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CLASSIFICATION OF ORNAMENTAL flowering plants are deciduous except only a

PLANTS few evergreen.

Classification refers to the grouping of c. Ornamental foliage plants: Trees with
individuals with similar identities, related in inconspicuous (green) flowers which are
genetics make up, evolution or climatic otherwise desirable for their beautiful
requirement. It combines the morphological, foliage. Almost all foliage plants are
genetics, ecological or physiological aspects evergreen.
of the plants compatible plants in d. National trees: Mango, Neem, Tamarind
hybridization. e. Unusual and attractive trunk: Adina
ORNAMENTAL TREES polycephala, Acacia seyal
Classification of ornamental trees based f. Unique branching habit: Terminalia
on utility and landscape features: cattapa
Tree is a woody plant with a spreading Classification of ornamental trees based
crown, whose single trunk is more than 2 on utility and landscape features:
inches in diameter at 4.5 feet above the a. An ideal avenue tree: Cassia fistula,
ground and attained a height more than 20 Grevillea robusta, Jacaranda mimosifolia.
feet. Whereas shrubs are smaller than trees b. Unsuitable for roadside avenue tree:
and often have many small, woody, bark Eucalyptus spp. Albizia lebbek, Acacia
covered stems rising from the base. modesta.
The cultivation of trees for their aesthetic or c. Trees with scented/fragrant flowers:
recreational value is known as Alstonia scholaris, Magnolia grandiflora.
arboriculture. d. Trees with ornamental foliage:
Ornamental value of trees is due to their Callistemon lanceolatus, Polyalthia
following characteristics/ features which longifolia
render them attractive and fit into various e. Checking air pollution: Populus
landscape designs: deltoids, Plumeria acuminata, Ficus
a. wide range of colourful flowers/ showy infectoria.
leaves or national importance ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS
b. ornamental flowering trees: Trees with Shrubs are defined as woody, semi woody or
showy flowers. Most of the ornamental herbaceous perennials plants; branches arise
from the base of the plants and grow up to a
height of about 0.5 to 4 meters. Shrubs are 4. Ensure privacy in the garden.
usually erect and bushy but some are 5. Protect against theft, animals and
decumbent or prostrate. trespassing.
Utility of shrubs in Landscape: 6. Hiding unwanted spots.
The various uses of shrubs landscape Types of hedges:
hardening are: 1. Protective hedge:
1. Foundation planting a. Tall protective hedge: Bougainvillea sp.
2. Shrubs borders Carissa caranda, Inga dulcis.
3. Mixed borders b. Dwarf protective hedge: Agave
4. Specimen shrubs americana, Euphorbia bojeri, Opuntia sp.
5. Dwarf and ground cover 2. Ornamental hedge:
Shrubbery border a. Tall ornamental hedge: Polyalthia
Area of the garden devoted exclusively for longifolia, Murraya exotica, Thuja sp.
growing shrubs planted in a row or b. Dwarf ornamental hedge: Acalypha sp.
rectangular fashion is known as shrubbery Codiaeum variegatum, Ligustrum
border. Shrubs are selected based on their ovalifolium.
following characteristics i.e., height, flower Edge:
colour, flowering season, foliage colour and Edge is one of the important garden features.
leaf retention time. An ideal site to grow Evergreen low growing plants having same
shrubbery is in front of a tree, avoid shade of characteristics as for planting a hedge are
trees, plant in south-east direction and if grown to form an edge.
more height is desired in a shrubbery, keep Purposes of edge are:
more width. 1. To direct traffic of visitors in the garden
Hedge 2. To divide different areas of features in the
Shrubs or small trees planted at regular garden.
interval to form a thick continuous screen is Types of edge:
called a hedge. 1. Living edge: made up of live plants
Functions of a hedge: 2. Non-living edge: made up of concrete,
1. Important feature of a garden. bricks, stones, tiles etc.
2. Serve as compound wall.
3. As wind breaks.
Plants suitable for edge in the garden support with the help of modified organs
include: Alternanthera, Cuphea such as clingers, tendrils, thorns, roots,
hyssopifolia, Iresine, Cotoneaster etc. rootlets, prickles, linear, weavers, latex, etc.
Topiary These plants climb over walls, arches,
Topiary is an art of training plants in to pergolas, trellis, pillars. Cascade, gates and
different shapes of birds, animals, articles or topiary.
statues in city parks to provide passive Twiner: It does not have such modified
recreation to the visitors specially children. organs to climb, but twin around the support
Plants are trained on frame made of soft by spiraling or coiling, e.g., Ipomoea
steel rods or galvanized wire frame. species, Lonicera japonica and Quoamoclit
An ideal plant to form topiary is one which pinnata.
is evergreen, slow growing, small foliage, Rambler: It has neither any modified
thick foliage density and stand quick organs for climbing nor it coils around the
pruning and trimming. support, but climb on its own, e.g., Bauhinia
Plant suitable for topiary: Murraya vahlii, Hiptage benghalensis.
exotica, Duranta repens, Thuja, Examples of various types of climbers:
Clerodendrum inerme. With tendrils- Antigonon leptopus,
Pyrostegia venusta.
CLIMBERS AND ANNUALS With thorns- Bougainvillea sp., Euphorbia
Climbers are very important ornamental With prickles- Rosa sp.
plants and the beauty of any garden can be With roots and rootlets- Ficus pumila,
greatly increased by carefully selecting and Hedera helix, Vanilla carnosa.
planting them in a suitable place. With the help of latex or stickers- Ficus
Botanically, plants which have special pumila.
structure (viz., tendrils, rootlets, shoots, With hooker- Combretum sp.
thorn, clingers etc) to climb on supports are With clingers- Passiflora caerulea,
defined as climber. Hydrangea petiolaris
Classification of climbers Landscape uses of climbers:
Climbers are the group of plants which have 1. Create privacy
weak stems and ability to climb up the 2. Create natural, thick screens
3. Topiary d. Shady places: Cineraria, Clarkia, Salvia
4. Softening harsh missionary walls Hardy annuals: Zinnia, Tithonia, Marigold
5. To divide different features in the garden Tender: Oxalis
Pricking- operation of transferring the
young seedling to another pan or tray.
Annual flowers are a group of herbaceous Cacti and Succulents
plants which grow from seeds, produce
Cacti are perennials, dicotyledons,
flowers, set seed and complete their life
possessing aeroles, which bear spine or
cycle within one year or one season.
glochids or both, fruit one celled berry and
Classification based on Season of
flower petals arise from the top of ovary.
Aeroles are armed with spines or with fine
a) Summer season annuals:
barbed hairs (glochids) or with both.
Zinnia, Kochia, Portulaca, Tithonia,
Cacti are group of plants with peculiar shape
Gaillardia, Gomphrena, Sunflower, Daisy,
and size and mostly adapted for desert.
Characteristics of cacti and succulents:
b) Rainy season annuals:
1. These are group of plants which have
Balsam, Cock’s comb, Celosia, Gaillardia,
developed a special capacity to store water
in thick fleshy leaves and / or stem.
c) Winter season annuals:
2. They thrive well in sunny situation and
Antirrhinum, China aster, Cornflowers,
light loving.
Larkspur, Sweet Sultan, Phlox, Verbena,
3. They require little care except when
Candy tuft, Petunia, etc.
actively growing
Classification based on suitability/ utility
4. Most of these plants are native to dryer
of Annuals:
part of the world.
a. Bedding purpose: Balsam, Candytuff,
Distinguishing features of cacti and
Pansy, Petunia, Phlox
b. Fragrant flowers: Carnation, Marigold,
1. All cacti are perennial belonging to
Sweet Alyssum
dicotyledonous group.
c. Rock garden: Nasturtium, Nemesia, Ice
2. All cacti are succulents on account of 2. Window box gardening.
storing water water, but all the succulents 3. Bowl gardening
are not cacti 4. Hanging baskets
3. Cacti are characterized by the presence of 5. Specimen plants in lawn eg, Variegated
aeroles (thick wooly hairs like barber hair Agave and Furcraea
brush) carrying spine, hairs or glochids. 6. In pot and rock garden
4. All cacti belong to family cactaceae 7. As hedge plant eg Agave
5. Flowers arise from or near the aeroles at 8. Edging or as carpet bedding eg Echeveria
the top of ovary having almost every colour. Important genera of succulents: Adenium,
6. Fruit of cacti are one celled berry. Agave, Aloe, Bryophyllim, Crassula,
7. Spines in cacti are modified leaves which Haworthia, Pachyphytum, Pedilanthus,
provide shade save from sun scorching Sanseveria, Sedum, Tradescantia.
protect from birds and conserve moisture by INDOOR PLANTS/ SHADE LOVING
reducing transpiration PLANT/ HOUSE PLANT
8. Cacti plants are leafless except Pereskia They are widely grown in pots and used for
(Rose cactus) indoor decoration. Hardy types of green
Important genera of Cacti: Astrophytum, house plants which can tolerate more shade
Cereus, Echinocactus, Echinocereus, and adverse condition are usually
Echinopsis, Opuntia, Rhipsalis, Ferocactus. recommended for indoor decoration.
Classification of cactus based on time of Suitability of indoor plants for interior
flowering: scaping
1. Night flowering cacti: Flower open after Various groups of indoor ornamental based
dusk and close by dawn. Eg Selenicereus on their use are classified as under:
sp., Mammilariuas. 1. Commonly used indoor plants:
2. Day flowering cacti: Flower open up with Aglaonema, Araucaria, Diffenbachia,
the increase in the intensity of sunlight and Dracaena, Philodendron.
close down by dusk. Eg Astrophytum, 2. Dark corner (shade loving): Araucaria,
Echinopsis, Parodia, Chamaecereus Maranta, Monstera deliciosa, Philodendron
Landscape use of succulents: 3. Trailing or hanging: Asparagus
1. As foliage and flowering plants for sprengeri, Begonia, Tradescantia,
decorating rooms, balconies and verandas
4. Climbing or trellis plants: Cissus, Ficus
pumila, Hedera, Hoya carnosa
5. Tough evergreen plants: Chlorophytum,
Diffenbachia, Dracaena, Sanseveria

Model question paper

1. Tree for checking air pollution should
have foliage of which type?
a. Glabrous
b. Fine
c. Coarse and hairy
d. Thick and shinny
2. Which of the following Plumeria species
has red flowers?
a. rubra
b. alba
c. acutifolia
d. obtuse

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