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Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566

Airway considerations in craniofacial patients

Susanna Leighton, BSc, FRCS(ORL-HNS)a,b,@, Amelia F. Drake, MDc,*
Department of Pediatric Otolaryngology, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, UK
Department of Surgery, Institute of Child Health, London, UK
Department of Otolaryngology, University of North Carolina, CB #7070, Chapel Hill, NC 27599, USA

Sleep apneas are recognizable interruptions of Central apnea and hypopnea

breathing and are classified as central, obstructive, or
mixed. Central apneas are characterized by a cessa- Central apneas are characterized by a cessation in
tion of airflow at the nose and mouth with no airflow at the nose and mouth with no discernible
apparent respiratory effort and are the consequence of respiratory effort. They are considered clinically
a cessation in the phasic central neural drive to significant if they are associated with significant
breathe. In contrast, obstructive apneas are seen when changes in blood gases (SaO2<92%, end-tidal partial
there is a cessation of airflow at the nose and mouth pressure of carbon dioxide>55mmHg) or significant
but continued respiratory effort; they are particularly bradycardia. Central apneas are frequently associated
likely to occur during rapid eye movement sleep. The with arousals that cause sleep fragmentation and poor
respiratory efforts during an obstructive apnea are sleep quality, which may have detrimental effects on
rendered ineffective by the loss of upper airway daytime behavior and growth.
patency because of collapse. It is also possible to Craniofacial patients may be considered at high
have partial airway obstruction when the airway risk for central respiratory control problems for two
patency is reduced. This condition is characterized reasons. First, the abnormal anatomy of the cranial
by increased respiratory effort but diminished airflow base may lead to a mechanical distortion of the brain
in response to increased upper airway resistance. stem, wherein lie the respiratory control centers.
Mixed apneas are described when elements of cen- Second, the intracranial hypertension, which is often
tral and obstructive apneas are seen in association. seen in these patients, may cause anomalies of
The length of apnea considered abnormal varies respiratory control because of increased pressure
with age. Premature infants, for example, may exhibit exerted on the brain stem structures. In extreme
central apneas of up to 20 seconds’ duration before cases, the brain stem may herniate through the
they are considered abnormal, whereas older infants foramen magnum of the skull base, which may be
and children may exhibit shorter periods of clinically visualized on MRI scan.
significant obstructive apnea. Its association with The first description of chronic hindbrain hernia-
significant hypoxia, hypercapnia, or bradycardia may tion in a patient with syndromic craniosynostosis was
be a measure of the significance of an apnea. in an infant with Pfeiffer syndrome [1]. It has been
described subsequently in patients with clover-leaf
skull malformation and Crouzon and Apert syn-
dromes [2 – 5]. The caudal displacement of the
* Corresponding author. cerebellar tissue through the foramen magnum and
E-mail address: into the cervical canal may be associated with
(A.F. Drake). anatomic changes in the brain stem, with lesions of
Deceased. the cerebellum and compression of the medulla. From

1042-3699/04/$ – see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
556 S. Leighton, A.F. Drake / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566

a respiratory point of view, herniation of the hind- Obstructive apneas and hypopneas
brain may affect brain stem respiratory centers and
the cranial nerve nuclei and roots of the nerves that A patent upper airway is a prerequisite for suc-
innervate upper airway musculature. Malfunction of cessful respiration. The upper airway is a collapsible
these structures may lead to feeding difficulties, muscular tube that includes the nasopharynx, oro-
stridor, breath-holding spells, upper airway obstruc- pharynx, and laryngopharynx. Its patency is deter-
tion, and central sleep apnea or hypoventilation. mined by its diameter and the tonic activity of the
Patients with Arnold-Chiari malformation are pharyngeal dilators and their phasic contraction in
susceptible to acute cord compression syndromes, response to the negative upper airway pressure
particularly under circumstances in which there may generated during inspiration. During sleep, reduced
be acute changes in intracranial pressure (eg, obstruc- tone of these dilators and diminished reflex dilatation
tive sleep apnea with swings in PaCO2). If the brain lead to physiologic airway narrowing, especially
stem becomes compressed, these individuals may during rapid eye movement sleep. This physiologic
develop central alveolar hypoventilation or central narrowing can result in sleep-disordered breathing
apneas. Under these circumstances, they may require (SDB), especially if the craniofacial morphology is
mechanical ventilation continuously or intermittently. abnormal, which results in an airway of less-than-
Gonsalez et al [6] studied a group of 13 children average diameter at any point. Craniofacial abnor-
with syndromic craniosynostosis and hindbrain her- malities, such as the syndromic craniosynostoses,
niation (confirmed on MRI). They underwent over- Treacher Collins syndrome [11], and Pierre Robin
night cardiorespiratory sleep studies without sedation. sequence [12], predispose individuals to SDB.
Clinically significant central apneas with falls in SaO2 Nasal obstruction can contribute to SDB. The
to less than 90% were found in only two cases. In likely mechanism is that high nasal resistance to
contrast, 10 of the patients showed a degree of upper airflow necessitates the generation of high negative
airway obstruction that ranged in severity from mild intrathoracic pressures. Opening the mouth to aug-
to severe. Two additional patients had previously ment the airway causes the tongue to move pos-
undergone tracheostomy to alleviate severe obstruc- teriorly, which narrows the airway and further
tive sleep apnea. The authors concluded that in a contributes to the conditions necessary for collapse.
selected group of children with syndromic cranio- Large tonsils and adenoids are associated with SDB
synostosis and hindbrain herniation, the predominant [13,14] but there is no strong evidence of a cor-
sleep-related breathing problem was obstructive relation between their size and the severity of airway
apnea and that despite expectations, central apneas obstruction [15]. It seems to be their relative size com-
and mixed apneas were seen only infrequently. pared with the size of the airway that is important.
Brain stem compression also may be associated In the syndromic craniosynostoses, although the
with an increased risk of airway obstruction. Patients membranous bones of the facial skeleton fail to grow
with Arnold-Chiari malformation are at risk of normally, the cartilaginous components are un-
developing bilateral vocal fold paralysis [7 – 9]. This affected. Facial dysplasia is severe, with the maxilla
condition is most frequent in infants and commonly grossly hypoplastic in all dimensions and the nose
presents with airway symptoms between 1 and and mandible relatively prominent. Foreshortening of
12 months of age. Affected infants develop progres- the anterior and posterior cranial base occurs, and the
sive inspiratory stridor, which may become worse maxilla is retrognathic in relation to the former. This
during sleep. The stridor may progress to constant results in a reduction in pharyngeal depth, height, and
stridor with CO2 retention and respiratory failure. width. There is also a reduction in the height and
Normal respiratory control involves a coordinated width of the posterior choanae leading to choanal
dilatation of the upper airway musculature to main- stenosis, which is often misdiagnosed clinically as
tain upper airway patency during the imposition of choanal atresia in these patients [16].
negative intraluminal pressures during inspiration. A long velum and a short mandibular body
During expiration, the vocal folds occupy their contribute to pharyngeal crowding in three dimen-
normal relaxed partially open position; during inspi- sions. The mandibular hypoplasia displaces the
ration, the folds are normally abducted, which opens tongue posteriorly, and obstruction may occur at
the airway lumen. The recurrent laryngeal branch of tongue base level [17]. The palate is typically narrow
the vagus nerve controls vocal fold abduction. and high arched. In Apert and Crouzon syndromes
Malfunction can be brought on because of traction there are lateral palatal swellings caused by soft-
on the nerve roots or by compression or stretching of tissue deposits of mucopolysaccharides lying along
the medulla itself [10]. the lateral arches of the alveolus [18]. These are
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separated by a narrow median groove that may be tion and frequency of apneic events are even more
misdiagnosed as a cleft palate. The swellings often poorly established.
become more prominent with maturity. There is a clinical spectrum of SDB in children
Children with Pfeiffer, Crouzon, and Apert that ranges from primary snoring through upper
syndromes are likely to need airway support for airway resistance syndrome and obstructive hypo-
symptoms or complications of SDB 20% to 30% of ventilation syndrome to obstructive sleep apnea syn-
the time at some stage during infancy and childhood drome (OSAS) as severity increases. Primary snoring
(S. Leighton, unpublished data). A proportion of chil- refers to the noise generated by turbulent airflow in
dren with Apert syndrome have a cleft palate, which the pharynx; there is no associated apnea, hypopnea,
is associated with a reduced need for airway inter- hypoxemia, or sleep fragmentation because of
vention. Individuals with Antley-Bixler and Saethre- arousals. In children, it is most commonly caused
Chotzen syndromes do not seem to have more airway by physiologic adenotonsillar hypertrophy. The peak
problems in childhood than the general population. incidence is in the 3- to 6-year age group, when it
Obstructive apneas are defined as periods of affects up to 10% of normal children [20]. In upper
cessation of airflow measured at the nose and mouth airway resistance syndrome, snoring is associated
during which respiratory efforts continue and may with partial upper airway obstruction during sleep
even increase or crescendo. The apneic period is and increased inspiratory effort [21]. There is sleep
associated with detrimental changes in blood gases fragmentation and there may be daytime symptoms,
(falling SaO2, rising PaCO2) and possibly reflex but there are no gas exchange abnormalities. In
bradycardia. During the apnea there is a progressive obstructive hypoventilation syndrome there is con-
increase in the drive to breathe, which leads to tinuous partial upper airway obstruction during sleep,
increasing respiratory efforts against the closed with at least 50% reduction in airflow, which causes
airway, and progressively greater negative intratho- mild oxygen desaturation [22]. There also may be a
racic pressures, which results in respiratory-related degree of hypercapnia. Sleep fragmentation and its
dips in blood pressure (pulsus paradoxus). The apnea consequences are observed. OSAS is characterized
is terminated by an arousal that is probably triggered by episodic complete upper airway obstruction during
by the increasing levels of afferent input from the sleep with increased respiratory effort, paradoxic
respiratory chemoreceptors and by increased activity respiratory movements, and sleep fragmentation with
from mechanoreceptors within the lung, airway and reduced arterial oxygen saturation with or without
chest wall. Arousal serves to increase the level of hypercapnia [19]. Two percent to 3% of normal
drive to the musculature supporting the upper airway, children may be affected by OSA, which, like pri-
which causes airway dilatation and allows effective mary snoring, peaks in the 3- to 6-year age group
respiration to resume. Arousal is also associated with [22]. A diagnosis of SDB in a child may be more
a reflex increase in heart rate and a surge in blood difficult than in an adult, and it is not necessarily
pressure because of a sudden increase in sympathetic based solely on ‘‘objective’’ sleep study indices.
drive. The patient typically takes three or four large A combination of sleep study findings and direct
effective breaths, sufficient to restore blood gases, clinical observations of the sleeping child can
before returning to a deeper sleep state, at which help a clinician grade the degree of nocturnal
point airway tone is again lost and the obstructive airway obstruction.
cycle begins again. Obstruction (partial or complete) is generally
There is no universally accepted definition of considered significant if associated with hypoxemia
obstructive sleep apnea, and this is especially true for (falls in SaO2 to less than 90%) and hypercapnia
children. In adults, the definition proposed by (PaCO2>45 mm Hg) or if sleep-related breathing
Guilleminault et al is widely accepted [19]. They difficulties and sleep fragmentation or deprivation
defined sleep apnea as 30 or more apneic episodes result in clinically significant effects, such as behav-
that last more than 10 seconds each that occur within ioral problems, failure to thrive, or cor pulmonale. A
an 8-hour sleep period. Patients with significant history of disordered sleep patterns is often the first
symptoms (eg, daytime hypersomnolence, impaired indication of SDB in a child. More detailed ques-
daytime function), however, commonly have ap- tioning of the parents, possibly with the use of a sleep
neic episodes that last considerably longer than diary to record nocturnal events of certain period (eg,
10 seconds and are associated with significant a week), may reveal other signs and symptoms of
oxygen desaturation, and they have several hundred sleep apnea. Sleep laboratory recordings help estab-
episodes per night. In children, the criteria for lish the presence and severity of sleep breathing
diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea based on dura- disturbances and their effects on overall sleep quality.
558 S. Leighton, A.F. Drake / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566

A recent study confirmed that the use of a suggested that these effects are reversible with
structured questionnaire for the parents, together with successful treatment of the upper airway obstruction
a formal sleep study, formed the best basis for the during sleep [21,34]. Two studies using standard
diagnosis of SDB [24]. The use of questionnaire and psychometric tests have shown significantly reduced
clinical history in the absence of a formal sleep study memory performance in children with sleep-related
was found to give an accurate assessment of the breathing disorders [33,35]. Children with moderate
severity of sleep breathing problems in only 42% of to severe OSA were shown to perform in the
cases. In 17% of cases, the clinician underestimated intellectually deficient ranges compared with controls
the severity of SDB when subsequently assessed by who produced scores within the average range,
sleep study, whereas in 16% of cases the clinician whereas children with mild SDB tended to fall in
overestimated the severity. In 10% of cases, the the low normal range. These results suggest a dose-
clinical impression was markedly different from the dependent effect of SDB on memory capacity. Only
sleep study assessment. three published studies have examined intelligence
(IQ) in school-aged children with sleep-related
breathing disorders. Two studies found significantly
reduced IQ scores [33,35], whereas the third did not
Clinical features of obstructive sleep apnea [34]. Further studies are needed to clarify this
syndrome relationship. It can be shown that children with
SDB show diminished academic performance
Nocturnal symptoms and signs of OSAS usually [36,37]. Conversely, it has been shown that poor
include heavy snoring, restlessness, and sweating. academic achievers include a high preponderance of
There may be a history of nightmares or night terrors. children with SDB [31,38,39]. Importantly, research
Intermittent apneas and increased respiratory effort also has demonstrated that treatment of these children
are often noted. Children may adopt unusual sleeping with sleep-related breathing problems by tonsillec-
positions to optimize the airway—typically with a tomy or adenotonsillectomy has been followed by an
hyperextended neck and mouth-open posture or improvement in academic performance [21,38].
prone with the knees tucked under the chest and the Questionnaires for parents and teachers suggest
head turned to the side. There may be associated that behavioral problems are common in children
enuresis [25]. with sleep-related breathing disorders. Children have
Daytime symptoms and signs include nasal been found to show increased levels of internalized
obstruction, mouth breathing, and hyponasal speech. problematic behaviors (eg, shyness, withdrawal,
The complex cumulative physiologic effects of re- anxiety) [28,30] and externalized behaviors (eg,
peated upper airway obstruction during sleep also impulsivity, hyperactivity, aggression) [20,34,36,37].
may have adverse effects on cardiac function, somatic Inattention hyperactivity is frequently found, with a
growth, and neurobehavioral function [26], including reported prevalence rate of 20% to 42% [30,31,36].
daytime hyperactivity, aggression, social withdrawal, Conversely, children with inattention hyperactivity
hypersomnolence [13,14,27 – 29], reduced capacity show a high prevalence of SDB [31,40]. Treatment
for attention, impaired memory and cognitive func- of nocturnal breathing problems has been shown
tion with developmental delay [13,30], and, in older to improve daytime behavior [21,40].
children, problems with academic performance [31]. Unlike adults with OSAS, excessive daytime
These symptoms are believed to be caused by sleepiness is not usually a feature in children [41];
arousals that disrupt the functions of the sleeping this is believed to be because arousals in children are
brain. Although there is much anecdotal evidence, usually movement arousals rather than EEG or
however, currently there are relatively few data from behavioral arousals, as they are in adults. The diag-
well-controlled studies. nosis of excessive daytime sleepiness in children is
The ability to remain at a task and attend to difficult because tiredness may manifest as hyper-
external stimuli plays an important role in learning activity [40]. Daytime sleepiness is reported in some
and social and academic development. Recent studies children, however [20,28,33,37].
have provided the first limited data on the detrimental Intracranial hypertension (>15 mm Hg) is frequent
effects of SDB on attention capacity in children in children with syndromic craniosynostosis. Its eti-
[32,33]. They suggest that children with sleep-related ology is multifactorial, but OSAS may be an impor-
breathing disorders are less reflective and more tant cause [42]. It may be asymptomatic, or children
impulsive and show poorer sustained and selective may notice headache or failing vision. Like SDB,
attention. Importantly, two further studies have it also can have an effect on behavior.
S. Leighton, A.F. Drake / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566 559

There may be poor growth and failure to thrive may be overshadowed by other apparently more
[13,41,43] caused by the increased energy expendi- severe problems, such as cosmesis or developmental
ture necessary to breathe during sleep and reduced delay, and may be discounted by the parents.
growth hormone secretion as a result of sleep frag- Expectations of children with multiple problems
mentation [44,45]. Successful treatment, however, may be low, and developmental delays may be
results in catch-up growth. Unlike adults, obesity [46] attributed to the syndrome itself rather than other
and systemic hypertension [47] are uncommon potentially remediable causes, such as SDB, hearing
features in children. impairment, or visual problems.
Cardiorespiratory complications occur because of Clinical examination confirms the abnormal cra-
recurrent severe hypoxia, hypercarbia, and acidosis, niofacial morphology. Patency of the nasal airways,
including dysrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, and status of the palate, and size of the tonsils and
cor pulmonale [13,19,48,49]. These complications adenoids should be assessed, as should the general
are reversible within 48 hours of treatment of condition of the child, to look for any signs of chronic
OSAS [50]. Acute cardiorespiratory failure may be respiratory distress. If the clinician suspects cardio-
triggered by an upper respiratory tract infection and respiratory complications, an electrocardiogram and
result in sudden death [51]. Such complications are a chest radiograph should be examined for evidence
rare with recognition of OSAS and earlier diag- of right ventricular hypertrophy. Measurement of
nosis and treatment. The long-term cardiorespiratory height and weight and comparison with standardized
effects of mild SDB are unknown; there may be growth charts may confirm failure to thrive, espe-
an increased risk of systemic hypertension in later cially if the child is monitored over time. Feeding
life [52]. difficulties are common in children with syndromic
craniosynostoses, and failure to thrive may be at-
tributed to this cause alone, but SDB is also an im-
Diagnosis portant cause and should be considered.
Respiratory sleep studies are not usually per-
The diagnosis of SBD in children is based on the formed before adenotonsillectomy for normal chil-
history from the parents, clinical findings on exami- dren with symptoms and signs of OSAS or upper
nation, and the results of investigations. The gold airway resistance syndrome, but they are recom-
standard investigation for the diagnosis of OSAS is mended by the American Thoracic Society [56] for
polysomnography. Other investigations that are several more complex situations, including cranio-
advocated include radiology, cephalometry (in which facial anomalies. It has been estimated that as many
standardized distances and angles from identifiable as 85% of children with syndromic craniosynostosis
bony landmarks are measured), fluoroscopy, endos- who have not had corrective surgery have some
copy, CT, and MRI. They may provide information degree of upper airway obstruction during sleep, and
about the level of obstruction, but their indications in 61% of these children it is clinically significant
are not standardized and their value is unclear. (moderate to severe) [42]. Formal sleep studies
Investigations in the awake child may not provide should be used on a regular basis to evaluate the
information relevant to the status of the airway during function of the airway for this group of children.
sleep, and paradoxically, sedation may not mimic
normal sleep either. Pulse oximetry, if it confirms a
pattern of cyclic desaturation, can be helpful, but Respiratory sleep studies
there is a high false-negative rate for OSAS and it
cannot diagnose upper airway resistance syndrome or There is general agreement that sleep-related
obstructive hypoventilation syndrome [53]. The breathing disorders must be documented objectively,
reference technique for the diagnosis of upper airway but controversy remains over the type of investigation
resistance syndrome is esophageal manometry, which needed, what to look for, and what degree of
shows wide swings in pressure in this condition; abnormality constitutes a problem worth treating.
pulse transit time correlates with these pressure Traditional polysomnography typically includes
changes and can be used as a clinical measure [54]. documentation of the following:
Research has shown that clinical histories from
parents tend to overestimate the significance of mild ! gross sleep architecture and arousals derived from
airway symptoms and underestimate the severity of neurophysiologic recordings (EEG, EOG, EMG)
serious problems [23,55], perhaps because of chro- ! respiratory patterns discerned from recordings
nicity. In syndromic children, respiratory problems of oronasal airflow (eg, apnea, hypopnea), and
560 S. Leighton, A.F. Drake / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566

from ribcage and abdominal movements (respi- bance index of more than 10 events per hour,
ratory effort) and children with craniofacial anomalies, par-
! ECG to give information about heart rate ticularly midfacial hypoplasia, retrognathia, and
changes (eg, increased heart rate with arousal, micrognathia [58 – 61]
reflex bradycardia with hypoxia) and dysrhyth- ! to recommend follow-up sleep studies in chil-
mias (possibly stimulated by hypoxia) dren previously diagnosed with OSA in whom
! upper airway obstruction, as evidenced by symptoms persist after therapy; a sleep study
snoring, monitored by direct sound recordings should be delayed at least 4 weeks after any
or from characteristic patterns on the oronasal surgery to allow postoperative edema to resolve
flow tracing ! to follow-up and review patients with OSAS who
! changes in arterial blood gases (SaO2 and were treated with continuous positive airway
noninvasive arterial PCO2), which give mea- pressure (CPAP) or a nasopharyngeal airway
sures of the adequacy of ventilation ! to ensure that children with mild to moderate
! posture, which may be important because upper OSAS with complete resolution of snoring and
airway obstruction may be exacerbated in disturbed sleep patterns after therapy do not
certain positions require follow-up sleep studies; however, for
! leg movements documented from EMG record- children with severe OSAS or who are younger
ings from an anterior leg muscle Because than 1 year of age, follow-up sleep studies can
periodic leg movements are an example of a assure resolution of clinically significant abnor-
nonrespiratory cause of sleep fragmentation malities [62]. Regardless of whether a sleep
study is ordered, the parents and primary care-
The analysis of respiratory events is time consum- givers should understand the signs and symp-
ing and requires considerable skill and experience. toms of a recurrence of OSAS. The child should
undergo routine clinical assessments to ensure
early detection of the recurrence of OSAS.

International recommendations

The American Thoracic Society has published two Simpler alternatives to full polysomnography
official statements on cardiorespiratory sleep studies
in children [56,57]. In relation to craniofacial Historically, respiratory sleep studies grew out of
patients, sleep studies are recommended in the neurophysiologic sleep studies. Although still con-
following circumstances: troversial, there is increasing support for the idea
of simplified sleep studies for the assessment of
! to differentiate benign/primary snoring (ie, respiratory problems. The idea is attractive from
snoring not associated with apnea or hypoventi- practical and financial points of view and for the time
lation) from pathologic snoring (associated with involved. In the pediatric field, the idea of simpler,
partial or complete airway collapse, dipping less invasive studies is attractive. The question is how
SaO2 and sleep disruption) simple a study can be for it to retain the sensitivity
! to investigate disturbed sleep patterns, excessive and specificity of the gold standard polysomnogram.
daytime sleepiness, cor pulmonale, failure to In the real world, a balance is needed between that
thrive, and unexplained polycythemia, espe- which is ideal and that which is feasible, practical,
cially in the presence of snoring and clinically acceptable. Clinically, a test must iden-
! to investigate a child with observed snoring and tify correctly the individuals whose disease severity
clinically significant airway obstruction (eg, warrants treatment and can be used to follow-up these
apnea, retractions, paradox), either observed or patients after therapy to confirm the effectiveness of
on video record, to confirm the diagnosis of therapy. In reality, there is little agreement between
OSAS or optimize treatment sleep centers as to what constitutes the ideal limited
! to determine if the level of OSAS is severe sleep study. Most researchers would agree, however,
enough to warrant surgery or anticipate that the that the aims of any limited sleep study should allow
child may need intensive postoperative care after the assessment of three factors: (1) respiratory effort
adenotonsillar or pharyngeal surgery; there is an (ribcage and abdominal movements, snoring, or
increased surgical risk in children younger than possibly a high-quality video recording), (2) respira-
2 years old, children with a respiratory distur- tory efficacy (eg, SaO2 or end-tidal PCO2), and
S. Leighton, A.F. Drake / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566 561

(3) sleep fragmentation (EEG, or acute heart rate Treatment

rises, acute blood pressure rises, or gross body
movement from leg EMG, pressure-sensitive mattress Treatment of symptomatic SDB in children
or high-quality video recording). depends on the cause and severity, the age of the
Oximetry alone, which measures SaO2 and pulse patient, family and social circumstances, and patient
rate, is an unreliable tool in the investigation of SDB. compliance with treatment. Intervention may be
It may miss patients with significant upper airway mandatory in severe cases in which there is risk of
obstruction who readily arouse. These individuals cardiopulmonary complications. It also may be help-
may have all the symptoms of OSAS, including ful for snoring children with mild abnormalities on
fragmented sleep and daytime consequences, but do sleep study when significant daytime symptoms that
not show abnormalities from these limited sleep may be the result of nocturnal upper airway
studies. A study that compared the analysis of obstruction coexist. The challenge for the individual
oximetry alone with full polysomnography showed patient is in comparing the risks and complications
that a SaO2 study that shows significant periods of of any planned intervention against the risks of
hypoxemia during sleep is clinically significant. The leaving the condition untreated.
absence of hypoxemia cannot be used to exclude In adults, weight reduction and pharmacotherapy
OSAS, however [53]. Many symptomatic children do are therapeutic options, but this is not the case with
not desaturate, although they may demonstrate children. Treatment attempts to relieve or bypass the
hypercapnia, partial upper airway obstruction, and obstruction. Theoretically, available options include
marked sleep disturbance on polysomnography. nasopharyngeal airways, adenotonsillectomy, uvulo-
Follow-up studies to monitor progress or response pharyngopalatoplasty, splitting of the soft palate with
to treatment may be possible using oximetry alone. or without resection of the posterior palate margin,
nasal CPAP, tracheostomy and LeFort III osteotomy,
and maxillary advancement or monobloc advance-
ment to increase the diameter of the pharynx. After
Interpretation surgical correction of the obstructed airway, close
postoperative monitoring in the first 24 to 48 hours is
The interpretation of a sleep study involves the essential because the correction of the blood oxygen
integration of the patterns seen in the sleep study and carbon dioxide levels may affect respiratory
recording with the information available from the control centers, which results in respiratory arrest.
patient’s sleep history and physical examination. A nasopharyngeal airway can be useful in the first
OSAS is not an all-or-nothing condition; rather, it few months of life, when an infant is an obligate nasal
represents a continuum that ranges from normality breather, if there is significant choanal stenosis. It
through different degrees of severity. A system of requires regular suction to remain patent and regular
classification that categorizes the patient, based on changing. It is associated with feeding difficulties,
clinical observations of the sleeping child, can be especially nasal regurgitation of milk. The older child
used together with the sleep study results. Using these does not tolerate such an intervention. Occasionally,
two measures, one can classify an individual as however, the nasopharyngeal may be useful on a
having normal breathing during sleep, mild OSA, temporary basis after cleft palate repair until post-
moderate OSA, or severe OSA [42]. operative edema has settled. It also may help on a
Although the use of rigid indices of severity of longer term basis to bypass obstruction at the level of
OSA (eg, apnea/hypopnea index or SaO2 dip/h) with the tongue base, particularly if inserted only at night,
arbitrary cut offs between normality and disease (eg, thus avoiding daytime cosmetic and feeding issues
normal less than one obstructive apnea/h [56] or three (S. Leighton, unpublished data). The ideal position of
or fewer SaO2 dip/h [36]) may be appropriate in the airway is with its tip lying just above the epi-
describing patient groups in research studies, they are glottis. There is a positive correlation between the
probably oversimplistic when dealing with individual length of the tube and the crown/heel length, but clini-
patients. Although age-related normative data exist cal assessment can confirm optimal placement [64].
for numerous respiratory variables [56,57,63], inter- Adenotonsillectomy is the standard treatment for
pretation of clinical sleep studies requires a more childhood SDB generally; it results in decreases in
flexible, intuitive approach. Researchers who ana- respiratory disturbance and the number of arousals
lyze, interpret, and report the sleep studies need [65]. Although the pathophysiology of SDB in
considerable experience and, preferably, knowledge children with syndromic craniosynostosis is multi-
of individual patients. factorial, adenotonsillectomy may be beneficial
562 S. Leighton, A.F. Drake / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566

regardless of whether adenotonsillar hypertrophy is lance with regular suction and tube changes. There
present. Even a small increase in pharyngeal airway are adverse effects on feeding, speech and language
diameter may alter the airflow dynamics and raise the development, education, and socialization. Children
critical closing pressure. In affected children, SDB with syndromic craniosynostosis already may have
may persist after adenotonsillectomy but may be less significant handicaps in these areas. We endeavor to
severe (S. Leighton, unpublished data). Factors that avoid long-term tracheostomy in this group of
predict which children may benefit from adenoton- patients; however, it is sometimes unavoidable. Ten
sillectomy remain to be established. of 147 children with a diagnosis of Apert, Crouzon,
Uvulopharyngopalatoplasty is not widely used or Pfeiffer syndrome underwent tracheostomy in the
to treat childhood OSAS, although it has been Great Ormond Street Hospital series (S. Leighton,
successful in children with neuromuscular disorders unpublished data). This compares favorably with
[66]. Palate splitting with or without resection of the other series, in which rates as high as 48% have been
posterior palate margin is not used routinely either, reported [16]. Older children may require temporary
although it has been reported in syndromic cranio- tracheostomies for intraoperative and postoperative
synostosis [67]. It carries the potential for increasing airway management if intubation is difficult. Trache-
the problem of middle ear effusion and later speech
disorders and velopharyngeal incompetence, espe-
cially after maxillary advancement. Theoretically,
later closure of the pseudocleft, with or without Box 1. Anatomic sites of airway
pharyngoplasty, could help to correct these problems. obstruction in the craniofacial patient
Nasal CPAP is beneficial for patients who have
not received sufficient benefit from adenotonsillec- Nasal and nasopharyngeal
tomy or who are not suitable candidates for surgery
[68]. Positive pressure is used to stent the collapsing Nasal piriform aperture stenosis/
airway. The level of pressure required to eliminate holoprosencephaly
obstructive apneas and correct nocturnal ventilation Choanal atresia/CHARGE association
and oxygenation is determined in the pediatric sleep Midfacial hypoplasia
laboratory and must be serially evaluated and
adjusted as a child grows. Complications from nasal Apert syndrome
CPAP include irritation over the nasal bridge from Crouzon syndrome
the mask, nasal congestion, and noncompliance. Pfeiffer syndrome
Compliance has improved with advances in equip-
ment and mask design and can be further improved Oropharyngeal and hypopharyngeal
by intensive behavioral intervention [69]. The advan-
tages of nasal CPAP are that it is noninvasive and that Macroglossia
it is nocturnal, worn only during sleep. It may be
ineffective if the adenoids are obstructive or signifi- Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
cant choanal stenosis is present, which results in
insufficient airway patency. Adenoidectomy should Tonsillar hypertrophy
be considered before a trial of nasal CPAP. The pres- Mandibular hypoplasia
ence of a cleft palate or a submucous cleft with bifid
uvula is a relative contraindication to adenoidectomy Pierre Robin sequence
because of the risk of precipitating velopharyngeal Treacher Collins syndrome
incompetence; in these cases, a ‘‘limited’’ adenoid- Stickler syndrome
ectomy is sometimes recommended.
Tracheostomy is an effective method of bypassing Laryngeal
multilevel obstruction and always relieves OSAS.
It has been advocated as the first step in the Laryngeal atresia/web
management of all patients with severe craniofacial Laryngeal cleft (Opitz-Frias or
anomalies and breathing problems, regardless of G syndrome)
planned subsequent treatment [70]. Long-term pedi- Vocal cord paralysis (Mobius
atric tracheostomy carries significant risk in terms syndrome)
of morbidity and mortality, however. The tube is Congenital subglottic stenosis
subject to obstruction and requires constant vigi-
S. Leighton, A.F. Drake / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566 563

Hx & Exam
Sleep Study

Normal Mild Abnormality Mild Abnormality Moderate/Severe

Thriving Not Thriving Abnormality Raised ICP

Follow up Nasendoscopy/Laryngoscopy/Bronchoscopy
(to determine site of obstruction)


Resolved/Mild Moderate Severe

Follow up No Rx CPAP

Review Nasopharyngeal Airway


Co-morbidity Tracheostomy Osteotomies

Fig. 1. Guidelines for airway management in syndromic craniosynostosis.

ostomy is, however, mandatory if interdental wiring Guidelines

is being undertaken or if halo distraction is performed
in children on nasal CPAP. Box 1 provides a list of common craniofacial
Surgical correction of the midface by Le Fort III conditions and frequent sites of airway compromise.
osteotomies and maxillary advancement or monobloc Fig. 1 presents a suggested algorithm for diagnosing
advancement may improve airway caliber, but the and managing a child with a craniofacial condition.
benefit for SDB is unpredictable and may not be These guidelines are a compilation of the clinical
maintained [71]. Conventional techniques using bone practice at our respective institutions. The practitioner
grafts and titanium plates are associated with an for the individual patient can and should modify them
increased risk for revision surgery, which is often to fit the situation. Likely they will evolve, as will the
necessary in adolescence for children who have had practice of this exciting field.
early surgery, because growth is disordered and
relapse may occur. Modern techniques using dis-
traction osteogenesis may be equally or more
effective in correcting deformity without increasing Summary
the risk of later surgery, however, and the early re-
sults for airway improvement are encouraging Airway obstruction in children with craniofacial
(S. Leighton, unpublished data). The most successful abnormalities can cause significant morbidity and
results for facial form and occlusion occur only after mortality. The status of the airway should be assessed
facial growth is completed. It is our belief that early as part of the initial and follow-up clinical evalua-
craniofacial surgery ideally benefits children with at tions. When abnormalities exist, an approach to
least two functional problems rather than children effective management can follow rational and effec-
with airway problems alone. tive guidelines.
564 S. Leighton, A.F. Drake / Oral Maxillofacial Surg Clin N Am 16 (2004) 555 – 566

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