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Important information about donating blood

Why should I have to be blood donors?

• Every three seconds someone needs blood transfusions.
• One out of every ten patients admitted to hospital in need of blood transfusions.
• Your blood can save four people when the separation of its components and not one person.
• Return the process of donating blood and the vital activity of the body because of renewed
blood cells.
• Donors can obtain the results of its survey tests, including blood type
How can I choose donated blood?
Are selected donor blood through the specific criteria of the medical examination and
laboratory and medical history where it is:

 Measure the concentration of hemoglobin (hemoglobin) by the finger.

 Weight: (preferably a weight of 50 kg).
 Pulse.
 Blood pressure (less than 160/90).

After going through the previous stages of the donor and the donation to prove the validity
of the doctor by asking simple questions about medical history and conduct the medical

What are the reasons that you can not donate blood with it?
• Blood donation during the past three months.
• The presence of any health problems, tired of the following:
• All types of anemia other than iron deficiency anemia.
• Heart disease and rheumatic fever.
• Chronic respiratory diseases.
• Chronic hypertension.
• Viral hepatitis.
• Diabetes.
• Cases of enlargement of the liver.
• Cases of kidney failure.
• Cases of convulsions, epilepsy, recurrent fainting.
• Increase or hypothyroidism.
• Pregnancy.
• Diseases bleeding.
• Genetic diseases.
• Mental illness.
• Any operations during the period of three months.
If the donor is suffering from the following symptoms:
• Unexpected loss of weight and appetite.
• Night sweats.
• The hottest night.
How to donate blood ?

Through the collection of blood in the bag contains a proof of the clot Post a sterile needle used only
once reached from a vein in the arm, and the process of donating blood in a period of time
approximately 50-10 minutes in this period will be donated under the direct medical care, but take the
visit the entire period ranging between 15-20 minutes.
When can re-donate blood ?
Advised to donate blood after 6 months of the last blood donation, while it can be to repeat
the donation blood donation before that in the period of 3-4 months, but the donor must be
medically fit.

How much blood is taken from the donor at a time ?

Are taken from 400 to 450 ml, which represents about 1 / 12 the size of the blood inside the
body of every human being, which ranges between 5 to 6 liters.

Who benefits from this blood ?

• Injured in accidents of various kinds.
• Cases of bleeding before and after childbirth.
• The owners of large operations.
• Premature babies (not fully-fledged growth).
• Newborn rhesus factor to the difference of the parents (living with jaundice).
• People with blood diseases (broken blood cells, sickle cell anemia, or leukemia).
• Patients with tumors, nuclear medicine and vomiting blood and patients with liver and kidney
dialysis, burns, and diseases endemic.
The benefits of blood donation:
• Check on your health: that donating blood is a health certificate indicating your safety as each
donor is subject to a medical examination of the body and laboratory testing of blood for
Hepatitis C both types (b, c) - malaria - AIDS - syphilis, and in case of any problem, the blood
bank that provides the necessary advice by specialist consultants, and guidance to the
appropriate body to monitor the situation. Donation helps to stimulate bone marrow to produce
new blood cells can carry a larger amount of oxygen to key organs of the body (e.g brain ....
Help to increase the concentration and activity at work and not idle).
• The donor's blood bank sustained in a special treatment when it needs or the needs of his family
of blood in the future, God forbid, especially if you have the blood type is required.
Is there any danger in donating blood ?
• Donating blood does not display any risk of the donor; of injury to any disease.
• Tools that are used in the process of withdrawing blood sterile and not used to someone else,
and is disposed of after the process of donating blood.
What should I do before donating blood ?
• Get enough sleep the night of the donation.
• Eat a balanced meal before giving about two hours.
• You should drink fluids (caffeine free) a little more than usual.
Care after a donation:
• Remains the donor to donate a bed for 5 minutes under medical observation and allows him to
sit down after making sure of his medical condition.
• Does not allow the donor to leave the scene before him to authorize the doctor or nurses in the
interest of safety.
The donor must:
• A lot of drinking fluids during the following hours to donate.
• Refrain from smoking for two hours.
• Not remove the sticker on the compressor Jab place two hours before.
• Hands should be raised to the highest place and Zguet Jab if there is bleeding.
• If nausea or hair donated rotation must lie on the bed and have a low level of the head from the
body or sitting with a head between the knees for 5 minutes Failure to do heavy work or
strenuous exercise, for 24 hours.
• Your usual practice after donating, while avoiding excessive physical exertion.
• Drink plenty of fluids a little more than usual during the next two hours to donate.
• Avoid exercise during a violent sport 24 hours after donation.
• If you are a smoker not to smoke for two hours after the donation; because of smoke inhalation
stimulates the blood to go to the lungs, causing a state of dizziness and pallor.
Are there complications might be exposed to the donor?
• There are no complications of blood donation as long as the doctor signed a medical
examination on you, and passed to donate your convenience.
• The body compensates the amount of blood lost during the hours, and most people carry on
their normal activities after donating.
• Rarely occur some of the symptoms; such as dizziness or vomiting, and disappear automatically
after a brief period.

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