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Feature Report

Engineering Practice

Designing Chemical-
Injection Systems 1. 2. 3.
Mohammad Toghraei
Vista Projects

Follow these guidelines
to properly introduce Chemical
preparation metering
various additives into
process streams FIGURE 1. Careful attention to each of these steps will help to ensure predictable
performance from any chemical-injection system

hroughout the chemical process maximum effort should be made to • Will the presence of the chemical be

T industries (CPI), various chemi-

cals must be injected into pro-
cess streams to serve a variety of
purposes. Chemical-injection systems
can be arbitrarily defined as those sys-
use commodity, non-proprietary chem-
icals, if possible.
Commodity-type chemicals are
typically the least-expensive type of
chemicals. Proprietary chemicals may
harmful for downstream equipment
and media, such as resins, catalyst
or filtering media?
• Could the presence of the chemical
lead to the deactivation of some cat-
tems that are used to inject chemicals be produced by a limited number of alyst in downstream steps?
at a flowrate that is less than 1 to 5% producers and are thus more expen- • Will the chemical accumulate in the
of the main process stream. Table 1 sive. The use of these chemicals can system and foul, scale or plug down-
shows a non-inclusive list of chemicals be justified if they are highly effective stream equipment?
that are typically added into process in the application and are tailored By way of example, using cobalt-
streams via injection. for a specific application. Proprietary catalyzed sodium-bisulphite solution
Chemical-injection systems are chemicals typically have complicated as the oxygen scavenger in produced
often overlooked during the design compositions, and each composition waters (for instance, those produced
and operation of the overall system. A and its concentration is selected pre- during oil-extraction activities) that
typical chemical-injection system in- cisely to satisfy specific requirements. contain some concentrations of H2S is
volves the steps shown in Figure 1. One important aspect of selecting not beneficial, because cobalt will be
The following eight points should be the right chemicals is to consider their deactivated quickly by the H2S.
considered when designing a chemical- fate. Because injecting any chemical The chosen chemicals could be in
injection system; each is discussed: into any process system can be looked solution (or in liquid, gas or solid or
1. Choosing the right chemical at as introducing an impurity into powder form). The best options are
2. Choosing the appropriate storage the system, the lifecycle of this added liquid and solution forms, because
system “impurity” must be tracked precisely. they require the simplest and least-
3. Ensuring correct preparation of the For instance, will the chemical be con- expensive injection systems. Injection
stream to be injected sumed completely? systems that are required for powders
4. Choosing an appropriate injection The answer generally is no. This is or solid systems are dirty and opera-
system because the chemical is often injected tor-intensive, especially if they gener-
5. Determining the right dosage at an amount that is in excess of the ate a slurry rather than real solutions.
6. Verifying the injection dosage stoichiometric requirement, to ensure In comparing liquids and solutions,
7. Determining the ideal injection the completion of the reaction. This is liquids tend to be easier to handle,
point especially the case also when a chemi- because the buyer pays only for the
8. Choosing the most appropriate cal is injected for a physical effect. pure reagent, and not for the sol-
injection tool Therefore, there will always be resid- vent that is often required for solu-
1. Choosing the right chemical. ual chemicals in the system. tions. However, the pure liquid is not
The most suitable chemical for a spe- Users must consider the following always available.
cific application is selected based on questions when deciding which chemi- Gas-injection systems could be the
published information (books, maga- cal to use: most expensive types of injection sys-
zines, websites and so on), previous • Is it acceptable to have this chemi- tems. They are only justifiable if they
experience in similar industries, or cal in the final product, even in trace have demonstrable economic benefits.
in-house testing. To minimize the cost, amounts? One widely used gas-injection opera-
Class name Examples
Interface adjusters Emulsion breakers, defoamers, coagulants
Corrosion inhibitors Filming amines, neutralizing amines
Solid-settling aids Flocculants, dewatering aids
Precipitation inhibitors Anti-foulants, antiscalants
time and consumption of the chemical.
Scavengers Oxygen scavengers, H2S scavengers
The former is a function of the avail-
Encapsulators Chelating agents
ability of the chemical in the vicinity
Biocides Chlorine of the plant, or the distance between
the chemical producer and the plant
tion is chlorination, which is practiced ical storage is an atmospheric tank or location. One guideline in Table 2 pro-
during water-treatment operation. vessel, but sometimes the presence of poses conservative storage volumes,
2. Choosing appropriate storage. air in the headspace of the container as a function of three parameters.
Proper storage of chemicals is impor- is detrimental for the chemical. And By way of example, consider a
tant. Unsuitable storage can result in it is not only oxygen and nitrogen in chemical that is less critical (so with-
degradation and loss of the chemicals. the air that could be detrimental; the out it, the plant will not need to halt
For instance, some chemicals may va- potential impact of other small com- production. Such an additive is called
porize over an extended period if not ponents in the head space air should a non-interruptible chemical). In this
properly stored. For example, sulfite- also be considered. For example, CO2 example, the usage requirement of
type oxygen scavengers will be lost in is not a negligible component in the this chemical is 0.7 m3/h, it has a 7-d
non-blanketed storage tanks (due to air that may be inside of the storage delivery and shipping period (from the
reactions with the oxygen in air). Since tank or vessel, especially in urban or time of the request to the arrival of the
their primary function is to remove ox- industrial areas. CO2 can react with shipment), and it is delivered by a 25
ygen, oxygen scavengers can start their “basic” solutions, such as caustic m3 truck. Using this information, the
“duty” during their residence in stor- soda, and decrease the active agent of following equation will indicate the re-
age tanks. the solution. quired storage capacity:
The other example is the deteriora- Meanwhile, other low-concentration A = [10 d × (0.7 m3/h × 24 h/d)]
tion of hydrogen peroxide in the vicin- pollutants in air can be harmful for B = [(1.5 × 7 d/delivery) × (0.7 m3/h ×
ity of iron impurities (in this case, iron some chemicals, and this should also 24 h/d)]
works as a catalyst to accelerate the be considered. If air is not allowed to C = 25 m3
degradation of hydrogen peroxide). be in contact with chemicals, then the
In the majority of cases, any deterio- storage tank may need to be blanketed And A+B+C = 369 m3
ration of chemicals over time is irre- with an inert gas, such as nitrogen. Another decision that should be made
versible. Meanwhile, every chemical Many of the most widely injected is to determine whether the chemi-
has its own specific shelf life. This proprietary chemicals are some type cal should be stored in shop- or field-
shelf life is a function of temperature, of polymer. Generally, polymers have fabricated tanks, or whether it can be
pressure, container material, contact a longer shelf life in higher concentra- stored in tote tanks. Tote tanks gener-
atmosphere, any impurities and the tions. Also, chemical consumers often ally can only hold a volume between 1
chemical concentration. like to buy chemicals in more-concen- and 1.5 m3.
Usually, chemicals have a longer trated forms, to decrease the cost of Usually if the consumption of the
shelf time when they are stored at transportation and storage of chemi- chemical is relatively low, it can be
lower (but not freezing) temperatures. cal additives. stored in tote tanks. However, the
In many cases, chemicals that are Therefore, chemical producers usu- available room to keep the tote tanks
stored within a suitable temperature ally market their chemicals based on in a plant should be checked. As a
range but experience periodic tem- the highest obtainable concentration. rule of thumb: if the overall required
perature fluctuations will experience This “concentration ceiling” is deter- storage volume is less than 8 to
decreased shelf time. mined by a variety of factors. For ex- 10 m3, then the use of tote tanks
Pressure does not have a direct ample, the maximum concentration makes sense.
impact on the shelf life of liquid of hydrochloric acid is about 38%, As it can be seen, the required flow-
chemicals. because concentrations greater that rate for a chemical is determined by
During system design, the compat- that increase the vapor pressure of multiplying the dosage and the desti-
ibility of the storage vessel and the the solution and would thus require nation flowrate. Typically, three pos-
process additive must be checked with specific precautions for transporta- sible dosage rates (minimum, normal
the chemical producer to make sure tion. The maximum concentration for and maximum) and three possible
there are not issues that could impact caustic soda is about 50%, as this is destination flowrates (mininum, nor-
the chemical’s shelf life. It is espe- the maximum attainable concentra- mal and maximum, designated as
cially important to have a knowledge tion available in the caustic producing Qmin, Qnormal and Qmax) are most
of the impurities that are present in plant without drying systems. commonly defined, the question is
the chemicals, and the impurities in Another decision that must be made which combination of of dosage and
the materials of construction, as these for chemical storage is the volume of flowrate should be chosen to estimate
can react with each other or work the storage container. The first step the most reliable storage volume. For
as a catalyst to promote a deteriorat- for this decision is to assume a spe- this purpose, operators often multiply
ing reaction. cific storing duration. Factors that the maximum dosage by the average
The least expensive option for chem- will impact this include the delivery flowrate. The three destination flow-
Engineering Practice

rates are chosen in a way that ensures batch operations or a vessel-in-vessel of instantaneous, very-low pressure
the injection system covers all of the system with continuous overflow. at the injection point could cause an
possible operating scenaros. 4. Choosing the appropriate injec- unknown flowrate at the destination.
Qmax is considered to be 1.5 to 2 tion system. The injection pump ca- The use of a back-pressure regulator
times the normal flowrate. From the pacity is usually calculated by multi- is especially critical if the discharge
other side, chemical-injection systems plying Qmax by the maximum dosage. pipe has a backward U shape in its
are one of the few process systems The idea is to choose a system that can route to the destination point (for ex-
that are expected to be fully accurate inject the chemical at a specific flow- ample, if the injection pipe goes over
even during the startup. Because of rate with sufficient accuracy across the pipe rack).
this, Qmin is usually taken as 25% of a wide range of potential destination To satisfy the required precision of
the normal flowrate. flowrates. This means that the injec- the system, the injection pump should
When there is more than one usage tion system should have enough pre- be able to accommodate almost every
for a given chemical in a plant, there is cision and good accuracy. A good in- flowrate below its capacity. For ex-
always the chance of offloading to the jecting pump can satisfy the precision ample, if the design capacity of an
wrong tank, or connecting the wrong requirements, while an appropriate injection pump is 1,000 L/h, it can
chemical tote tank to the injection control system guarantees quick pac- be expected that this pump can pro-
system. This can be prevented by the ing of the destination flow, which dic- vide an accurate flowrate from 1,000
use of suitable signage or by using tates the accuracy of the system. L/h down to possibly 10 L/h. This can
purposefully incompatible hardware Usually, injection systems possess a be done by adding a variable-speed
that can prevent any unintended capacity of less than 5 m3/h (but some- device (VSD) to the electric motor of
chemical flow. times up to 10 m3/h). The required ac- the pump or stroke-adjustment sys-
3. Correct preparation. In most curacy is usually better than 1–2%. tem. The stroke-adjustment system
cases, chemicals are transported to The only process parameter that a can be operated either manually or
the process plant in a concentrated so- chemical injection system needs to via a servo-mechanism. Variable-
lution or powder form. Therefore, the monitor and follow accurately is the frequency devices (VFDs) are one
most popular chemical-preparation flowrate of the injected stream. To sat- popular type of VSD.
system involves a dilution system. isfy the required precision, a positive- To satisfy the accuracy requirements
Two issues should be considered in displacement pump (PD) is often used. of the chemical-injection system, users
this regard: the first is whether the PD pumps with high accuracy are need to make sure that the injection
viscosity of a chemical is suitable for called metering or dosing pumps. The system follows the process flowrate
the selected pump, and the second is most popular types of dosing pumps over its entire turndown ratio very
whether the diluted chemical has ex- are piston, plunger and diaphragm quickly. To ensure such swift respon-
perienced enough aging time. pumps. A gravity-flow pump or cen- siveness, the injection system needs a
The issue of sufficient aging, for trifugal pump usually cannot meet the good control system. A combined feed-
both dilution and solution formation, required accuracy for chemical-injec- back/feedforward control system is the
is generally applicable to polymer- tion systems. ideal choice for complicated cases such
based chemicals. Polymers (with their When setting up injection piping, as acid-injection situations. The feed-
chain of atoms) are usually “cramped” a dedicated pipe should be used for forward portion of the control system
in concentrated form. To be most effec- each injection pump. Using a shared is a ratio control system that forces the
tive, a chemical polymer must be in its injection pump for more than one in- chemical flowrate to follow the desti-
“un-cramped” molecular form. jection point is not a good practice, as nation flowrate. The feedback portion
Thus, a specific amount of time it may result in variable flowrates of is a control loop that is governed by a
should be given for the diluted polymer different chemical streams to differ- property in the resultant stream. The
to settle slowly into its un-cramped ent destinations. This goes against control system can order the VFD or
form. Severe agitation cannot acceler- the main objective of an injection sys- automatic stroke-adjustment mecha-
ate this process, and may be detrimen- tem, which is to deliver specific (and nism (or both in a split-range control
tal for polymers, especially those with accurate) flowrates at the desired system).
long chains (such as flocculants). This injection point. For less complicated cases, a simple
goes against the general practice that When using PD pumps, it is critical feedback control would be sufficient.
usually involves severe mixing for to use a pressure safety valve (PSV) at For the purpose of pump sizing, the
better chemical mixing. Therefore, the the discharge side of the pump. Usually decision on the capacity of the dosing
mixing of polymeric chemicals should a back-pressure regulator is placed at pump is critical. To make sure that
be done more gently, with the impel- the discharge side of the pump to en- the dosing pump can handle all the
ler tip speed limited to avoid polymer sure that the injection system delivers situations, Qmax times maximum
chain breakage. an accurate specified flowrate in all dosage is typically used to define the
When there is a need for two-stage cases, even when there is fluctuation most appropriate capacity for the
dilution (that is, aging, followed by di- in destination pressure. dosing pump.
lution), the system could be designed If the system does not have a back- 5. Determining the right dosage.
as a two-container system, using pressure regulator, the occurrence The reported dosage of a specific chem-
Engineering Practice Interruptible Non-
A Minimum stock to be maintained, days 30 10
B Allowance to compensate delivery 2t 1.5t
ical to be added to a process stream is duration (t), days
usually a range, but the exact dosage C Allowance to make sure the shipment Maximum shipment size
required for a given process stream can be off-loaded completely
is a site-specific number. In many Source: Hudson, Jr., Herbert E., “Water Clarification Processes, Practical Design and Evaluation,”
cases, the right dosage is determined Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1981, p. 250.
by some kind of simulation (such as Notes: Interruptible chemicals are those without which there could be an interruption in plant
operations; Non-interruptible chemicals are those that are less critical, so their absence does not
a jar test) carried out in the labora- necessarily interrupt plant operation or product quality.
tory. However, if this measured dosage
happens to be outside of the published of residual chemicals in the system, than a flowmeter to avoid any inaccu-
range, it should be taken cautiously. while underfeeding reduces the ef- racy. In the verification process using
For example, if this dosage is bigger ficacy of the additive. In some cases, the manual method, the volume of the
than the highest end of the range, it both the overfeeding and underfeed- injected chemical is measured at a
could indicate that the chemical may ing of the additive make the injection specific time. By having these two pa-
not be suitable for that application. ineffective (this is the case for the in- rameters, volume and time, the flow-
If the measured dosage is below the jection of coagulants). rate can be calculated.
lowest range of the industry- accepted 6. Verifying the injection dosage. 7. Determining the injection point.
range, then possibly its high effective- The most popular way to verify the Generally speaking, by injecting a
ness is already reflected in its price. amount of injection is to use a draw- chemical two things happen: The
If this chemical is not more expensive down calibration column. In addition chemical will be mixed with the des-
than others, the case should be exam- to all provisions to make sure the tination fluid, and the chemical can
ined. right dosage is injected to the system, be reacted with the destination fluid.
Overfeeding and underfeeding the system also needs to verify the All injected chemicals need mixing to
should be avoided, if possible. As a injection flowrate using an accurate blend them with the process stream,
general statement, overfeeding cre- method. The verification method usu- but not all of them will undergo re-
ates waste and worsens the impact ally uses a manual procedure rather actions with that stream. In reality,

Circle 1 on p. 60 or go to
both of these phenomena start to chemical to the main stream from the ing within 100 pipe diameters. In such
happen at the same time. To be ef- body of the main pipe. Of the two jet cases, a multiple orifice diffuser is
fective, a chemical should be injected mixing methods, side-entry jet mixing used instead of quill. As a rough rule
far enough from the point of interest is not very popular in chemical injec- of thumb, for destination pipes with
to make sure the mixing and reac- tion systems, because it is only suit- diameters larger than 22 in., multiple
tion can both go to completion. When able when two streams (the injected orifice diffusers should be used. n
there are multiple injection locations additive and the main stream), have Edited by Suzanne Shelley
and the chemicals are reactive to each roughly the same flowrate, density,
other, they should be separated by at and viscosity. However, these condi- Author
Mohammad Toghraei, M.Sc.
least 3–5 min to ensure they have tions are not common for the majority P.Eng., is a senior process
enough time to react with the desti- of chemical injection systems. engineer with Vista Projects
(330-4000 4th St. SE, Cal-
nation flow and not with each other. Coaxial jet mixing is often called gary, Alberta, Canada T2G
8. Choosing the appropriate injec- “injection by quills.” If the viscosity of 2W3; Phone: 403-255-3455;
Fax: 403-258-2192; Email:
tion tool. An injected chemical may the chemical is below 50 cP, the use mohammad.toghraei@
experience either mixing or reaction, of injection quills might be sufficient, and an in-
structor of several process en-
or both, in the process stream with- to ensure good mixing. However, for gineering courses with Prog-
ress Seminars Inc. (http://
out any extra provision in the sys- higher-viscosity chemicals, a static Toghraei has more
tem. However, it can be challenging mixer might be needed downstream than 20 years of experience in the field of indus-
trial water treatment, with a focus on the treat-
to achieve good mixing. The primary of the injection quill. If injection is ment of wastewater from oil and petrochemical
form of mixing injected chemicals carried out using quills, but there is complexes. For the past nine years, he has taken
on different technical and leadership roles in
with the main stream is via jet mix- no static mixer in use, then a mixing water treatment areas of steam-assisted grav-
ing — either coaxial jet mixing or length of less than 100 times the desti- ity drainage (SAGD) projects. He holds a B.Sc. in
chemical engineering from Isfahan University of
side-entry jet mixing — in the pipe. nation pipe diameter is expected. Technology, and an M.Sc. in environmental engi-
neering from the University of Tehran, and is a
Side-entry jet mixing uses a T-shape For large pipe sizes, a simple injec- member of the Assn. of Professional Engineers
fitting, which brings the injected tion quill cannot guarantee good mix- and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA).

Circle 18 on p. 60 or go to

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