.”
She yawned and stretched lazily, like a cat in front of a glowing
fire. “Why, what time is it?”
“It’s about twelve thirty. I hope you don’t mind, I’ve gotta be
somewhere at three.”
“Oh, no, you should have woken me earlier.” Emma began sitting
up. He watched with amusement as she pulled the duvet around her to
keep him from seeing her naked body. He guessed wiping away a
repressed English upbringing was going to take some time. Well, with
a woman as beautiful and intelligent as Emma, he was definitely in it
for the long haul.
He tugged at the duvet she held tightly over her breasts. “You do
realize I’ve seen every part of your body, so hiding it from me is
completely unnecessary.”
It was immensely satisfying seeing the pretty pink blush sweep up
her neck to stain her cheeks. “I can’t help it, Zane. It feels more
indecent with the sun streaming through the windows.”
Zane laughed and handed her the breakfast tray. He would have to
cure her of her shyness, even though he found it incredibly sexy in a
80 Jan Bowles

woman. He made a mental note to work on it next time. That’s if

there was a next time. He sure hoped there would be. Maybe that was
why he’d made her breakfast in bed. Deep down he figured he was
trying to make an impression. “I wasn’t sure what you’re partial to, so
I’ve rustled up eggs over easy, and some crispy bacon.”
“You cooked this?” She sounded incredulous. “A man who can
cook? Well, well, will wonders never cease?”
He knew by the smile that touched her face, she was teasing him.
“Do I detect a certain amount of sarcasm?” He laughed.
“No, I just didn’t imagine you could cook.” She tucked hungrily
into the eggs. “It’s excellent, by the way. Thank you.”
Zane smiled. “You’re real welcome.” He pulled the BlackBerry
from his breast pocket. “By the way, here’s your cell phone. You left
it in the kitchen last night. I heard it ringing about an hour ago, but it
stopped before I could get to it. Might be a good idea to check out
your messages. There could be one from your friend Chloe. She’s
most likely returned from a week of hot sex and is wondering what all
the fuss is about.”
“Thanks, I hope you’re right.”
While she continued to eat and flick through her messages, Zane
went over to the window. He stared across the open countryside at the
back of his property. His land stretched as far as the eye could see.
Bright patches of green mingled with mature oak and willow trees.
The fall was more or less finished, and the landscape was taking on an
eerie, barren beauty. That’s why he’d bought the property in the first
place. There was something satisfying about owning a piece of God’s
own earth. Perhaps, in a day or two, he’d go horseback riding on his
land. He owned more than a hundred acres, so space and privacy were
not a problem. Or maybe he’d take one of his classic cars from the
garage and give it a run out. His favorite was the ’68 Mustang. A
GT390. Exactly the same as the one used by Steve McQueen in the
film Bullitt. He loved that car. It was worth megabucks now, but he’d
never sell it.
Master of Submission 81

Before meeting Emma, his life seemed to be on hold. He didn’t

feel particularly happy or unhappy, just listless and bored with the
same old scene week after week. Surely there had to be more to life
than merely making a living and visiting Club Submission? Maybe if
a relationship based on mutual respect could develop between himself
and Emma, then perhaps he’d start truly living again. As a young man
in his twenties, he’d possessed an intoxicating zest for life. Fast-
forward fifteen years and things had changed. A failed marriage,
followed by an expensive divorce, had all taken their toll. All that
now remained of Zane Anders was a hollow empty shell.
He turned from the window and glanced across at Emma. She
held the cell phone close to her ear and seemed to be listening
intently. This demure, but surprisingly feisty Englishwoman had
made him start to reassess his life. But why her? What was so
different about Emma? What made her so special? He wouldn’t rest
until he found the answer.
“Zane!” Emma looked horrified and ashen-faced. He watched the
cell phone fall from her hand and hit the floor. It bounced on the
thick, luxurious carpet before coming to a complete rest.
In two strides he was by her side. “Whatever’s wrong, baby?” She
looked like she’d seen a ghost. Her hand trembled, fluttering to her
throat, as she fought for breath.
She lifted tear filled eyes to his. “It’s the police. They think
they’ve found Chloe.”
He gently stroked her hair, acutely aware of her obvious distress.
“Hey, but that’s good news isn’t it?”
“No, no it’s not.” She drew her legs up under the duvet and
wrapped her arms around her knees. When she began gently rocking
herself from side to side, a large teardrop squeezed from the corner of
her eye, and slowly meandered down her cheek. “The police say
they’ve found a woman closely matching Chloe’s description.
They’re almost certain it’s her. Dear, God, she’s dead, Zane. They
want me to come down to the morgue and identify her.”
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Zane held her tightly in his arms, protecting her from the evils of
the world. He knew she was left bereft by the loss of her best friend.
He whispered tenderly in her ear, “I know you’re in shock, baby, but
why you? Can’t someone else in her family do the identification?”
“She hasn’t any next of kin. Her parents were killed in a car crash
when she was fifteen. Chloe never had many friends, I’m the only one
the police could track down.” She drew in a deep ragged breath. “Oh,
God, someone’s murdered her. Bastards. Who’d do such an awful
thing to such a lovely, caring person?” She burst into tears again.
They flowed unchecked down her cheeks. “She was so kind and
caring, Zane. I’m really going to miss her.”
“Shhh,” he soothed. “Thing’s are gonna work out just fine.” Zane
held her closer still, realizing at that moment how much he cared for
her. “You don’t know for sure she’s been murdered, Emma. It could
have been an accident. Did the cops say where they’d found her?”
“No.” Her lower lip trembled.
“So what makes you think she’s been murdered?”
“They’ve sealed off her apartment. They’re treating it as a crime
It didn’t take him long to realize that Club Submission would soon
be under investigation, too. Everyone, who’d known Chloe, would be
a suspect, including himself. The shit was about to hit the proverbial
fan—big time. The cops must love the chaos. They finally had a
reason to close the club once and for all. They’d been trying for years,
but had failed miserably, because everything at Submission was legal
and above board. Matthew and Ethan saw to that. However, add a
murder to the mix, and the days of Submission were surely numbered.
The press would have a field day. There’d soon be a petition signed
by thousands of self-righteous pricks that wanted America to return to
the 1950s again.
No, Club Submission was formed to allow freedom of expression
to like-minded adults. So long as everything experienced there was
consensual, why should these uptight zealots give a shit? As far as he
Master of Submission 83

was concerned, they could shove their sanctimonious piety up their

boring, unimaginative asses.
Emma’s high-pitched voice brought him back to the here and
now. “The police won’t let me enter Chloe’s apartment. Not even for
clean clothes, or my passport. I need my passport, Zane. How can I
return to England without it?”
Return to England? He’d only just met her, and he knew he didn’t
want to lose her. Already he saw their perfect match falling at the first
hurdle. He shook those selfish thoughts from his head, and
concentrated on Emma. She was just sitting on the bed, gripping the
duvet tightly, until her knuckles bared white.
Zane decided to take control. He placed his hands on her bare
shoulders. “Emma, look at me.” It took her a while, but eventually she
lifted her gaze to his. “Go take a shower. You’re ankle is still swollen,
so you’re in no fit state to drive. I’ll drive you there myself.”
Still in a daze she slowly nodded. “Yes, yes, of course, thank you.
I’ll go and get ready right away.” She slipped from the bed totally
oblivious now to her nakedness. “What about clean clothes? I can’t
wear the clothes I wore last night. It will give the police the wrong
impression of me.”
She knew as well as he did what the vanilla world thought of the
BDSM scene. It was always wise to keep sexual preferences as
discreet as possible.
“Just wear them for now, baby. I’ll buy you a less revealing outfit
on the way over there.”
She clasped a hand to her forehead. “Oh, damn, what about my
“Don’t worry, I’m already on to it. I found your keys downstairs.
I’ve driven your car up to the house.”
A fleeting smile drifted to her lips, before wavering and slipping
away completely. “Thanks, you seem to have everything covered.”
“Pretty much so.” He felt their connection as they stared at one
another, and then she turned away, and it was gone. They were
84 Jan Bowles

virtually strangers. They’d known each other less than twenty-four

hours, yet it already felt like a strong bond was developing between
He just hoped they’d be able to ride out the storm that he knew
was about to take over their lives.
Master of Submission 85

Chapter Thirteen

Emma fidgeted nervously on the uncomfortable metal chair in the

small, clinical room. She wondered how she would cope. Events had
moved swiftly on from the unpleasant telephone call earlier that
morning. Chloe, her best friend, was dead. She found it hard to
accept, but nevertheless, it was now up to her to face the situation
head-on. She knew her lifeless body lay nearby, awaiting positive
identification. Clearly, the police had satisfied themselves that the
body in their charge was that of her best friend, Chloe Watts. They
were simply following procedure.
Zane sat next to her, occasionally squeezing her hand. She was
grateful he was here. She knew he had an important business to run.
He’d mentioned a shipment of diamonds and emeralds that were due
in right about now. He’d put himself out on her behalf, even stopping
to buy her a change of clothes from the first store they’d passed. Jeans
and a sweater seemed far more appropriate than what she’d been
wearing at Club Submission last night. He’s a good guy.
She liked Zane. They’d only known each other for a short while,
but already he’d shown a caring side to his character. Strange, she
hadn’t thought a man into domination and submission would be so
genuinely concerned about her welfare. To his credit Zane had
showed he was willing to step up to the plate. Not just for himself, but
for others, too. Me.
A sinking feeling twisted in her gut when the door slowly swung
open. A man and a woman wearing solemn expressions entered the
room. The woman, aged about forty, spoke first. She was smartly
dressed. For some reason Emma was surprised she wasn’t wearing a
86 Jan Bowles

white coat. She held out her hand, “Hi, I’m Kathy Rochelle. I’m a
forensic pathologist with the Boston Medical Examiner’s Office.” She
turned to the man with her. “And this is Detective Dave Mitchell of
the Boston Police Department. He’d like a few words with you after
you’ve made a formal identification. Provided you feel up to it.”
Emma stood and shook the woman’s outstretched hand. She was
aware her own hand was trembling. “I’m Emma Parkes. Chloe’s best
friend. I reported her missing when I first arrived here in Boston.”
Almost pleadingly she asked, “ It’s possible it’s not Chloe, isn’t it?”
Sidestepping her question, the woman said, “If you’ll just follow
me please, Ms. Parkes.” The four of them walked from the room and
down a long corridor. Emma felt as though she were a victim in some
sort of ghoulish dream. Is this really happening? Will I wake up and
find it’s all just been a horrible nightmare?
Kathy Rochelle brought them to a stop in front of a plate glass
window, measuring about ten feet by eight feet. A curtain lay drawn
behind it, hiding the room beyond from view. Emma held her breath,
knowing full well that her friend lay dead on the other side. Please
don’t let it be Chloe.
Shivering inside, she glanced across at Zane. He looked grave and
tense, too, but he gave her a reassuring nod and squeezed her
shoulder. Kathy Rochelle spoke again. Her calm voice was strangely
comforting. “Emma, in your own time, can you tell me if Chloe has
any distinguishing marks?”
Emma slowly nodded. She felt her teeth chattering as she spoke.
“Would you describe them for me please?”
“She…she…she has a small tattoo on the inside of her left wrist.
It’s of a red rose entwined with barbed wire.”
“Thank you. Any other distinguishing marks?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
Kathy Rochelle squeezed her hand. “I’m going to draw the curtain
back now, Emma. Are you okay with that?”
Master of Submission 87

“Yes.” But not really. Please, please don’t let it be Chloe.

Emma watched the curtains slowly part. She sucked in a deep
breath and held it. A body lay on a gurney, completely covered by a
white sheet. With a nod from Kathy Rochelle, an attendant slowly
pulled it back, exposing the head and shoulders.
“Oh, God. Dear God.” Emma immediately held both hands to her
face, covering her nose and mouth. Even though she knew what was
coming, the emotional trauma at seeing her best friend dead shocked
her to her very core. Her whole body began to shake. It looked like
Chloe, but Chloe never wore an expression like that in life. Her face
was contorted, as though she’d died in agony. Her mind fixated on the
open eyes and mouth, unable to stop herself imagining the horror her
wonderful friend had suffered.
“It’s her, but it just doesn’t look like her.”
When no one answered, Emma continued to stare at her friend,
unable to look away even though she desperately wanted to. Chloe’s
skin held a strange, greenish hue. The bridge of her nose had partially
collapsed, and black skin tainted the area around her mouth. Doubt
began to enter her mind as she stared at the waxwork copy of her
friend. “I need to see her wrist to be absolutely sure.” Still keeping the
rest of her body covered with the sheet, the attendant carefully
revealed her friend’s left arm. The back of her hand showed first, and
Emma noticed the blackened tips of her fingers. As a lawyer, she’d
seen numerous pictures of dead bodies, but this was the first time
she’d actually seen one in the flesh. Chloe had clearly been dead for
some time, too. From the decay, she guessed for a week or more. The
attendant carefully rotated her arm. There, there, yes it’s there. The
rose entwined in barbed wire lay tattooed on the inside of her wrist.
She was in no doubt now. It was Chloe.
“Yes, it’s her. It’s Chloe Watts,” she managed to say, blinking
back the tears that threatened to spill. “What happened to you,
Chloe?” she whispered to herself. Kathy Rochelle gave the signal and
the curtains began to slowly close. Emma placed her palms against
88 Jan Bowles

the glass, trying to stop their movement. Panic started to build as the
enormity of the situation finally hit home. Rushed, garbled words
spilled from her mouth. “No, no, no, please let me see her a little
while longer. That’s my friend. She needs me. Who’s going to look
after her now? Please don’t close it.” She followed the edge of the
curtain until just a crack was left, and a small sliver of her friend
remained. It was the last glimpse she would ever have of her. “No!”
She slammed her fist against the glass. “It isn’t fair, she’s my best
friend, I need to comfort her. Can’t you understand, she’s all alone in
there.” Her legs began to buckle, and she could barely breathe. “No,
no, no,” she sobbed. Strong hands rested on her shoulders and she
turned into their embrace. Zane enveloped her in his arms, giving her
the comfort she so desperately needed. An inner calm began to
envelop her body and mind, as she breathed in his reassuring
masculine scent.
“Shhh, baby, I’m here.” His words soothed the heartache pulsing
through her.
Detective Mitchell’s voice broke through the surreal nature of the
situation. “I need to ask you both some questions.”
“Jesus, you cops are all the same. Can’t you see this lady is
distressed? Just give us some space.” Zane sounded angry.
“I appreciate that, Sir, but this is a murder investigation.”
“I know that. We both know that. We’re well aware of the
implications.” Zane cupped her chin, and she looked at him through
teary eyes. “I’m here for as long as you need me, baby.” Even though
her body shook uncontrollably, Emma nodded, and bravely forced a
weak smile. Zane tenderly placed a palm to her cheek and held her
face against his chest. Even he looked sad. He continued speaking,
“Look, officer, just five minutes, that’s all I ask. We’re not going
Kathy Rochelle placed a hand on Emma’s shoulder. “My office is
just down the hall. Perhaps you’d like some time to gather your
thoughts in private.”
Master of Submission 89

“Thank you. You’re a very kind lady,” Emma whispered.

“Think nothing of it. One last thing, I’ll need to take your DNA
for elimination purposes. It’s routine procedure, and nothing to
concern yourself with. If you follow me, I’ll show you the way.”
Kathy Rochelle led them to her office. “Take as much time as you
Zane sat on a chair and pulled Emma onto his lap. He stroked her
hair as she laid her head against his chest. “That’s it, baby. Lean on
me.” He feathered the golden strands from her face. “That’s a tough
thing to witness. You’re one brave lady.”
“It was her, wasn’t it?” She needed to know she hadn’t made a
“Without a doubt. I remembered the tattoo on her wrist.”
“I’ve seen photographs of dead bodies in my work as a lawyer.
But somehow, it’s completely different when you see one for real.
Especially when it’s someone you know and love. Just seeing Chloe
lying there, so cold and alone, made me understand how fleeting life
can be.”
Detective Mitchell cleared his throat and entered the small office.
“Zane Anders, I have reason to believe you know the deceased, too.”
Zane sighed resignedly. “I was wondering how long it would take
you cops to figure that one out. For the record, yeah. I knew Chloe or
Giselle as she was called. To my knowledge she first visited Club
Submission about two years ago.”
“So when was the last time you saw her?”
Zane grimaced and massaged the back of his neck. “About two
weeks ago, I guess. As I said, she was known around the place as
Giselle. I only discovered yesterday that her real name was Chloe.”
The tenacious detective turned his attention to Emma. “Ma’am, it
would help our inquiries if you could tell me why you’ve been living
in Chloe Watts’s apartment.”
Emma knew where this was going, and she didn’t like the
implications one little bit. “There’s nothing sinister about my
90 Jan Bowles

relationship with Chloe, Detective Mitchell. She and I were in the

process of setting up a law firm together right here in Boston. She
invited me to move in with her while final arrangements were being
made. My arrival here in the US was planned months before she even
went missing. Chloe had a key cut for me so I could come and go as I
wished. When I arrived—”
Zane interrupted. “Don’t say any more, Emma. The cops will
twist whatever information you give them. They’ll put two and two
together and make five.”
As a lawyer, Emma knew Zane was speaking sense. She really
should insist on legal representation for herself, but for some stupid,
illogical reason, she wanted to get her feelings and emotions out in the
“No, Zane, let me speak. I want to have my say.” She took a deep
breath before continuing, “Detective Mitchell, I can assure you that
when I arrived, Chloe was nowhere to be seen.”
“And you expect me to believe that, Ms. Parkes.” The way this
homicide cop eyed her up, left her in no doubt she was a suspect.
Maybe even the prime suspect.
“I don’t give a damn what you believe, Detective. I have nothing
to hide. All my personal possessions are being shipped across from
Britain as we speak.” The furniture from her flat back in England had
all been carefully loaded into containers. “The container won’t arrive
here for another six weeks, but please, be my guest, and feel free to
check out my story with the shipping company.”
“We’ll need their address. We’ll also need the address of where
you’re staying right now.”
“The lady is staying with me.” Zane’s deep voice spoke
Zane stared into her eyes. “Baby, I want you to stay with me, at
least until you’ve sorted everything out. You’re too emotional and
vulnerable to be left on your own.”
Master of Submission 91

She smiled. “Thank you, Zane. You’re a good man. I don’t want
to put you out. As soon as I get my passport back, I can return home
to England, and—”
Detective Mitchell rudely interrupted, “Ma’am, let me explain
something to you. Until our inquiries are completed, you’ll be staying
right here in the US.”
“You’re kidding, right? For how long may I ask?”
“This is a murder investigation, Ms. Parkes. For as long as it
92 Jan Bowles

Chapter Fourteen

It was already starting to get dark when Zane finally drove the
Merc through the impressive security gates at Anders Gems. He
stilled the engine in the private parking space directly outside his
office, and turned to Emma. She looked pale and appeared to be deep
in thought.
That fucking cop. What was the prick’s name again? Yeah, that’s
right, Detective Mitchell. He’d questioned them both for over an hour.
His interview, such as it was. It was more of an interrogation, really,
focused entirely on the consensual sex going down at Club
Submission. He just wouldn’t let it drop. Zane reckoned the details
about a D/s relationship really turned the sad bastard on. He knew the
guy would head straight to the club once he’d finished with them, to
see for himself. He’d probably be nursing a semi on the drive over
there, too. So as soon as he could, he’d telephoned Matthew and
Ethan, to keep them in the loop. They knew as well as he did that a
cop snooping around a private sex club was bad for business. Most
members fiercely guarded their identity, wanting to keep it secret.
Some even kept their lifestyle secret from their husbands or wives.
They did not want it broadcast to the whole wide world. Zane figured
Club Submission was in for a bumpy ride.
After a quick glance at the four-story, smoked-glass building, he
touched Emma’s shoulder, rousing her from her introspection. “Come
in for a while, it’ll take your mind off things.” She forced a smile, but
it was obvious her thoughts were completely elsewhere. He couldn’t
blame her. What she’d seen at the morgue had been devastating. To
Master of Submission 93

find out her best friend was dead was bad enough, but to find out
she’d been murdered must be tearing her apart.
Zane stroked her pale cheek with the back of his hand. “I know
things are difficult for you right now. But it will get better, I promise
you. What you’re going through at the moment is as bad as it gets.”
“I do hope you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right. I’m always right.”
Emma nodded and couldn’t help but smile when she heard his
tongue-in-cheek response. “Your ego knows no bounds, Master
Zane.” Her words were lighthearted, but he could still detect excess
moisture glistening in her eyes.
“I’ve just got some paperwork to see to. It shouldn’t take too long.
Come on in, I’ll introduce you to the boys and girls who work for
“You’ve been so good to me, Zane. I really appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome.” He gently teased a wayward strand of her
pretty blonde hair between his finger and thumb, before tucking it
behind her perfectly shaped ear. He then looked right at her. “I
feel…” He paused, trying to find the right words. “I don’t know what
it is, but I feel an affinity with you. It’s as if…” He searched for the
elusive words again. “Look, what I’m trying to tell you is…I really
like you, Emma. I like you being around.”
Fearing he’d already said too much, he jumped from the car and
walked around to open her door. As she stepped out, he looked up at
the smoked-glass frontage. He wondered how many of his workforce
had observed his arrival with the sexy blonde woman.
He glanced at his watch as they walked toward the impressive
modern building. It was almost four. The important shipment would
have already arrived. Lucy, his personal assistant, had been with the
company for twelve years. She was virtually indispensable. He knew
she’d be able to handle the delivery on her own. She was an
extremely competent lady, and her attractive six-figure salary
confirmed this.
94 Jan Bowles

As soon as they entered the building, Lucy breezed toward them, a

genuine smile on her face. For a woman in her late forties she still
looked fantastic. Catlike green eyes, enhanced by carefully applied
makeup, gave her an exotic look. Her brown hair was neatly bobbed,
and streaked with fashionable highlights. It was a crying shame that
she remained divorced and single. He’d often thought about taking
her out himself, but the eight-year age difference always stopped him.
He figured he just wasn’t into cougar relationships at this time in his
life. Maybe one day he should introduce her to Club Submission—
that’s if she was so inclined. He felt sure she’d meet someone there,
who could make her happy. Man or woman?
“Hi, Zane. No problems whatsoever. The shipment checks out
exactly as it should. I’ve already had them graded, and even have
some of the stones ready for the open market.”
“Good work, Lucy.” He placed a protective arm around Emma’s
shoulder. “This lovely lady is, Emma. She’s staying with me for a
Lucy smiled, her feline eyes sweeping warmly over Emma in
silent approval. “Good, it’s about time you had a woman ’round the
place. It’s far too big for you, rattling around all those rooms on your
own.” She touched Emma’s hand. “Hi, Emma, I’m Lucy, the general
workhorse ’round here.” She laughed out loud, and then added with
genuine concern, “My, my, you’re shivering. I’ll bring you both a
steaming cup of coffee to warm you up.”
“Nice to meet you, too, Lucy, and thanks, a coffee would be
“You’re real welcome, honey.”
After pressing six digits on a pin pad, Zane led Emma through a
double set of sealed security doors.
“I see you’re not taking any chances with your valuable stock.”
“Yeah, a guy can’t be too safe in this business, Emma. There’s
plenty of very clever people who would like to get their hands on the
rocks we keep here. I had extra security measures installed after an
Master of Submission 95

attempted break-in last year. It’s a precautionary measure really. Most

of the time, the level of valuable gems stored here is pretty low. It’s
just on days like today, when an expensive shipment arrives. Then we
have to be extra vigilant.” He pushed open the door to his office.
“Relax, take the weight off your feet, baby. I’ll be done in twenty
“I’m in no rush, Zane. Take as long as you need. I’ve already
wasted too much of your precious time today.” She sat on a
comfortable chair overlooking the window, and silently stared
outside. He knew she was grieving for the loss of her best friend.
He’d give her as much time as she needed to come to terms with what
had happened.
Lucy tapped on the door and brought in a tray loaded with fresh
coffee, cream, and sugar, along with a few cookies. “You sure don’t
look well, honey,” she commented as she started to pour the coffee.
Emma sighed. “I’ve just had some bad news, but I’m fine now,
honestly.” She took a sip of her coffee. She raised her cup. “Mmm,
Lucy, this is delicious. You make wonderful coffee.”
“Why thank you, you’re real welcome.”
When they were finally left alone, Emma spoke again. “What
exactly do you do here, Zane? The security is amazing. This place is
like a fortress.”
She’d appeared so deep in thought since leaving the morgue, he
hadn’t thought she’d noticed much of anything. Instead, she’d taken
everything in. He guessed it was her inquiring mind. After all, she
was a lawyer. “Here at Anders Gems, we first buy in the raw stones.
Diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires are the most popular. They are
then graded according to quality. Some are sent to be cut, and others
are put on the open market. It all depends on the inherent quality of
the individual stone. Some gems have flaws, and their value is less.
Superior stones are graded by color. White diamonds are the most
sought after and valuable.”
96 Jan Bowles

She seemed a little surprised. “Color? I thought diamonds were

just that, diamonds.” He knew she was asking questions to take her
mind off things, but she didn’t know he had a passion for his work.
He turned to his safe and unlocked it. “Here, it’s better if I show you.”
Zane retrieved two small black velvet bags and placed them on his
desk. He tipped the contents of one into his hand, and then arranged
them on top of the velvet cloth. He pointed to the stones. “What do
you think?”
Her lips pursed together as she studied them. “Not much. What
are they? They look like cloudy chips of glass.”
He laughed. “Chips of glass? What you’re looking at here are raw
uncut diamonds. The few you see here are worth more than a million
Her mouth dropped open. “You’re joking, but they look so—”
Zane smiled as he looked straight at her. “Disappointing?”
A smile lifted her lips as she raised her eyes to his. “A little.”
The way she said those two simple words, a little, in that cut-glass
English accent of hers, turned him on. At that precise moment he felt
their connection on so many levels. Without doubt they shared the
same wavelength. Each seemed to know instinctively what the other
was thinking. So he said, “I’m sorry you’re disappointed, baby.”
“Zane, you could never disappoint me, but I may end up
disappointing you. I feel like a child in your presence. I know you
have so much to show me, but I can’t help feeling that I can never
match up to your expectations.”
“Come over here. There’s something I want to show you.” He
circled his arm around her waist, and she willingly slid onto his lap.
He held one of the raw diamonds in the palm of his hand. “See this?
This is a rough, uncut diamond. As such, it doesn’t catch the light or
shine brilliantly.” He tipped the contents of the other pouch onto the
mahogany desk and six beautiful round cut diamonds scattered across
the dark wood. Holding one up to the window between his finger and
Master of Submission 97

thumb, he said, “Now this is the finished article. See how the light
refracts, emitting sparkle and fire from every facet.”
“It’s truly beautiful, Zane.” A sigh left her lips.
“But the beauty exists in both. It’s just the way the master
craftsman makes his cut that allows the diamond to shine to its true,
ultimate potential.”
Emma touched his jaw, and he looked down into her wonderful
face. “I know you’re making an analogy between the rough diamond
and me. Do you see beauty when you look at me, because I don’t?”
“I see a beautiful woman who longs to let go of her inhibitions.”
“I’m not sure if staying with you is a good idea, Zane. After
today, all I want to do is curl up and cry. Besides, I’d be a kept
woman. A concubine.”
“Is that what you think?” When she nodded, he continued, “Baby,
of course I want you in my bed. What man with red blood flowing
through his veins wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean I expect anything
from you. If you came to me, it would be because you want to.
Because you want to learn from me.” He stroked his hand down her
cheek. “There is such a lot I want to teach you.”
Emma smiled. She stared at his lips and then leaned forward to
kiss him. “You’ve taught me a lot already. But I need time to make
my decision.”
98 Jan Bowles

Chapter Fifteen
One week later

Emma stared once more through her bedroom window. The

spectacular rolling countryside was finally starting to make an
impression. She’d been so engrossed in her own grief, she hadn’t even
noticed how beautiful and inviting the outside world appeared. A
thick blanket of snow had fallen during the night, and dusted the
fields and trees with a magical white carpet. The frozen landscape
stretched as far as the eye could see. The early winter scene captivated
her, reminding her of the image on a Dickensian Christmas card.
Chloe wouldn’t want her shutting herself off forever. She really
should make an effort to rejoin the world.
The police investigation into her friend’s death had expanded to
include all the members of Club Submission. That’s if they could
track them down. Apparently, around the time of Chloe’s
disappearance, there was closed-circuit television footage of her
friend leaving the club in the early hours of the morning. The footage
had been obtained from a local garage that used the discreet cameras
to protect their valuable stock of expensive automobiles. In so doing it
had taken in the entrance doors to Submission, too. The image of
Chloe and an unknown male had been circulated to the press and
media. Emma didn’t hold out much hope, because the picture quality
was extremely grainy. The unknown man could be just about anyone.
Except Zane. No other camera footage of Chloe existed. Due to the
secretive nature of the club, cameras of any description were strictly
prohibited inside the premises.
Master of Submission 99

Chloe’s body had finally been released. The autopsy had found
traces of semen and evidence of asphyxiation. From the trauma marks
around her neck, she’d most likely been strangled. Her friend must
have suffered terribly. Emma comforted herself with the knowledge
that at least they had the killers DNA. It was just a matter of time
before they found him.
The funeral home had arranged a service for Tuesday of next
week. She shivered. It would be hard saying good-bye, especially as
the media was likely to be there in full force. Please, give me the
strength to see this through.
Pain shot through her. Emma stared at her hands. She’d been
squeezing them so tightly, her fingernails had actually made deep
indentations in her palms. She shook her head. All this introspection
wasn’t doing her any good.
In an attempt to breathe some life into herself, she grabbed her
coat, and made her way to the impressive staircase that curved down
to the large entrance vestibule below. She slowly descended, carefully
taking one stair tread at a time before reaching the magnificent marble
hallway. This decadent lifestyle was one she could certainly get used
After twisting the ornate handle on the heavy oak door, she swung
it wide open. As she stood on the porch, she breathed in, filling her
lungs with the chilled December air, clearing her mind of dark
unwanted thoughts.
There was a biting wind, and she blew warm breath into her
cupped hands as she stepped out onto the virgin snow. The satisfying
crunch beneath her boots lifted her spirits, making a smile drift to her
lips. A brisk stroll was just what she needed.
Zane’s footprints were still visible. Every morning at six, he
would set off to his office in Boston, leaving her to her own devices.
To her shame, she’d retreated from the world. Now, after a week of
licking her wounds, it was time to move on.
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Zane had been very supportive, giving her the time and space she
needed to come to terms with everything. She had her own bedroom,
and the freedom to roam around his beautiful home, but something
was still missing. She needed that extra ingredient in her life. That
special something she’d glimpsed when they’d spent that wonderful
erotic night together, just a week ago. During that time with Zane,
she’d never felt more alive. She knew he wanted to develop their
relationship further, but he’d backed off completely, leaving her to
decide. There was no pressure whatsoever coming from him. If she
gave herself to him, mind, body, and soul, it would be entirely her
After trudging through the virgin snow for forty minutes, she
turned around and began making her way back to the house. The
biting wind had certainly blown away the cobwebs. Now she could
think clearly again.
When she saw Zane’s Mercedes turn onto the drive, she waved,
feeling a big smile lift her lips. A nervous coil of energy centered low
in her stomach, when he drew the car to a halt beside her, and lowered
the window. Zane’s handsome, masculine face made her want to
submit willingly and eagerly into his care. Just to see the subtle
changes in his features as he dominated her again would be as
breathtaking as the first time.
Yet the impossible situation she found herself in surfaced in her
mind. There was no way around it. Just by being here, with no means
of supporting herself, she was in reality, a kept woman. If she gave in
to her carnal cravings and submitted to his will, wouldn’t she be
making her situation far worse?
His eyes were warm and friendly as he studied her. “Good to see
you taking the air, baby.”
“I’ve realized I can’t stay in my room forever. I have to rejoin the
land of the living sometime, or I’ll go mad.”
“The fresh air has certainly brought the color to your cheeks.”
Master of Submission 101

Just the way he looked at her sent even more heat flaming to her
face. She knew he wanted to take her to bed, and master her the way
he had before. The mental image of his hard, lean body servicing hers
until she couldn’t even remember her own name filled her mind.
Surely she wouldn’t be able to resist Zane for much longer? In truth,
her panties were already wet with desire.
Thankfully, pride stopped her from blurting out, I want to be your
sub, Master Zane. She simply refused to be a kept woman. With a
quiet determination, she pushed the erotic thoughts away. It would be
best if she stayed more formal and aloof with him. If she worked for
her keep, instead of moping around in her room all day, she might be
able to keep her self-respect. “It’s good of you to put a roof over my
head, Zane. As a way of showing my appreciation, I’ll cook dinner
Completely unfazed by her standoffish manner, a wicked grin
slowly spread to his lips. Maybe he knew what she was trying to do?
He stared at her for what seemed an eternity before saying, “Great,
why don’t we cook dinner together? That way we can have a nice,
long chat. Do you want a lift?
Emma shook her head. “No thanks, the fresh air will do me good.”
“Okay, I’ll drive back to the house. By the time you get there, I’ll
have a few things ready.” He powered the window shut, and the silver
Mercedes continued toward the impressive house.
She was in two minds about spending time alone with Zane. On
the one hand she longed for his masculine guidance. On the other
hand she was worried where it would all lead. Just being in his
presence made her feel all warm and sexy inside. She hugged her
arms about herself, thinking of his huge cock deep inside her pussy,
satisfying her every need and desire. Oh, Zane, if only you knew how
much I want you.
By the time Emma reached the house, Zane had already parked up
the Merc. Fresh footprints in the snow led to the front door. After,
kicking her boots against the wall to remove the loose snow, she
102 Jan Bowles

pushed open the heavy oak door and stepped inside. She heard him
moving things around in the kitchen, and she made her way there. The
smell of his expensive aftershave lingered in the air, as she followed
the metallic sounds coming from the kitchen.
When she entered, he turned, a beaming smile gracing his
masculine face. He pointed to a fresh lettuce and a handful of cherry
tomatoes that lay on the black granite work surface.
“If you prepare the salad, I’ll cook the steaks. Cooking steak is a
man’s job. I can cook one to perfection. How do you like yours
“Well done for me. I can’t abide bloody meat.”
He chuckled. “Typical woman. Cremation will cook all the taste
out of it. I always eat mine rare.”
With hands on hips and in mock annoyance, she retorted, “Well, if
I’m a typical woman, then you’re a typical man. Trust you to want a
steak that’s barely cooked. I suppose you think it makes you all
They both laughed. Well, at least she could make an attractive
salad. She opened one of the cupboards looking for a ready-made
dressing, before deciding on her own special recipe—the one handed
down from her grandmother. Using olive oil, a touch of lemon, garlic,
mustard, and seasoning, she added some white wine vinegar, before
mixing vigorously with a whisk. She dipped a finger into the bowl,
before licking it off. “Mmm, just perfect, even if I say so myself.” She
looked across at the beautiful man taking two huge rib eyes from the
fridge. If he wants me to have sex, I won’t be able to say no. I won’t
want to.
“So how was your day?” he asked, rinsing the steaks under a cold
She sighed. “Okay, but I need purpose in my life, Zane. I really
miss my work.” Funny she hadn’t given it a second thought—until
now. She shook her head. “I hadn’t realized how much I’d miss the
cut and thrust of the courtroom. Being a lawyer, you’re an integral
Master of Submission 103

part of a real-life drama unfolding right in front of you. It’s very

invigorating and satisfying work.” Emma found a chopping board and
salad spinner. She placed them on the work surface, and began
chopping up the lettuce with a sharp knife.
Zane lit the griddle on the fabulous stainless steel oven. “Then
maybe you should set up a law firm right here in Boston as you
originally planned?”
His suggestion surprised her. Since Chloe’s untimely death, she’d
presumed returning home to England was her only option. Perhaps
she’d even ask for her position back at Handley and Hawcutt. “Just
what, are you saying, Zane? You think I should set up a law firm
without Chloe?”
“Why not? You’re clearly very competent.”
Zane began tenderizing the steaks with a wooden mallet. The dull
thud of wood against meat echoed around the kitchen. When he’d
finished beating the hell out of a poor, defenseless rib eye, she
continued the conversation.
“It’s not legal for me to practice law here in Massachusetts
without sitting the bar exam.”
He shrugged matter-of-factly. “Then take the bar exam. You’re an
intelligent and resourceful woman. Besides, you would have had to
take and pass the bar before you could practice law with Chloe.” He
made it sound so simple.
Realization dawned. “Yes, that’s true. With Chloe dying I
assumed I would return to London.”
She watched Zane throw the huge rib eyes onto the hot griddle.
They sizzled as soon as they touched, sealing in their goodness. She
breathed in, taking the delicious aroma deep into her lungs. He turned
toward her, his blue eyes holding hers. “You can stay here with me
for as long as it takes to pass the bar.”
Her mouth opened and closed several times, but no words came
out. She shook her head, unsure where events would lead her. Tiny
butterflies danced in her stomach. The way Zane looked at her made
104 Jan Bowles

her panties moisten with need. Eventually, she finally managed to

find the words she wanted. “You’ve been so very generous, Zane, and
I really appreciate all you’ve done for me, but I’d feel like a kept
woman if I stayed here with you in this beautiful house.”
“But why, baby? Why would you feel that way?”
“Because I’m an independent woman, Zane. A woman, who’s
made her way through life without any help. It wasn’t easy becoming
a lawyer in England. I achieved it through hard work and self-
reliance. That’s one of the reasons why I won’t—” Emma clamped
her mouth firmly shut before saying something she might later regret.
Her gaze connected with his. She’d been about to say, come to your
bed. She felt the blush heat her cheeks and hoped he wouldn’t notice.
She continued chopping the salad as an uncomfortable silence
filled the void between them. Just the sound of the rib eyes sizzling on
the griddle remained.
Zane walked across to her. He was so large and powerful. His
commanding physical presence and charisma simply overwhelmed
her. She turned away from his insistent stare. “Look at me, and finish
what you were about to say,” he commanded.
When she didn’t respond, he loosened the knife from her viselike
grip and tossed it onto the chopping board. Then he cupped her chin
and roughly angled her face to his. The breath escaped her lips in a
deep sigh as she reluctantly submitted to his strength. He was
beautiful, and so masterful, too. When he was all-powerful like this,
she could deny him nothing.
“Zane.” She touched his jaw, enjoying the stubble that roughened
his skin. “I really like you. But I’m worried that if I give in and
become your sub, I’ll lose my independence.”
“But you know you want to come to me. Why do you deny us the
pleasure we would share together?” His thumb grazed her bottom lip.
“You’re so very beautiful, Emma. More than anything else in the
world, I want you in my bed again. But I can’t force you to come. It
has to be your decision and your decision alone.”
Master of Submission 105

Her breathing was deep and ragged. “Yes, I wanted to come to

you. I so wanted to come to you.”
His expression became very serious. “If you come to me, I expect
you to be my sub. That means relinquishing all your control. In return,
Master Zane will take care of your every need, want, and desire.”
“I don’t know if I can give up everything, Zane. I need my
He seemed irritated by her stubborn response. “But has this
obsession with self-reliance made you happy?”
Emma shook her head. “No. I can’t ever remember being really
happy. Apart from when I’m—”
“With me. Say the words.”
She bowed her head. “Yes, with you. I’m only happy when I’m
with you.” She wasn’t clinically depressed or anything like that.
She’d just been looking for that elusive ingredient that would change
her life. She was thirty years old, single, and still waiting. She looked
at Zane. He fulfilled a basic need in her—an animal instinct, which
needed to be satisfied.
Emma raised her chin. She needed to get her thoughts out in the
open. “But I need autonomy. I need a career. I want those things,
Zane. I’d be unhappy without them.”
“You can have all those things. Being my sub doesn’t stop you
from pursuing your career. We are two individual people who have
the greatest of respect for each other. But when I’m Master Zane and
you’re my sub, we both have distinct roles to fulfill. I need your
complete trust and submission in order for it to work.”
“That’s all very well, but I live in the real world, Zane. I’m only
happy and contented if I’m paying my way in it.”
“Baby, if that’s all that’s worrying you, then you can start paying
me the going rate for living in this beautiful house. Shall we say one
thousand dollars a month? If I were to rent out the room you’re
currently staying in, that’s what I’d charge.”
“You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”
106 Jan Bowles

A smile formed on his face. “I’ve had a whole week of sleepless

nights with which to do it.”
Emma had some money put aside to start the business with Chloe.
She was more than willing to use it, to keep her autonomy with Zane.
“Then I accept your terms.”
“You know it makes sense.” He tenderly caressed her face with
his fingers. Through hooded eyes he focused on her mouth, and then
dragged his thumb across her lips. When he pushed it inside, she
hungrily sucked on it. The act felt highly erotic, her pussy throbbed
with need as she stared into his mesmerizing eyes.
Zane pulled the zipper of his pants down. “Now get on your
knees, sub. You know what is required of you.”
Still maintaining eye contact, Emma slowly lowered herself to the
floor. Keeping her independence made her feel empowered and
incredibly sexy. She saw the effect she had on Zane, and it filled her
with joy.
She pulled his huge erect penis from his pants. Its tip was already
weeping his arousal. “I would be honored to be your sub, Master
Master of Submission 107

Chapter Sixteen

Zane relished Emma’s sweet surrender. Her lips wrapped

enticingly around his thick dick as she sucked him right back. The
image of her on her knees, giving head, would be a memory he’d
cherish forever. Allowing her time to come to a decision had been a
masterstroke. In the end it had all worked out beautifully for them
He felt her tongue lapping seductively around the swollen end of
his prick. Her suction intensified as he cupped her head in his hands
and savored the moment. She bobbed her head up and down as she
feverishly licked his hard-on from base to tip. She didn’t miss a single
spot. Emma was indeed proving to be the perfect sub.
“Relax,” he said, holding her head gently in his hands, and
feeding his cock fully inside her mouth. “Relax and breathe, baby.”
She did as he commanded, tilting her head back and looking straight
at him with those beautiful baby blues of hers. Zane felt his penis
touch the back of her throat. He knew she wanted to gag, but she
didn’t. Instead, she trusted him implicitly to look after her.
“You follow your Master’s instructions well, my sub. You have
pleased me.” He stroked her face with his thumbs as he held her head
between his hands. He felt a little moisture seeping from the corner of
her eyes as she stared up into his face. “Breathe through your nose
and you’ll be just fine.” He thrust into her mouth, filling her with
hard, deep strokes.
Her sweet full lips satisfied him immensely, but he needed to keep
his seed in his balls for now. “Enough, my sub”
108 Jan Bowles

Emma refused to let go of his prick, and continued sucking

enthusiastically. Hungrily she lapped at it, caressing her tongue over
the bulbous tip in circular swirls, until he forcibly pulled her head
from his dick.
“Enough, I say. It is good that you wish to please me, but when I
tell you to stop, you must do it without delay.”
He pulled up his zipper, then scooped her into his arms. “We’ll
have dinner later.” He switched off the griddle as he walked past,
leaving the succulent rib eyes sizzling on the hot plate. “I guess I’ll
have mine well done, after all.”
She giggled and rested her head against his chest as he carried her
up the stairs two at a time. “Good, I can’t abide bloody meat.”
“Then it looks like you will have your way.”
He carried her directly to his bedroom. In his domain, she
suddenly seemed unsure of herself. More than anything he wished to
cure her of this debilitating shyness. Although he found her demure
English persona attractive, it stopped her from letting go completely.
He gently let her slide from his arms. “Wait here.”
He kicked off his shoes and lounged back on the four-poster bed,
propping several pillows behind himself for comfort. When he was
completely happy with his position, he stared directly at her.
Dressed in jeans and a sweater, Emma stood awkwardly in the
middle of the bedroom. Her beautiful blonde hair flowed freely about
her lovely face. Baby blue eyes searched his. Perhaps she was
wondering what he would ask her to do next. Her fingers knotted
nervously together as he continued to observe like a predator stalking
his prey.
“When I require service from you, how do you respond?”
She lowered her head before whispering, “Comply immediately
with your request, Master Zane.”
“Excellent, my sub. You learn fast. Now take off your clothes. I
wish to see what belongs to me.”
Master of Submission 109

She immediately began removing her sweater. He knew she was

intensely self-conscious. Tiny tremors were clearly visible on her
arms and legs—now that needed to be cured. He couldn’t take her to
Club Submission as his sub, or develop their relationship further, until
she’d overcome her inhibitions.
Eventually, she stood naked before him. Her hands were clasped
nervously together, covering her baby-smooth cunt. He sighed. Emma
was blessed with a beautiful body. It curved in the all the right places.
Her ripe pink nipples stood achingly taut, demanding his attention.
“Now come over here. I have something for you.”
Still looking a little frightened, she tentatively moved across to
him. He touched her trembling shoulders to comfort her. “Shhh, my
pet. I only have your best interests at heart.” He pulled open a drawer
in the bedside cabinet and withdrew a small velvet bag. He turned to
her. “You’re such a beautiful woman. What I have here will only
enhance your beauty further.”
Her eyes lit up as he loosened the drawstring on the pouch, and
emptied the contents into the palm of his hand. A trail of exquisite
diamonds dripped seductively from a pair of solid platinum nipple
“Oh, Master Zane, they’re so beautiful, but what are they?”
“Come closer, my innocent little sub, and I’ll explain.” She took
another step toward him, and he cupped her womanly breast in his
hand. He kneaded her warm flesh in smooth, circular movements
before teasing the aroused nipple into a lengthened hard tip. Zane
placed a nipple clamp over her taut peak before applying a quarter
turn of pressure to the screw. She bit down on her bottom lip, but
didn’t cry out.
“I think the sensation pleases my sub, but as you have no previous
experience of nipple clamps, I won’t apply too much pressure.”
He did the same to her other nipple, then asked, “How do they
110 Jan Bowles

“Mmm.” She bit down on her bottom lip again. “Almost painful,
but strangely arousing. They make me more aware of my breasts.”
“Good, that was the effect I was hoping for.” Three strands of
diamond droplets clung from each nipple clamp, catching the light
with their brilliance, and trailing seductively over her breasts. He
would like to see her adorned with more precious gems. Nevertheless,
these were extremely pleasing to the eye. He smiled at her.
“Diamonds suit you. They make you look real sexy. Now lie on the
bed. There’s something I want you to do for me. That’s it, lie flat on
your back.”
When she complied fully with his instruction, he added, “Now
bring your heels up to that peachy little butt of yours, and then open
your legs…wide. I want you to masturbate for me.”
Her head jerked in his direction. “Please don’t make me, Master
“Are you disobeying me?”
“No. No, I’d never do that, but—”
“Have you never masturbated before?”
“Yes, but”—color flared in her cheeks—“I can’t do that in front
of you. It’s private.”
“Understand this, Emma. You are now my sub, and therefore
belong to me. Nothing is kept private. Did you like sucking my cock
in the kitchen? You may answer truthfully.”
She demurely lowered her gaze. “It’s my pleasure to pleasure
“Then you will like what I demand from you now.”
“Yes, I want to believe what you say is true.”
“Then trust your Master to know what is best for you.” If she
finally let go of her inhibitions, then she could truly begin to blossom
and flower in her new role as his sub.
“As your sub I’ll do as you command, but I know I won’t be able
to orgasm.”
“You will orgasm. I demand it.”
Master of Submission 111

A soft moan of embarrassment sighed from her lips, as Emma

spread her legs wide, allowing him to see her beautiful, shaved cunt
and cute little puckered hole. As she spread her legs wider still, her
delicate feminine folds slowly opened up, surrendering her most
intimate parts for his perusal. She placed the tip of an index finger to
her clitoris and began circling the burgeoning bundle of nerves with
light strokes.
From his experience with women, he knew that some liked to
stroke their clits up and down, while others preferred circular
movements. He would often use a combination of both techniques to
bring a woman to climax.
Appearing bolder now, she seemed unafraid to hold his gaze, as
she continued to finger her clit. He leaned forward and kissed her lips.
“You please me.”
“Thank you.” Her baby blue eyes held his. “I can’t believe I’m
doing this in front of you.”
Zane let his gaze travel along the length of her body. The pressure
from the diamond-encrusted clamps had turned her nipples a gorgeous
shade of purple. He knew they throbbed and pulsed, enhancing her
sexual experience. “Is this how you normally pleasure yourself?”
“I use my other finger, too.”
“Show me.”
A weak whimper left her lips. “Oh, Master Zane, do I have to?”
He tugged at the nipple clamps, making her pant breathlessly. “Do
you wish me to tighten the screws?”
She shook her head vigorously. “No, please don’t. I’ll do as you
She complied, dipping the index finger of her left hand deep
inside her soaking pussy. Zane had to admit a woman masturbating
herself was an arousing sight. His steel-hard cock twitching and
jerking inside his pants was clear evidence of that, and he couldn’t
resist leaning forward and nuzzling the underside of her breasts as he
tugged gently on her nipple clamps. He glanced up into her angelic
112 Jan Bowles

face as he tongued the soft feminine mound before taking her

constricted nipple and clamp fully into his mouth. He enjoyed the
submissive mews that left her pouting lips.
Now was the time to accelerate the play. “You’re a thirty-year-old
woman, with limited sexual experience. How did you cope with your
sexual urges? Did you use a vibrator?”
“I ask you once again.”
He saw her visibly squirm. He whispered quietly in her ear,
“Answer truthfully, or face the consequences.”
“Yes, Master Zane,” she answered meekly.
“Now we’re getting somewhere. So where is it?”
“I threw it away when I moved to Boston.”
“It embarrassed me.”
He chuckled. “Ah, you’re such an innocent. That’s too bad.” She
visibly relaxed, until he said, “Luckily I had the foresight to buy you
one.” Zane opened his bedside drawer once more, and withdrew the
new vibrator. It was still in its box, and he began unwrapping it.
“Your Master thinks of everything.”
“Oh my God. You’re not going to make me use that in front of
you, are you?”
“You’ll love it, my sub. I promise.” He switched it on, and handed
the buzzing phallus to her. A sexy blush swept up her belly to stain
her throat and cheeks. She lay motionless, with the whirling sex toy in
her hand.
“Continue, my sub. I wish to see you use it.” When she didn’t
immediately respond, he tugged at her nipple clamps. “Perhaps I
should rephrase that. I demand that you use it.”
With a submissive whimper, she touched the whirling end of the
vibrator against her clitoris, and held it in place.
Master of Submission 113

“You make my cock so fucking hard. Do it exactly as you would

if you were alone.”
A faint knowing smile touched her lips as she continued to
pleasure herself, and Zane figured she was warming to the role. He
moved from the bed. Slowly he began to loosen his belt before
stepping from his pants. Keeping his eyes focused intently on Emma,
he enjoyed the subtle nuances that played on her beautiful face. He
knew she was beginning to enjoy his domination. Arousal getting the
better of him, he yanked his shirt over his head, breaking several
buttons in the process. Now completely naked, he leaned over and
kissed her softly undulating belly. Tiny, breathy whimpers and mews
started flowing from her lips. He slowly moved up her stomach,
planting tiny kisses to her glowing skin.
“Keep going. I insist that you climax,” he ordered gruffly. When
he reached her clamped nipples, he flicked his tongue over the
sensitive nubs causing her whole body to arch, until only her head and
shoulders remained in contact with the bed. A series of sexy little
animal cries spilled from her lips as he tormented her swollen aroused
nipples with his teeth.
Moving up her gorgeous body, he worked his way to the pulse at
the base of her throat. Her heart beat so frantically. The force of the
blood was clearly visible in the beautiful veins that adorned her
slender neck.
Zane looked down her body. One hand held the vibrator, which
slid effortlessly in and out of her wet cunt. The index finger of her
other hand still stimulated her clit with fast circular movements.
He marveled at his own prowess. Once Emma let go of her sexual
inhibitions, he could mold her into the perfect sub. He stood beside
the bed, jerking his hard dick. Showing it to her, letting her know
what she was going to get next.
He knew she was close. Her cheeks were florid and her breathing
fast. Her slightly parted lips looked so fucking sexy. “Do it for me,
Emma. Come for me. Then this can be inside you.”
114 Jan Bowles

Chapter Seventeen

“Oh, God…oh, dear God.” Emma’s body shook uncontrollably as

she hurtled toward the point of no return. “It’s almost there. It’s
almost there.” Her orgasm was so, so close. She felt herself teetering
on the edge as she continued to pleasure herself with the vibrator. She
couldn’t believe what she was doing for Zane. It felt totally forbidden,
and yet highly erotic. She knew the show she was putting on aroused
her Master. All she had to do was look at him. His huge cock stood to
attention, waiting to take over. That thought alone made her pussy
contract painfully around the sex toy.
When the mattress moved and she looked down between her legs,
she saw Zane kneeling on the bed directly in front of her. His gaze
was glued to her pussy as she continued to masturbate herself. He
absorbed every detail as she slid the whirling phallus fully home and
then slowly withdrew it. Her thoughts became so absorbed with
beautiful Zane, that she briefly stopped what she was doing.
“Did I give you permission to stop?” he barked out. His message
was uncompromising.
She shook her head. “No, I’m sorry.”
“Then continue what you’re doing.”
“Yes, Master Zane.”
Emma quickly returned to a steady rhythm, filling her pussy with
the sex toy, while swirling a finger over her clit. If she concentrated
on delivering what her Master demanded, then maybe she’d please
him by achieving orgasm.
Her legs were spread wide, but Zane placed his palms on her
knees and spread them wider still. Slowly, he let his hands drift up her
Master of Submission 115

thighs. When he reached her hips, he smoothed his fingers over her
belly, then, circling her waist, he traced his thumbs across her
stomach, which trembled and undulated with each breath. When his
thumbs caressed the underside of her breasts, he stroked the soft flesh,
and dipped down to flick his tongue over her swollen peaks. The air
seized in her lungs. The diamond-encrusted nipple clamps made the
blood in her breasts pulse and throb with a delicious erotic pain.
Zane lifted his gaze to hers as he continued to lick her swollen
constricted nubs. Dark pools of deepest blue pierced the very
foundations she’d always believed in. He was the devil in human
form, teasing her tortured peaks, demanding that she give him her
And give it she would—willingly. She would hand him whatever
he wanted, because he’d shown her how exciting life could be—if
only she’d let go.
Perhaps he was reading her thoughts, because he purred, “Let go,
Emma. Let it go.”
All I have to do is step over the precipice. If I let go of the past, I
can do it. I’m not just a career-focused woman anymore. I’m a sexual
being with needs of my own.
A spasm pulsed in her womb, rising, rising, and branching out. It
ripped through the carefully laid foundations of her mind, and
exploded in psychedelic rapture. Her whole body writhed, and a
piercing cry left her lips as she came like never before. Her pussy
clamped painfully, and she arched, giving her Master exactly what he
wanted—her complete capitulation, and ultimate submission. It felt
invigorating and life changing, surrendering everything she had to
Zane pulled the vibrator from her pussy and discarded it.
“You have done well, my sub. You’re mine now.” A feverish
intensity masked his face as he filled her pussy with one giant thrust
of his cock. The breath was forced from her lungs as she writhed in
ecstasy beneath two hundred pounds of muscle and sinew. Impaled
116 Jan Bowles

wonderfully by his prick, another orgasm exploded around his penis,

sending her into a series of incoherent ramblings.
Overpowered by his masculine presence and the intensity of his
lovemaking, she was reduced to a limp rag doll. Offering no
resistance, she submitted to his mighty will, as she climaxed again,
with a force that bordered on the brutal. Colors flamed and popped in
her head. Lights flashed and endorphins burst into life, zinging their
way through millions of nerve endings in her overstimulated mind
and body.
“Zane, oh, Zane. Thank you, Master Zane.”
When she finally drifted back to reality, Zane was fucking her
slowly. His warm flesh surrounded her, and she clung to his
shoulders, squeezing them, making her knuckles bare white.
Wrapping her legs tightly around him, she crossed her ankles, and
pulled him closer still, wanting every inch of his potent masculinity
deep inside her. He shone like a beacon, guiding her and teaching her
about a new way of living. From now on her life would never be the
same again.
His lips sought hers, tasting, teasing, nipping, and she responded
by feverishly kissing him back, with a passion she didn’t know she
“That’s it, baby. Let it all go. Be the woman you always wanted to
be.” He held her head in his hands, and pumped deeper still, stroke
after delicious stroke, staring down into her eyes, mesmerizing her.
Emma could no more look away from this beautiful man than stop
breathing. As she clung to him, she allowed her fingers to tease the
thick, dark hair that fell disheveled about his face. It was the first time
she’d shown any real affection toward him. The other times they’d
fucked it had been just sex, nothing more. Now he made love to her,
and it filled her with joy.
“Oh, Zane.” Emma couldn’t stop his name falling from her lips, as
her head fell back, and she gave herself completely. The sexual
woman she had always suppressed could no longer be denied. From
Master of Submission 117

now on she would always be true to herself, but most of all she would
always be true to the Master who had set her free.
He kissed her neck, licking the pulse at the base of her throat.
Possessive lips peppered tiny kisses to her ear, and he whispered,
“You feel so good, Emma. So damned good.” He tucked his hands
under her buttocks, his muscular forearms lifting her butt from the
bed with ease. Letting his weight rest against her, he rammed his cock
repeatedly inside her. Zane made her feel as though she were the most
beautiful creature in the universe.
Emma flexed her hips and arched into his thrusts. It felt so good,
being mastered by a powerful, sexy man. Their sweat-soaked bodies
glided over each other like a well-oiled machine, until another
unstoppable orgasm started to build…build…build.
“Master, I’m coming again.”
“Wait.” He thrust hard once more.
“But, Master—” How could she deny what her body craved the
most? She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, fearing that she would lose
the battle. “I can’t stop it coming.”
“Look at me.” When she stared into his cobalt blue eyes, he filled
her again. “Now count out loud.”
“One.” Each time she spoke, he made another giant thrust as he
continued to hold her gaze. They were the only two people left in the
world, because nothing else mattered. Nothing else existed, except the
very special connection they shared at this precise moment in time.
“Two.” Her whole body shook as he filled her again, sliding his
cock deep inside her pussy. She gasped, holding her breath, digging
long nails into his shoulders, fighting to hold back her climax.
When he thrust again, his cock felt huge, stretching her control to
breaking point.
“Now, now, now. Do it for me now.”
Her Master’s permission was immediately followed by the
exquisite pain of final release. Pleasure-giving endorphins popped and
118 Jan Bowles

exploded in her brain, sending kaleidoscopic colors pulsing through

her vision. Whimpers of intense sexual satisfaction filled the room.
Her womb contracted, driving waves of pure pleasure through her
pussy. The spasms were so strong she felt her vaginal muscles
gripping Zane’s cock repeatedly, squeezing it, until he ejaculated his
seed with a loud, guttural groan as he jerked deep inside her one final


They lay on the bed, entwined in each other’s arms. The only
noise was the sound of their heavy breathing, and the insistent thud of
their synchronized hearts as they slowly came back to earth. Emma
knew her life had changed forever. It would never be the same again.
Sex with Zane was the most exciting, life-enforcing event she’d ever
“Wow, you’re something else, lady.” Zane tenderly stroked the
sweat-covered hair from her eyes.
Emma made a whimper of protest, when Zane withdrew from her
and rolled to the side. “I’m not going anywhere. Just getting more
comfortable.” He stroked a hand down her cheek and smiled at her.
“Here, I’ll remove these before they start hurting.” He gently
unscrewed the nipple clamps, and slowly eased them from her breasts.
Her nipples had become tender, and she took a sharp intake of breath
as he lifted them away. He grabbed the duvet and tugged it across
them both, then pulled her into his arms. She nestled comfortably
against his broad shoulder. “Is that better, baby?” he asked, starting to
massage her tired shoulders.
“Much.” She snuggled into his masculine warmth, and let her
fingers drift across the taut muscles of his well-developed chest.
Emma had never felt so emotionally and physically close to a man.
Just letting go of her old self with all its pent-up inhibitions made her
feel as though a weight had been lifted from her mind. Perhaps she’d
Master of Submission 119

always been a natural submissive. Certainly, the men she’d dated

before had never shown their dominant side like Zane did. Maybe that
was why she’d always felt unfulfilled in her relationships with men.
Zane could never disappoint her. He always took control, especially
during sex. He demanded, and she gave, and yet he protected her, too.
She touched his rugged face, letting her fingers drift along his
masculine jaw. “I never expected to find such loving care in a D/s
relationship, Zane.”
He tenderly massaged her shoulder again, and kissed her forehead.
“It is the duty of every Master to tend to the welfare of their sub,
especially when she’s pleased them.” His voice was deep and mellow,
and reverberated through his chest.
“But…I…” Emma breathed in, wanting to understand why she
felt such a close emotional bond with Zane. The feeling that she was
falling hopelessly in love with him made her say, “I never expected it
to be so intense.”
He playfully tapped her nose as he turned to look at her. His blue
eyes were mellow and friendly. “I guess it’s different with you, baby.
You’re special.”
“I am?” Just his words, You’re special, made her feel safe and
protected. Was this Zane’s way of telling her he loved her? Was it
even possible to love someone after just one week?
Zane took a long, deep breath, before slowly releasing it.
“Sometimes when two people share the same wavelength, they
just…” He sucked in another breath. “I guess what I’m trying to say is
that I lo—” He coughed awkwardly. “Listen, Emma. What I meant to
say was, if you’re living here with me on a full-time basis, we could
spend more time getting to know each other better. Sex doesn’t
always have to be hard edged, baby. I just like being with you.”
“You do?” The way he looked at her she was sure he felt their
connection, too. Had Zane been about to tell her he loved her?
120 Jan Bowles

He laughed. “No need to look so surprised. I want us to share a

caring relationship. How else am I gonna get you to do all those
wicked things I’ve got planned for you.”


Zane stroked Emma’s shoulder once more. She’d been right. The
sex between them was intense. In fact the fucking was out of this
world. He’d indulged in D/s relationships since his divorce, but he’d
never brought any of his subs home—until now. He’d always
preferred Club Submission and its vibrant social scene to fulfill his
sexual needs. Yeah, Zane, you’ve been a right selfish prick over the
years. Using the subs at the club for your own sexual gratification,
without giving a fuck about their feelings once you left. The
submissive women had been only too willing to accommodate the
great Master Zane. He’d always satisfied their sexual needs
completely, making sure they kept coming back for more.
But Emma is different. She’s special.
He knew he didn’t want to discipline her in front of other club
members as he had with all his previous subs. Fuck, this lady really is
special. If and when physical correction was required, he would do it
in the privacy of his own home, without any voyeurs to witness her
punishment. That part of their relationship would be kept strictly
private from now on. He didn’t need an audience to turn him on
anymore. He wanted Emma all to himself. Maybe he was going soft
in his old age. Or maybe he’d fallen in love with her.
Christ, he’d almost let that slip, but he’d just managed to stop
himself in time. He’d nearly uttered that crazy little four-letter word,
which can change people’s lives forever. From now on, he’d keep his
mouth shut and his powder dry. Relationships needed time to develop
and grow. He didn’t want to make a fool of himself and tell her that
he loved her if she didn’t feel the same way about him. No, it would
Master of Submission 121

be best to hold back for the time being. He needed to be absolutely

Zane turned and looked at Emma sleeping peacefully on his
shoulder. Her breathing was calm and rhythmic, her sensuous, full
lips slightly parted. How beautiful and at peace with herself she
appeared. Helping her to overcome her sexual inhibitions was a job he
would relish. He noticed a difference in Emma already. A few more
sessions like they’d just had, and she would be well on the way to
leaving her repressed English upbringing far behind her. All the extra
effort would be time well spent, because there was no doubt in his
mind that Emma was his perfect submissive and lifelong partner.
122 Jan Bowles

Chapter Eighteen
Four days later

Emma had dreaded this day ever since she’d learned that Chloe
was dead. At least she had Zane by her side. He wore an expensive
hand-tailored suit, with matching waistcoat, a simple white shirt and
black tie. She nervously touched his arm as the funeral cortege swept
through the cemetery gates.
“It’s okay, baby,” he whispered, covering her hand with his, but
still keeping his eyes trained up ahead. He then turned to look at her.
“There’s one or two reporters outside the chapel. Just ignore them.”
“That’s easier said than done. Everyone knows Chloe frequented
Club Submission. Our pictures will be plastered all over the papers.
I’m not worried about myself, but what about you, Zane. What about
your reputation? You have a business to run.”
“It’s at times like these that people find out if they’re made of the
right stuff. I knew Chloe for a short while, and it’s right I’m here.” He
patted her hand. “They won’t necessarily make a connection anyway,
and I’m not worried about a little bad publicity.” He smiled as the
limousine drew to halt outside the chapel. “Besides, there’s no such
thing as bad publicity.”
Emma doubted he was right, but she was extremely grateful that
he’d agreed to accompany her to Chloe’s funeral. At this precise
moment she needed him to lean on. As he squeezed her hand, she
could feel his strength of character pouring into her, making her
“Now deep breath, Emma.”
Master of Submission 123

Clutching her personal tribute to her dear friend, Emma slipped

from the luxurious car and stepped out onto the cobbled paving.
Ignoring the press photographers lined up behind a roped-off area, she
bowed her head as the casket was lifted from the hearse, and
pallbearers carried it past her inside the chapel.
A bouquet of beautiful red roses and pale white lilies sprayed out
on top of the pure white coffin. Chloe loved flowers—she loved life.
Emma fought down a choke, and breathed deeply, blinking back the
tears that threatened to spill. This was going to be hard.


Zane scanned the chapel as the service got underway. It was filled
with mourners. There were a few people here whom he recognized
from Club Submission. Matthew, Ethan, Jessica, and Hunter were all
here, and he nodded in their direction. It was good they were paying
their respects.
After the second hymn finished, Emma stood, and moved across
to the coffin. She placed a single white lily on the casket and then
turned to the congregation. He could see she was nervous. Her hand
kept gripping her notes tightly between her fingers. Her pale
complexion contrasted sharply with the black dress she wore.
Emma cleared her throat. “Chloe and I became good friends at
Oxford University. We were both eighteen with our whole lives ahead
of us. Tragically, Chloe’s life has been cut short. I’ve chosen a poem
that sums up how I feel.” She took a deep breath. “We cannot judge a
biography by its length, nor by the number of pages in it. We must
judge it by the richness of its contents. Sometimes those unfinished
are among the most poignant. We cannot judge a song by its duration,
nor by the number of its notes. We must judge it by the way it touches
and lifts our souls. Sometimes those unfinished are among the most
beautiful. And when something has enriched your life, and when its
melody lingers on in your heart. Is it unfinished? Or is it endless?”
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Her voice cracked on the last word, and Zane knew she was just
barely keeping it together. “You touched the lives of everyone who
knew you. Thank you, Chloe. I will never forget you.”
Zane wrapped his arm around Emma as she came and sat beside
him once more. He could see her lower lip trembling as she fought to
keep her composure. He whispered in her ear, “Emma, I’m real proud
of you.” It felt bittersweet to think a tragedy so heartbreaking had
brought them together.
When the service was over, he held her protectively around the
waist and guided her toward the entrance.
“Can I have a word?” Detective Dave Mitchell appeared through
the throng of people queuing to leave the chapel.
Zane sighed. That’s all he needed. An overzealous cop. The
detective had an irritating knack of turning up at inappropriate
moments. “Is this absolutely necessary? Can’t it wait? It’s a Goddamn
funeral in case you haven’t noticed.”
Detective Dave Mitchell was unrepentant. “You can always come
down to the station and answer my questions there.”
“Take no notice of him, Zane. He’s just trying to intimidate us.”
Emma looked the detective squarely in the eye. “That is what you’re
doing, isn’t it?”
“Just doing my job, ma’am.”
“Shouldn’t you be looking for Orion, instead of harassing us?”
“The man calling himself Orion has come forward.”
“Really. Who is it?”
“Ma’am, I can’t divulge that information.”
“Why ever not? He’s the one who killed Chloe.”
“His DNA didn’t match the killers.”
Zane butted in. “So why are you here, Detective?” If he could get
away with it, he’d lay the prick out with a left hook to the jaw.
Matthew and Ethan must have overheard his raised voice, because
they came across.
“What’s going on?” Ethan asked.
Master of Submission 125

“Detective Mitchell was just leaving.” Zane hoped the asshole

would take the hint.
The detective seemed totally unfazed by the growing audience. He
stared at them all. “There’s a trail leading all the way from Chloe
Watts to Club Submission.”
Out the corner of his eye, Zane could see the two brothers square
up to the detective. Any minute now a fight would break out.
Unperturbed by the growing hostility toward him, the cop shook
his head. “I’ve asked myself a thousand times. What sort of men
enjoy hurting women? If it’s the last thing I do before I hang up my
badge, I’ll have the place closed down.”
Matthew spoke out. Although his voice was calm, Zane knew he
was angry. “It’s bigoted cops like you who give the police a bad
name. Maybe you should stay away from things you don’t
“Mr. Strong, Club Submission is a haven for sadists, using the
cover of the club to practice abuse and violence on vulnerable
women. It is my intention to close it down for good.”
The detective’s misconceptions of the BDSM lifestyle were
insulting to Zane and the women he’d shared a D/s relationship with.
Goddamn it, the guy was seriously asking for a broken nose.
Emma must have noticed Zane’s hands clench into fists, because
she gently squeezed his arm. “Please, everyone, don’t take the bait.
He wants you to get angry, so he can arrest you all. Then the good
people of Boston will think he’s doing a great job.”
Zane looked at Emma. Her beautiful face pacified the anger
seething through his veins. He’d been so close to hitting the cop, and
he guessed Matthew and Ethan had been, too.
“Detective Mitchell, instead of concentrating on Club Submission,
try looking elsewhere. Maybe then, you’ll actually find the killer,” she
stated matter-of-factly.
Ignoring the cop, Ethan extended his hand to Emma. “Those are
wise words, ma’am. My condolences on your sad loss.”
126 Jan Bowles

“Thank you for coming.” Emma smiled and shook his hand,
before taking Matthew’s hand. “Thank you.”
“We liked Chloe. She was a great girl,” Matthew said. Then both
the brothers turned and began walking away. It was as if the detective
no longer existed.
“I think we’re done here.” Zane put his arm around Emma’s
shoulders. She brought out the best in everyone. He didn’t want to
give the rogue cop a second thought either. “Let’s go home, baby.”


Two weeks later

“How should I behave, Zane? Tell me again how a sub should act
with her Master in public.” Emma had a slight nervous edge to her
voice as he drove the luxurious Range Rover across the intersection.
It was mid-December, and snow lay frozen in patches on the ground.
He was glad he’d decided to use the four-wheel drive.
He guessed she was a little apprehensive, because he was taking
her back to Club Submission for the first time since they’d met. For
the last few weeks she’d stayed at his home. Of course, Emma being
Emma, and a very independent lady, she’d insisted on paying the
market rate for her board and keep. They’d been working on
cementing their relationship together, and it had developed far better
than he could have hoped. She was proving to be a worthy sub. Her
repressed English background was almost a thing of the past now.
There was just the odd day or two when her old insecurities would
resurface, and she’d feel unsure of herself. Like today. In a year or
less from now, it would be gone for good.
“First of all, baby, enjoy yourself. Club Submission is a place to
feel free from the constraints of the vanilla world. Anything goes, so
long as it’s consensual. Mathew and Ethan have owned the club for
Master of Submission 127

six years, and will not tolerate subs being forced to do anything
against their will. Like I say, everything has to be consensual.”
“Yes, that’s reassuring to know, but how should I act with you?
Can I speak freely?”
Zane sighed. Emma’s nerves were clearly getting the better of her.
“We’ve already been through this. I’m sure you’ll remember what’s
expected of you.”
“I know. Just tell me one more time, please, Zane. I don’t want to
let you down.”
“Very well. You can speak freely when we’re alone, but there is a
certain protocol that needs to be followed when we’re with other club
members. You may interact with the other submissives if you wish.
But you should always keep your eyes downcast from the other
Dominants, until I introduce you to them.”
“But won’t that seem rather rude?”
“Not at all. That’s how they expect a sub to behave. You should
never speak out of turn. If you wish to speak with another Dominant,
you need to gain my permission first.”
“It all sounds very complicated.”
He stroked her arm, soothing her obvious concern. “It’s quite
simple really. The club is a sanctuary where we can act out our
fantasies in a safe environment. It can be very arousing with
“What if I forget my place and I blurt out something without
Zane smiled. “Then I may decide to discipline you for speaking
without my permission.”
Her eyes opened wide. “In front of everyone?”
“Perhaps. That would be my choice to make. It all depends on
how benevolent I’m feeling. But make no mistake, you will be
disciplined.” He kept his voice low, to show he meant business.
Tonight would be a true test of her commitment to the lifestyle he’d
enjoyed for the past six years. He couldn’t afford to be soft with her
128 Jan Bowles

just because he’d fallen in love with her. He had his position as a
respected Dom to maintain.
“Oh.” Emma visibly squirmed in her seat. The thought of being
disciplined by him clearly turned her on. When she’d shared her
deepest fantasies with him, the night they’d first fucked, Emma had
reluctantly told him that she’d like to have her ass spanked. He
mused, now, which would be best? The paddle or the cane?
Zane shook the cock-hardening thoughts from his mind as he
steered the Range Rover into the club’s parking lot. For a Friday night
the lot looked empty, but then the weather was bad, and lots of club
members hired cabs.
Once he’d killed the ignition, he turned to Emma. Her cloud of
blonde hair was pinned up, leaving just wispy, golden tendrils to
cascade around her beautiful, heart-shaped face. “Ready, baby?”
She nodded, and drew in a deep breath, her slender fingers tightly
gripping her purse. He noticed her knuckles bared white.
Zane placed his hand on hers, stilling the neurotic action. “No
need to be nervous.”
“I can’t help it, Zane. Last time I was here I was just a stranger.
Now I’m your sub.”
He squeezed her hand. “Let’s go in?”
Emma managed a smile. “Yes, of course.”
“Then I suggest we run across the lot, because it’s fifteen below
out there.”
“After you.” She giggled, holding her hand on the door release,
and waiting for him to make the first move.
“No, I insist, ladies first.” When neither of them opened the car
door, Zane decided to take control. “As my sub, I order you, on the
count of three, to leave this vehicle.” That was the beauty of being a
Dom, he could always pull rank on his sub.
“But that’s not fair.” She waited, listening intently as he counted
out loud.
Master of Submission 129

The icy blast hit him as he pushed open the door. Thank God he
was wearing a winter coat. He heard the passenger door slam shut,
and watched Emma hurry across the car lot to Submission. He
listened to her girlish screams as the wind tore through her coat and
permeated the miniscule skirt and top that she wore. Zane zapped the
remote, securing the hundred-thousand-dollar automobile, and took
off after her. A bitter gust of frozen air ripped through his hair,
making him grit his teeth. Damn, it was cold.
Emma made him feel truly alive for the first time in years. When
he’d been much younger, he’d fucked up his personal life by being a
selfish prick. Yeah, but he hadn’t been true to himself. If he had,
things might have turned out differently. In the end, unhappiness had
spread like wildfire into every aspect of his life, leaving him bitter and
discontented. Emma had given him a second chance. He’d make sure
he got it right this time. He loved her.
They both reached the steps to the club at the same time. When he
turned the impressive brass handle, attached to the solid oak door, he
was surprised to find it locked. He felt his brows draw together.
Perhaps there was a private party and he hadn’t heard about it. He
thought this highly unlikely. He’d been a Submission regular for the
past six years. The gargoyle doorbell was lit, so he pressed it. After a
half-minute or so, he heard the heavy bolt being drawn back, and the
large oak door slowly opened a few inches.
Andrea, the receptionist, peered through the gap. She seemed
relieved when she recognized him. “Oh, thank God it’s you, Zane,
come on in. Get out of this shit weather.” She opened the door wider,
allowing him and Emma to enter.
“What the hell’s going on?” he asked as Andrea locked the door
behind them. Her blonde hair shook with the effort to ram the bolt
fully home.
She turned, looking slightly harassed. “The place has been under
siege from the press and TV guys. They’ve been camping out on the
steps, hoping for an opportunity to sneak inside. We’ve even had
130 Jan Bowles

reporters pretending to be part of the scene, just to gain access to the

club. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve caught them with
concealed cameras. They must think we’re complete fucking idiots.”
“Jesus, Andrea, I knew there was some shit going down, but I
didn’t think it was that bad.” Of course, he’d read the reports in the
papers and watched the TV, but after a couple of days it all seemed to
be dying down. “There’s no one out there now,” Zane commented.
“Yeah, that’s because it’s turned bitter outside, minus fifteen or
less. Besides, they’ve frightened all the regulars away, so there’s
nothing for them to report anymore. I mean, who in their right mind
wants their photo taken in a club like this, and then plastered all over
the papers. You know as well as me, Zane, the vanilla world has the
wrong impression of what goes on here. Some narrow-minded folks
would even disown their own kin if they found out they visited Club
“Yeah, you’re right as usual, Andrea. Is it worth us signing in?”
“No, go straight in. The cops took the sign-in book as evidence. I
suppose they were bound to after what happened to that poor girl who
used to come here. Waste of fucking time, in my opinion. I mean,
who signs their real name in the book anyway? At the moment the
cops are on the lookout for four Bill Clintons, three Monica
Lewinskys, and a well-endowed Welsh guy who goes by the name of
Ivor Biggun.” She threw back her head and laughed at her own joke,
but stopped abruptly when she noticed Emma standing quietly in the
corner. “You’ll have to forgive my crude attempt at humor. I know
you were a friend of Giselle’s.” She immediately corrected herself.
“Sorry, honey, I mean Chloe. I sure hope I haven’t offended you?”
“No, not at all. Chloe was a fun girl. She would have seen the
funny side, too.”
Andrea nodded in silent approval. Emma’s manners and the way
she held herself were impeccable. She was a natural submissive.
“Now both of you, slip off your coats and go right in. It’s a lot
warmer in there, than it is outside.”
Master of Submission 131

They duly obliged, shrugging quickly from their coats. Zane

handed his to Andrea and then helped Emma from hers. She’d spent
three hours getting ready that evening. He wondered why it took so
long to put on a skimpy top and barely there miniskirt. Still, he had to
admit she looked perfect. Complementing her frugal outfit were a pair
of kinky leather boots, and some tastefully applied makeup. Feeling
like a lottery winner, Zane couldn’t wait to show off his prize.
The heady beat of the music drifted down the corridor as Zane
guided Emma toward the action. He held a protective arm around her
waist. When he pushed open the double doors into the main part of
the club, he was surprised to find it virtually empty. From what
Andrea had told him, he guessed there wouldn’t be many members in
tonight, but to actually see all the vacant chairs, made him stop in his
Jessica and Cole were the only people on the dance floor.
Matthew and Ethan sat in the corner, leaving just Todd to tend bar.
There was no one else. Everyone with the exception of Jessica
appeared thoroughly depressed. It looked like the homicide
investigation had brought Club Submission to its knees. He nodded
acknowledgement to the two brothers, and continued walking to the
“Where is everyone?” Emma whispered as they took a seat.
“I guess the cops scared them away.”
“That’s awful. Can they afford to keep the club open with so few
paying customers?”
“I don’t know. I’ll find out what’s going on.” He cupped her chin.
“Now stay here at the bar and relax. I’m just gonna have a word with
Matthew and Ethan.”
Emma nodded. “Okay.”
“Just remember the protocols, baby, and you’ll be all right.” He
gestured to Todd behind the bar. “Give the lady a drink, Todd.
Anything she wants, providing it’s nonalcoholic.”
Todd nodded back. “Sure thing, Zane.”
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Emma protested. “No alcohol?”

Zane placed his hands on her shoulders. “No alcohol means no
alcohol. Don’t question me again. Get it?”
Her eyes lifted to his, and a sensuous smile drifted to her lips.
Yeah, she got it all right, that tight little knot of tension in her
stomach every time he controlled her in public. She’d soon learn the
roles they played in front of an audience were like an aphrodisiac—an
appetizer for the main sexual event that would surely follow once they
returned home. “Sorry, Sir. Thank you for looking after my welfare.”
“Good, that’s what I like to hear. A grateful sub.” He leaned
forward and whispered in her ear. “I want you fully alert for what I
have planned tonight. Alcohol will only cloud your enjoyment.” With
his hands on her shoulders, he felt the tiny tremors that racked
through her slender, fuckable body. Yeah, no doubt about it, Emma
liked him taking control.
A broad smile touched his face as he walked across to Matthew
and Ethan. They were deep in conversation, and appeared worried.
Their furrowed brows were clear evidence of that. The younger
brother, Ethan, shook his head, and then threw the pen he was holding
down in disgust. Zane noticed a series of figures jotted haphazardly
on a piece of paper, and guessed they were having trouble with their
He held out his hand in greeting. “I hear things aren’t going too
well, guys. If there’s anything I can do, just say the word.”
They both shook his hand, and Matthew gestured for him to take a
seat. “Sit down, Zane. Thanks for the offer, but there’s nothing you or
anyone else can do to help. It seems we’re well and truly up shit creek
without a paddle. If we don’t get club members returning within the
next month, we may have to pull the plug.”
“That bad, huh?”
Ethan picked up the pen again and leaned back in his chair.
“Yeah, that fucking cop. What’s the prick’s name? The one that
mouthed off at Chloe’s funeral.” He snapped his fingers together.
Master of Submission 133

“Oh, yeah, Detective Mitchell. He’s stirred up a whole hornet’s nest

here. He’s determined to close us down, but no matter how deep he
digs, he can’t find anything illegal going on. Matt and I have always
been vigilant where the law is concerned, you know that, Zane.”
Just the thought of Detective Mitchell made Zane seethe with
rage. “Fuck, that guy sure is a pain in the ass. The prick’s been
harassing me. Like a bad penny, he keeps turning up. He’s fixated
with the club and everyone in it. He thinks what we do here is evil.”
Matthew let out a long sigh. “It figures. The guy’s a complete
jerk-off. He’s been taking too much notice of the trash written in the
papers. According to one tabloid, several members were supposed to
have helped dispose of Chloe’s body after a scene in the club went
horribly wrong.” He shook his head. “Unbelievable. They must think
we’re all evil, sick fuck’s here. Christ, we’ve had reporters camped
outside for days. It’s scared off all the members. No one wants to be
seen entering the club.”
Matthew smiled. “Except for you and your good lady friend.” He
pointed at Emma. “I hope you’re not gonna keep her all to yourself?”
“No, I’ll call her over, and, guys, just so you know, Emma’s not
for sharing.”
Ethan tapped the fountain pen to his lips, an amused expression on
his face. “Is that her limits, or yours?”
Matthew laughed out loud. “She sure seems to have had a calming
influence on you.”
“You could say.” He knew he’d get teased by the brothers, but he
didn’t care. He cared about Emma, and she was his and his alone.
“That’s good, Zane. She certainly had a calming influence on me
at the funeral. Man, I almost decked that cop. If she hadn’t stepped in
when she did.” Matthew shrugged. “I’m sure I’d be facing a long
prison sentence.”
“Me, too.” Zane waved his hand, and Emma obediently began to
walk toward them. This would be her first real test. Even if she failed,
134 Jan Bowles

he would still be proud of her. “Emma had some good news earlier
today. Someone from the Boston Medical Examiner’s Office
telephoned her. Looks like they’ve found Chloe’s killer. They’re just
waiting on the DNA results before they make a public
“That’s good news. Maybe it’ll take the heat off the club.” Ethan
almost smiled.
Zane knew as well as they did that once the press got hold of a
story, they wouldn’t let it go. “I hope so, for your sakes, guys.”
Master of Submission 135

Chapter Nineteen

Emma had to admit that sitting with three attractive Doms was an
incredible experience. How should one act? Zane had given her an
insight into how lifestylers acted with one another. As with all
societies, there was a hierarchy. Matthew, Ethan, and Zane appeared
to be on an equal footing with each other. Though Zane, or Sir as he’d
told her to call him here, had mentioned that a pecking order even
existed between some of the Masters.
With such a small number of people present at the club tonight,
Emma had no doubt that she was at the bottom of the pile. Even
Jessica, as a more experienced submissive, outranked her. Although,
being a lower-ranked sub did have its compensations. It was certainly
sexually stimulating. Every time Sir—God I’m even thinking like a
submissive. Zane is his name, but Sir makes him seem so much more
exciting. She couldn’t stop herself from taking another surreptitious
look in Sir’s direction. Dressed in leather jeans, he wore an
unbuttoned white linen shirt. It lay open to his waist, revealing his
perfectly honed muscular chest. Sir was an incredibly sexy man.
Zane turned her on every time he so much as glanced in her
direction. The way he held her gaze, and the slant to his mouth made
her panties go wet and her legs turn to Jell-O. Emma knew him well
enough to know he had something extra special planned when they
returned home. He’d already suggested as much at the bar. During the
course of the evening, it had slowly dawned on her—the simmering
atmosphere at Submission had become an important part of the
foreplay. She could barely wait for Sir to take her home and do with
her as he wished.
136 Jan Bowles

Over the past few weeks, their relationship had strengthened, and
a deep respectful bond had formed between them. They’d talk into the
small hours of the morning, discussing anything and everything. Zane
was highly opinionated, with strong views on many things from
animal cruelty to the welfare system. She didn’t and wouldn’t agree
with everything that he said, just because she was the submissive in
their relationship. Oh, no, she was her own woman, with her own
thoughts and views, and she was unafraid to share them with Zane.
He couldn’t control every aspect of her life, and she was grateful
that he didn’t want to. Zane loved her feisty, independent side just as
much as he loved her submissive side. In fact, he’d encouraged her to
take the bar. She would be sitting the exam in February. If events
progressed as planned, she’d be able to practice law right here in
During the last fortnight, she’d twice surprised him by arriving
unexpectedly at his place of work. On both occasions, they’d enjoyed
hot, hard sex in his office. The first time he’d gagged and bound her,
so none of his employees would hear her mews of pleasure and pain
as he’d bent her over his desk and fucked her senseless. On the
second occasion, she’d sat on his lap with his rock-hard cock buried
deep inside her pussy. Zane had leaned back in his executive leather
chair, enjoying the ride. His elbows had been bent and his hands
firmly locked behind his head. The smell of his expensive aftershave
and his heavy breathing in her ear had seriously turned her on. As her
Master, he’d insisted she do all the work. He’d observed her like a
predator observes its prey, as she’d ground herself down his thick
shaft. It had all been highly arousing, especially with the knowledge
that Lucy could come through the door at any moment and catch them
The three impressive Doms had been speaking for almost an hour
now. Much of their conversation centered on the bad publicity. This
had caused great damage to the club’s good reputation and attendance
figures. She wanted to speak her mind, but found it incredibly
Master of Submission 137

frustrating being at the bottom of the pecking order. None of the

Doms asked for her opinion on anything. Even Zane seemed to have
forgotten that she existed while in the company of Ethan and
Matthew. Emma sighed. Her fantastic idea for bringing the club back
to life would just have to wait.
When the music briefly stopped, she glanced across the room.
Jessica and Master Cole were stepping from the dance floor. Jessica
gave a friendly wave, and gestured for her to join them. Emma
nodded her acceptance, before turning her attention back to the three
They were so deep in conversation, she didn’t want to disturb
them. Instead she decided to quietly slip away. As soon as she leaned
forward to rise from her chair a large hand snaked around her wrist.
Her head snapped in Zane’s direction. From his seated position Sir’s
eyes connected with hers. Their heat and intensity overwhelmed her.
His deep voice filled the air. “Did I give you permission to leave the
“No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”
“Where were you thinking of going?”
“Um, just to see Jessica and Master Cole, Sir. I didn’t want to
disturb you, when you were speaking with Master Ethan and Master
“You need to seek my permission first.”
With her heart beating frantically in her chest, Emma swallowed.
Their role-play was becoming more defined. “Sir, this slave begs your
permission to speak with Jessica.”
He contemplated her request for a moment then let her wrist go.
She saw the approval in his eyes. “Very well. Five minutes. Then
come straight back here to my side.”
Emma bowed her head. “Thank you, Sir.” She rose from her seat
and quickly made her way toward Jessica. She heard Master Cole’s
angry voice as she drew closer to their table.
“Jessica, do it. Just get it checked out.”
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By the look on Jessica’s face she had displeased Master Cole. She
noted with interest, the submissive tone to Jessica’s voice. “I’m sorry,
Sir. I promise it won’t happen again. I’ll see to it straight away.”
“I shouldn’t need to remind you, Jessica.” Master Cole turned on
his heel and quickly strode away. His demeanor appeared angry and
For a brief moment Jessica looked worried. However, she placed
the usual beaming smile back on her face, when she realized Emma
now stood beside her. “Sweetie, it’s real good to see you again.”
“You, too, Jessica. I hope I haven’t caused any problems between
you and Master Cole?”
“No, just a little disagreement between a Master and his slave.
Nothing for you to worry about.”
“For a minute I thought he was about to punish you.”
Jessica took hold of her hand. “Oh, I’ll be punished all right.
Make no mistake about that. But it will happen later on when he’s
calmed down. Master Cole never disciplines me when he’s angry.”
“Oh.” She said it so matter-of-factly. So far Zane hadn’t really
disciplined her. On a couple of occasions he’d used the crop, but that
was more play than punishment. He’d pleasured her with teasing little
strokes, which she’d enjoyed. Wondering how Master Cole would
punish Jessica, she tentatively asked, “Will it hurt?”
Jessica burst out laughing and patted the chair next to her. “Take a
seat, sweetie. You really do have a lot to learn. I take it Master Zane
hasn’t disciplined you yet?”
Emma shook her head. “Not really. Master Zane’s only given me
a gentle tap with a riding crop. I’m not sure I’d enjoy it if he
disciplined me for real.”
“If?” Jessica rolled her eyes. “If, if, if? It’s not a question of if. It’s
a question of when. It’s in their blood. They need it like the air that
they breathe. It’s part of their makeup.”
“How do you cope?”
Master of Submission 139

“Cope? I enjoy it, sweetie, but then I’m into pain. I find it highly
erotic. Their attention is focused solely on you. It makes me feel like
I’m the most important woman in the whole wide world. It’s real
exhilarating.” Jessica opened her mouth and fanned herself before
bursting into laughter.
“Then you’re looking forward to whatever Master Cole has in
store for you?”
“Definitely, sweetie. Sometimes I act like a brat just to get his
attention.” Jessica giggled again, before suddenly becoming more
serious. She patted Emma’s hand. “How have you been coping? I
didn’t know Chloe real well, but by all accounts she was a fun girl to
have around. Her death must have been real tough on you.”
Emma breathed in. “It was. It still is in some ways. Thanks for
coming to her funeral.”
“It’s the least I could do.”
“Well I was grateful for the support.”
“The sooner the cops catch the sick fuck that did this, the sooner
Club Submission can get back to normal. I mean, just look around,
sweetie. I’ve never seen it as empty as this in the six years I’ve be
coming here.”
“That may be all about to change.”
“I had a phone call from a lovely lady at the Medical Examiner’s
Office.” What Kathy Rochelle had told her made her spirits soar.
“They think they’ve arrested Chloe’s murderer.”
“That’s good, sweetie, it’s about time. Do you know who it is?”
Emma shook her head. “She wouldn’t say.”
“If it’s a club member, I’m sure Matthew and Ethan will be forced
to close the club for good. The whole joint has practically ground to a
halt anyway. I just hope there’s some way of getting people back
through the doors again, but with the press busting the balls of anyone
who even comes near, it seems unlikely.”
140 Jan Bowles

“Master Zane, Master Matthew, and Master Ethan are talking

about this right now. They all seem very concerned by the poor
Jessica grimaced. “It’s even worse than you think. There’s talk
that the place might have to close down for good.”
“I’ve heard the same thing. I’ve got this great idea, Jessica, but
Emma stopped speaking and squirmed in her seat when she saw
Zane turn his head to look at her. He crooked his little finger. Emma
closed her eyes, and sucked in a ragged breath. Fuck, just what is it
about this man? He crooks a finger in my direction, and my panties
moisten with desire. Just who the hell does he think he is beckoning
me like that? He’s my Master that’s who he is, and I love him.
Unable to take her eyes from Zane, she hurriedly blurted out,
“Jessica, I’m sorry. I’ve got to leave you. I’ve been ordered back to sit
with Master Zane.”
Jessica laughed. “You’re so pretty, sweetie. I didn’t think he’d let
you out of his sight for long. I can tell he’s particularly taken with
you, far more than any other sub he’s had.”
Maintaining eye contact, she stood and walked the twenty or so
steps back to his side. She had something to say. Something that
might help save Club Submission. She couldn’t keep her opinion to
herself any longer. Regardless of the consequences, she needed to
She cleared her throat, and all three men stared at her. It was as if
they hadn’t seen a woman before. “I’ve been listening to your
conversation, and feel I need to speak out.” Emma took a deep breath
before continuing, “I don’t want the club to close any more than you
do. So my idea is this. Why don’t you hold a masquerade ball here?
That way all the members can come incognito. It would be a great
way of showing their support for the club, without them being
Master of Submission 141

When she’d finished speaking, Emma bowed her head and took a
step back. “I humbly thank all the Masters present for taking the time
to listen to this slave.”
The room around her became a blur. All she heard was the heavy
beat of her heart, banging uncontrollably against her ribs. Feeling
frightened yet sexually excited, she flashed a glance in Sir’s direction.
Zane’s eyes were filled with molten heat. It was a mixture of anger,
passion, and desire. There was no doubt in her mind, the sex that
evening would be off the scale.
She coughed uneasily.
She shuffled her feet then stared at the floor.
142 Jan Bowles

Chapter Twenty
Later that evening

Emma heard the heavy front door close behind her with a
resounding click. Before she could even step from her shoes, Zane
came up behind her and wrapped his arms possessively around her
waist. He nuzzled into her neck. The whole length of him felt hot and
hard pressed from her shoulders to her butt. She felt herself trembling
with excitement and anticipation.
“Now we’re home, you’re mine to do with as I please.” Sir’s
hands stroked upward, smoothing over her breasts. He slid a hand
inside her bra top. The other hand circled her neck, his fingers
splaying out to cup her chin. He pulled her head back against his chest
as he roughly massaged an aroused nipple between his finger and
thumb. “I’ve been waiting the whole night to do this to you.”
She rested her head against his impressive pecs, and sighed
contentedly. Like a musical instrument, she played whatever tune her
Master desired. Emma pushed her butt back against his hard prick,
enjoying the feel of his obvious erection. “I’m sorry if I spoke out of
turn, Master Zane.” She knew her opinionated outburst had displeased
him at the club. It was in her best interest to be submissive and
contrite now.
He squeezed her nipple hard, making the breath catch in her
throat. “You will call me Sir for the rest of the evening. I like the way
it sounds on your lips.”
Master of Submission 143

Playing the submissive to perfection, she pouted, and said, “I’m

sorry if I spoke out of turn, Sir. But Master Matthew and Master
Ethan thought a masquerade ball would be a good idea.”
“It is a good idea, my pet. Your Master is not displeased by your
initiative. He is displeased that you did not ask his permission before
you shared your thoughts with others. Is your ego larger than your
Master’s? Is this possible?”
“I’m sorry, Sir. I acted without thinking.”
“Now you will have to face the consequences. Self-importance
will not be tolerated in any sub of mine.”
Zane was right. She’d wanted to show that she was an intelligent,
articulate woman, with thoughts of her own. But that didn’t help her
now. “What will you do to me, Sir?”
“Anything and everything I’ve ever wanted.” His menacing words
hung heavily in the air, as his fingers smeared the bright red lipstick
from her lips. “Tonight I’m going to discipline you for real, my pet.
This time there will be no mercy.”
“Shhh.” He placed a finger to her mouth. “Remain silent, unless
you wish to incur more of my displeasure. Up to this point in our
relationship, you have only experienced one side of my personality.
Tonight I will show you who Master Zane really is.”
By not asking Sir’s permission, she had undermined him. It hadn’t
been her intention, but that was exactly the way her actions had been
Masters Matthew and Ethan had clearly been impressed by her
initiative. The look of surprise on their faces left her in no doubt of
that. However, as Doms themselves, they could never condone a sub
speaking out of turn in such a way.
A shiver ran down her spine as she looked at Zane. Dark hair
drifted seductively over his collar. Broad shoulders pressed against
the white linen shirt, and strong, muscular thighs filled his leather
jeans. His sheer power and presence overwhelmed her. Only he knew
144 Jan Bowles

what was planned for tonight. Sir’s beautiful, rugged face was
unreadable. There were no tells betraying his emotions. Zane’s eyes
held hers as he caressed a hand down her cheek, and she felt the
breath rapidly panting through her lips with sheer excitement.
“Now go to the bedroom, my pet, and prepare yourself for my
“Yes, Sir. Right away, Sir.”
On adrenaline-charged legs she began climbing the stairs. Her
knees threatened to buckle and give way at any moment. When he
called her name, she stopped in her tracks before tentatively turning to
look at him. Sir’s face was unfathomable. She was unable to make out
his emotions. Was he still angry with her? “You have five minutes.”
With that final, unambiguous warning, he strode purposefully away.
Emma raced up the stairs. Shit, five minutes, there was no time to
lose. Well aware that she’d already displeased Sir once this evening,
she knew it would be unwise to keep him waiting. She dashed straight
into the en suite, stripped naked, and ducked under the shower. By the
time her five minutes were up, she’d just about managed to towel
herself dry. Waiting patiently on the bed, she wondered when he
would arrive, and when he did, what he would do to her. Her naked
body shivered with anticipation of things to come.
It was a full twenty minutes before the bedroom door slowly
started to open. Emma took a deep breath, frightened to let it go. She
could tell Zane had showered, too, because his hair was still damp. He
wore a pair of black sweatpants and nothing else. His pectorals and
washboard stomach were clearly defined by the subdued light as he
moved further into the bedroom, and she couldn’t help but be
impressed by his muscular upper body. Without speaking or making
eye contact with her, he went over to a dresser and pulled open a
drawer. Strong biceps and triceps flexed as he removed a set of steel
handcuffs. His eyes glinted as they finally dominated her own. She
shivered at the steely determination hidden in their depths, as he
Master of Submission 145

roughly pulled her wrists together. The cold metal handcuffs made a
forbidding click as they locked in position.
He wasn’t smiling. He looked like a man with only one thought on
his mind—her discipline. “Lie over the bolster at the end of the bed so
your belly rests on it. I want your forearms placed on the mattress and
your disobedient little ass high in the air. It’s time you realized what
you’re dealing with here, lady.”
Feeling frightened, yet strangely excited, Emma immediately did
as he commanded. Her butt lay tipped up for his inspection. She knew
he would discipline her, but what form it would take she hadn’t a
clue. The uncompromising mood he was in, she dare not ask.
Zane’s masculine hands skimmed over her thighs, and circled the
globes of her butt. Without warning he roughly spread her legs wide,
exposing her anus and pussy to his view. Feeling intensely vulnerable,
she let out a whimper of apprehension.
“That’s right, my pet. You should be worried. There are two sides
to everything. There’s a right way and a wrong way.” He deliberately
moved around in front of her so she could see him. Emma thought
she’d panic when he produced a large knife and a strange, woody
object. She immediately recognized it. He held out the pale gnarled
tuber. “Like I say, there is good and bad in everything. Take this
gingerroot, for example. It can be very benign. The perfect ingredient
for a meal, especially a Chinese meal.” He stretched out his arm and
held the tuber closer for her inspection. “But, my pet, ginger can also
be very powerful when used directly on the human body. Just like
your Master himself, it can possess a pleasing personality, or a dark,
brooding power. It’s time you witnessed the darker side of my
character. I will use the ginger to demonstrate.”
“Sir, please, don’t, Sir.”
He stroked a hand through her hair and touched a finger to her
lips. “Shhh, my pet.”
Using the fearsome-looking hunting knife, he slowly began
whittling at the root. A frown furrowed her brow. She knew ginger
146 Jan Bowles

was pretty potent stuff, especially fresh ginger. A cold, clammy

feeling washed over her as realization dawned. Hadn’t she read about
anal torture on the Internet? Had fresh ginger been used for that
“May I ask a question, Sir?”
“You may, my pet. You’re clearly an intelligent woman, and I
suspect you have already worked out what the ginger is for.”
“Please don’t insert it in my anus, Sir. I’m begging you.”
“I’m afraid it’s too late to change my decision. As your Master I
have already made up my mind. You need to understand what I’m
capable of. I’ve been far too lenient with you.”
Feeling like a proper sub, she replied weakly, “Yes, Sir.” Even
though she was fearful, the submissive personality within her loved
his undivided attention. She recalled what Jessica had said earlier that
evening. Their attention is focused solely on you. It makes me feel like
I’m the most important woman in the whole wide world. It’s real
Those words held true with her. Zane made her feel like she was
his only focus in life. She knew her pussy grew wet with desire. The
whole evening had been one long foreplay session, and now here she
lay, with her ass high in the air, waiting for God knows what to
happen. When Sir moved behind her, she held her breath. Red, that’s
my safeword. I can always use it if things get too bad. But I don’t
want to disappoint Sir. I love him.
His fingers stroked over her butt. “Such a pretty ass. I shall enjoy
claiming it as mine.” He leaned over her and whispered against her
ear. “Personally, I’m not a great admirer of figging. I much prefer
another use for this potent root.” He placed the carved piece of
gingerroot on the mattress within her line of vision. “Everyone at
Club Submission is impressed with your idea for a masquerade ball.
So, as your Master is feeling benevolent, I shall refrain from using
this piece of ginger as anal torture. However, your Master is still
disappointed that you didn’t come to him first with your ingenious
Master of Submission 147

idea. You undermined me, and that is not acceptable to any Dom.” He
sighed deeply. “I shall give you five strokes of the cane, which you
will count out for me.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
“I know it’s a favorite fantasy of yours. On the occasions you
were called to the headmaster’s office to be disciplined, you
wondered what it would feel like if he caned your bare ass.
Unfortunately, the law prohibited him from disciplining you in such a
barbaric way.” Zane strode to the dresser, and she watched
breathlessly as he removed a long, thin, flexible cane. Powerful
swishing noises assaulted her ears as he whipped it through the still
air of the bedroom. Emma knew full well what he was doing. He’s
trying to frighten and intimidate me. She closed her eyes and held her
breath. This was going to sting. Now it was time to find out what her
schoolgirl fantasy was like in reality.
A yelp left her lips when the first strike reddened her ass. The
sharp sting was immediately followed by an intense burning
sensation. “Count them out, my pet.”
“One, Sir.”
Another stinging blow followed, making tears form in her eyes.
“Two, Sir.”
This was her fantasy, but it hurt like hell. Each time the cane
painfully connected, it found a fresh part of her ass to redden. “Three,
Sir, please, Sir, I—”
Emma buried her head deep into the mattress, biting the duvet,
trying to stop herself from crying out. “It hurts, Sir. It hurts so much,
Sir.” Another stinging blow reined down on her butt. “Four, Sir.” The
combination of the pain and the swishing noise of the cane before it
impacted with her bottom, turned her on.
As soon as the last one was delivered, and she’d said, “Five, Sir,”
she felt his hands smooth over her burning butt cheeks.
“Your punishment is over, my pet. Now for the pleasure.” She
saw him take the gingerroot from the mattress. “This will soon take
148 Jan Bowles

your mind off the stinging.” Still stunned from the caning, she was
vaguely aware as he trailed the peeled gingerroot through her pussy
lips, before touching it against her clit.
At first she didn’t react. Then a warm glow began to spread, until
she cried out with need. Her pussy felt as though it were on fire. She
writhed over the bolster, twisting and turning, struggling to contain
the powerful erotic urges that threatened to overwhelm her. She lost
the battle, and profanity began spilling from her lips. “Oh, God, fuck
me please, Sir. Do it. Don’t leave me like this. Fuck me, fuck me,
“Mmm, I’ve never heard such cussing, especially from such an
educated English lady. Where did you learn all those words?” Zane
smoothed his hand over her butt, then teased his fingers down to her
pussy lips. He skimmed a finger over her clit making her moan with
“Sir, Sir, I’m begging you. Stroke this slave’s pussy harder.” She
lifted her butt, trying to get him to masturbate her. “I love you, Sir.
I’ll do anything for you. Anything at all. Fuck me. I love you, Zane.”
Master of Submission 149

Chapter Twenty-One

Zane knew the effect the raw gingerroot would have on Emma,
but he hadn’t quite expected those words of love to drift from her lips.
For a moment it knocked him for a loop, making him want to hold her
in his arms and confess his feelings of love for her. But that was for
later, for now, he wanted her to submit to his will.
With no time to lose, Zane raised the stakes. It was his duty as
Emma’s Master to broaden her horizons. He teased a hand along her
silky smooth legs, before attaching a buckled leather strap to each
knee. Spreading her wide, he secured her knees to the bedposts. The
bolster under her belly lifted her ass high in the air.
A soft, submissive moan left Emma’s lips as she lay spread-eagled
on the mattress.
“All is well, my pet,” he murmured, smoothing a hand up her
quivering thigh, and skimming her pretty pussy lips. They lay open
and pink for him. The effects of the gingerroot had made her highly
aroused. Her cunt was moist, and he let his fingers slip into her
feminine wetness. “Poor, baby, she’s so horny.”
“Yes, Sir,” she whimpered, sucking in a breath as he teased a
finger over her clit. “I need you, Sir. My pussy is throbbing.”
“Of course, my pet, but first we have to play a game.”
Even though her wrists were still restrained by a pair of steel
handcuffs, Emma had managed to lift her upper body from the
mattress. Her shoulders were raised and she supported her weight on
her forearms. A delicious curve accentuated her feminine back, and
rose enticingly to meet her perfect ass. “Sir, what game are we going
to play?”
150 Jan Bowles

Zane took some lube from a drawer and squeezed a dollop onto
his fingertips. He pressed a finger against her butt hole for dramatic
effect. “The game is this, my pet. If you make a sound, even the
slightest whimper, I get to fuck your cute little virgin ass.” To make
his point, he slowly slid a finger inside her puckered hole, penetrating
her to the first knuckle. He could tell she was experiencing a new
sensation, because her whole body went rigid. Clearly, Emma’s
repressed English upbringing still harbored this final taboo. Zane
smiled. By the time he’d finished with her, it would be little more
than a distant memory. With his finger still in her butt, he waggled the
tip inside her. Emma took a sharp intake of breath, but didn’t make a
sound. He chuckled. “You may speak, my pet, until I say otherwise.
The game hasn’t started yet.”
“Sir, I have always been scared of anal sex. This slave would
prefer to play some other game.”
Zane removed his finger and wiped the excess lube on a towel. He
then began smoothing his hands over the luscious globes of her
peachy butt. A beautiful, feminine ass such as Emma’s had been hard
to resist. Yet resist it he had. Now it was time to claim what was
rightfully his. “This is the only game in town, my pet. Keep silent for
twenty minutes, and I won’t claim your ass as mine.”
As he kneaded her soft fleshy butt, he knew she would be
weighing up the pros and cons. He could almost hear her thinking out
loud. In the end a deep sigh left her lips. “Sir, I promise you I will not
make a sound. I do not intend to lose this game.”
He saw the determination in her eyes. Deep down she knew he
would win, but she was going to do her darndest to make him earn his
victory. Zane playfully slapped her ass. He loved a challenge. “Then
let battle commence, my pet.”
“Just one thing, Sir. Is there something I can bite down on, in
order to keep silent?”
Zane smiled. Emma had her head screwed on. He strode across to
the dresser and removed a leather gag. “I will permit you to bite down
Master of Submission 151

on this, my pet. Although you will need to spit it out when you finally
submit to me.” Staring into his eyes, she bit down on the gag. “Are
you comfortable with this?” he asked. She nodded her acceptance.
“Then the challenge has begun.”
The curve of her rump did things to him no other part of a
woman’s anatomy could. He slipped off his sweatpants and tossed
them dismissively aside. Completely naked now, he placed a packet
of condoms in her direct line of vision. He was letting her know he
was in charge, and would have her ass come what may. Her baby blue
eyes followed him around the room. He guessed she was wondering
when he would take complete control of her body.
For theatrical effect, he couldn’t resist tossing a large vibrator
onto the mattress, too. A shiver ran the length of her body as he
drifted his fingers over her thighs. Then he gently slid a hand between
her legs, and with the faintest of touches, caressed her pussy. “Mmm,
you’re so wet, my pet.”
Her head dropped and her shoulders flexed as she fought the
impulse to moan with pleasure.
Zane teased an index finger into her wet, feminine folds. Moving
the moisture he found there, he circled it over her engorged clit. He
began servicing her with two fingers, sliding them deep into her
pussy, and then back over clit. It didn’t take him long to free her first
orgasm. He delighted in the way Emma trembled uncontrollably as
she bit down on the gag.
“Well done, my pet,” he praised. “Your resistance is impressive,
yet ultimately futile. I will now raise the stakes.” He leaned forward
and grabbed the vibrator. He switched it on and touched it against her
clit. Within thirty seconds, another orgasm, stronger this time,
escaped from her. It pulsed and fizzed, but still she refused to let a
sound leave her lips. Zane was becoming increasingly impressed with
Emma’s resilience.
He leaned over her and tenderly brushed a wayward blonde strand
from her face. In her effort to contain all sound, tears streamed from
152 Jan Bowles

her eyes. He loved getting this reaction from a sub. Emma fitted so
well into his lifestyle. He needed her in his life. I love this woman.
Zane kissed her delicate shoulder, and slipped a hand under her
heaving breast. He adored her soft, womanly flesh, and couldn’t resist
teasing an aroused nipple between his finger and thumb. “Are you
ready to give in?” he whispered against her ear.
When she fiercely shook her head, he loved her even more. “Such
strength of character, an admirable trait. But make no mistake, my
pet. You will lose this game. Now you leave me no alternative.”
Zane held the whirling tip of the vibrator to her clit, as he sunk
three fingers deep inside her cunt. Touching the inside of the woman
he loved more than life itself, felt highly erotic, especially when a
sexy tight band of muscles gripped his fingers. “Mmm, baby, I love
the way you do that.” He watched her beautiful face getting closer and
closer to submission. “Oh that’s it, my pet, let it all out.” When yet
another strong climax was forced from her body, Emma spat the gag
from her mouth.
“Sir! Sir! I give in. You win. You win.”
Zane immediately tossed the vibrator aside then smoothed his
hands over her gorgeous, creamy butt. “You lost the challenge, my
pet. It was inevitable that you would. Your cute little ass now belongs
to your Master.”
Her face was flushed and her breathing fast and ragged. Still
recovering from her last climax, her whole body trembled and
vibrated with need.
After applying fresh lube to his fingers, he touched one to her
puckered hole. “Relax, my pet. Don’t fight me, and all will be well.”
He speared one finger inside her butt, and immediately her whole
body went rigid. “If you fight me, it will hurt. Just relax and trust
Emma took a deep breath as he eased a finger inside her. Slowly
her body began to relax. He guessed she found the sensation strangely
Master of Submission 153

erotic and arousing. “That’s better, my pet. Much better. Trust your
Master, he knows what’s best for you.”
“Yes, Sir, I will, Sir.”
Using two, and then three fingers, Zane continued pleasuring her
butt hole, stretching the sphincter muscles until he was sufficiently
satisfied she was ready to receive him. He noted with satisfaction, that
his cock stood achingly hard as he rolled a condom down its
considerable length.
“Deep breath, baby. Relax…relax…just relax.”
As she took a deep, apprehensive breath, Zane pressed his aroused
cock to her butt hole. “You have pleased your Master.” He enjoyed
watching his cock slowly sink into her lubed ass, until it disappeared
entirely. Fucking hell, she was deliciously tight. He possessively
gripped her hips in an act of ownership, and began pumping inside
Her whole body lifted as he made the first outward stroke. “My
slave is beginning to like this,” he teased.
“Yes, Sir, it feels very erotic, and—” She stopped speaking.
“Go on,” he urged.
“Forbidden, Sir. It feels like a forbidden pleasure. I feel I
shouldn’t be enjoying it, but I am.”
“Excellent, my pet.” His words were breathy, and he felt a rivulet
of sweat trickle down his forehead as he watched his impressive girth
slide in and out of her anus.
Kneeling behind her, he smoothed his palms over her creamy ass
cheeks before trailing them along the length of her flawless back. Her
skin felt soft and warm as he stretched over her. He placed a hand
either side of her arms and dipped down to plant a kiss between her
shoulder blades. Maintaining the perfect rhythm, he pumped his cock
deep inside her virgin ass, as he peppered tiny kisses to her neck.
“You feel so good, baby, real good,” he whispered in her ear. “More
than good, you’re fucking perfect.” With her head resting on one side,
Zane smoothed his hand to her cheek and brushed away a stray hair.
154 Jan Bowles

He looked into her soft blue eyes, finally realizing something he’d
already known for a long time. Emma was the most important person
in the world to him.
“I love you, baby.”
A deep sigh of contentment left her lips, and a teardrop slowly
meandered down her cheek. “Please tell me this isn’t part of the
game, Sir. Please tell me you’re not teasing, because I love you so, so
much, too.”
He gently wiped the running teardrop from her face and sucked
the salty moisture from his finger. “I’m not teasing you, baby. I’ve
never been more serious in my life.” Zane kissed the cute freckles that
dusted her perfect shoulder, and smiled against her skin. Fighting to
control his rapid breathing, as he continued to pump inside her, he
said, “Sometimes, when you meet someone, you just know they’re the
right one for you. I felt that the moment we first met, Emma. You
mean everything to me, baby. You’re something else.”
He smoothed a hand under her belly, caressing a finger over her
clit. Each time he filled her butt, he teased a finger to her sensitive
nub. Like music to his ears, whimpers of satisfaction began spilling
from her lips.
“Come for me, baby. Come for me.” His softly spoken words
finally sent her over the edge. A series of unstoppable spasms began
building, before flowing relentlessly from her pussy. He could feel
them in her anus, gripping his cock and teasing the seed from him. He
made two more inward strokes, thrusting his length even deeper
inside her ass with long, driving lunges that made his balls bang
against her pussy lips. Emma’s screams of pleasure reached a
crescendo, filling the room as she took what he gave. He gave it to her
hard, and she loved it.
Zane felt the semen pulse explosively down his cock and burst
inside her virgin ass with two orgasmic jerks. The feeling of love and
happiness he felt at that precise moment was life changing. He’d
never experienced feeling so at one with a woman before. Craving her
Master of Submission 155

nearness, he couldn’t resist holding her close. He tenderly kissed her

naked back as he lay on top of her, savoring the moment. Zane knew
without doubt there could never be anyone but Emma. She was his
soul mate, his reason for living.


One hour later

Happiness and contentment pervaded every part of Emma’s body

and mind as she lay nestled against Zane’s muscular shoulder. She
sighed, and smoothed her hand over his warm flesh. Sir loved her.
This sexy man actually loved her. How wonderful is that?
Zane lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her fingers slowly, one
by one. His deep blue eyes sparkled as their gaze connected. “Hello,
Emma snuggled into his embrace. “Was I asleep?”
“For about an hour.”
“Mmm, I feel glorious, Zane. Whenever you turn all dominant on
me, I feel so…” She playfully slapped his arm. “Oh, you know how I
He laughed. “Course I know. It’s the endorphins released in your
brain, baby.”
“Maybe, but I feel even more on cloud nine now I know you love
Zane squeezed her hand, and then reached over to his bedside
cabinet. He pulled open a drawer and removed a small, red velvet
He kissed her lips. “I want you to have this. It was meant to be
your Christmas present, but I love you so much, I’m giving it to you
now.” He smiled into her eyes as he handed her the small delicate
156 Jan Bowles

Trying to contain her excitement, Emma pulled herself into a

more upright position, propping two pillows behind her head for
comfort. Wide-eyed, she asked, “What is it, Zane?”
“You won’t know unless you open it.” He playfully touched her
nose. “Go ahead. You deserve it.”
Like a small child celebrating her birthday, she lifted the lid on the
elegant box. Taking a sharp intake of breath, she feverishly examined
the sparkling contents. Sitting shoulder-high, supported by luxurious
red velvet was the biggest, most beautiful diamond ring Emma had
ever seen. She knew her eyes were wide with surprise as she turned to
Her mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. A teardrop
slid from the corner of her eye, swiftly followed by another, then
another. “Oh, Sir, it’s beautiful.”
Zane carefully lifted the sparkling diamond cluster from its
mounting. It was made up of a huge white diamond surrounded by ten
smaller stones. “Give me your hand, baby.”
Holding her breath, and barely able to contain her happiness, she
did as he asked. “Look at me,” he seductively hissed as he slowly
began to slip the ring onto her finger. “This ring is a token of my love
for you. It is a symbol of my commitment. I want to marry you,
Emma. Please say yes.”
Completely stunned, she could only stare into his wonderful blue
eyes. “Oh, Zane, my darling. I love you so much. Of course I’ll marry
you. You’ve made me the happiest girl alive.”
They kissed, a wonderful kiss that sealed their love for eternity.
“You honor me with your acceptance, baby. You’re mine, and I
promise I will love you, always and forever.”
Master of Submission 157

New Year’s Eve: Club Submission, Masquerade Ball: 11:57 p.m.

“Good people, it’s almost midnight, so grab your partner, and let’s
see in the New Year together.” Master Matthew’s voice boomed over
the mic. He stood center stage, dressed as a Roman centurion. The
evening had been a great success. The whole place was full to
overflowing with partygoers wearing various costumes from history.
The plea to support Club Submission against the powers that wanted
to close it down had filtered through the BDSM community. All the
regulars and several new members were present tonight.
The police had finally arrested a man who lived in the apartment
directly across the hallway from Chloe Watts. Steve Forester, the
thirty-five-year-old blue-collar worker, had apparently seemed
perfectly innocuous to everyone who knew him. Single and living
alone, he’d slipped under the radar. Fortunately, criminals were no
match for modern technology. His DNA in the form of semen had
been found in Chloe’s body. Provisional reports suggested that he’d
demanded sex from Chloe, but she’d refused. Quite how a man could
go from that scenario, to strangling an innocent woman, was beyond
Emma’s understanding.
Club Submission had never been connected with the murder of
her best friend after all.
Emma toyed with the engagement ring on her finger, enjoying the
feeling it gave her. As she looked at the sparkling cluster of gems, she
felt a tinge of sadness. Her best friend was dead. She said a silent
prayer for Chloe, praying that wherever she was, she’d found peace.
158 Jan Bowles

In small ways and big ways, Chloe had touched all their lives. She’d
made a difference that had affected every single member of the club.
She was sure no one here would ever forget her.
Emma eagerly looked for Zane. At six-foot-three, she saw him
standing tall in the crowd, talking to a club member dressed as the
Mongol warlord Genghis Khan. By the tattoos decorating his
forearms, she guessed the man was Master Hunter. She smiled. The
devil outfit really suited Zane. It depicted his personality just about
right. A feeling of utter contentment flooded her system when he
waved to her, and began making his way back to their table. He was
her whole life now. Nothing else mattered.
Dressed as Cleopatra, Emma stood, and reached for him as the
countdown began.
Zane squeezed her hand before lifting it to his lips.
Emma smiled up into his face. They had the New Year to
embrace. It was a new start, and a new beginning.
The whole place vibrated, as people began clapping and stamping
their feet.
Zane pulled her into his arms.
Club Submission erupted into a crescendo of noise.
“Happy New Year!”
Zane removed his mask and kissed her long and hard as balloons
and sparkling ticker tape began falling from the ceiling. “Happy New
Year, baby.”
Emma’s heart swelled at the look of love reflected in his brilliant
blue eyes. He was the best thing to have ever happened to her. She
wrapped her arms around his neck as he spun her around, then
whispered in his ear, “Happy New Year, Sir. I love you so, so much.”
Master of Submission 159


At present, Jan Bowles lives in the East of England, UK.

Jan has lived in various parts of the UK and Europe. When she
was much younger, she lived in Los Angeles. She traveled by car
across the entire length of Route 66 to Chicago. It was an experience
she has never forgotten.
A hobby Jan has enjoyed for many years is painting large
landscapes and sweeping vistas. You can see many of her paintings
on her website—
Jan writes romantic stories, bringing passion to the pages with an
emotional twist but always with a happy ending!
In 2011 she received a CAPA nomination for Best Contemporary
Romance, for her book, Bought for the Billionaire’s Bed, from The
Romance Studio.
In 2010 Jan Bowles received two nominations from the romance
industry. In Debt to the Dom received a nomination for Best BDSM
Book 2010, from Love Romances Cafe, and she also received a
CAPA nomination for Favorite Erotic Author 2010 from The
Romance Studio.

Also by Jan Bowles

Everlasting Classic: All-American Heroes:
Snowed in with the Montana Ranger

For all other titles, please visit
Siren Publishing, Inc.

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