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Chinchu K George*a, Anitha K**.
*M. Tech Student, Department of Civil Engineering, Malabar College of Engineering and
Technology, Thrissur-679532
Corresponding author,email–

**Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Malabar College of Engineering and

Technology, Thrissur- 679532

Water is a precious and essential
natural resource, unevenly distributed
Safe drinking water is one of the on our planet. Freshwater represents
biggest problems in front of all over only 2.5% of global supplies of water.
the world. There are two types of About 70% of this freshwater quantity
coagulants inorganic coagulants and are either trapped under ice caps, or
organic coagulants. Alum is used disseminated in the form of humidity
worldwide in the developing or steam. Less than 1% of the world’s
countries to treat the water in the freshwater, about 0.007% of planet’s
process of coagulation and waters, are easily accessible to the
flocculation. Continuous use of Alum various uses for development.
in the treatment of water can cause The use of natural resources in the
neurological diseases like process of water treatment, thus
Alzheimer’s disease. Therefore it has constitutes a potential promising ways
become a need to treat the water by to reduce on one hand, the high costs
using some natural coagulants. and environmental impacts due to the
Natural coagulants are the use of synthetic products used
coagulants which extracted from previously, and secondly allow as
natural plants or animals. many people as possible access to
In this paper natural coagulant Aloe drinking water. This will constitute
vera gel has been used as a coagulant therefore a major economic issue for
to treat the water. Waste water developing countries. In conventional
sample collected from dairy plant is method of coagulation and flocculation
used. pH, dosage, COD and turbidity alum, ferric chloride, ferrous sulphate
and the effect of variation of dosage were used as coagulant for effective
and pH were studied on turbidity removal of turbidity. But in one of the
and COD. The optimal dosage of research it is found that continuous use
each coagulant was determined in of alum has caused several problems
the beginning and this dosage was affecting human health. It is found
further used to find optimal pH. that aluminium is one of the causes for
Turbidity and COD of all samples Alzheimer’s syndrome. So this study is
are studying and the efficiency of all mainly focused on decreasing alum
the coagulants are recording. dose with use of Aloe Vera gel.
Aloe Vera specifically refers to the
Keywords: Aloevera, coagulation, Aloe barbadensis Miller plant. Aloe
coagulant aid, Turbidity, COD Vera is the oldest medicinal plant ever
known and the most applied medicinal
plant Worldwide. This is a perennial
tropical plant that can be cultivated in present in natural water resources,
drought prone areas. In India, it is animals, people and plants. Owing to
scattered in the wild, along the coast of various problems generated by the use
southern India. It is a stem of alum, new alternatives for drinking
less or very short- stemmed succulent water treatments should be studied.
plant growing to 60–100 cm (24–39 in)
tall, spreading by offsets The leaves 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
are thick and fleshy, green to grey- 2.1 Materials
green, with some varieties showing 2.1.1 Aloevera juice
white flecks on their upper and lower Aloe vera is a stem less or very short-
stem surfaces. Aloe Vera plant requires stemmed plant growing to 60–100 cm
very less water for its growth as it (24–39 in) tall, spreading by offsets.
contains 98% of water in its leaves. It The leaves are thick and fleshy, green
contains around 75 nutrients and 200 to grey-green, with some varieties
active compounds including minerals, showing white flecks on their upper
amino acids, enzymes and vitamins. and lower stem surfaces. The margin
of the leaf is serrated and has small
In this study, in order to expand white teeth. The flowers are produced
the range of natural flocculants used in summer on a spike up to 90 cm
in water clarification properties of Aloe (35 in) tall, each flower being
Vera gel were analyzed. This study pendulous, with a yellow
also focuses on use of Aloe Vera gel as tubular corolla 2–3 cm (0.8–1.2 in)
coagulant aid with alum for the long. Like other Aloe species, Aloe
treatment of low and high turbid water. vera forms arbuscular mycorrhiza,
Initially 100ml sample was withdrawn a symbiosis that allows the plant better
from each dilution and ana lyzed for access to mineral nutrients in soil.
it physiochemical characteristics like Aloe Vera was diluted to various
colour, pH, EC, TSS, COD etc. percentage (1%,4%,5%,7% up to 20%)
(APHA, 1995). After the retention and then suitable Aloe Vera dose was
period (one day), 100ml of biotreated given.1% Aloe Vera solution was
sample was withdrawn from each prepared by diluting 1ml of Aloe Vera
dilution for analysis of physico gel in 100ml of distilled water. The
chemical parameters and the data were coagulation and flocculation processes
recorded and statistically analysed. were performed using the jar test
Aluminum sulfate (alum) has been the apparatus. Initially jar tests were
chemical coagulant used for drinking carried out by using alum as a
water treatments due to the low costs, coagulant for high and low turbid
attainability and comfortable handling. water. Then by using Aloe Vera gel as
However, continuous use of alum has coagulant aid with alum was used for
caused several problems affecting the turbidity removal. Along with
human health. Studies have shown that turbidity pH, electrical conductivity,
aluminum is one of the causes for hardness these water parameters were
Alzheimer's syndrome. In addition, also analyzed.
aluminum sulphate generates in 2.1.2 Alum solution
conveniences because of the large Aluminium sulfate is a chemical
amounts of sediments, which may be compound with the formula Al2(SO4)3.
regarded as highly hazardous waste. It is soluble in water and is mainly
Another adverse characteristic of used as a coagulating agent (promoting
aluminum sulfate is the permanence in particle collision by neutralizing
the drinking water life-cycle that are charge) in the purification of drinking
water and waste water treatment solutions were made.
plants, and also in paper
The anhydrous form occurs naturally
as a rare mineral millosevichite, found
eg in volcanic environments and on
burning coal-mining waste dumps.
Aluminium sulfate is rarely, if ever,
encountered as the anhydrous salt. It
forms a number of different hydrates,
ofwhich the hexadecahydrate
Al2(SO4)3•16H2O and octadecahydrate 2.2.2 Preparation of Aloe vera gel
Al2(SO4)3•18H2O are the most aqueous solution:
common. The heptadecahydrate,
whose formula can be written as 50 mL of gel were introduced into 500
[Al(H2O)6]2(SO4)3•5H2O, occurs mL of distilled water and stirred using
naturally as the mineral alunogen. a magnetic stirrer, then strained
The alum used for experiment was through a sieve of 25 mm mesh. The
aluminium sulphate Al2(SO4)3•18H2O.
filtrate collected was stored in
5% strength alum in liquid form was
used. It was prepared by dissolving refrigerator until the use which not
50gm of alum in 500 ml of dairy waste exceeding one week.
water. 2.2.3 Jar test Experiments (test of
2.2 Methods
2.2.1 Experimental Setup The coagulation-flocculation was
performed according to the protocol of
. Preparation of Aloe Vera gel
"Jar Test". Increasing doses of Aloe
The leaves were washed under the tap vera were introduced in 500 mL of
water to remove the dirt. Thick green dairy waste water. After settling time,
cover or epidermis was carefully 100 mL of the supernatant were
separated from the gel part. Then the collected in the average of 2 and
gel part was blended in mixer to form 3cm from the surface using a pipette
liquid and preserved in glass bottles in and subjected to the same physico-
refrigerator. 1% dilution of aloe vera chemical analyzes of the dairy raw
was made by using 1ml aloe vera gel in water. The removal efficiency of the
100 ml distilled water similarly analyzed parameters was determined
different percentage of aloe vera by the formula below
Removal parameter in percentage =
100 * (Ci – Cf)/ Ci
Where: Ci represents the
concentration of the parameter in the
raw water. Cf represents the
concentration of the same parameter
in the treated water.
Table 3.2 Effect of different
percentage of aloe vera gel on
Residual turbidity Aloe vera dose
(NTU) (%)
0 12.08
Fig 2.2.3 jar test apparatus 5 8.15
10 9.01
20 9.04
Table3.1: Effect of alum as a 40 12.08
coagulant in turbidity removal 50 11.09

Residual Alum dose

Turbidity(NTU) (mg/l)
5 11.02
10 9.07
20 7.32
30 5.31
40 8.32
50 10.31
60 13.01

Fig 3.2 effect of aloevera dose on

Jar tests were carried out for different
percentage of dilution of Aloe Vera gel
such as 1%, 4%, 5%, 7%,10%,15% .
For dairy turbid water the alum dose
was kept constant of 10mg/l, 40ml/l of
Aloe Vera dose was given from each
Fig 3.1 effect of alum on turbidity
of diluted solution made. For dairy
Experiments were carried out using waste water 5% dilution of Aloe Vera
alum as coagulant for dairy waste gel was found to be effective. For dairy
water. Alum dose was varied in the waste water removal efficiency found
range of 5- 60mg/l. In results it was was between 75-80% . Following
found that for effective turbidity graph shows the variation of different
removal alum dose required was high.
percentage of Aloe Vera gel on dairy
The maximum removal efficiency was
found 91% for dairy waste water for waste turbid water.
alum dose of 30 mg/l . Fig 4 shows the
effect of alum dose on turbid water.
Table 3.3 Effect of Aloe Vera gel as 4. CONCLUSIONS
coagulant aid with alum for At the end of our study, Aloe vera can
turbidity removal be used as natural flocculant for water
treatment. It was also found that the
Residual Aloe vera dose use of this plant even in low doses can
rid the highly charged water of their
Turbidity (NTU) (ml/l) suspended materials therefore their
0 12.01 turbidity. For optimal doses, the
percentages of reduction are high, 75%
5 10.02 for turbidity and 91% but this
10 9.02 reduction is low for the apparent color.
The use of Aloevera, whose
20 8.98 pharmacological properties have
30 7.09 already been demonstrated, would be a
possible alternative to chemical
40 8.32 flocculants for the same treatment of
50 10.02 drinking water in rural areas, only that
it could increase the organic matter in
the water account given its high levels
in this element (approximately 81.05%
organic matter).

The results showed that the amount of

alum required was high for effective
removal of turbidity. Aloe Vera can be
used as natural flocculent for water
treatment. Use of Aloe Vera gel as
coagulant aid with alum can effectively
reduce the amount of alum required.
Owing to various problems associated
to alum, use of Aloe Vera gel with
alum as a coagulant aid can be new
alternative for drinking water
Fig 3.2 effect of aloevera dose with treatment. For dairy waste water
10mg/l constant alum dose removal efficiency was found to be 76-
80%. For 7% dilution of Aloe Vera gel
From the above results it was shown optimum 40ml/l of Aloe Vera dose was
that 7% dilution of Aloe Vera gel was found more effective. Also it was
found to be effective. Jar tests were found that Aloe Vera have less effect
performed for the 10 mg/l of constant on other water quality parameters like
alum dose and various doses of Aloe pH, EC, hardness, COD. As a
Vera gel for turbid water. In results it conclusion, Aloe Vera gel is proven to
was found that for 10mg/l of alum dose be effective coagulant aid which can be
and 30ml/l of Aloe Vera dose used in rural areas where Aloe Vera
maximum turbidity removal efficiency plant availability is more.
was achieved. For dairy waste turbid
water it varied between range of 76-
81% . In fig the effect of Aloe Vera REFERENCES
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