Taller 4 Mecanica Solic

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5.14 Locate the centroid of the plane area shown

5.102 For the machine element shown, locate the x coordinate of the center of gravity

4.24 A lever AB is hinged at C and attached to a control cable at A. If the lever is subjected to a 75-

lb vertical force at B, determine

(a) the tension in the cable

(b) the reaction at C



A, in2 X, in Y, in X A, in3 Y A, in3

1 2/3 (4)(8) = 21,333 4.8 1.5 102.398 32
2 -1/2 (4)(8) = -16 5.3333 1.3333 85.333 -21.333
∑ 5.333 17.0650 10.6670

X (5.3333 in2) = 17.0650 in3

Y (5.3333 in2) = 10.6670 in3

V, m m3 X, mm Y, mm xV, m m 4 yV, m m 4
I (100)(18)(90)= 162,000 50 9 8,100,000 1,458,000
II (16)(60)(50)= 48,000 92 48 4,416,000 2,304,000
III π( 12 )2 ( 10 )=4523,9 105 54 475,000 244,290
IV -π( 13 )2 ( 18 )=−9556,7 28 9 -267,590 -86,010
Σ 204,967,2 12,723,420 3,920,280

xΣV = ΣxV

x(204,967.2m m3 ¿=12,723,420m m 4

X = 62,1 mm


XAC= (10 in)*Cos20° = 9.3969 in

YAC= (10 in)*Sen20° = 3.4202 in

YDA= 12 in – 3.4202 in = 8.5798 in

α = tan -1(YDA / XAC) = tan -1 (8.5798 in / 9.3969 in) = 42.397°

β = 90° - 20° - 42.397° = 27.603°

a) ∑MC= 0: TAD* Cos (27,603)*(10 in) – (75 Lb)[(15 in) Cos(20)] = 0

TAD = 119.293 Lb

b) ∑FX= 0: CX + (119.293 Lb) (Cos(42.397) = 0

CX = -88.097 Lb

∑Fy= 0: Cy – 75 Lb - (119.293 Lb) (Sen(42.397) = 0

Cy =155.435
2 2 2 2
C= √ ( cx ) +(cy ) = √ (−88.097 ) +(155.435 ) = 178.665 Lb
Ɵ = tan -1(Cy / Cy ) = tan -1(155.435 Lb / -88.097 Lb ) = 60.456°

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