Contact Info For Jackson County Courthouse Covid-19

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Jackson County Courts remain open.

In-person court proceedings are suspended

with limited exceptions. The j.tty term for March 30, 2020, is cancelled and jurors
are excused. If you have questions about a court proceeding or filings, please see
the attached notice.
ff you are unable to enter this facility here are the
contacts for essential seryices that you may contact:
1. If you are represented by an attorney, please contact your attorney.
2. For Circuit Court matters and filings, please contact:
Bart Buchanan, Circuit Court Clerk
102 East Laurel Street, Suite 307
Scottsboro, Alabama 35768
(2s6) s74-s320 (2s6) 6oe-3ssz
bart. buchana n @a lacou rt.qov

3. For District Court matters and filings, please contact:

Bart Buchanan, Circuit Court Clerk
102 East Laurel Street, Suite 307
Scottsboro, Alabama 35768
(2s6) s74-9320 (2s6) 609-3ss2
ba rt. bucha na n @a la cou rt. gov

4. For Small Claims matters and filings, please contact:

Bart Buchanan, Circuit Court Clerk
102 East Laurel Street, Suite 307
Scottsboro, Alabama 35768
(2s6) 574-e230 (2s6) 60e-3ss2
ba rt. bucha na n @a lacou rt. qov

5. For Probate Services, please contact:

Victor Manning, Probate Judge
102 East Laurel Street, Suite 11
Scottsboro, Alabama 35768
(2s6) s74-9294
victor. ma n ning @jcch. net
6. For Probation services, please contact:
Alicia Cash, Chief Probation Officer
102 East Laurel Street, Suite 46
Scottsboro, Atrabarna 35768
(256) 574-9363 (334) 430-0657
a I iqia . cash @ p? roles, a la ba nttAdov

7. For Absentee Voting, pfease contact:

Bart Buchanan, Circuit Court Clerk
102 East Laurel Street, Suite 307
Scottsboro, Alabama 35768
(256) 574-9320 (256) 609-3552
ba &b u cha na n @a lA cou rt. gov_

B. For all other matters, please contact:

Bart Buchandn, Circuit Court Clerk
102 East Laurel Street, Suite 307
Scottsboro, Afabama 357 68
(256) 574-9320 (256) 609-3552
ba rt-huqha na n @A la cou ft, ggv

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