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Definition: Is a group of society who has created its own

culture, values, beliefs, & interest. As well, its thinking
and ideas is different than majority of the society.

Child marriage ( Vani)

Child marriage generally refers to an immoral and illegal practice 
of marrying boys and girls before they reach a minimum adult age. 

Child marriage rate in Pakistan:

 21% Girls are married off before 18th and 3% girls before 15th.
 Across  rural areas and across Gilgit Baltistan  marriage
age  is  the lowest.

Why child marriage still running?

 Gender  inequality  and  the  assumption  that  girls are  somehow 
unequal than   boys   push  child  marriage.
 Here are some factors that driven to child marriage.
 Old Traditional : In Swara, where girls are married off to
settle disputes or debts, this traditional still exist and is often
authorized by an elder council. Watta Satta and pait likki is still going on and
even before they are born or at a very young age.
 Family practice: In Pakistan, marriages between families or tribals ( addi
baddo) are still common. 34% girls between 16-17 age are married off to their
fathers first cousin.
 Religion:Many Pakistani Muslims claim that when they hit pubert
y, their
religion allows them to marry their daughters. It often has to do 
with a need to secure the izzat (honour) of a girl and the high pre
mium given to young unmarried girls' chastity.
 Level of education: Child marriage is both a cause and a result of dropping out
of school early. A research in 2017 shows that every year of secondary class
students are reduced by 3.4%.
 When girls are compelled to get married at an early age,
they are more seemingly to face domestic violence, putting them at risk for
early pregnancy and malnutrition.
 It is no secret that Pakistan has high death rate of mother
and baby and is due to early marriage, , the main cause of
death of young girls of 15-18 is due to early pregnancy.
 Most ladies wedded before 18 by 25 they have given birth two or more kids. There
is a high chance they have given birth at home.
 Most child brides are younger than their husbands,
leading to abuse from both husband and in laws.

How to prevent child marriage ?

 Law should passed, legal age for boys & girls
are 18.
 Due to culture if parents forced their children
to get marry, they must be taken into police
 And in rural part if student is absent more than
one week, teacher must informed the

There is no pros of childmarriage, only cons n cons.

Cons of child marriage are:
 Due to child marriage, human traffic is easily apply.
 Even if girls give birth, the baby is born eaither still born or with abnormality.
 Can suffered mental problem due to so much
 End of education
 Forced to work as a labor in order to feed the
 Suffered disease i.e hiv, and etc

Solutions of Child Marriage

 Educate Parents 
 Support groups.
 Talk about it
 Take A Pledge
 Support Artists, Photographers, and Journalists who Raise Awareness
About Child Marriage

My view on Child marriage!

Marriage should be a time of celebration and start of new life, unless you
belong to a those who were forced to get married before they turn 18. This is
normally happening in the areas where education is not provided. It is not just
about brides but also grooms where young boys at the age of 6-8 are being
forced to get married and often have to drop from the school. Most of the time
child marriages are about money. As a girl gets old, the payment from bride’s
family to groom’s family goes up. Child marriage is not just a developing world
problem in-fact it happens in every religion and region of the world.

Only education can help a child in a delay of early marriage and could help the
child to get away from poverty. Special bills/programs should be provided in
the areas where education should be made compulsory and law should be
passed which doesn’t allow a citizen to get married until the child can reach to
certain age which should be 20 years.

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