Manifesto - Rural Futurism PDF

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Beatrice Ferrara and Leandro Pisano, 2019 https://ruralfuturism.


Manifesto of
Rural Futurism
1.  6.  9. 
“Rural futurism” is a challenge raised Different (human and non-human) life Through the practice of listening it is
to the current discourses about rurality forms exist and insist on a territory, possible to get a sense of the complexity
as authentic, utopic, anachronistic, any territory, and they are mutually and dynamics from which the territory
provincial, traditional and stable, and the implicated in one another. Sometimes, reveals itself in unexpected ways and
binaries that support such discourses: they co-exist together peaceably; at different perspectives. This emphasizes
belonging vs. alienation, development vs. other times, they are in conflict with the value and the values of “deep
backwardness. each other. Conflictual coexistences listening” to feel the different topologies
2. are valuable too, as they generate “grey of a rural territory. Tones, harmonies and
A critical approach to rurality is zones” within a rural territory, which dissonances vibrate while these processes
necessary, today more than ever before, can productively challenge any inherited take place, and that can be registered
to imagine other futures for rural notion of “environment”, “nature”, and through an “acoustemological” approach.
communities, territories and places “ecology”. Through its co-existences 10.
beyond the “otherness” vs. “identity” (and conflictual co-existences), the In its materiality, sound invites us to
dichotomy. rural territory can in fact be approached experience rural locations and abandoned
3. otherwise, leaving aside contemplative, places as spaces in which to question
It becomes apparent that rurality today romantic or decadent clichés about our approach to history and landscape,
cannot be seen merely as a geographical “rurality”. our sense of living in a specific place
space; rather, it has to be seen as an 7.  and the relationship that we have with
expression of “positionality”, in terms of Even if dominant narratives insist that it. The sound of environments, spaces
an actual political position. rural spaces should be relegated to and landscapes reveal the challenges
4.  a space-time that can only undergo and territorial transformations that
We need to understand rural areas as involution, there are many practices inform the ideological, infrastructural
complex spaces actively immersed in — theoretical, artistic, agricultural and and biological ecosystems to which
the dynamism of encounters, flows and technological — that attest to rurality’s we form a part. In this sense, listening
fluxes of contemporary geographies, and potential resistance. practices are deployed as a way to
critically question modern discourses of 8. critically traverse the “border territories”
capitalism and metropolitanism in which “Rural Futurism” is a critical of rural territories, challenging persisting
rural territories are marginalised and perspective, in which multiple points notions about “inescapable marginality”,
considered as doomed to oblivion. of view (and listening) converge: “residuality” and “peripherality”.
5. art, and techno-culture(s) more
“Rural futurism” addresses the complex specifically, provide new and striking
dynamics between rural territory and ways to rethink what ‘rurality’ is (and
urban space through technoculture, could be). In this way, rural areas
encompassing a range of issues such as become places of experimentation,
“generation” and “time” within local performativity, critical investigation and
communities (depopulation, movement, change. It is possible to create future
resilience and cultural heritage) and the scenarios, starting from the assemblage
peculiar geophysical characteristics of of the seen and the unseen, of human
the place (remoteness, wind, energy, and non-human elements. These
infrastructure and/or lack thereof ). objects, materials, speech, relational
infrastructures and technologies give
form to (and are formed as) specific
modes of governance.

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