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2p Everything psychological is simultaneously biological.
2p ©o think, feel, or act without a body would be like running without legs.
2p rainǯs ultimate challenge is to understand itself.
2p 3lato located the mind in the spherical head-heart Ȃ pumps warmth and
vitality to the body.
2p xts your brain not your heart that falls in love.
2p arious brain regions have particular functions.
2p merve cells conduct electricity and Dztalkdz to one another by sending chemical
messages across a tiny gap that separates them.

2p Ôe are each a system of subsystems that are in turn composed of even
smaller subsystems.
2p uilding blocks of the neurological system are neurons, or nerve cells.
2p ëendrite fibers receive information.
2p on fibers pass information along.
›p 3roject several feet though the body.
2p DzMotordz neurons control muscles and are the neural systemǯs giant
2p Myelin sheath Ȃ layer of fatty tissue that insulates the a ons of some neurons
and helps speed their impulses.
›p xn multiple sclerosis it degenerates.
›p ulowing of muscle communication and eventual loss of control.
2p rain activity measured in milliseconds.
2p ction potential is a brief electrical charge that travels down the a on.
2p meurons fire impulses when receive signals from the sense receptors.
2p meurons generate electricity from chemical events.
2p 3ositive-outside/negative-inside state is called resting potential.
2p  onǯs surface is selectively permeable.
2p meuron is a miniature decision-making device that performs some comple
2p E citatory Ȃ e citable, activating.
2p xnhibitory Ȃ stopping, inhibiting.
2p ©hreshold Ȃ the combined signals that trigger an action potential.
2p xncreasing stimulus above threshold will not increase the actionǯs potential
2p meuronsǯ response is all-or-none, either fires or it does not.
2p utrong stimulus can cause more neurons to fire, and fire more often.

2p uantiago Ramon y Cajal Ȃ described gaps between individual nerve cells and
concluded that the individual neurons must function as independent agents
within the nervous system.
2p uir Charles uherrington Ȃ neural impulses take an une pectedly long time to
travel a neural pathway.
2p  on terminal is separated from the receiving neuron.
2p uynapse - synaptic gap, cleft
2p meurotransmitter molecules cross the synaptic gap and bind to receptor sites
on the receiving neuron.
2p E cess neurotransmitters are reabsorbed in a process called reuptake.

2p cetylcholine, a neurotransmitter, in role to memory and learning. (Ch)
›p Responsible for movement and muscle contraction.

2p Candace 3ert and uolomon unyder Ȃ morphine tracer in animalǯs brain.
2p Endorphins are natural opiates released in response to pain and vigorous
e ercise.

2p ërugs affect communication at synapse, by inhibiting the firing of the
2p -eave unpleasant after-effects.
2p gonist
›p ërug molecule that is similar enough to a neurotransmitter to mimic
its effects or that blocks a neurotransmitterǯs reuptake.
2p ntagonists inhibit.
›p xnhibits a neurotransmitterǯs release.
›p lood-rain barrier enables the brain to fence out unwanted chemicals
circulating in the blood.

2p mervous uystem
›p meurons communicating with other neurons
2p Central mervous uystem (Cmu)
›p rain and spinal cord
2p 3eripheral mervous uystem (3mu)
›p -inks the nervous system with the bodyǯs sense receptors, muscles,
and glands.
›p merves Ȃ cables that make this connection.
2p ©he uensory meuron
›p uends information from the bodyǯs tissues and sensory organs inward
to the brain and spinal cord.
2p xnterneurons
›p Enable internal communication.
›p Most comple .
2p Motor meurons
›p £ighways for sending information to the body from the brain.

2p uomatic
›p Movement of muscles
2p utonomic
›p Muscles of internal organs
›p ëual system
[p uympathetic
2p rouses for defensive action
2p ccelerates heartbeat
2p xnduces perspiration
2p ulows down digestion
2p ëilates arteries
[p 3arasympathetic
2p ëecreases heartbeat
2p -owers blood sugar

2p Refle es
›p utomatic responses to stimuli
›p 3athway composed of a single sensory and motor neuron
›p 3ain refle

2p meural metworks
›p Ôork groups of clustered neurons
›p meurons connect to nearby neurons

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