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Artificial Intelligence for Business (AIB)

Course Instructor:
Ram B. Ramachandran

Semester 2 (2019-2020)

Course Title: Artificial Intelligence for Business
Course Code:
Course Duration: One Semester (15 Weeks)
No. of Credit Units: 1.5 credits
Medium of Instruction: English

Instructor Information
Instructor: Ram B. Ramachandran
Office: T1-341
Office Hours: TBD
Contact: 99993 60609

1.1 Course Description.................................................................................................................................. 2
1.2 Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses.................................................................................... 3
1.3 Intended Learning Outcomes .................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Course Content: .................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1 Grading of Student Achievement ............................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Grade Sheet ............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Student Responsibilities and Conduct..................................................................................................... 7
2.4 Teaching methods/strategies ................................................................................................................... 7
2.5 Prescribed and recommended readings ................................................................................................... 8

1.1 Course Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the way our personal and professional lives are being
impacted. Over the past decade AI has been incorporated in our everyday life through gadgets
and applications like the cell phones, email, social media, and voice activated devices. In
business, AI has made profound changes in its ability to transform processes and procedures.
From customer acquisition to clinical management, from logistics to learning & development.

AI’s impact is ubiquitous across industries. It is imperative that managers of the future
understand how AI can help drive business growth, develop more efficient systems and

processes, and create new products and services that can catapult businesses into the next

AI combined with other emerging technology revolutions like Blockchain, Internet of Things,
and Cognitive Process Automation can help propel businesses to operate efficiently in the
Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) eco system.

1.2 Course Aims

This course has been developed to provide students of Management an understanding of
Artificial Intelligence, its uses in a wide spectrum of industries, its impact on the future of
work, and the directions for managing technological change in an organization.

The course focuses on five aspects of developing and applying AI in day to day business

AI Applications: Through case studies, discussions, and lectures the course will look at how
AI has been adopted across different industries. The impact it had on individuals and sectors.

AI Technologies: The course aims to provide a comprehensive but a high-level view of the
different technologies that are critical to developing an AI solution. Technological components
that are at the core of any AI application including machine learning, Big Data, and Natural
Language Processing are explored.

AI Strategy: Defining a holistic AI strategy for an organization is the first step towards building
a robust environment for engaging and leveraging the power of AI.

Building an AI Culture: Organizations need to not only consider the technological impact of
introduction of an exponential technology like AI, but also the organizational and cultural
impact on employees and external stakeholders.

Responsible AI: While AI has several positive impacts on society, inherently it is a technology
that is open to abuse. Ethical use of AI, governance structure, and laws and regulations play an
important role in how AI is deployed.

1.3 Intended Learning Outcomes

On completion of the course, Students will be able to:
• demonstrate an understanding of Artificial Intelligence
• provide examples of applications across industry sectors
• develop an AI strategy and template for implementation AI solution for a specific function
or business
• understand the impact of AI in an organization and how culture plays an important role in
the success of AI implementation
• articulate the ethical boundaries of AI and the prevailing laws, regulations, and approaches
adopted by Government of India and other key nations.
1.4 Course Schedule
Week Dates Topic Format
W1 TBD Course Introduction; AI Lecture, Videos
Definition; AI History;
AI Application
W2 TBD AI Applications across Lecture, case study
industries discussion
W3 TBD AI Types, Primer to AI Lecture, Video
W4 TBD AI Architecture, Lecture
Technology Landscape
W5 TBD Developing AI Strategy, Theory with examples
W6 TBD AI Implementation Theory with examples,
approaches, Best Case study discussion
W7 TBD Quiz 1 and Group
Project Details
W8 TBD Primer to other Videos, Group Exercise
Integration with other
W9 TBD AI and Ethics; Lecture
W10 TBD Developing Guiding Case study; Class
Principles; Governance discussion
framework; Stakeholder
W11 TBD Current Laws and Lecture and examples
regulations on
governing AI
W12 TBD Global regulations and Lectures and examples
business impact

W13 TBD Quiz 2; Group

W14 TBD Group Presentation
W15 TBD Course Review Discussions

2.1 Grading of Student Achievement
The internal assessment of the students shall be as per the criteria given below:

Item Weightage Author

Course Contribution 10% Individual

Quiz 1 10% Individual

Quiz 2 10% Individual

Group Presentation 20% Team

Final Paper 50% Individual

1. Course Contribution
Active participation throughout the semester. Active participation entails 1) sharing your own
ideas and experiences in-class 2) Coming prepared to the class and participating in discussions 3)
actively listening to instructor as well as to your fellow mates.
It may involve surprise quizzes/assignments/presentations based on the topics discussed in
previous classes.

2. Quizzes (Individual)
Learning and progress check of concept learned in the previous lessons will be tested. This could
be a combination of multiple-choice questions as well as assessing a case.

3. Group Presentation
In your assigned groups, you will prepare a presentation to ideate a new application or approach
using AI. All topics covered in this course should be elaborated in the business idea. These ideas
will ideally have meaningful organizational, societal, or personal impact. Time limit – 10-15
minutes. Q/A 5 minutes.

4. Final Paper
The final paper will include a combination of multiple choice and essay type questions covering
the entire curriculum. Focus will be on testing the understanding of theoretical frameworks and
definitions as well as application and elaboration of methods in real life situations.

2.2 Grade Sheet

Percentage Grade Grade Grade Description

of Marks Value

80 and above O 8 Outstanding – Exceptional knowledge of the subject

matter, thorough understanding of issues; ability to
synthesize ideas, rules and principles and extraordinary
critical and analytical ability

75 – 79 A+ 7.5 Excellent - Sound knowledge of the subject matter,

thorough understanding of issues; ability to synthesize
ideas, rules and principles and critical and analytical ability

70 – 74 A 7 Very Good - Sound knowledge of the subject matter,

excellent organizational capacity, ability to synthesize
ideas, rules and principles, critically analyse existing
materials and originality in thinking and presentation

65 – 69 A- 6 Good - Good understanding of the subject matter, ability to

identify issues and provide balanced solutions to problems
and good critical and analytical skills

60 – 64 B+ 5 Fair – Average understanding of the subject matter, limited

ability to identify issues and provide solutions to problems
and reasonable critical and analytical skills

55 – 59 B 4 Acceptable- Adequate knowledge of the subject matter to

go to the next level of study and reasonable critical and
analytical skills.

50 – 54 B- 3 Marginal- Limited knowledge of the subject matter and

irrelevant use of materials and, poor critical and analytical

Below 50 F 0 Fail - Poor comprehension of the subject matter; poor
critical and analytical skills and marginal use of the
relevant materials. Will require repeating the course

2.3 Student Responsibilities and Conduct

Students are expected to be familiar with and adhere to university policies in relation to prompt
and regular class attendance, and general conduct and behaviour, including maintaining a safe,
respectful environment; and to understand their obligations in relation to workload, assessment
and keeping informed

Class Policies

1. Cell Phones: Mobile phones are to be switched off or in silent mode during lectures. Any
misuse of this policy like using it for surfing or social networking or any kind of activity during
lectures which is causing or may cause a distraction in the class will result in the student being
not given attendance for the class. Repeated transgressions will lead to FAILING grade in the
course. Failure to follow this will result in obtaining a zero in the respective component.
2. Laptops and Similar Gadgets: As directed.
3. Attendance: Attendance will be taken in the first ten minutes at the beginning of the class and
if necessary, after the break. Failing to get any of the attendance, at the beginning will lead to
the student being marked absent for the class. Students coming after 10 minutes at the
beginning of the class will also be marked absent for the class.
4. Class Culture: Students are expected to follow the core values of Respect and Reflection
throughout the class.
5. Respect the speaker: Listening to the speaker at ALL times, whether it is instructor or fellow
class mate.
6. Reflection: Reflecting on your own experience to share your original ideas and opinions in the

2.4 Teaching methods/strategies

Classroom lectures and discussions, case study analysis, peer to peer learning, group project, and

Students are expected to be well prepared for the classes and are required to be aware of current

2.5 Prescribed and recommended readings
Required: Applied Artificial Intelligence: A Handbook for Business Leaders
Paperback: 246 pages
Publisher: Topbots (30 April 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0998289027
ISBN-13: 978-0998289021

Additional Reading Materials:

Case Studies and relevant articles will be provided as pre reads a week before the class

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