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Name: Amikasia Thalia Nalora

NIM: 17322063
Teaching English to Young Learners M.Design


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : 3/1

Alokasi Waktu : 1x 45 menit

Tema : Adverbs of frequency

Kompetensi Dasar

1. Memahami penggunaan adverbs of frequency.

2. Memahami tata bahasa giving direction with imperatives + adverb


1. Menyebutkan adverbs frequency dalam konteks present tense.

2. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan adverbs of frequency berdasarkan table yang sudah
3. Menulis aba-aba dengan menggunakan imperatives + adverb sesuai dengan peta yang sudah

Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa mampu menyebutkan adverbs frequency dalam konteks present tense.

2. Siswa mampu melengkapi kalimat menggunakan adverbs of frequency berdasarkan table
yang sudah tersedia.
3. Siswa mampu menulis aba-aba dengan menggunakan imperatives + adverb sesuai dengan
peta yang sudah disediakan.

Langkah Pembelajaran

A. Kegiatan awal
1. Guru menyiapkan siswa untuk mengikuti proses pembelajaran.
2. Memotivasi siswa secara kontekstual sesuai manfaat aplikasi materi pembelajaran
kehidupan sehari-hari..

B. Kegiatan Inti
1. Siswa diminta untuk menyebutkan beberapa adverb of frequency
2. Siswa diminta untuk melengkapi kalimat menggunakan adverbs of frequency sesuai
dengan table yang sudah tersedia.

Tulis : “ I never play video games and I often read story books”

Alat/Bahan/Sumber belajar

Alat/Bahan : flash cards, teks book

Sumber Belajar : Buku paket Bahasa inggris

Lesson Topic : Adverbs of frequency

Grade/ Level : 3/1

Learning Objectives:
Students know the vocabulary in writing Adverbs of frequency and students can
mention the sentences in the Adverbs of frequency.

Teaching Stages Types of Materials Estimated Practiced

Activities/ /Media Duration/ Language
Time Skill(s)
Presentation/ The teacher shows Picture 10 minutes listening
Pre- a picture card
related to adverbs
of frequency
Practice/ Students mention Picture 15 minutes Speaking
Whilst the sentence
Adverbs of
Production/ students write Book, Pencil, 20 minutes Writing
Post- adverbs of Paper
according to the
instructions given
by the teacher
Materials /Media
Rationales for the Learning Materials/ Media
Teaching Stages
Selection and Usage

Presentation/ Picture The teacher explains the Adverbs of frequency learning

Pre- material by using pictures because it will be better
understood if an example is given.
Practice/ Picture students mention the Adverbs of frequency vocabulary
Whilst according to the picture they are using.

Production/ Book, paper, pencil students write sentences about Adverbs of frequency
Post- using books, papers and pencils in accordance with the
instructions given.

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