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Republic of the Philippines


Piccio Garden, Villamor Air Base, Pasay City



Maramot, Christian Noe

Reyes, Adrian Cayle
BSAeE 1-1

Video Presentation Reflection/Reaction Suggested Action

City of the Future: In this video, we can see how Singapore It may be too late, but I
Singapore by National is improving, developing, creating, suggest that the Philippines
Geographic innovating, and inventing solutions for should focus on what their the problems that their country will forte is. The government
m/watch?v=xi6r3hZe5Tg encounter in the future. Their problems should create more plans
are mostly because of their small land and actions pertaining to
mass. Therefore, engineers and agriculture since the
architects always consider these country is known for vast
problems before making a move or production of crops,
action to prevent more conflicts. Their instead of putting much
mindset is not what to build or invent attention on
in the future but when is the right time industrialization which is
to do it. That is why before they put not the country's comfort
something into action, they make a zone. The government
couple of years advancements on the should also invest in
plans and strategies they will do. For education to enable us to
example in the agricultural industry, produce skilled
indoor farms constructed by Sustenir professionals in the future.
Agriculture enable Singapore to
continue to produce its own food even
when all the land masses are used up
by other infrastructures/buildings and
this innovation might, in the near
future, make Singapore a self-
sustaining country. Moreover, delivery
services became easier and faster
because of Skyway and Airbuses.

Laban, DH: A The video showed how domestic I suggest that Overseas
Documentary by Howie helpers from the Philippines suffered to Workers Welfare
Severino their employers in Kuwait. These Administration (OWWA) employers abused, molested, tortured should provide or
watch? and even killed domestic helpers. Last strengthen the laws or
v=IWg6I9N3MPM&t=172s February 16, 2018, the corpse of a agreement between other
filipina worker named Joanna countries that would
Demafelis was taken home in the protect the safety and
Philippines after missing for almost one dignity of our Overseas
year. Her body was found in the freezer Filipino Workers (OFW's).
of her employer in Kuwait. Due to the
increasing cases of crime pertaining to
the Filipino domestic helpers in Kuwait,
President Duterte declared employment
banned of Overseas Filipino Workers
(OFW's) in Kuwait. This video shared
the experiences of domestic helpers in
the hands of their employers through
the interviews that Howie Severino
conducted. I commend the president for
doing the right move since we've heard
the stories of other domestic helpers. If
he didn't declare the deployment
banned, there would be more Filipinos
who would suffer and die in Kuwait.
This is saddening to see, but we can't
blame Filipinos for sacrificing their lives
in abroads due to lack of jobs and low
salary they would receive here in the

Overpopulated by British As for the video, the population of the Same in the video, I suggest
Broadcasting Company world increased not because people are for the Philippines to having more children in a family, that a strengthen their family
watch?v=- mother gives birth every other year, but planning program in order
UbmG8gtBPM&t=197s because the quality of life improved. for families to see through
Vaccines are created, food is more how big they really want
accessible, medicine is improved. This their families and up to
is the reason why there are more people how many children they
in the world. In fact, the world is can support. I want families
projected to stay at 11 billion from 2100 to know to only have
onwards. Personally, I think that there children if they are sure
is no overpopulation in the world, that they can support them
resources can’t keep up with the rather than see children
population. It is just that the rich don't dying of poverty and even
want to share their wealth and live without proper
distribute the resources evenly among education and shelter.
the population of the world. People live
in extreme poverty but the rich, having
most of the wealth in the world, can;
even bat an eye to help these people.We
can live in this world with more than 7
billion people, we are just too greedy to
help others.

The Race is On: Secrets The video showed the steps the UK is I suggest the Philippines
and Solutions of Climate taking in order to stop or alleviate the commit to a greener future.
by Global Documentary negative effects of climate change. The We can create laws that video showed that the UK is aiming for will limit carbon emissions
watch? a zero carbon emission by using and a campaign for a less
v=_jA8k4YDzlo&t=229s sustainable emerging technologies like meat consumption for a
solar energy,wind energy, and more sustainable diet. We
hydroelectric. The video also discussed can also fund research in
the factors and barriers that hinders the emerging technologies like
development and deployment of these solar power, nuclear power
technologies. Main hindrance is and the likes so we
economics, it is so integrated into our wouldn’t be left behind.
society that most companies and policy
makers value the market or profit more
than the effects of these markets to our
world. They would like to see more
money than see a livable earth for
future generations. And I agree with
the video, that it is the willingness to
abide by the Paris Accord that will
solve our current problem with climate
change. We have the means, the
technology, the manpower to start a
new green revolution but the world and
leaders lack the will to do so. I also
agree that actions need to start from us,
the citizens, because everything that we
do, like the wings of a butterfly, will
have a huge collective effect on our

Religion by Crash Course The video discussed the integration and I suggest for the
Sociology the effect of religion in a society. It Philippines, the showed the positive and negative government to be exact, to
watch?v=pIgb-3e8CWA influences of religion in society. It separate from their religion
showed that religion could be a place and beliefs in order to
for social interaction and a kind of create laws and rule the
social control that sets rules for people country with utmost
that belong to a certain religion of what impartiality apart from
is morally right or wrong, and how to their own beliefs cultivated
act inside and outside of this group. It from their religions.
also showed the negative influence of Religion would only hinder
religion like how it empowers us to see the effects of laws
patriarchy and formally recognizes if we see it as immoral, like
dizcrimination against women marking the Abortion law, Divorce,
them as immoral beings (e.g. Eve and also Same Sex
committed the original sin by tempting Marriage/Union. We can’t
Adam to eat the forbidden fruit) and function as a just and
controlling how women act, believing impartial society if we
that a woman must be under their man. don’t separate religion
Religion also empowered racial from our state.
inequality, most people citing in the
bible that dark skinned people are
sinful and justifies slavery. As for me, I
don’t believe in religion because I think
that religion only hinders us to see and
empathize with others. I see religion as
a way of people to justify their hate
toward others, especially with the
LGBT community for today marking
them as immoral and sinful, but can’t
even see that they are the one who's
been sinful by judging and directing
hate to someone who just wants to live.

What is ASEAN and why The video tackled about what Based on what I've
it is important for Association of Southeast Asian Nation watched, we should make
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is and its purpose to or create more
by Now This World Southeast Asian Nation. It is stated that organizations and ASEAN is a political and economic associations that would
watch?v=5FIl3bxwLdw alliance of ten countries. Actually, strengthen the bonds of
ASEAN was formed by the five each country not only in
countries , Indonesia, Singapore, Southeast Asia but all over
Philippines, Malaysia, and Thailand, the world. With this, it
last August 8, 1967. Furthermore, this would be easier for
secures the region against the threat of everyone to relay the
communism and to give Southeast Asia information and ideas
a cohesive voice on certain issues. As needed in order to avoid
time passed by, ASEAN shifted focus misunderstanding.
on international trades, order security,
and collaboration of neighboring
countries like China and Korea.
Moreover, the importance of ASEAN
was also discussed. It is stated that this
association attracted interest from all
over the world including the United
States. I firmly believe that ASEAN
unites and strengthens the relationships
of each country. It helps solve problems
or conflicts of a country to another
country and provides goods and
services in times of calamities.

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