Writing Test U1

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UNITÉ 1  Writing Performance Test
Writing Performance Test

A. Lettre à Élodie (30 points)

You have a new pen pal in Toulouse, France. Her name is Élodie. Write her a postcard to
introduce yourself.

• Say hello to Élodie.
• Ask her how she is.
• Give your name.
• Give your nationality.
• Say what city you are
• Say good-bye.

Sign your name. Amitiés,

B. Ça va? (20 points)

How would the following people answer the question Ça va? Write their replies in the space

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p. 182
Unité 1 Resources
Writing Performance Test Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu

Unité 1
Classe Date
B l e u
C. Prénoms (30 points)
Introduce six different members of your family, including pets. Use mon or ma and give their

Writing Performance Test

first names. Use the family members suggested below or others of your choice.

  Voici Pierre. . C’est mon frère.


  brother .
• sister • Voici . C’est .
• father • Voici . C’est .
• grandmother • Voici . C’est .
• aunt • Voici . C’est .
• cousin (male) • Voici . C’est .
• dog • Voici . C’est .

D. Mon copain / Ma copine (20 points)

In her last letter, your French pen pal Michèle asked you to describe your best friend. Answer
her in French, using complete sentences.
Tell her . . .

• if your friend is a boy or a girl

• what his/her name is

• what his/her nationality is

© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company

• how old he/she is

p. 183
Unité 1 Resources
Discovering French, Nouveau! Bleu Writing Performance Test

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