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Rank Ethnic Groups and Castes of Nepal Share of Nepalese Population and Apradhan; Marriages among the Tharus,

nd Apradhan; Marriages among the Tharus, are monogamous. It is , however, strictly endogamous.
1 Chhetri 16.6% Polyandry and polygamy are practiced sometimes. Rites and rituals linked with Tharu marriages are
2 Bahun 12.2% elaborate and comple
3 Magar 7.1%
4 Tharu 6.5% Other Ethnic Groups in Nepal
5 Tamang 5.8%
6 Newar 5.0% The Tamang, Newar, Kami, Madheshi Muslims, Yadav, and Rai peoples collectively constitute around
7 Kami 4.7% 25% of the Nepalese population. Hindu is the dominant religion in Nepal with Buddhism also
dominating portions of the ethnic groups. These ethnic groups are distinct in their cultural practices,
8 Madhesi Muslims 4.4%
both in their religions and traditional ways of daily life.
9 Yadav 4.0%
Rai 2.3%
Other Groups Less than 2% each

Magar The Rais come from surrounding hills in the North- Eastern Nepal ; mainly near Dhankuta,
Terhathum , Bhojpur and Arun and Dudh valleys. Likewise , the Limbus come from the extreme
east of Nepal; mainly from the region of Taplejung, Khotang and Arun Valley.
The Magar are one of the oldest ethnic groups in Nepal. Magars occupy the southern and western
parts of the Dhaulagiri area. The ethnic group forms 7.1% of Nepali population according to the 2011
The Rais are neither purely Hindu nor Buddhist. They have their own tutelary deities and beliefs.
census, the third largest ethnic group in the country. The ethnic group is subdivided into septs (clans),
Tibetan lamaism has, however, great influence in their rites and rituals. The Limbus whereas
sub-septs, and gotras. The majority of this ethnic group speaks Magar Language. The major original
follow a mixture of Shivaism, Buddhism and Animism.
religion practiced by Magar included Shamanism and Tengriism, but currently Hindu is the prominent
religion among the community. Magar have been well known for their exceptional services in the
Traditions and Culture
military, especially in the British Army.
Among the Rais, marriages are monogamous. The marriages are held by arrangements, captures
and elopements. The Limbus follow the same marriage tradition. Both the Rais and Limbus bury
the deceased and place a tombstone on the grave, bearing the name and date. The Rais and
Magars Limbus altogether form 4.4% of total population.

Along the Gurung and Khas counterparts, the magars form an integral constituent of British and  
Indian Gurkha regiments and the Royal Army of Nepal. They approximately make 7.2 % of total Physionomically Mongoloid featured ' Thakali' derive from Thak Khola , the valley of the Kali Gandaki
population. They speak a dialect derived from Tibeto-Burman group of language. Their religion is river in western Nepal. These people are famed for their neatly tended kitchens and derive their
Boudhism. However, there are also some Hindu Magars. subsistence from hotels, inns, and restaurants income.
Economy and trade
The Magars celebrate the festival dedicated to the goddess Kali in great pomp (a Hindu festival ).. The Thakalis, with exceptional businessman-ship are one of the most successful ethnic groups in the
Those who live in the vicinity of Brahmans and Chhetris have their cultural rituals similar to theirs. country. They derive profitably from trade and tourism through their investments in hotels, motels
Magar villages are typical with their round and oval houses.
and trading of salt. ' Thak- sat- se'. Among the Thakalis, there persists an interesting system of
financial co- operative scheme, known as Dhigur which is used to maintain the relative financial
Tharu security for the Thakalis.
The Tharu people are indigenous to the Terai region, and are recognized as official citizens by the Lha Feva is the most significant festival for the Thakalis. It is observed some day in the month of
government of Nepal. Tharu account for 6.5% of all Nepalese, making them the fourth largest ethnic November of every monkey year of the twelve year cycle according to the Tibetan calendar. Lha Feva
group in the country. The Tharus have their indigenous dialect, known as ' Naja'. But they speak a is observed as the coming of God. The Sanskritic name of the festival is Kumbha Mela. Another
mixture of local dialects, such as Prakriti, Bhojapuri, Mughali, Nepali, Urdu and Maithili. The Tharus festival Shyoben lava, its Sanskritic name ' Kumar Jatra', is ceremony for the boys.
believe in Animism. They do also celebrate Hindu festivals. There are normally two clans; Pradhan
Traditions and Culture Nepalese Army and the police. The economy of the Gurungs are mainly based on agriculture, animal
In contrast to the Gurungs, the Thakalis form a strictly endogamus group which is distinctly divided husbandry and services in the army. caste hierarchy divides the Gurung community into ' char jat' and
into four exogamus clans. A Thakali thus is to marry none other than Thakali, but the marriage has to ' sor jat', group of four and twelve clans respectively. They are distinctly endogamous groups ,
be outside his or her own particular clan. The four clan are equal in status socially or ritually. However however, are strictly exogamous clans. Traditionally they prefer cross- cousins marriage. They also
on the basis of precedance in the worship, Gauchan clan comes first, followed by Tulachan, Sherchan, have a tradition of ' Rodi' , a club of boys and girls of similar age group where dancing and singing is
and Bhattachan. They have their particular clan gods as animal representative of dragon, elephant, performed
lion and Yak for Gauchan, Tulachan, Sherchan and Bhattachan respectively. The Thakali practices
cross- cousin marriage. Marriage is usually by capturePolygamy The religion of the Thakali is a
mixture of Buddhism, Jhankrism, Bonpo and Hinduism, but they are close to Jhankrism, a kind of
Shamanistic cult as their original religion.

Physionomically Mongoloid featured Chepangs (& Kusundas) resemble the Kirantis ( the Rais and
Limbus) but their lineage to them is yet to be confirmed. Chepangs believe themselves as the progeny
of Lava and Kusundas as the descendants of Kusha. They observe all the Hindu festivals of Dashain,
Tihar and Sakrantis besides their own tribal festival Nwagi, which is performed on a Tuesday during
third week of Bhadra ( some day in August and September). Chepangs do not possess other artistic
skills of any kind except weaving of baskets and leaf umbrellas which they use for protection against
rain. Very few Chepangs are literate. There still persists a tendency among the Chepangs to avoid
schooling even if the government and other organization are trying to uplift their living standard.

The natives of Kathmandu, the Newars, are mainly traders. With a purpose to trade, they are
scattered across the country; with greater concentration in the Kathmandu Valley, Banepa, Dulikhel,
Bhojpur, Bandipur and Tansen. They are in to the business and government services; business being
their main profession. They have negligible representations in the army and police services. There are
both Buddhist and Hindu Newars. Newars have a well defined occupational caste system among
themselves. Among the Newar community, an interesting ancient tradition, known as 'Ihi or Bel
Biha' , requires that a young girl often 7 or 8 years old, be married to a certain tree called 'Bel tree' or
to its green fruit called ' Bel'.


These Tibeto- Burman speaking ethnic group derive their subsistence mainly as porters for the
traders and trekking expeditions. The Tamang community are divided into several exogamous clans. A
Tamang may marry any other except from his or her own clan. Cross- cousin marriage is preferred.
Polyandry is not found but polygamy is common. The Tamangs are Buddhists. The religious activities
are based on Jhankrism. All their festivals and ceremonies are performed in Buddhist fashion


the Gurungs cohabit together with other ethnic groups. Majority of them, the Magars and their Khasa
counterparts, have formed the bulk of the famous Gorkha regiment of British and Indian Army; Royal

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