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Sample script and tips for intro


1. Introduce yourself - Courtesy greeting is very important to our students.

e.g. Hi! Good morning/afternoon [use hand gestures/wave] Can you hear me? Can you see me? I am
teacher…, what’s your English name?

2. Build rapport – It’s a good way of setting up the mood of your class and to avoid awkwardness.

e.g. I’m a pretty active person. I like hiking, playing volleyball, etc. How about you?

How are you today?

What are your hobbies?

How’s the weather today?

3. Assess and acknowledge your student's goal in learning English – To know the right approach in
helping your student improve his/her speaking skill.

e.g. Why do you study English?

4. Acknowledge their wants and needs – Giving assurance that you’re the best person to help the
student improve is also important.

e.g. I understand that you want to speak better and I’m here to help you. 

No worries, I will guide you in class. 

5. Confirm the lesson first – To ensure that you have the same copy of the lesson or book.

e.g. Are you ready?

Do you have your book?

Do you have (Lesson number and Title)?



e.g. Our class is almost over now..

Oh! We don’t have enough time left..

I’m sorry but class is almost finish 

1. Have a short recap or review.

e.g. Please tell me, what have you learned today?

Did you learn something new?

2. Give feedback, advice or tips to the student.


- You did great in answering my questions but you need to learn and use more English words and

- Always use correct verb tense in your sentences.

3. Ask for any additional questions or concerns.


- Do you have further questions before I say goodbye?

4. Finish the class on high note.


- It was nice having you in my class. See you soon! Bye! 

- I enjoyed our class today. Thank you for being a good student. Good bye! 

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