Evaluative Essay PT 2

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1. Watch the video entitled “The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes”
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdK0uYjy85o&t=45s
2. Write an evaluative essay about the speech. Read the guide questions for your
3. The essay must be composed of 250-300 words only.
4. Format:
a. Short bond paper
b. Font size- 12
c. Font style- Calibri
d. Spacing- 1.15
e. Justified
5. There will be two submissions: hard copy and soft copy. The printed output must be
neatly stapled with your name and section on the first line of the first page; no cover
page needed. A soft copy must be sent via BlackBoard.
GUIDE QUESTIONS: (This will help you decide the evaluative contents of your essay)
 What is the function of communication that is most evident in the video?
 Was there audience interaction? If yes, was it effective?
 Did the speaker’s posture display confidence and poise?
 Were gestures natural, timely, and complementary?
 Were gestures easy to see?
 Does the speaker have any distracting mannerisms?
 Was eye contact effective in connecting the speaker to the whole audience?
 Was the speaker easy to hear?
 Were loud and soft variations used appropriately?
 Was the language appropriate for the audience?
 Did the speaker articulate clearly?
 Were sentences short and easy to understand?
 How did the speech make you feel? Were you convinced?
 Would you want to listen to this speaker again?
 Were the ingredients for effective communication evident in the speech? Explain.
 Suggest some ways to improve the speech more.

Evaluative Essay
CRITERIA 10 8 6 4

The paragraph The paragraph The paragraph The paragraph lacks

CONTENT contains the contains the contains the two of the major
introduction, body introduction, body introduction, body parts of the essay.
Intro and conclusion. The and conclusion. The and conclusion. The The introduction
Body introduction introduction introduction does not present
Conclusion presents the presents the presents the the overview of the
overview of the overview of the overview of the video content. The
video content. The video content. The video content. The body of the essay
body of the essay body of the essay body of the essay doesn’t contain the
contains more than contains more than contains the required responses,
the required the required required responses, no supporting
responses, more responses, however, however, only one reason was given,
than three (3) only two (2) (1) supporting and no verbal/non-
supporting reasons supporting reasons reason was given verbal cue were
were cited and were cited and two and only one given to justify
three verbal/non- verbal/non-verbal verbal/non-verbal his/her answers.
verbal cue were cue were given to cue were given to The author
given to justify justify his/her justify his/her somehow presented
his/her answers. answers. The author answers. The a sound conclusion
The author presented a sound author presented a and there is one (1)
presented a sound conclusion as there sound conclusion as recommendation
conclusion as there are two (2) there is one (1) given.
are three (3) recommendations recommendation
recommendations given. given.
The paragraph is Organization of the The ideas of the The ideas of the
ORGANIZATIO well organized. paper needs to be paragraph have paragraph lack
N There were no strengthened. There some organization organization. There
diversions or were some but there were few were plenty of
abrupt shifts in diversions or abrupt diversions or diversions.
purposes shifts in purposes abrupt shifts in
are present. purpose are
Writer makes no Writer makes 1- 2 Writer makes 3-4 Writer makes more
MECHANICS errors in grammar errors in grammar errors in grammar than 4 errors in
or spelling that or spelling that or spelling that grammar or spelling
distract the reader distract the reader distract the reader that distract the
from the content. from the content. from the content. reader from
Sentences are well Sentence structure Sentence structure content.
structured. are somewhat needs to be Sentences lacks
strengthened. strengthened. cohesion.
Precise, illustrative Generic use of a Limited word Minimal variety in
use of a variety of variety of words and choice and control word choice and
WRITING STYLE words and sentence structures of sentence minimal control of
sentence structures that may or may not structures that sentence structures.
to create consistent create writer’s voice inhibit voice and
writer’s voice and and tone tone.
tone appropriate to appropriate to
audience. audience.

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