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Created By :
Kelas : XII IPA.2

A. Orientation

1. Title : Nini Thowok

2. Script writee : Alim Sudiono
3. Director : Erwin Arnada
4. Producer : Hendro Djasmoro
5. The Movie Stars :
 Natasha Wilona As Nadine
 Gesata Stela As Nonya Oey
 Slamet Ambari As Pak Rahmat
 Nicole Rossi As Naya
 Jajang C.Noer As Eyang Marni
 Ingrid Widjanarko As Mbok Girah
6. Setting : Solo
7. Genre : Horor
8. The year of release : 2018
B. Interpretative Recound
Nini Thowok's film revolves around a woman named
Nadine. After her grandmother died, Nadine inherited
a guesthouse called Mekar Jiwo in the city of Solo. He
and his younger brother, Naya, were forced to move to
a solo to continue the business of the inn because
Eyang Marni ordered that the inn not be sold or closed.
Meanwhile, Nadine's parents had died a few years ago
in a car accident. The inn has long been quiet. There is
one empty room that is not open to open, not even the
lock key knows where it is.
A few days staying at the Mekar Jiwo guesthouse,
Nadine had experienced a variety of strange events.
He believes that all of this has to do with the empty
room. Out of curiosity, he was determined to open the
room even though it had been banned by Mbok Girah
and Pak Rahmat, employees of Eyang Marni's trust.
In the room, Nadine found a painting of a woman of
Chinese descent and a doll Nini Thowok. According to
Javanese legend, Nini Thowok is a female jelangkung.
Later it was discovered that the first owner of the inn
was Mrs. Oey, the woman in the painting.
c. Summation/Evaluation

 Opinion :
In my opinion this movie is very good,
and interesting to wacth, and with
telling a mystical story makes a
special attraction for film lovers.
 Critics :
Supposendly as the main actor
Natasha Wilona As Nadine feels less
that optimal, but fortunately close by
supporting casts like Ingrid
Widjanarko who paly Mbok Girah and
Slamet Ambari who play Pak Rahmat.
The ghost figure is actually quite
confusing, because there are three
ghosts that appear. The ghost of
grandma, the ghost of a small child
and the ghost of Mrs. Oey. Which
spirit possesses the Nini Thowok doll?.

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