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Vassili Fedotov
Metamateria 56. Metamaterials

56.1 Bulk Metamaterials ........................... 1351

Metamaterials is a new field of interdisciplinary
56.1.1 Basic Principle
research, which deals with artificial material com-
of Metamaterial Operation ................. 1352
posites engineered to display physical properties 56.1.2 The First Metamaterial ....................... 1353
that surpass (or complement) those available in 56.1.3 Magnetic Metamaterials
nature. Originally proposed as a way of tailoring (Artificial Magnetism)......................... 1353
media’s electromagnetic and optical properties, 56.1.4 Negative-Index Metamaterials
the metamaterial concept has recently extended (Left-Handed Media) ......................... 1355
its reach to also include elastic, acoustic, and ther- 56.1.5 Chiral Metamaterials .......................... 1358
mal properties. Since 1999, with the emergence of 56.1.6 Transformation Optics
the field, metamaterials has attracted a lot of at- and Metamaterial Cloaks .................... 1360
tention from the scientific community all over the 56.1.7 Hyperbolic Metamaterials................... 1362
globe, offering immediate applications in antenna
and waveguide engineering, imaging, microscopy, 56.2 Planar Metamaterials ........................ 1365
sensing, and light manipulation. Metamaterial 56.2.1 Frequency Selective Surfaces............... 1365
research has brought together electrical engi- 56.2.2 Magnetic Mirrors
neers, material and optical scientists, chemists, (High Impedance Surfaces) ................. 1367
and mathematicians; it has also advanced our 56.2.3 Perfect Metamaterial Absorbers .......... 1368
understanding of electrodynamics, pushed the
56.2.4 Designer Metasurfaces
and Flat Optics .................................. 1369
boundaries of nanofabrication, and stimulated the
56.2.5 Polarization Manipulation
development of novel characterization techniques.
with Planar Metamaterials ................. 1370
Metamaterial research continues to expand quite
rapidly, making it almost impossible to faithfully References................................................... 1375
cover the field even with a reasonably sized book.
This chapter attempts to give a brief overview of
the history of electromagnetic (photonic) meta- to achieve the desired material behavior. The

Part E | 56.1
materials, important developments, and main chapter is divided into two parts, which are
concepts in the field. Also, it aims to provide a ba- devoted to bulk metamaterials and their two-
sic understanding of the principles, design rules, dimensional counterparts, the so-called planar
and tricks routinely exploited by the researchers metamaterials or metasurfaces.

56.1 Bulk Metamaterials

Metamaterial is now a well-accepted term for a novel can, in principle, be ascribed an effective refractive
type of optical medium that is artificially engineered index.
to interact with light in ways no natural materi- Interest in the metamaterial research exploded in the
als can. Metamaterials gain their unusual properties year 2001 when scientists experimentally demonstrated
from the particular design of their elementary build- a truly exotic effect of negative refraction, a phe-
ing blocks – metamolecules (or meta-atoms), which nomenon in which light rays are refracted or bent in
are built on a subwavelength scale from common the direction opposite to that which is normally ex-
constituent materials such as metals and dielectrics. pected [56.1]. Negative refraction became one of the
Because of their subwavelength structuring, metamate- signature effects of the metamaterials physics and its
rials do not diffract light and hence are quite different demonstration opened a new exciting chapter in ma-
from photonic crystals, acting as uniform media that terial and electromagnetic research. While subsequent

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017

S. Kasap, P. Capper (Eds.), Springer Handbook of Electronic and Photonic Materials, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-48933-9_56
1352 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

scientific activity has mainly centered on electromag- macroscopic response of the metamaterial. Radiation
netic properties of the metamaterials (most of which scattered backward is perceived as the metamaterial re-
will be considered in this chapter), it would be fair to flection, while radiation scattered forward contributes
note that one of the first metamaterial definitions given to the transmission by adding coherently to the incident
in 2001 by Valerie Browning (DARPA, USA) encom- wave.
passed many more material properties [56.2, 3]: Each metamolecule effectively acts as a very com-
pact antenna that for a certain design and dimensions
Metamaterials are a new class of ordered compos- of its metallic pattern becomes resonantly coupled to
ites that exhibit exceptional properties not read- the fields of the incident wave, featuring substantially
ily observed in nature. These properties arise amplified current oscillations and, as a result, strong
from qualitatively new response functions that are: electromagnetic scattering. The metamolecule can also
(1) not observed in the constituent materials; (2) re- be considered as a classical analog of an atom, where
sult from the inclusion of artificially fabricated, the frequency of the metamolecule’s resonance !0 cor-
extrinsic, low dimensional inhomogeneities. responds to the energy of the atom’s excited state E D
„!0 , while scattering of electromagnetic waves by the
56.1.1 Basic Principle induced currents corresponds to the emission of a pho-
of Metamaterial Operation ton „!0 by the atom upon its transition from the excited
to ground state.
The exotic and often dramatic physics exhibited by By tailoring the design of the metamolecules, one
the metamaterials is in many cases underpinned by the can selectively engineer an enhanced effective material
resonant response of their metamolecules. A generic response at virtually any wavelength (frequency) and
example of the metamolecule, which forms a three- of any origin – be it electric or magnetic, or a combi-
dimensional metamaterial crystal when translated pe- nation of the two (yielding optical activity or negative
riodically along the x, y, and z-axes, is schemat- refraction), or even more exotic – toroidal [56.4]. Some
ically shown in Fig. 56.1. It typically consists of examples of the metallic patterns commonly exploited
metallic wires (or patches) embedded in or supported in the metamaterial research are shown in Fig. 56.2, and
by a dielectric substrate/matrix. An electromagnetic some of these will be considered in detail below.
wave incident onto the metamaterial induces oscillat- The resonant response of a metamolecule is deter-
ing electrical currents j in the conducting elements mined by the inductance L and capacitance C of its
of each metamolecule, which then scatter (i. e., re- metallic pattern, which may be viewed as an electri-
radiate) secondary electromagnetic waves forming the cal circuit driven externally by the fields of the incident
wave. When the overall size of the metamolecule is
smaller than  0 =20, such a circuit can be described as
a network of lumped electrical components with the res-
Part E | 56.1

onance frequencypgiven by the well-known expression

Metamaterial !0 D 2 f0 D 1= LC. The inductance and capacitance
of the pattern in this case must be substantially larger
than the self-inductance and self-capacitance of the
x constituting wire(s), although at present this can be
y achieved only for some radio and microwave-frequency
designs [56.5, 6] due to limitations of existing micro
Metamolecule and nanofabrication technologies. In practice, the typ-
ical size of metamolecules ranges from about 0 =6 to
0 =2, which one may slightly reduce (by a factor of
j 1:52) with the help of high-index dielectric substrates.
Consequently, the metamolecules do not operate in the
H quasi-static regime and should be regarded as miniature
k j
transmission lines with distributed inductance and ca-
pacitance. Their resonant behavior results from the ex-
citation of standing waves of electrical currents, which
are analogs to the resonant modes of an electromagnetic
Fig. 56.1 Bulk metamaterial crystal and its elementary cavity resonator or a vibrating string (Fig. 56.3). Al-
building block – the metamolecule (metallic wire res- though an accurate quantitative characterization of the
onators embedded into a dielectric cube) induced current oscillations is cumbersome in this case
Metamaterials 56.1 Bulk Metamaterials 1353

can be moved to shorter wavelengths (higher frequen-

cies) – all the way into the near-IR, where metals
are still good conductors and can, therefore, support
electrical currents. At visible frequencies, however, the
currents are replaced with plasmons, and the linear re-
lation between 0 and le becomes less accurate and
eventually saturates due to the kinetic inductance of the
electron plasma [56.7].

56.1.2 The First Metamaterial

Perhaps the first ever metamaterial was constructed and

studied by Bose more than 100 years ago. In 1898, he
wrote [56.8]:

In order to imitate the [optical] rotation by liquids

like sugar solutions, I made elements of molecules
of twisted jute, of two varieties, one kind being
twisted to the right (positive) and the other twisted
to the left (negative) . . . .

In his experiments, Bose placed the twisted jutes

between a spark generator equipped with a polarizer
(which acted as a source of linearly polarized mil-
limeter waves) and a detector, and determined the
orientation of the polarization plane of the transmitted
Fig. 56.2 Examples of metamaterial patterns waves by rotating an analyzer in front of the detec-
tor (Fig. 56.4). He confirmed that the twisted structure
[of the jute] produces an optical twist of the plane of
polarization [56.8]. It is important to note here that al-
though Bose’s structure served merely to reproduce the
j effect of polarization rotation (i. e., optical activity) en-
countered in the optical part of the spectrum in sugar
le solutions and other media lacking reflection symmetry,

Part E | 56.1
it did so at millimeter-wave frequencies, where no nat-
Fig. 56.3 Geometrical resonances of a metamolecule. ural materials are known to exhibit such an effect.
Conduction currents j oscillating in the metamolecule form Since then more elaborate designs of optically ac-
standing waves along the length of its metallic pattern (le ) tive metamaterials have been proposed and realized for
various operating frequencies, including the optical part
and requires the use of the transmission line theory or of the spectrum, where they easily outperformed the
numerical modeling, the wavelengths of the supported naturally available media in terms of their rotary power
resonances can be estimated using very simple rela- (Sect. 56.1.5).
p 2le 56.1.3 Magnetic Metamaterials
0  " ; (56.1) (Artificial Magnetism)
where le is the total electrical length of the metallic Arguably, the most important development in the field
pattern that forms the metamolecule, " is the relative of metamaterial research was the demonstration of
permittivity of the dielectric medium that the pattern is so-called artificial magnetism, a phenomenon charac-
embedded in, and m is a positive integer. Resonances terized by the appearance of a strong magnetic response
with m > 4 are usually not possible to engineer in sub- (most notably at optical frequencies) in inherently non-
wavelength metamolecules (since le > 0 ). magnetic material composites. Indeed, as will be shown
Importantly, by reducing the size of the meta- in the following sections, artificial magnetism is the key
molecule (and hence le ) such geometrical resonances ingredient of the exotic negative-index response and
1354 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

Fig. 56.4a,b Mimicking

a) S S′ b) optical activity with
artificially engineered
P A R structures. (a) Diagram of
Bose’s experiment: B –
source of electromagnetic
waves, P – polarizer,
S and S0 – screens with
B apertures, A – analyzer,
R – spiral spring receiver.
(b) Twisted jute, the fist
chiral metamolecule.
(After [56.8])

a material property essential for the design of three- field reverses its sign. The re-orientation, however, typ-
dimensional electromagnetic cloaks. ically takes a fraction of a microsecond to complete,
The idea of artificial magnetism was conceived in which means that at terahertz frequencies and above
1999 by Pendry et al., who proposed a magnetic analog the variations of the applied field are too quick for the
of an electric conductor with controllable electromag- domains to follow, and so the ferromagnetic response
netic properties [56.9]. Materials exhibiting artificial vanishes. The only mechanism that could yield natu-
magnetism were also suggested as a practical solu- ral magnetism at optical frequencies is diamagnetism.
tion for manipulating the secondary radio frequency Classically speaking, diamagnetism is the manifesta-
(RF) magnetic fields in an magnetic resonance imag- tion of Lenz’s law on the atomic scale: when an
ing (MRI) environment, where the use of conventional external magnetic field couples to orbiting electrons,
magnetic materials would perturb the pattern of the pri- it forces an atom to precess (Larmor precession) and
mary quasi-static magnetic field [56.5]. Most of all, thus induces additional orbital currents, which generate
the interest in artificial magnetism was driven by the a magnetic field that opposes the external one. Unfor-
fact that strong natural magnetism (exhibited by ferro- tunately, diamagnetic response in natural materials is
magnetic materials) is virtually nonexistent at terahertz ˛ 2 times weaker than the electric one (where ˛ is the
frequencies and above, where light–matter interactions fine-splitting constant), which is why the interaction
are mediated exclusively by the electrical component of of matter with light occurs exclusively via the electric
light (magnetic permeability   1). field [56.10].
The existence of strong magnetism in nature is The metamaterial approach allows for the mimick-
ensured by unpaired electron spins in atoms, which ing of orbital currents with loops of conduction cur-
Part E | 56.1

appear to be locally aligned through exchange interac- rents that are magnetically induced in metamolecules
tion with one another, forming microscopic domains of via Faraday induction (Fig. 56.5a). Although meta-
uniform spontaneous magnetization (ferromagnetism). molecules are much larger than natural atoms and
At the macroscopic level, the magnetic response re- molecules, they are still smaller than the wavelength
sults from the re-orientation of all such domains parallel of light and thus on the macroscopic scale (i. e., where
to an externally applied magnetic field each time the the effective material response is formed) the above

a) b) c) d)
m m
j j
m m

Fig. 56.5a–d Magnetic metamolecules. Orbital currents in atoms and molecules are imitated with loops of electrical
currents j induced in (a) a split wire ring, (b) a double split wire ring, (c) a pair of metallic bars, and (d) a pair of metallic
pillars. Current loops give rise to microscopic magnetic dipole moments m
Metamaterials 56.1 Bulk Metamaterials 1355

trick will remain unnoticed. Since each metamolecule magnetic waves whose wavevectors k form left-handed
operates as an LC-circuit, the induced conduction cur- triplets with the vectors of electric E and magnetic H
rents will be resonantly amplified, yielding artificial fields, i. e., k / ŒH  E . The latter, in fact, gave rise to
magnetic response that is several orders of magnitude the original term of the left-handed medium suggested
stronger than found in natural materials. Note that the by Veselago, which was eventually abandoned by the
sign of the effective magnetic permeability  can be metamaterial community in order to avoid confusion
both negative and positive, depending on the detuning with an artificial chiral medium (see Sect. 56.1.5). The
from the resonance frequency f0 . double-negative medium also features anomalous (i. e.,
One of the most popular examples of the meta- negative) refraction, the reversal of the Doppler shift,
molecule that can exhibit artificial magnetism is Cherenkov radiation, and even radiation pressure.
a metallic ring with a split (Fig. 56.5a), commonly re- These exotic effects, however, could not be experi-
ferred to as a split-ring resonator (SRR). Along with its mentally verified until recently due to the seeming ab-
derivative – a pair of concentric split-rings (Fig. 56.5b), sence of negative-index materials. Following Veselago’s
also known as a double split-ring resonator (DSSR), work, a number of attempts were made to find such ma-
it has been successfully exploited for demonstrating terials among naturally available magnetic semiconduc-
artificial magnetism experimentally within a wide spec- tors, CdCr2 Se4 and alike, which were known to exhibit
tral range, spanning from microwave to IR frequencies both electric and magnetic resonances [56.17]. Unfortu-
(see [56.10] and references therein). At near-IR and nately, the task of minimizing the detuning of the reso-
visible frequencies, however, the split-ring design was nances so that they could spectrally overlap proved to be
rather challenging to implement given the limitations impossible. Consequently, the notion of negative-index
of the fabrication techniques; it was also less effective medium and the associated electromagnetic phenomena
due to large kinetic inductance of plasmons that re- were ignored for over 30 years.
place conduction currents at those frequencies. Instead, It was the demonstration of artificial magnetism
magnetic metamolecules were engineered as pairs of in metamaterials (considered in the previous section)
parallel metallic bars or pillars (Fig. 56.5c,d). Current that enabled the engineering of a double-negative re-
loops in those structures were formed by plasmons in sponse artificially, at virtually any frequency. The
the metal and displacement currents in the gaps between first double-negative metamaterial operated at around
the ends of the bars/pillars [56.11, 12]. 5 GHz [56.18]. It was realized by structurally com-
bining an array of 7 mm large double split-ring meta-
56.1.4 Negative-Index Metamaterials molecules with an array of continuous metallic wires
(Left-Handed Media) (Fig. 56.6a). The former exhibited narrow-band mag-
netic response, while the latter produced broadband
The negative index of refraction (n < 0) signifies a pe- electric response characteristic to that of a bulk metal,
culiar regime of a medium’s macroscopic electromag- which ensured that the bands of negative effective
netic response, when the electric permittivity " and permeability  and permittivity " were spectrally

Part E | 56.1
the magnetic permeability  become simultaneously overlapped. Note that while split rings and wires alone
negative. Mathematically, negative n is given by the sec- behave as opaque media p (since the corresponding
p ef-
ondary value of the square-root function, which must be fective refractive indices i j j and i j" j are imagi-
chosen to respect the negative signs of " and  in such nary), their combination displays the opposite behavior,
a case acting as an electromagnetically transparent medium, as
p p p illustrated in Fig. 56.6b. Subsequent efforts by various
n D " D .1/2 j"jjj D  j"jjj : (56.2) research groups worldwide were focused on demon-
strating double-negative response at higher frequencies
The negative sign of n is also consistent with the laws and eventually led to the development of negative-
of physics and has a clear physical meaning: it indi- index metamaterials for the near-IR part of the spectrum
cates that the phase velocity of a wave is antiparallel to with refractive indices ranging from  0:3 to  4:0
its group velocity. This was shown by several scientists (see [56.10] and references therein). As in the case
in the twentieth century [56.13–15], and in particular, of magnetic metamolecules, the designs of negative-
by the Soviet scientist Veselago in 1967, who inves- index metamolecules operating at optical frequencies
tigated theoretically the electrodynamics of a medium were substantially modified to take into account the in-
with " < 0 and  < 0 in great detail [56.16]. Such creasing kinetic inductance of electrons in metals and
a medium (commonly referred to as the double-negative to respect the limitations of nanofabrication techniques
or negative-index medium) behaves as a peculiar trans- existing at that time.
parent medium supporting the propagation of electro-
1356 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

Fig. 56.6a,b Negative-index

a) b) T
metamaterial. (a) Diagram of the
1 metamolecule – a DSRR combined
with a straight wire. (b) Transmission
spectra schematically shown for
metamaterials composed of metallic
Frequency wires (top), DSRRs (middle), and their
T combination (bottom)

E f0 Frequency

H 0
f0 Frequency

It is important to note that wave propagation in sonable detail by Mandelshtam, who concluded that
double-negative media is necessarily complicated by as unfamiliar as this construction may be, there is,
the implicit frequency dependence of " and  or, in of course, nothing surprising about it [56.20]. Snell’s
other words, negative n is always strongly dispersive. law, however, does not address the refraction of ac-
The latter is dictated by the second law of thermo- tual energy carried by the wave. The initial conclusion
dynamics, which introduces the following constraints that in the negative-index medium the energy would
valid for nearly transparent media [56.19] flow also in the direction defined by the law of refrac-
d.!"/ d" tion [56.16, 21] was actively contested [56.22–25]. It
D! C" > 0 was eventually shown analytically and numerically that
d! d! the directions of both phase and group velocities, v ph
d.!/ d and v g , do undergo negative refraction [56.24, 26–29],
D! C > 0 : (56.3)
d! d! while the controversy resulted from the fact that in the
Since for negative-index media " < 0 and  < 0, it negative-index medium the wave packets exhibit slant-
Part E | 56.1

follows that d"=d! > 0 and d=d! > 0, which means ing or crab-like motion (Fig. 56.7b). Correspondingly, it
that both " and  cannot be constants. was erroneous to interpret the normal to the fronts of the
Negative refraction was the most peculiar (to say packets as the direction of the group velocity, i. e., en-
the least) effect anticipated in double-negative media. It ergy flow [56.24]. Besides, in isotropic media, the phase
manifests itself as an anomalous change in the direction and group velocities are always collinear. It was also es-
of light propagation upon refraction, when a beam of tablished that the group velocity of the refracted wave
light bends the wrong way, while crossing the bound- is directed away from the boundary, while its phase ve-
ary of double-negative media (Fig. 56.7a). It was the locity was directed toward the boundary (Fig. 56.7b).
demonstration of negative refraction that shook the sci- Negative refraction was also unambiguously
entific community and led to a surge of interest in demonstrated by Smith et al. [56.1] in an elegant
metamaterial research. experiment illustrated in Fig. 56.8. A microwave
The fact that the incident and refracted waves are beam was sent onto a prism that had been cut from
on the same side of the normal to the boundary of the a double-negative metamaterial (a composite of DSRR
negative-index medium follows directly from Snell’s and wires), and the deflection of the beam was mea-
law sured upon its transmission through the prism. The
measurements also involved a reference prism made of
n2 sin 2 D n1 sin 1 : (56.4)
Teflon, a low-loss dielectric with a refractive index of
Indeed, 2 must be negative to satisfy (56.4) when 1:4. The experimental data indicated that the beam was
n2 < 0. Negative refraction was first described in rea- deflected by the metamaterial prism to negative angles
Metamaterials 56.1 Bulk Metamaterials 1357

Fig. 56.7a,b Negative refraction.

a) b) Incident (a) Changes in the direction of the
wave wavevector k and energy flow S
vg upon refraction at the interface with
a negative-index medium. (b) A series
k1 n1 > 0 of schematically shown wave packets
S1 θ1 exhibit negative refraction

θ2 v'g
k2 n2 < 0

wave packet

a) Antenna b)



Fig. 56.8a,b Experimental demonstration of negative refraction: (a) schematic of the experiment, (b) photograph show-
ing a fragment of a double-negative metamaterial prism. (After [56.1]. Image courtesy of NASA)

In the special case when " D 1 and  D 1, the

Part E | 56.1
(compared to the reference case) in the frequency
range 10:2 to 10:8 GHz, which had been previously flat lens reveals additional interesting properties [56.16,
identified as the left-handed propagation region. The 21]. It appears to be perfectly matched to free space
deflection angle data were also used to calculate the exhibiting zero reflection, so that all the energy of the
corresponding index of refraction, which turned out incident wave passes to the refracted wave. Also, light
to be negative and highly dispersive (as expected), rays arrive at the image plane with zero phase delay,
taking values in the range  2:7 to  0:1. This and thus preserving the phase information of the object.
subsequent experimental evidence indicated decisively This can be understood by noting that any ray con-
that negative refraction is a reality [56.30]. necting the object with the image travels half of the
distance in air and the other half in the negative-index
Perfect lens or superlens slab (Fig. 56.9a). Because the phase velocities in the
One of the implications of negative refraction noted by two media have equal magnitudes but opposite signs,
Veselago is that a flat slab made of a double-negative the corresponding phase delays compensate each other
material acts as a collecting lens that focuses light rather exactly. However, the most fascinating property of such
than disperses it (Fig. 56.9a). Such a lens features no a lens, perhaps, is that it can produce a sharper image
focal plane and, therefore, forms a three-dimensional (compared to conventional optical systems) demon-
image of an object (much like a flat metal mirror), pro- strating resolving power, which exceeds the limit set by
vided that its distance from the lens does not exceed the the wave nature of light – the so-called diffraction limit.
lens’ thickness (for n D 1). However, unlike a metal This was shown by Pendry in his seminal work Nega-
mirror, such a flat lens produces a real image. tive refraction makes a perfect lens [56.21].
1358 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

Fig. 56.9a,b Perfect lens. (a) The

a) Propagating Large
n = –1 negative-index slab (thickness 2d) acts
fields details
as a collecting lens, which focuses
propagating electromagnetic waves
Bacteria and restores the details of an object
that are larger than the wavelength.
(b) The negative-index slab also acts
as an amplifier of evanescent waves
b) n = –1 and restores the details of an object
fields that are smaller than the wavelength

d 2d d z details

Indeed, the finest details of an object (those that 56.1.5 Chiral Metamaterials
are smaller than the wavelength of light) are carried by
the waves with purely imaginary wavevectors. Conse- While research efforts have mainly been focused on
quently, these waves decay exponentially as they prop- engineering composite media with particular values of
agate in air away from the object (evanescent waves), permittivity and permeability (or, alternatively, refrac-
and thus cannot be focused by an ordinary lens. In the tive index), the metamaterial approach also enables the
negative-index slab, the sign of the exponent is reversed enhancement of other, more complex optical properties,
and the amplitude of the evanescent waves is bound to such as those governed by chirality [56.31]:
increase (Fig. 56.9b). It is easy to see that the decay
I call any geometrical figure, or group of points, chi-
of the evanescent waves in air is completely negated by
ral, and say it has chirality, if its image in a plane
the amplification occurring inside the slab. The flat lens,
mirror, ideally realized, cannot be brought to coin-
therefore, behaves as a perfect lens (or superlens) – it
cide with itself.
restores not only the phase but also the amplitude of
all light-field components and, as a result, preserves In short, any object that cannot be superimposed with
subwavelength features of the object (as illustrated in its mirror image is chiral. A spring coil (helix), a screw,
Fig. 56.9). On the other hand, this optical device should and a human’s hand are the celebrated examples of chi-
not be regarded as a lens in the usual sense since it ral objects. Chirality is the most fundamental type of
cannot focus a parallel beam. The superlens acts as asymmetry, which in matter leads to the effect of optical
a matching device that transfers light fields between activity. It is characterized by a difference between the
the object and image planes without aberrations; effec- refractive indices (i. e., phase velocities) experienced
Part E | 56.1

tively, it annihilates the space between the object and by right and left-hand circular polarizations in a chiral
the image, so that the image becomes the object. medium, n D nC  n , and leads to a progressive ro-
The superlens, however, has an important draw- tation of linear polarization as light propagates through
back. The amplification of the evanescent waves inside the medium (Fig. 56.10)
the negative-index slab, which at first may seem to
violate the conservation of energy, is in fact a tran-  D ; (56.5)
sient process. The slab here acts as a resonant cavity 0
that accumulates energy over time for each evanescent- where  is the angle of polarization azimuth rotation,
wave component. Correspondingly, imaging (or rather d is the thickness of the medium, and 0 is the wave-
transferring) finer details takes a progressively longer length of light.
time since the slab must amplify evanescent compo- In a lossy medium, the effect is also accompanied
nents with a stronger decay, i. e., smaller input level. by a difference in the absorption of right and left-hand
Furthermore, the resonant enhancement is limited by circular polarizations, known as circular dichroism.
inevitable material losses, and although this limitation This effect was discovered in quartz by Arago in 1811
would not necessarily ruin the super-resolution com- and linked to the structural asymmetry of matter by
pletely [56.21], the perfect lens will operate efficiently Pasteur in 1848. It is now widely used in analytical
only when the distance to the object z (as well as the chemistry, biology, and crystallography for identifying
thickness of the lens 2d) is of the order of the wave- the spatial structure of molecules and crystals. Chiral
length 0 . materials are always in demand in optoelectronics, life
Metamaterials 56.1 Bulk Metamaterials 1359

Fig. 56.10 Two decades later, Lindman [56.36] suggested using

Δϕ E Optical activity: small (a few centimeters long) randomly oriented cop-
polarization per helices as artificial molecules that would promote
Δn azimuth of polarization azimuth rotation for radio waves. The
linearly polarized idea was verified and eventually extended to the case
E H light rotates of oriented helices by Tinoco and Freeman [56.37].
k as the latter Recent advances in three-dimensional nanofabrication
propagates inside techniques have enabled the realization of such artifi-
a chiral medium cial chiral molecules in the optical part of the spec-
trum [56.38]. The demonstrated array of submicron gold
helices formed a uniaxial photonic metamaterial, which
science microscopy, and display technology providing operated as a compact and efficient broadband circu-
a means of manipulating the polarization state of light; lar polarizer. A very different approach was taken by
they are also widely used in photography. Zheludev et al. [56.39], who proposed the design of
In naturally available chiral media, optical ac- chiral metamolecules based on pairs of identical, spa-
tivity is relatively weak and, therefore, slabs with tially separated, and mutually twisted planar metallic
the thickness of hundreds of wavelengths must be resonators such as bars, crosses, rosettes, split rings,
used to achieve measurable rotation. For example, the etc. (Fig. 56.11c–f). The advantage of this approach
specific rotatory power in quartz, cinnabar, and liq- was that chiral metamaterials could be readily fabri-
uid crystals corresponds to 20ı =mm, 600ı =mm, and cated for any frequency of operation in the range from
1000ı=mm [56.32] in the visible part of the spec- microwave [56.33] to optical [56.40, 41] frequencies
trum. Chiral metamaterials, on the other hand, can using well-established planar lithography techniques.
exhibit optical activity several orders of magnitude Moreover, due to the resonant electromagnetic (induc-
stronger [56.33–35]. The latter is particularly appealing tive [56.39]) coupling between the constituent metallic
for applications in the terahertz frequency range (and elements of the bi-layered metamolecule, the complete
below) where the effect is virtually absent. There are 90ı rotation of the polarization can be achieved with just
many possible realizations of the chiral metamolecule one layer of such metamolecules (with the thickness of
depending on the application, targeted frequency range, the resulting metamaterial slab in the direction of light
and limits of the fabrication technique, but in all cases propagation being less than 0 =30) [56.34]. Zheludev’s
its design reveals a structural twist that can be related to approach also enables the engineering of strong, virtu-
either right or left-handed screws (Fig. 56.11). ally dispersionless polarization rotation within a wide
The first chiral metamolecules, which were ex- spectral range [56.42] when the twisted pair is formed
perimentally tested in 1898 by Bose using millimeter by complimentary metallic patterns (Fig. 56.11g). Op-
waves [56.8], were made of twisted jutes (Sect. 56.1.2). tical activity may also be observed for bi-layered meta-

Part E | 56.1
a) b) c) d)

e) f) g) h)

Fig. 56.11a–h Examples of chiral metamolecules: twisted jute (a), wire coil (b), pairs of mutually twisted metallic
bars (c), crosses (d), rosettes (e), split rings (f), mutually twisted wire cross and cross-shaped aperture (g) and a pair of
metallic rosettes of different sizes featuring zero twist (h)
1360 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

molecules that feature zero twist between their layers polarization, relies on the engineering of only one res-
(Fig. 56.11h). In such a case, the structural twist of the onance – the resonance of optical activity (where  can
constituent resonators was shown to be sufficient pro- become sufficiently large), and is, therefore, expected to
vided that the resonators have different sizes [56.43]. improve and simplify the designs of negatively refract-
It is easy to see that the designs of chiral meta- ing composites [56.48]. The validity of this approach
molecules can be reduced to the combination of two was confirmed experimentally using microwave [56.49]
basic elements, a split ring and a cut wire resonator and terahertz [56.50] chiral metamaterials based on
electrically connected together, as shown in Fig. 56.12. stacks of mutually twisted metallic patterns, which en-
This illustrates that chiral metamaterials exhibit si- ables effective refractive indices as low as 2 and 5,
multaneously electric and magnetic responses, which respectively, to be attained.
appear to be mixed such that magnetic dipole moments
are induced in the split rings by the electric component 56.1.6 Transformation Optics
of light (via cut wires), and vice versa. This cross- and Metamaterial Cloaks
coupling between the electric and magnetic fields is
described by a dimensionless chirality parameter , One of the successful applications of the metamaterial
which in the simplest case of an isotropic chiral medium concept was in the practical implementation of trans-
is a scalar [56.44] formation optics, a mathematical technique aimed at
p designing complex electromagnetic media that can con-
D D "0 "E  i "0 0 H trol the flow of light in a desired manner [56.51, 52].
B D 0 H C i "0 0 E : (56.6) The transformation optics approach enables the recre-
ation of an electromagnetic phenomenon in a warping
It is the chirality parameter that gives rise to the dif- virtual space as an optical illusion in the physical Eu-
ference between the refractive indices for right- and clidean space. For example, the effect of gravitational
left-hand circular polarizations lensing caused by a massive celestial body (which is
p treated by the general theory of relativity as the mani-
n˙ D " ˙  : (56.7)
festation of a gravity-induced distortion in an abstract
While the studies of artificial chiral media found ap- spacetime continuum) can be viewed as the ordinary
plications in many areas of microwave engineering, refraction of light by a shell of the dielectric medium
such as antennas, absorbers, polarizers, and waveg- enclosing the body in the physical space. This appears
uides [56.45, 46], the recent explosive interest in chi- possible because Maxwell’s equations have exactly the
ral metamaterials was triggered by the opportunity of same form in any coordinate system, while the permit-
achieving negative refraction in such media in a rela- tivity and permeability are just scaled by a common
tively simple way. It was identified independently by factor, which absorbs the transformation from one co-
Tretyakov et al. [56.47] and Pendry [56.48], who noted ordinate system into another [56.53]
that according to (56.7) the index of refraction of a chi-
Part E | 56.1

0 0 0 j0
ral medium becomes negative for one of the circularly "0i j D jdet.ƒ/j1 ƒii ƒj "ij ; (56.8a)
polarized waves if jj > ". Also, in that case neither  0i0 j0
D jdet.ƒ/j 1 j0
ƒi ƒj ij ; (56.8b)
" nor  need to be negative, which was in stark contrast
0˛ 0
to the previously formulated, more complex condi- where ƒ˛
D @x =@x denotes the Jacobian transfor-
tion for the negative refraction of linearly polarized mation matrix between the virtual space fx˛ g and the
waves (Sect. 56.1.4). Thus, the proposed chiral route physical space fx0˛ g.
to negative refraction, although limited to one circular The correspondence between coordinate transfor-
mations and the material parameters was noted by Dolin
more than 50 years ago [56.54], but it was perceived
as being merely a mathematic trick because (56.8a) and
(56.8b) do not impose physical constraints on the values
of the transformed permittivity and permeability. The
+ perception, however, has changed recently with the ad-
vent of the metamaterial approach, which in principle
enables the engineering of extreme values of "0 and 0 ,
as well as their spatial variation prescribed by the trans-
formations in (56.8). Originally driven by the desire to
Fig. 56.12 Chiral metamolecule and its two basic struc- realize the invisibility cloak, transformation optics has
tural elements – a split ring and a cut wire now become a powerful tool for designing a wide range
Metamaterials 56.1 Bulk Metamaterials 1361

of new optical effects and devices, including electro- positive, approach zero near the core. Clearly, no nat-
magnetic wormholes, hidden gateways, optical black ural material system can offer such complex variations
holes, field rotators and concentrators, etc. (see [56.55] of its parameters.
and references therein). A proof-of-principle demonstration of a metama-
The shell cloak is the most remarkable example of terial shell cloak was performed in 2006 by Smith
space distortion; it can steer light around an object mak- et al. [56.56]. The experiments were conducted in the
ing the latter invisible, when imitated in the physical microwave part of the spectrum, where the fabrication
space using metamaterials. The distortion squeezes the of bulk metamaterial samples and their characterization
space from within a sphere with the radius R2 to within was generally easier to accomplish. Even in that case,
a shell with the same outer radius and inner radius R1 the implementation of a true three-dimensional cloak
(Fig. 56.13). Electromagnetic waves will not interact was not practical, given the limitations of the measure-
with or scatter from the core of the shell because it is ment technique and the complexity of the metamaterial
not a part of the resulting curvilinear space, while the properties [56.56]. The cloaking principle was demon-
shell itself will neither scatter waves nor cast a shadow strated for TE-waves in a parallel-plate waveguide
in the transmitted field (either of which would allow one using a two-dimensional cylindrical shell structure
to detect the cloak). (Fig. 56.14). Such a configuration of the experiment
In the local spherical coordinate system with the ori- enabled substantial simplification of the metamaterial
gin placed at the center of the sphere, the transformation design. Also, additional steps were taken to reduce the
rules give the following values of "0 and 0 in the shell set of required material parameters; however, this was
(R1 < r0 < R2 ) [56.52] at the expense of nonzero reflectance. The metama-
terial shell was formed by 10 concentric cylindrical
R2 .r0  R1 /2
"0r0 D 0r0 D ; layers of 3:3 mm large magnetic SRR metamolecules,
R2  R1 r0 and had the inner and outer radii R1 D 27:1 mm and
R2 R2 D 58:9 mm, respectively. The cloak was designed to
"0™0 D 0™0 D ;
R2  R1 operate at 8:5 GHz.
R2 Figure 56.15 compares the measured and simulated
"0®0 D 0®0 D : (56.9) fields inside and outside the cloak, which show a rather
R2  R1
good match. As the waves propagate through the meta-
Correspondingly, "0 and 0 are free to take any val- material shell, the center section of the wavefront starts
ues in the core (r0 < R1 ), while "0 D 0 D 1 outside the to slow down when it approaches the core, exhibit-
shell (r0 > R2 ). It is easy to see that (56.9) correspond ing wavelength compression. The wavefront splits to
to extremely anisotropic distributions of "0 and 0 in the pass around the core and rejoins on the opposite side.
global Euclidean space, while some of the components Upon exiting the shell, the wavefronts are seen to match
of the permittivity and permeability tensors, although those propagating alongside in the empty space. The

Part E | 56.1
a) b)

R1 R2 R1 R2
Fig. 56.13a,b Transfor-
mation optics. (a) Space
distortion of a finite extent
that results in (b) an
electromagnetic cloaking
shell, when imitated in the
physical space through
Virtual space Physical space
a distribution of material
1362 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

plex design and strong electromagnetic anisotropy of

4 the shell cloak call for the development of sophisticated
εz computation and fabrication techniques.
3 The carpet cloak or ground-plane cloak represents
an alternative, easier to implement strategy of conceal-
10 μr
2 ing an object [56.57]. It employs a reflective bump
(a perturbation on a surface of a conducting plane) cov-
1 μθ ered by a layer of metamaterial with a specially tailored
variation of the refractive index. The bump provides
0 a cavity for hiding the object, while the metamaterial
10 20 30 40 50 60
mm layer conceals the presence of the bump, creating an il-
–1 lusion of a flawless mirror (see Fig. 56.16a–c). In this
case, given the restricted geometry of the cloak, it be-
comes possible to minimize the anisotropy of the trans-
formed material parameters, while the required values
ẑ of the refractive index turn out to be merely greater
θ̂ than unity. This allows one to substantially simplify
the design of the metamaterial cover and exploit meta-
r̂ molecules off their resonance, which makes the carpet
cloak a truly broadband and scalable optical device.
Fig. 56.14 Photograph of a two-dimensional microwave The first metamaterial carpet cloak was experimen-
cloaking shell. (Reprinted from [56.56], with permission tally demonstrated in 2009 at microwave frequencies
from AAAS) by Smith et al. [56.58], who built the device using over
10,000 I-shaped 2 mm large metamolecules. Its func-
fields outside the cloak also feature a small but non- tionality was confirmed for the 1316 GHz range of
negligible component of scattering (reflection) resulting frequencies and could be extended to up to 18 GHz.
from the implementation of the reduced parameters set. Low levels of absorption due to nonresonant opera-
A pronounced attenuation of the transmitted fields is at- tion of carpet cloaks and the relative simplicity of their
tributed to resistive losses present in the metamaterial designs have enabled successful demonstrations of the
structure. concept also in the IR [56.59] and visible [56.60] do-
Although this demonstration illustrates the feasi- mains (Fig. 56.16d).
bility of the metamaterial approach in the context
of transformation optics, the practical deployment of 56.1.7 Hyperbolic Metamaterials
a shell invisibility cloak is still rather challenging. The
main reason is that the required values of the material
Part E | 56.1

Hyperbolic metamaterials are perhaps the only class

parameters in this type of cloak are attained via meta- of artificial electromagnetic media that does not rely
material resonances, which renders it as an inherently on resonant interaction with the incident radiation.
narrow-band device. Also, the resonant nature of meta- Instead, the unusual optical properties of the hyper-
material properties makes cloaking performance highly bolic metamaterials result from extreme anisotropy of
sensitive to resistive losses in the constituent materials their effective permittivity " , when the sign of "
(especially at optical frequencies), while fairly com- reverses for the electric field parallel (k) and orthog-

a) b) c)

Fig. 56.15a–c Two-dimensional microwave cloak in action: propagation of an electromagnetic wave in the presence of the cloak
with (a) exact material parameters in a simulation, (b) reduced material parameters in a simulation, and (c) reduced material
parameters in the experiment. (Reprinted from [56.56], with permission from AAAS)
Metamaterials 56.1 Bulk Metamaterials 1363

a) b) c) d)

5 μm

Fig. 56.16a–d Reflection of light rays shown schematically for (a) a flat mirror, (b) a deformed mirror, and (c) a de-
formed mirror covered by a carpet cloak. (d) Scanning electron microscope image of a carpet cloak operating in the
visible spectral range. (Reprinted with permission from [56.60]. © American Chemical Society)

onal (?) to the anisotropy axis of the metamaterial anisotropy of both types leads to unusual, hyperbolic
crystals. In other words, depending on the direction dependences for the frequency ! of the allowed TM-
of light propagation (and polarization) such meta- polarized modes (Hk D 0) on their wavevectors k D
materials behave either as metals or as dielectrics fkx ; ky ; kz g, which explains the name given to this
(i. e., insulators). This is achieved for material com- class of metamaterials (Fig. 56.17c,d)
posites typically formed by an array of parallel
kz2 kx2 C ky2 !2  
metallic wires/rods embedded into a dielectric matrix
   D 2 " 
k < 0; "? > 0 (56.10a)
(Fig. 56.17a), or a stack of alternating thin layers of "? j"k j c
metal and dielectric (Fig. 56.17b). Normally (at vis- kx2 C ky2 kz2 !2   
ible frequencies and below), in the first case, " <0  D "k > 0; "
? < 0 : (56.10b)
j"? j c2
and " ? > 0 (type I anisotropy), while in the second k

case, " k
> 0 and " ? < 0 (type II anisotropy). The In principle, such relations (known as the dispersion
relations) allow, at any given frequency, the propagation
of waves with infinitely large wavevectors, which is in
a) Hyperbolic type I b) Hyperbolic type II
stark contrast to spherical or, in the general case, ellip-
tical dispersions characteristic of natural materials. In
practice, however, the range of the permitted wavevec-
tors k appears to be capped, although at rather large
magnitudes, due to the small but finite structural period-
icity of the composites at the microscopic level (owing
to the effective medium description no longer being

Part E | 56.1
valid when the wavelength becomes comparable to the
composite’s lattice constant).
One of the immediate consequences of the hyper-
c) d)
bolic dispersions is that there are no evanescent waves,
ε*|| < 0 k*z ε*⊥ > 0 ε*|| > 0 k*z ε*⊥ < 0 while for certain light propagation directions, the ef-
fective index of refraction can be extremely large. The
latter finds applications in miniaturizing photonic de-
vices, subdiffraction photonic funnels, and nanoscale
resonators (see [56.61] and references therein). Also,
k*x k*x due to strong material dispersion, the hyperbolic media
can act as spatial frequency filters [56.62], while the ex-
k*y treme anisotropy of its dielectric permittivity " can be
exploited in linear polarizers [56.63].

Negative Refraction
Fig. 56.17a–d Hyperbolic metamaterials of types I and II. Negative refraction was perhaps the first phenomenon
(a,b) Metamaterial crystals exhibiting hyperbolic disper- demonstrated in hyperbolic media [56.65, 66]. In par-
sion. (c,d) Isofrequency surfaces of extraordinary waves ticular, the effect can be observed for TM-polarized
propagating in hyperbolic media of types I and II, corre- waves at a facet cut perpendicular to the anisotropy axis
spondingly of a type I metamaterial crystal (Fig. 56.18a). In this
1364 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

case, the dielectric permittivity in the direction normal Subwavelength Imaging

to the vacuum–metamaterial interface is negative and, Subwavelength imaging is one of the most promising
due to the continuity of the normal component of the applications of hyperbolic media. Unlike negative-index
electric displacement across the interface (Ez D " Ez ), metamaterials, which enable the complete restoration of
the normal component of the wave’s electric field in- evanescent waves at the image plane (Sect. 56.1.4), the
side the metamaterial Ez appears to be reversed. As hyperbolic media make it possible to convert evanescent
a result, the component of the Poynting vector propa- waves in air/vacuum into propagating ones, which then
gating in the metamaterial parallel to the interface Sx is can be collected in the far-field zone and processed by
also reversed, rendering the angle of the beam refrac- conventional optical microscopes. The device that does
tion negative (Fig. 56.18a). such a trick is called the hyperlens [56.67].
Nevertheless, a hyperbolic metamaterial slab oper- A conventional hyperlens has the form of a hol-
ating in the negative refraction regime can exhibit only low cylinder made of a type I hyperbolic metamaterial.
partial focusing of light, as illustrated in Fig. 56.18b. An example of such a lens designed to operate in the
This is because the mutual orientation of the Poynt- ultraviolet (UV) spectrum is shown in Fig. 56.19a. If
ing vector and the wavevector (in other words, group an object is placed on the inner surface of the cylin-
and phase velocities) is not always antiparallel or even der, the scattered evanescent waves, which carry all the
collinear, as in the case of isotropic negative-index me- subwavelength information in air/vacuum, can enter the
dia, but depends on the propagation direction relative to hyperlens where they will propagate radially with no
the metamaterial’s anisotropy axis. decay (kr is no longer imaginary), as dictated by the hy-

a) b)
S*x Ex, E*x Fig. 56.18a,b Negative
x refraction in a hyperbolic
E*z metamaterial of type I.
(a) Components of electric
field E and pointing vector
S at the surface of the
z metamaterial. (b) Partial
focussing by a slab of the
Part E | 56.1

a) b)

ε*r < 0
ε*φ > 0

kr kr

Fig. 56.19a,b Hyperlens. (a) The lens and principle of its operation. The lens is formed by a stack of curved alternating
layers of metal and dielectric, which behaves as a type I hyperbolic metamaterial at UV frequencies. (b) Scanning
electron microscope image of the cross-sectional view of a lens operating at the wavelength of 410 nm. The scale bar is
500 nm. (After [56.64])
Metamaterials 56.2 Planar Metamaterials 1365

perbolic dispersion. While the waves spread inside the of available electromagnetic modes [56.72]. Given the
hyperlens, the azimuthal component of their wavevec- analogy with the electronic density of states in solid

tors k' gradually becomes smaller due to the con- state physics, the latter is proportional to the area of
servation of the angular momentum in the cylindrical the isofrequency surface defining the dispersion, and

geometry, k' r D const. Correspondingly, at a certain is, therefore, finite in dielectrics (where the dispersion
radius r, the azimuthal component of the wavevectors is elliptical) but diverges in hyperbolic media. Conse-

may become small enough (k' < !=c) for the radial quently, when an emitter is brought close to the surface
component to be real even outside the cylinder, of a hyperbolic metamaterial it starts to couple to the
s available high-k states [56.73], and the radiative de-
!2 cay rate of the emitter increases compared to that in
kr D  k'
2 ; (56.11) air/vacuum.
There are, however, several factors that in prac-

where k' D k' . It is easy to show that the resolution tice limit the enhancement of spontaneous emission.
of such a hyperlens, that is, the smallest separation be- Most notably these are the finite structural periodicity
tween two successfully resolved features of the object, of a metamaterial composite, which introduces a cut-off
is simply proportional to the ratio between the inner for the largest wavevectors permitted by the metamate-
and outer radius of the cylinder [56.67]. Hyperlenses rial, and the finite separation between the emitter and
have been successfully demonstrated experimentally the metamaterial, which makes it impossible for some
in the microwave [56.68], visible [56.69, 70], and of the evanescent harmonics to reach the metamaterial
near-UV [56.64, 71] domains (Fig. 56.19b). and hence couple to its high-k states.
Although many experiments involving hyperbolic
Enhancement of Spontaneous Emission metamaterials of types I and II demonstrated a short-
Enhancement of spontaneous emission (or control of ening of the lifetime [56.73–75], the discrimination
spontaneous emission) is another promising applica- between the true radiative mechanism involving prop-
tion of hyperbolic metamaterials. It is based on Fermi’s agating high-k modes and the nonradiative mechanism
golden rule, which states that the lifetime of sponta- (i. e., dissipation due to ohmic resistance of materials)
neous emission is strongly influenced by the density has been challenging [56.75, 76].

56.2 Planar Metamaterials

Planar metamaterials, also known as metafilms or meta- ing micro and nanofabrication techniques exploited by
surfaces, represent a special class of low-dimensional complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS)

Part E | 56.2
artificial media. They are formed by metal films pe- technology. This, in combination with the unusual
riodically patterned on a subwavelength scale, which electromagnetic properties of the planar metamaterials
are many times thinner than the wavelength of light. achieved through the nanoscale control of light, renders
Despite their vanishing thickness, planar metamateri- this type of artificial media an intriguing and viable al-
als can strongly interact with electromagnetic waves, ternative to various conventional photonic components.
which they transmit, absorb, or reflect without diffrac-
tion, acting as media of zero dimension in the direction 56.2.1 Frequency Selective Surfaces
of light propagation. As a result, planar metamateri-
als are able to efficiently mimic (and improve) the One of the most basic properties of planar metamate-
functionalities of the existing bulk optical components rials is the ability to resonantly transmit, reflect, or ab-
such as lenses, prisms, polarizers, filters, beam splitters, sorb electromagnetic radiation within narrow frequency
etc. More importantly, they make accessible a range of bands that can be engineered on demand. The idea of
new exotic effects including a magnetic mirror, perfect such metamaterial filters, which were termed frequency
absorption, asymmetric transmission, optical activity selective surfaces (FSS) because of their vanishing
without chirality, wavefront rectification, etc. thickness, originated in the RF and microwave commu-
Importantly, while practical implementation of bulk nities [56.77, 78] and can be traced back to the work
metamaterials (especially in the optical domain) still on phased antenna arrays done in the 1960s [56.79].
very much depends on advances in the development of The simplest example of an FSS is the perforated metal
three-dimensional fabrication techniques, planar pho- screen placed behind the glass window of a microwave
tonic metamaterials are fully compatible with the exist- oven, which blocks microwave radiation escaping from
1366 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

the oven but at the same time allows one to see through most of the design features of their bulk counterparts
the window. (Fig. 56.2), and the wavelength of their resonances
An FSS is typically formed by an array of complex- 0 D c=f0 is given by the expressions similar to (56.1),
shaped patches of a metal foil arranged on a two- r
dimensional lattice with a subwavelength period, and " C 1 2le
mechanically supported by a thin dielectric substrate 0  ; (56.12)
2 m
(Fig. 56.20a). The FSS is transparent everywhere apart
from a specific range of frequencies, known as the where le is the total electrical length of the metallic
stop band, where the array of patches reflects elec- pattern that forms the metamolecule, " is the relative
tromagnetic waves as if it were a continuous sheet permittivity of the supporting substrate, and m is a pos-
of metal (Fig. 56.20b). Such a spectrally selective itive integer. As with bulk metamaterials, resonances
response is underpinned by the electromagnetic res- with m > 4 are usually not possible to engineer. The
onances of individual patches, which have the same p difference between (56.1)
only p and (56.12) is that factor
nature as the geometrical resonances in bulk metamate- " has been replaced with ." C 1/=2. Such a modifi-
rials (Sect. 56.1.1). They are controlled by the shape and cation reflects the fact that an FSS is usually supported
size of the patches (also regarded as metamolecules), by a dielectric on one side, while the other side contacts
and the dielectric permittivity of the immediate sur- with air. The effective permittivity in this case can be
roundings. Consequently, planar metamaterials share calculated as the average between the permittivities of
the dielectric and air, which happens to be a good ap-
proximation that works well for dielectric layers as thin
a) Dielectric b) as 0:050 [56.77]. It is easy to see that when an FSS is
1 T
sandwiched between two dielectric layers with permit-
tivity ", (56.12) and (56.1) become identical. As in the
case of bulk metamaterials, (56.12) works particularly
well for metamaterials operating at near-IR frequencies
I R and below, where metals are still good conductors and
0 can, therefore, support electrical currents.
R f0 Frequency
An FSS can also be formed by an array of complex-
shaped subwavelength apertures, rather than patches,
c) d)
made in a thin metal screen (Fig. 56.20c). Such an in-
1 R
verse or negative type of planar metamaterials does not
necessarily require supporting substrates, as mechani-
cal stability here is often ensured by the metal screen
itself. A negative FSS behaves as a mirror everywhere
Part E | 56.2

apart from in a certain range of frequencies, known as

0 the passband, where electrical currents induced in the
R f0 Frequency
perforated screen are resonantly suppressed, rendering
the metallic structure electromagnetically transparent
e) Dielectric f)
T (Fig. 56.20d). The spectral selectivity of the nega-
1 tive FSS is shaped by the resonances of individual
apertures, which are different in nature from the reso-
nances of conventional (i. e., positive) metamolecules
and are usually described with the help of fictitious
I magnetic currents [56.80]. Nevertheless, the passband
0 of a negative FSS can be predicted based on the spectral
f0 Frequency
d << λ0 response of its complementary structure. According to
the Babinet principle, the specular reflection coefficient
Fig. 56.20a–f Examples of frequency selective surfaces of a perforated metal screen equals the transmission co-
based on SRR. (a) An array of split-ring patches and (b) its efficient of a free-standing array of metallic patches that
transmission (solid line) and reflection (dashed line) spec- have the same shape as the apertures in the screen, and
tra. (c) An array of split-ring slits made in a thin metal vice versa. Such an approach works particularly well in
foil and (d) its transmission (solid line) and reflection the RF and microwave domains where metals behave
(dashed line) spectra. (e) An array of asymmetrically-split- as perfect conductors, while the thickness of the screen
ring patches and (f) its transmission spectrum can be made as 0 =103 or less. Thicker screens have the
Metamaterials 56.2 Planar Metamaterials 1367

opposite effects on the bandwidths of the complimen- conductor, the counterpart of a perfect electric conduc-
tary metamaterial patterns, making the transmission tor. In practice, the reflection phase of a magnetic mirror
passband narrower and the stopband wider. Also, the crosses zero only at a certain frequency f0 , correspond-
two types of FSS will behave differently if the thick- ing to the resonant mode of the structure (Fig. 56.21c).
ness of the dielectric substrates d exceeds 0 =4 [56.77]. The useful bandwidth of a magnetic mirror is usu-
The shape of the transmission stopband (or pass- ally defined by j 'j < =2 to either side of f0 , since
band) and its width can be modified by introduc- these changes of the phase would not cause destruc-
ing additional resonant elements in the design of the tive interference between the incident and reflected
metamolecules (e.g., asymmetrically split wire rings, waves [56.98, 99].
Fig. 56.20e) or, alternatively, by cascading several The behavior of the magnetic mirror can be un-
FSS [56.77, 78]. In particular, both methods can be derstood by examining a corrugated metal slab, where
used to engineer a very narrow window of trans- a series of narrow slots are cut vertically, or a =4 thick
parency within the stopband of a planar metamate- dielectric slab backed by a metal plate. In the first case,
rial (Fig. 56.20f), which mimics the famous effect each slot can be regarded as a parallel-plate transmis-
of electromagnetically induced transparency in cryo- sion line, which runs into the slab and is shorted at the
genically cooled gases [56.81–83]. The metamaterial bottom (Fig. 56.22a). If the slots are 0 =4 deep, the
transparency window is characterized by a very sharp short circuit at the bottom end is transformed by the
normal dispersion of the phase of passing electro- length of the slots into an open circuit with zero cur-
magnetic waves, which corresponds to a substantial rents at the top end, and hence exhibits high impedance.
reduction of the group velocity. For example, a 0 =35 In the second case, the total optical path in the dielectric
thick planar structure can delay electromagnetic pulses slab upon reflection equals =2, so that the first antin-
by more than 1=3 of their initial width [56.82]. ode of the standing wave, where the E-component is at
FSSs play a key role in many antenna systems maximum and the H-component is zero, coincides with
for modern fixed and mobile communication sys- the top surface of the slab (Fig. 56.22b). A magnetic
tems [56.77, 78], and can be configured to operate as mirror is the planar analog of the two cases that effec-
low-pass, high-pass, and band-pass, or dichroic fil- tively have been transformed to a much more compact
ters [56.84–87]. Other applications include laser–cavity form by virtue of the strong resonant coupling between
output couplers [56.88, 89] and narrow-band infrared the top and bottom surfaces – the FSS and metal screen,
sources [56.90–92]. Also, owing to their resonant be- respectively. Given the analogy, magnetic mirrors act as
havior, planar metamaterials are able to enhance light– two-dimensional electric filters that block surface cur-
matter interaction, facilitating optical sensing [56.93, rents and are thus often referred to as high impedance
94], energy harvesting [56.95], and generation of co- surfaces (HIS) [56.99].
herent radiation [56.96, 97]. The resonant frequencies of HIS are typically lower
than the resonant frequencies of the constituent FSS due
56.2.2 Magnetic Mirrors

Part E | 56.2
to the capacitive coupling of the latter with the metal
(High Impedance Surfaces) screen. For many designs of metamolecules, the wave-
length of their resonances can be estimated based on
If an FSS is placed on top of a continuous metal screen the expression for the guided wavelength in a microstrip
such that the supporting substrate is sandwiched be- transmission line [56.100]
tween the metallic pattern of the FSS and the screen, v
u" C 1 "  1 2le
acting as a spacer, the electromagnetic boundary condi- u
0  t C q ; (56.13)
tions at the surface of the resulting planar metamaterial 2 2 1 C 5d m
can be altered in a peculiar way. In contrast to the
case of regular metallic mirrors (Fig. 56.21a), the di- where le is the total electrical length of the metallic pat-
rection of the E-field component of an electromagnetic tern that forms the metamolecule, 2w is the width of the
wave reflected off the structure will not reverse. In- metallic strips forming the metamolecule, " is the rela-
stead, the reversal will occur for the H-field component tive permittivity of the dielectric spacer, d is the spacer’s
(Fig. 56.21b), and the total magnetic field tangential to thickness, and m is a positive integer (m < 5). As in
the surface will vanish [56.98, 99], as if the metamate- the case of (56.1) and (56.12), this formula is practi-
rial acts as an artificial magnetic conductor (hence the cally useful only in the near-IR and lower frequency
term magnetic mirror). domains.
When the change of the phase upon reflection ' HIS have been realized and studied mainly in the
is exactly zero and ohmic losses are absent, such a pla- RF and microwave domains where, due to their un-
nar metamaterial can be regarded as a perfect magnetic usual boundary condition, they have been used as a new
1368 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

a) Metal
b) Dielectric c)

E /2
“Magnetic mirror”
E 0
H H –/2
R E –
d << λ0 f0 Frequency

Fig. 56.21 Electromagnetic boundary conditions at the surface of (a) a conventional metallic mirror and (b) a magnetic
mirror. (c) Dispersion of the reflection phase schematically shown for a magnetic mirror at its resonance

Fig. 56.22a,b Bulk analogs of

a) Open ciruit b) a magnetic mirror: corrugated metal
Node Standing slab (a) and dielectric slab backed by
(E = 0) wave a metal plate (b)

λ0/4 Antinode
(E = max)

Short ciruit E=0

type of ground plane for low-profile antennas [56.99, with a 50 nm thick silicon dioxide layer (Fig. 56.23).
101, 102]. Indeed, an electric-dipole antenna lying flat The resulting nanostructured mirror exhibited high-
against a HIS will not be shorted out (as it happens impedance resonances in the yellow and red spectral
on a regular metal sheet), while its radiation will ap- bands. In particular, its reflection at 560 and 630 nm was
Part E | 56.2

pear amplified due to the in-phase oscillations of the accompanied by changes of the phase as small as =9
antenna’s image created by such a mirror. Moreover, and =6, respectively.
since at resonance HIS do not support propagating sur-
face waves, the antenna will radiate efficiently, with 56.2.3 Perfect Metamaterial Absorbers
a smooth radiation pattern that is free from the effects
of multipath interference along the ground plane. One of the most promising practical applications of
The magnetic mirror effect has been successfully magnetic mirrors has proven to be resonant loss ampli-
demonstrated also in the visible part of the spec- fication (or perfect absorption [56.104]), which benefits
trum [56.103], where one faces challenges in metama- from the presence of, otherwise detrimental, resis-
terial fabrication and has to deal with the plasmonic tive losses. This metamaterial functionality exploits the
behavior of nanostructured metals and increased ohmic high-impedance resonance where the tangential com-
losses. The interest in optical magnetic mirrors is driven ponent of the total electric field on the surface of
by applications in surface-enhanced spectroscopy, and a magnetic mirror is significant. Consequently, if an
the opportunity to increase the efficiency of optical electrically resistive sheet (for example, a thin slab of
antennas and nanoemitters, and engineer compact op- a lossy dielectric) is placed on top of the structure,
tical cavities. The first metamaterial sample was based a part of the incident energy will be dissipated in this
on a periodic grid of 40 nm thick meandering alu- slab and, as a result, the reflection coefficient of the
minum nanowires forming a resonant fish-scale pattern, system may become significantly reduced. This can be
which was placed on top of an aluminum film coated shown quantitatively by using transmission line the-
Metamaterials 56.2 Planar Metamaterials 1369

Fig. 56.23a,b First optical mag-

a) b) “fish scales” pattern netic mirror. (a) Scanning electron
(cross-section 50 x 50 nm 2) microscope image of the aluminum
fish-scale nanopattern. (After [56.60,
103]) (b) Cross-section of the mirror
SiO2 spacer (thickness 50 nm)

Aluminum mirror
(thickness 100 nm)

Silicon substrate
1 μm

ory. In fact, the reflectivity may drop as low as 30 dB a certain, optimum range of resistive losses (i. e., values
(R D 0:1%) [56.105], indicating that the resonant ab- of imaginary part of the substrate’s permittivity, Imf"g);
sorption of light by the metamaterial mirror is virtually the absorption is naturally weak if the losses are too
complete. small, and it is also weak if the losses are too high,
The idea of the metamaterial absorbing screen was since large Imf"g destroys the magnetic mirror behav-
originally conceived by Engheta [56.106] and experi- ior [56.105].
mentally demonstrated by Fedotov et al. [56.105], who Resonant loss amplification may be used to improve
also showed that the source of losses could simply be the sensitivity of photodetectors outside their main
the dielectric spacer of the magnetic mirror itself. An spectral band by enhancing a small tail of interband
absorbing magnetic mirror may, therefore, be regarded absorption. In this case, for example, the photosensi-
as an extremely compact electromagnetic cavity, where tive material could replace the dielectric spacer of the
light bounces back and forth (effectively being trapped magnetic mirror, while the metamaterial structure itself
between the constituent FSS and metal screen) while would act as a light-harvesting device. This approach
passing through the lossy dielectric many times until it should be particularly efficient for semiconductor de-
is completely absorbed. Such an interpretation is also tectors and solar cells, and for increasing the quantum
supported by the results of numerical simulations when efficiency of photomultipliers.
presented in the form of field lines of the total Poynt-
ing vector, which are often used to visualize the flow 56.2.4 Designer Metasurfaces
of electromagnetic energy near subwavelength scatter- and Flat Optics
ers [56.107, 108]. At high-impedance resonance, these

Part E | 56.2
lines are seen to wind around the metallic fabric of the The resonant response of a planar metamaterial is ac-
metamaterial, going in and out of the dielectric spacer companied by a phase shift of the transmitted wave,
where they eventually terminate (Fig. 56.24). Achiev- which varies between =2 and C=2, depending on
ing maximum absorption, however, is possible only for the detuning from the resonance frequency. Remark-

Fig. 56.24 Perfect absorption: lines

of the total Poynting vector (power
flow) calculated for two different
absorption resonances of a microwave
fish-scale magnetic mirror
1370 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

ably, it occurs on the length scale of one-tenth or arbitrary directions, provided that suitable d'=dx is in-
even one-hundredth of a wavelength, which renders the troduced. In particular, refraction and reflection of light
phase shift virtually discontinuous. Thus, by varying incident at angle 1 become negative for phase gradi-
the size and geometry (and hence the detuning from ents smaller than d'=dx D .2=0/ n1 sin 1 . While
the resonance frequency) of individual metamolecules deriving (56.14a)–(56.14b) it was assumed that ' varies
along the surface of the metamaterial, one can spa- continuously along the interface, so that all the incident
tially modulate the phase discontinuity and, in accor- energy is transferred into the modified reflection and
dance with Huygens’s principle, imprint the resulting refraction. Since, in practice, a metasurface is a dis-
phase profile on the transmitted beam. The same ap- crete array of scatterers, although with subwavelength
plies to the reflected beam, which is produced by the separation, there will also be regularly refracted and
coherent superposition of the waves scattered by the reflected beams that obey the conventional laws of re-
individual metamolecules in the backward direction. fraction and reflection [56.112].
Given the ever-expanding choice of resonant patterns, An example of the designer metasurface exhibiting
metasurfaces with gradient structuring (designer meta- negative refraction and reflection in the IR is pre-
surfaces) should enable the shaping of transmitted and sented in Fig. 56.26a. It features a regular array of
reflected wavefronts in nearly arbitrary ways, thus per- V-shaped gold metamolecules arranged in the groups of
forming as sophisticated but ultimately flat optical de- 8, with their shape and size changing gradually in each
vices [56.109]. This is in stark contrast to conventional group in the x-direction. Compared to more simple cut
bulk optical components (e.g., lenses, prisms, wave wires, V-shaped metamolecules produce much stronger
plates, and curved mirrors), where the phase shifts are scattering contributions to modified refraction and re-
accumulated gradually along the optical path, typically flection for all their permutations and ensure phase
over the distance of several wavelengths. shifts in the entire range from 0 to 2, as required for
Although the idea of designer metasurfaces can be engineering a continuous phase gradient.
traced back to earlier works on microwave FSS [56.110, A more complex scattering phenomenon, such as
111], it attracted significant attention only recently the generation of a vortex beam, is observed when
following the work of Capasso et al. [56.109], who the phase shift varies linearly in the azimuthal direc-
demonstrated wavefront manipulation in the IR and for- tion. This can be achieved with a designer metasurface,
mulated generalized laws of refraction and reflection in for instance, by arranging V-shaped metamolecules of
the presence of phase discontinuities different permutations in eight equal sectors, which
imprint constant phase shifts with =4 increment coun-
n1 0 d' terclockwise (Fig. 56.26b). By re-arranging the meta-
sin 2 D sin 1 C ; (56.14a)
n2 2 n2 dx molecules such that the phase shift is constant in the
0 d' azimuthal direction but increases hyperbolically in the
sin 10 D sin 1 C ; (56.14b) radial direction, one obtains an aberration-free optical
2 n1 dx
Part E | 56.2

flat lens [56.113].

where d'=dx is the gradient of the phase discontinuity Very recently, the concept of wavefront manipu-
along the interface (Fig. 56.25). These relations im- lation using designer metasurfaces was taken further
ply that the refracted and reflected beams can have with the introduction of the so-called Huygens meta-
surfaces [56.114, 115], planar arrays of metamolecules
that react to both E and H components of light. Huygens
k1 k′1
metasurfaces are expected to have major implications
θ′1 for integrated and transformation optics, as they allow
θ1 n1 one to control the amplitude and phase of the scattering
φ(x) = a x independently, and hence generate truly arbitrary field
patterns for given illumination.

56.2.5 Polarization Manipulation

with Planar Metamaterials
k2 n2
Similar to bulk metamaterials, homogeneously pat-
terned planar metamaterials can exhibit complex polar-
ization effects, which lie beyond trivial polarization con-
Fig. 56.25 Anomalous refraction and reflection at an in- version originating from structural anisotropy [56.116].
terface with linearly varying phase discontinuity '.x/ These phenomena include, in particular, enhanced con-
Metamaterials 56.2 Planar Metamaterials 1371

a) Г b) 5/4 3/2


3/4 0

y 2 μm

/2 /4 10 μm

Fig. 56.26 Scanning electron microscope images of IR designer metasurfaces, which exhibit negative refraction and
reflection (a) and generate vortex beams (b). (After [56.109])

ventional optical activity, optical activity occurring in difficult to observe using natural materials but which
the absence of structural chirality, and asymmetric trans- can be easily engineered in planar metamaterials, offer-
mission [56.117], which, unlike the first two effects, ing an efficient and robust polarization control mech-
does not seem to have an analog in bulk media. anism. It is attributed to the chirality that is drawn
extrinsically from the experimental arrangement that in-
Natural (Intrinsic) Optical Activity cludes not only molecules (or metamolecules), which
Natural optical activity manifests itself as the polar- must be oriented and can be structurally achiral, but
ization azimuth rotation of linearly polarized light, as also the wave propagation direction. This special con-
well as the preferential absorption of either right or dition for observing optical activity was first identified
left-hand circularly polarized light in a lossy medium by Bunn [56.119] and confirmed in liquid crystals by
(Sect. 56.1.5). Conventionally, optical activity is at- Williams [56.120].
tributed to intrinsic chirality of matter, a particular type In the context of metamaterial research, the ef-
of asymmetry characterized by the presence of a screw- fect was experimentally demonstrated by Plum et al.
like twist in its very structure (either on molecular or in both the microwave [56.121] and optical [56.122]
crystal lattice levels). Such a twist exists only in three parts of the spectrum by characterizing the transmis-
dimensions and, therefore, cannot be realized in a truly sion response of specially designed metasurfaces at

Part E | 56.2
planar structure. Instead, it may be introduced in a bi- oblique incidence. The metasurfaces were based on
layered stack, for example, by rotating metamaterial regular arrays of achiral asymmetrically split-ring meta-
patterns in the first and second layers with respect to molecules (Fig. 56.27a), although, in principle, any
each other, as illustrated in Fig. 56.11c–g. Due to the metamaterial pattern that does not possess twofold ro-
strong resonant coupling between the mutually twisted tational symmetry could have formed an extrinsically
patterns, the rotation of the polarization plane of up to chiral arrangement with an obliquely incident beam
90ı can be achieved for interlayer separation of only (and hence exhibited optical activity). The observed
0 =30 or so [56.33, 34]. Consequently, all bi-layered rotation of the polarization azimuth exceeded 80ı for
chiral metamaterials considered in Sect. 56.1.5, al- microwave and 1ı for optical metasurfaces, which in
though not technically planar, can be regarded as planar absolute terms surpasses the strength of optical activity
metamaterials given their vanishing thickness. More- achieved in most intrinsically chiral planar metamateri-
over, it is easy to see that even the presence of a support- als.
ing substrate makes the structure of a planar metamate- Optical activity of an extrinsically chiral metasur-
rial intrinsically chiral if its pattern features a spiral-like face has the following key features:
twist. In this case, however, the manifestation of optical
activity is usually rather weak [56.33, 40, 118]. 1. No effect can be observed at normal incidence.
2. No effect can be observed at oblique incidence if the
Extrinsic Optical Activity metamolecules possess twofold rotational symme-
Extrinsic optical activity is a practically unknown in- try or if the line of their mirror symmetry is parallel
stance of the polarization phenomenon, which is very to the plane of incidence.
1372 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

which gives rise to extrinsic chirality of opposite hand-

a) Supported modes of excitation
edness (see Fig. 56.27d,e). Understanding the fourth
feature, however, requires one to revisit the physical
p mechanism of the effect, as detailed below.
= + Similar to conventional optical activity, its extrinsic
counterpart results from the simultaneous presence of
electric and magnetic responses in the metamolecules.
The asymmetry of the metamolecules (such as, for
Achiral configurations example, asymmetrically split rings) plays a key role
b) c) here: an electromagnetic wave resonantly induces un-
equal currents oscillating in the upper and lower arcs
p of the rings. Such a current configuration may be repre-
p sented as a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric current
m modes. The symmetric mode yields an electric dipole
m moment, p, oscillating in the plane of the ring and par-
allel to the split, while the antisymmetric mode gives
k k rise to a magnetic dipole moment, m, which oscillates
perpendicular to the plane (Fig. 56.27a). At oblique in-
Extrinsically chiral configurations cidence, each dipole moment acquires a component in
the plane orthogonal to the wave propagation direction
d) e)
(Fig. 56.27d). When the split is parallel to the plane
of incidence (the line of mirror symmetry is orthogo-
p nal to the plane of incidence), the projections of m and
p p become collinear and scatter electromagnetic waves
with orthogonal polarizations, so that the polarization
of the resulting transmitted wave exhibits maximal ro-
k k
tation. Clearly, by varying the angle of incidence, one
changes the difference between the magnitudes of the
Fig. 56.27a–e Optical activity due to extrinsic chirality. dipole projections, and hence controls their relative
(a) Oscillating currents in an asymmetrically split ring can contributions to the polarization state of the transmit-
be represented as a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric ted wave. Also, it can be seen that for opposite angles
modes, corresponding to an electric dipole p (green arrow) of incidence, the mutual phase difference between the
and a magnetic dipole m (red arrow). Optical activity is projections of m and p reverses, which directly affects
controlled by the projections of p and m onto the plane the sign of optical activity (see Fig. 56.27d,e). When
Part E | 56.2

perpendicular to the incident wavevector k (green and red the split is perpendicular to the plane of incidence (the
dashed arrows correspondingly). The effect is absent ei- line of mirror symmetry is parallel to the plane of inci-
ther (b) at normal incidence, when one of the projections is dence), the projections of m and p become orthogonal
zero, or (c) if the projections are mutually orthogonal. The to each other (Fig. 56.27c). In this case, the electro-
strongest optical activity of opposite sign occurs if these magnetic waves scattered by the projections have the
projections are either (d) parallel or (e) antiparallel same polarizations, and so the polarization state of the
transmitted wave cannot change. Finally, at normal in-
3. Opposite angles of incidence yield the effects of op- cidence, the projection of m is zero, which makes the
posite signs. absence of optical activity trivial (Fig. 56.27b).
4. The magnitude of the polarization rotation and The mechanism described above equally applies
circular dichroism is controlled by the angle of in- to the reflection off an extrinsically chiral metasur-
cidence. face, where it leads to strong specular optical activity
(the existence of this effect in bulk media is still be-
Most of the features can be readily understood based on ing debated) [56.123]. Intriguingly, this reflection effect
geometrical considerations. Indeed, the first and second mimics the longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect,
features expose mutual orientations of the metasurface but obviously does not require a magnetic field for its
and incident beam that result in vanishing extrinsic chi- observation.
rality (Fig. 56.27b,c). The third feature simply reflects Even though extrinsic chirality can only be as-
the fact that reversing the angle of incidence trans- cribed to an anisotropic metasurface, its response fea-
forms an experimental arrangement into its mirror form, tures a spectral band where the manifestation of the
Metamaterials 56.2 Planar Metamaterials 1373

anisotropy (i. e., linear birefringence) is negligible. For not known to men (at least until 2004, when graphene
this band the incident polarization state remains linear sheets were physically isolated and studied [56.125]).
upon transmission/reflection, exhibiting pure azimuth The study of optical implications of 2-D chirality was
rotation [56.121, 122]. Importantly, extrinsic optical ac- pioneered by Zheludev, who introduced the notion of
tivity is exhibited by truly planar metamaterials, which 2-D chirality (termed as planar chirality) to the field of
are typically much easier to fabricate than the bi-layered metamaterials research in 2003 [56.126].
stacks. The scalability of the metamaterial designs and While conventional chirality reveals a structural
inherent tunability of the phenomenon, the magnitude twist in three dimensions, planar chirality does so in
(and sign) of which can be continuously controlled two dimensions. It is convenient to associate the twist
by tilting the metasurface with respect to the inci- of a planar chiral pattern with a special unitary vector,
dent beam, enables the exploitation of extrinsic optical W, known as the twist vector. It points along the normal
activity in polarization control applications both in mi- to the plane of the pattern, and its direction is governed
crowave and photonic devices. Examples of the latter by the corkscrew law: if the screw rotates in the direc-
may include compact and efficient polarization rotators, tion of the structural twist, then it moves along the twist
circular polarizers, and polarization modulators, as well vector. Correspondingly, if W points along the direc-
as vibration sensors. tion of observation, the pattern is perceived as being
twisted clockwise and, conversely, if W points toward
Asymmetric Transmission the observer, the pattern is twisted counter-clockwise
Asymmetric transmission is a new fundamental phe- (Fig. 56.28). Importantly, the sense of the twist (and
nomenon of electromagnetism, which manifests itself hence the direction of W) reverses when a planar chi-
as a difference in the overall intensity of circularly po- ral pattern is observed from opposite sides, and this is
larized waves transmitted by a medium in the opposite exactly what makes the engineering of the asymmetric
directions. In some ways, it resembles the famous non- transmission effect possible.
reciprocity of the Faraday effect in magnetized media Phenomenologically, the origin of the effect may be
but requires no magnetic field for its observation and is traced to a particular structure of the complex matrix
fully compliant with the Lorentz reciprocity principle. that describes the transmission of circularly polarized
Asymmetric transmission was discovered in 2006 by waves through a planar chiral metamaterial
Fedotov et al. in planar chiral metamaterials [56.124],  
a new distinct class of metasurfaces that feature two- tCC tC 
¦ D
; (56.15)
dimensional (2-D) chirality in the structure of their tC t 
which is a non-Hermitian matrix with equal diagonal
2-D chirality implies that a planar object or a pat-
elements (tCC D t ). When expressed in terms of
tern cannot be brought into congruence with its mirror
transmission coefficients in the linear (Cartesian) basis,
image (which is obtained by reflection across a line
this matrix can be transformed into a sum [56.124]

Part E | 56.2
in the object’s plane) unless it is lifted off the plane.
The simplest example of a planar chiral object is the ¦2D D ¦2D
0 C i txy sgn .k  W/ g
O; (56.16)
Archimedean spiral. 2-D chirality has been rarely ac-
knowledged in the context of optics and materials where k is the wavevector of the incident wave, txy is
research simply because natural planar materials were the coefficient characterizing the conversion of a lin-

Line of mirror reflection


Fig. 56.28 Examples of planar

chiral metamaterial patterns featuring
clockwise and counter-clockwise
1374 Part E Novel Materials and Selected Applications

early polarized state into its orthogonal counterpart anisotropic and lossy. It also follows form (56.16) that
upon transmission, the asymmetry is reversed for the opposite handedness
  of (i) incident polarization and (ii) structural twist.
1 txx C tyy txx  tyy
¦0 D
(56.17a) The transmission asymmetry exhibited by planar
2 txx  tyy txx C tyy chiral metamaterials is different from that of the Fara-
is a symmetric matrix that describes the anisotropy of day effect in magnetized media. Indeed, in the case of
the chiral pattern, and the Faraday effect, the asymmetry applies to the trans-
  mission amplitude and phase of an incident circularly
0 1
gO D (56.17b) polarized wave itself, whereas planar chiral metamateri-
1 0
als, due to their anisotropy, partially convert the incident
is a unitary antisymmetric matrix. The antisymmet- wave into one of the opposite handedness, and it is the
ric part of ¦2D is proportional to the pseudoscalar efficiency of this conversion that is asymmetric with re-
combination (k  W) and is, therefore, responsible for spect to the direction of propagation. The fundamental
direction-dependent transmission, as the latter changes novelty of the asymmetric transmission effect may also
sign upon the reversal of the wave propagation direc- be appreciated by comparing the polarization eigen-
tion. The antisymmetric part is also proportional to states (i. e., the polarizations that are preserved upon
txy , which can only exist for anisotropic metamolecules transmission) of planar chiral metamaterials with that
of low-structural symmetry and vanishes for patterns of the Faraday media. The eigenstates of the transparent
possessing a fourfold symmetry axis. The polariza- Faraday media, in general, are two elliptical polariza-
tion conversion term txy cannot be eliminated by the tions of opposite handedness, while the eigenstates of
choice of appropriate coordinate systems only in the planar chiral metamaterials are two elliptical polariza-
presence of dissipation. In other words, the asymmetric tions of the same handedness, which differ only in
transmission effect can be observed in a planar chi- the azimuths of their main axes – they are orthogonal
ral metamaterial if, and only if, it is simultaneously (Fig. 56.29). The eigenstates of planar chiral metama-

Propagation of circularly polarized wave through

media in opposite directions Polarization eigenstates

lntensities and phase retardations Forward Backward

are the same

Conventional + + + +
chiral media
Part E | 56.2

lntensities and phase retardations

H are different H

Faraday + + + + H H

lntensities and phase retardations

of converted waves are different
– –
Planar chiral + +
+ +
Total intensities are different

Fig. 56.29 Manifestations of polarization effects and corresponding polarization eigenstates in conventional chiral me-
dia, Faraday media, and planar chiral media. Vectors H and W denote magnetization and planar chiral twist, respectively
Metamaterials References 1375

terials are also different from those of conventionally ral metamolecules have also been developed [56.128–
chiral media (and chiral metamaterials) exhibiting opti- 131].
cal activity. The eigenstates of the latter are completely In practical terms, the asymmetric transmission is
symmetric with respect to the propagation direction, a strong and scalable phenomenon, which has been ex-
whereas the eigenstates of planar chiral metamaterials perimentally demonstrated in the microwave [56.124,
reverse their handedness (Fig. 56.29). 132], terahertz [56.133], and optical [56.134, 135] parts
At an abstract crystallographic level, it has been of the spectrum, with the observed absolute transmis-
shown that a combination of birefringence and cir- sion asymmetry exceeding 15%, 6%, and 4%, respec-
cular dichroism (termed elliptical dichroism) provides tively. This invites the application of planar chiral meta-
a basis for the optical manifestation of asymmetric materials as novel polarization sensitive components
transmission and that a hypothetical bi-axial elliptically of electromagnetic devices, such as polarization and
dichroic bulk medium should exhibit optical properties direction sensitive beam splitters, circulators, and sen-
characteristic to a planar chiral metamaterial [56.127]. sor components. For example, when placed into a ring
More rigorous, quantitative descriptions of asymmetric resonator, a planar chiral metamaterial will enforce gen-
transmission with a detailed analysis of the effect on eration of left and right-handed elliptically polarized
a microscopic level and systematic study of planar chi- waves in the opposite directions of circulation.


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