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Teachers: _Zainab Awad Kylie Taft_________________

Grade Level: _2nd-3rd___
Lesson Plan # __3__
Lesson Title: __Review Session and Exhibition__
Date Taught: __March 21st_ , 2020_
Date Revised: _____, 2020_

Theme/Overarching curriculum goals:

● The Art of Communication will be the overarching theme throughout our curriculum. Students will learn
ways throughout the decades that people have communicated with each other. We will be exploring
how people would spread messages and stories and pass on traditions through word of mouth, how
we communicate today through technology and developed ways of communications, and how the
students can create innovative ideas to communicate with the future to make the world a better place.
Teaching communication is necessary because it is important to facilitate innovation, foster
relationships, and connect with the world and its cultures. The students will work collaboratively to
develop communication skills and develop their ideas through teamwork. They will understand why
and how effective communication is important for the growth of art and beyond. We chose this topic
for our theme and age group because students love to communicate and talk with anyone or anything
that will listen and this curriculum can help them facilitate and grow those inherent abilities. We will use
theory and pose age-appropriate questions that will develop their understanding of how important it is
to be communicative. The students will be able to team up with other students, explore different
exciting ways we communicated in the past, present, and future and will be able to explore play in
various mediums.

Lesson Rationale:
● For this lesson, we will be reviewing the art processes and techniques as well as conceptual ideas that
we’ve explored over the semester. We will be playing a jeopardy game for the students to test their
knowledge in a competitive and fun way. This will stimulate their memory as to why we explored all
these topics throughout our class. The categories will include communication, time capsules, mood
posters, color theory, and craftsmanship (art processes).
Lesson Objectives: Students will…
Conceptual/Affective/Expressive Objective (creative/critical thinking processes to be developed):
● We will be reviewing all past objectives learned over these past 7 weeks. This game will facilitate recall and
make it interesting so they stay involved.
Multicultural/Historical/Interdisciplinary Objective (aspects of culture/history/another subject that students will
learn about):
● Students learned about how humans have communicated in the past to foster the survival of humankind
and how we can do the same by envisioning and problem-solving for the future. Some examples include
cave paintings, oral stories, and written information.
● Students learned about how different emotions could be represented through various colors. This taught
them about how colors affect the human condition in many ways and prompted them to translate emotions
in their own way. They also learned about color theory, specifically monochromatic colors and value
scales, in order to produce their mood posters.
● Students learned about the history of color and its meanings to different cultures.
○ ie purple and blue for royals because the pigments were known to be made of rare expensive
foreign imported materials
○ In ancient Egypt red was considered both a color of vitality and celebration, as well as evil and
destruction and in many Asian countries such as India and China, red is regarded as the color of
happiness, wellbeing, and good fortune
○ In China and Japan, green is seen as the color of new birth, youth, and hope but if you wear it as a
hat, it is known to represent you’re being cheated on-associated with jealousy.

Productive Objective (what students will physically learn to make/do):
● Students will learn how to engage in a teamwork setting and work together in order to answer the
questions in our jeopardy game.
● State Visual Arts Goals met by the lesson objectives:
● Standard 3: 1 Develop a visual vocabulary. ART.VA.III.2.
● Standard 3: Evaluate personal artwork using art terminology. ART.VA.III.2.

● (Monochromatic): a photograph or picture developed or executed in black and white or in varying
tones of only one color.
● (Color Theory): is a body of practical guidance to color mixing and the visual effects of a specific color
● (Self-Portrait): a portrait of an artist produced or created by that artist
● (Complimentary colors): Complementary colors are two colors that are on opposite sides of the color
● (Body language): is a type of a nonverbal communication in which physical behaviors, as opposed to
words, are used to express or convey the information.
● (Color symbolism): the use of color as a symbol in various cultures
● Time Capsule: a container holding historical records or objects representative of current culture that is
deposited (as in a cornerstone) for preservation until discovery by some future age
● (Survival): the act or fact of living or continuing longer than another person or thing
● (Oral History/Communication): is the process of verbally transmitting information and ideas from one
individual or group to another. Oral communication can be either formal or informal.
● (Value Scale): A system organizing the lightness and darkness of a color
● (Tints): a mixture of a color with white.
● (Shades): a mixture of a color with black.
● (Photoshop): to alter (a digital image) with Photoshop software or other image-editing software
especially in a way that distorts reality.
● (Photo Booth): a program that you can produce photographs with.
● Model): a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically
on a smaller scale than the original.

Teacher Provided Materials: (___ students plus demos)

● Screen to show game.
Learner Provided Materials:
● Their energetic attitudes!

Motivation/Activities and Prompts:

● Discussion and presentation/board
○ Jeopardy Game on the computer.
● Interactive demonstrations
○ N/A

● Teacher-made exemplars
○ Jeopardy game.
● Handouts
○ n/a
● Historical/Multicultural/Interdisciplinary exemplars
○ Artists:

■ N/A

Classroom Layout/Physical Set-up:

● WALL POSTINGS: Expectations poster on the front wall. Timeline written on the whiteboard.

● 5 tables and 4 students per table. Students will be seated so that everyone can see the front projector.
○ n/a

○ n/a

○ Students will work at their tables.

○ Students will discuss in their seats.

○ Students will gather their materials together at their tables.
○ What was your favorite and least favorite part of the semester?
● DISCUSSION: (10 minutes)
■ Introduce our objectives to review and play a game before heading up to the SMArt
exhibition. We will explain that the exhibition will be open for an hour for parents to
walk around and view their artwork as well as the artwork of students from the other
classes. We will clarify expectations that they must stay with our class line until we get
to the exhibition and find their parents.
○ Explain how jeopardy works and how students will be competing in two teams against each
other. The only way to win is with teamwork and effective communication. We will see how
many kids have played before and if they haven’t then we will model the first question with
○ Show teacher made exemplars
● N/A
○ Show Historical/Multicultural/Interdisciplinary exemplars
■ N/A

● WORK SESSION: (43 minutes)

○ Play review jeopardy.

● CLEAN UP: (2 minutes)

○ Remind the students that before they leave to return to the classroom to retrieve their
● CLOSURE: (5 minutes)
○ Discuss what we learned/reviewed today- Value scale, color theory, color mixing, acrylic
painting, teamwork, ect.
○ Gallery etiquette review.
■ Please do not touch artworks.
■ Respectful body language.
■ Take art down at 11am.
○ Parents pick up children at 10AM in the art classroom.

● Formative: Volunteer hands to talk about their most favorite and least favorite part of the semester.
● Summative:
○ Play Jeopardy game and summarize at the end.

Special Needs Accommodations:

● 1.For a child with autism, in order for them to be able to formulate their thoughts, we would create a
personal handout for the child to be able to refer to the questions and write their responses down.
● 2. For a child who is having difficulties staying focused, have them be a mediator for the class by
keeping track of the points of the game, or have a designated partner to help the child stay on task.


Time allotted for lesson (___ minutes total for class):

Activity Minutes
Focusing Activity 1 mins.
Review last lesson and review timeline 5 mins.
Discussion/Demonstration 10 mins.
Break 0 mins.
Work session 42 mins.
Cleanup 2 mins.
Closure 5 mins.


Preparation Time:
Activity Time
Writing lesson 1 /hour(s)
Gathering materials/resources 30 mins)
Set-up (before classes) 10 min)
Making an example 30 min(s)
Making presentations/boards/handouts 0/hour(s)
Revising lesson 0mins

TOTAL 2 hrs 10 min

(ATTACH: all supplementary materials for the lesson, such as handouts, powerpoints, images of
exemplars, etc.)


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