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Frequency Percent
Male 7 28.0
Female 18 72.0
Total 25 100.0

Marital Status
Frequency Percent
Married 2 8.0
Unmaried 23 92.0
Total 25 100.0
Frequency Percent
Below 25 20 80.0
25-35 5 20.0
Total 25 100.0
Income level( per month)
Frequency Percent Cumulative Percent
Below 20000 18 72.0 72.0
20000-50000 5 20.0 92.0
50000-80000 1 4.0 96.0
Above 80000 1 4.0 100.0
Total 25 100.0
Do you think Drive-thru will come to Nepal?
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Yes 18 72.0 72.0
No 7 28.0 100.0
Total 25 100.0
Do you see the future of mobile means of food transport (like
food truck) in Nepal?
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Yes 20 80.0 80.0
No 5 20.0 100.0
Total 25 100.0
Do you think management of traffic in future will reduce the
delivery time of food?
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Yes 17 68.0 68.0
No 8 32.0 100.0
Total 25 100.0
Do you see the possibility of 24/7 online food service in
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Yes 8 32.0 32.0
No 17 68.0 100.0
Total 25 100.0
Do you think fast food will replace staple diet in the future?
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Yes 8 32.0 32.0
No 17 68.0 100.0
Total 25 100.0
1. Restaurant Trends
Code Particulars Mean SD

RT1 The menu of restaurants will be more diversified in 3.64 .907

the future
RT2 Online food service will be more convenient in the 4.20 .707
RT3 People will trade between deliciousness and nutrition 3.88 .833
in the future
RT4 Consistency of food quality in the future will remain 2.80 .913
the same over time
3.79 .53366

2. Price
Code Particulars Mean SD

P1 The price of fast food in the future will increase 4.04 .790
P2 Quality and Price will go hand in hand in the future 3.60 .957
P3 The price reflected on online websites (like: 2.72 .936
foodmandu) will be equal to the retail price of the
P4 Prices of particular food item will be similar in most 3.24 .879
of the restaurants irrespective of its location, brand
name and other factors
3.63 .42155

3. Menu
Code Particulars Mean SD

M1 The food items in the menu will match with what is 3.52 .823
M2 There will be transparency of hidden costs in menu 2.88 .881
M3 Menu will be digitalized in the future 3.92 .812
M4 Menu will be diversified to cater the needs of 3.76 .926
specified age groups
3.40 .43301
4. Convenience
Code Particulars Mean SD

C1 Delivery time for the future will be considerably less 3.44 .821
than what it is now
C2 Restaurants will have a larger online presence in the 4.20 .645
C3 Webpage of restaurants will be accessible to people 3.56 .768
of all ages
C4 Response time to each order will be considerably less 3.72 .614
in the future
3.52 .49958

5. Adaptability
Code Particulars Mean SD

A1 Fast foods in the future will cater towards changing 3.60 .866
consumer needs
A2 Restaurants in the future will be able to handle the 3.56 .870
increasing demands of customers
A3 Fast food restaurants will be more conscious about 3.56 .821
climate change than they are now
A4 Online food service will be diversified in the major 3.92 .812
cities of the nation
3.73 .49958

6. International Presence
Code Particulars Mean SD

IP1 There will be a considerably large number of 4.16 .850

international fast food franchise operating within
IP2 Multinational franchises will pose a significant threat 4.28 .891
to local business
IP3 Multinational franchises will help to uplift the overall 3.76 .879
quality of fast food in Nepal
IP4 You as a consumer prefer International franchises as 2.96 .790
compared to local restaurants
3.66 .55377

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