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Tutoring Observation

S.T.E.P. Level One

Salt Lake Community College

Your Name: Jacob Burton S#: 806166

Tutor You Observed: Braden Date: 3/10/20

Subject: Mathematics

Was the atmosphere conducive to effective tutoring? Describe the atmosphere.

It was a good atmosphere, clean and relatively clear of distractions.

What issues or challenges did the student present?

The student didn’t present any significant problems, other than the problem he wished to
learn how to solve.

Was the session generally effective? Why or why not?

Yes, by the end of it, the student had a much better understanding of the material.

What was the ratio of tutor talk to student talk? Did the tutor give the student adequate time to
answer questions?
The tutor ended up talking for about 70% of the time, however it seemed to be a good
ratio since the student was working as he guided him.

Were the tutor and student communicating effectively (verbally and non-verbally)? Describe.
There was good communication between the two. They both seemed to be positively
engaged and hopeful of the progress that was being made.

Give specific examples of positive interactions between the tutor and student.
The tutor helped the student use a simple process to use to solve the problem and gave
nudges in the right direction when needed.
Give specific examples of awkward interactions between the tutor and student.
None that I could see.

What strategies or techniques did the tutor employ to facilitate the material to the student –
questioning skills, examples, explanations, metaphors, visual diagrams, etc?
The tutor presented the information concisely and neatly on a white board and repeated
the process vocally to solve the problem multiple times as they worked through it.

How did the tutor encourage independence in the student during the session?
By showing a process and then having them work through the problem on their own.

How did the tutor promote active learning on the part of the student?
By having them dictate the next action needed to solve the problem.

How did the tutor monitor the student’s understanding? Give examples.
By seeing how well they could work though similar problems with guidance as needed.

If you were a tutor in this situation, would you employ the same strategies and techniques? Why
or why not?
I would use similar techniques. I probably would variate a little on how they presented
the information, since I understand the process a little differently than they do.

Name at least two (2) things you learned from this session that you will incorporate into your
future tutoring sessions.
The first is writing out the process on the board of each step they should do and the
second would be to keep a nice and bright attitude, as it seems to be contagious.

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