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FEBRUARY 20 2019


Carabineros de Seguridad Publica

(1712)- Guardrilleros (January 8, 1836)- Body
Considered as the mounted rifleman of rural police organized in each town.
police Composed of 5% able bodied inhabitants of
each town or province
By Royal Decree of December 20,
1842, Carabineros de Seguridad Publica
was organized and called Cuero de Guardia Civil ( February 12 1852)- it
Seguridad Publica (Corps of relieved the Spanish peninsular troops. It
Crabbines for Public Security) consists of body Filipino policemen in each
Insular Police Force (November 30
1890)-Reestablished and recreated on Manila Police Department(July
July 18, 1901 by virtue of Organic Act No. 31,1901)-by the virtue Act # 183 . Capt.
175 George Curry was the First Chief of
Philippine Constabulary(October 3,
1901) by the virtue Act # 255. Capt. Bureau of Investigations (November
Henry T. Allen was the first Chief of the 1938 ) Act # 181 modification of the
PC division of Investigation(DI) from the
deoartment of justice
Kempetai (January 2, 1941)-(Japanese
Police Force
National bureau of I nvestigation
( June 19 1947)-
Republic act 2678 (1960)- this law Republic Act # 157
provided the expansion and
reorganization of the NBI. This law
Rules of Court (January 1, 1964)- this
established NBI as both investigative and
law was constructed in order to promote
research service agency.
the broad objective of the criminal justice
National Police Commission was system.
created on September 8, 1966 by
virtue of RA # 4864 ( also known as Presidential Decree # 765 (August 8
police act of 1966) 1975) was enacted and stipulated
that the office of the NAPOLCOM should be
under the office of Ministry of National
Republic Act # 6975 otherwise
known as DILG Act of 1990 President
Corazon Aquino approved on December On February 25, 1998, the provisions of
13, 1990 and also recognized as PNP RA # 6975 were amended when RA #
Law of 1991 and it created the PNP that 8551 was approved and it is known as the
is national in scope and civilian in PNP Reform and Reorganization Act
character of 1998

On August 12, 2009, RA # 9708, An Act extending for five(5) years the reglamantory
period for complying the with the minimum educational qualification for appointment to the
Philippine National Police(PNP) and adjusting the promotion system thereof, amending the
purpose pertinent provisions of Republic Act No. 6975 and Republic Act No. 8551 and for other

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