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Kenalpasti SATU etnik di Malaysia dan buat penyelidikan mengenai cara dan kaedah perundingan
yang mereka gunakan apabila menghadapi dengan konflik. Konflik yang melibatkan perundingan
yang biasa dihadapi termasuklah isu perkahwinan dan pertunangan, perebutan harta pusaka,
pelanggaran adat dan peraturan kampung, perceraian, dan sebagainya. Pilih SATU konflik sahaja dan
buat lakonan mengenainya (re-enactment). Hantar video clip kumpulan HANYA ke dalam aplikasi
Smart2 UMS. Penghantaran dengan cara lain tidak akan diterima
Identify ONE ethnic group in Malaysia and conduct a research about their negotiation styles and
approaches when facing conflicts. Common conflicts that require negotiation activity include the
issues on marriage and engagement, inheritance dispute, violations of village customs and rules,
divorce and the like. Choose ONE conflict and prepare a short drama re-enacting the conflict you
chose. Group only has to do a drama or sketch about the chosen conflict and produce a short video
about it. This video clip must ONLY be submitted to Smart2 UMS. Other alternative mode of
submission will NOT be accepted.

Kriteria Penilaian/Assessment Criteria

No Kriteria Penilaian/Assessment Criteria Pemberat/

1 Tahap kefahaman mengenai konsep dan kaedah perundingan 5%
Level of comprehension about negotiation concepts and methods. Group
2 Keupayaan mengaplikasikan pelbagai konsep dan kaedah perundingan. 5%
Ability to apply various negotiation concepts and methods. Group
3 Keyakinan diri (sejauhmana tahap keyakinan ahli-ahli kumpulan semasa
membentangkan keefektifan cadangan penyelesaian masalah yang mereka cadangkan) 4%
Self Confidence (How far is the level of confidence of each member during the Individual
presentation about the effectiveness of their conflict resolution suggestions)
4 Keberkesanan Gerak Geri Badan dan Artikulasi Idea (Penggunaan gerak geri badan yang
bersesuaian dan Keefektifan penyampaian idea yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah) 3%
Effectiveness of the Body Language and Articulation of Idea (Application of appropriate Individual
body language and the effectiveness of deliverence of ideas in conflict resolutions)
5 Tanggungjawab kerja (Menjalankan tugas sepertimana yang dikehendaki dalam
menyelesaikan tugasan) 3%
Work Responsibility To perform tasks as required to complete the assignments) Individual

Nota: Semua pelajar mesti terlibat di dalam lakonan dan nama setiap pelajar MESTI dipaparkan
disetiap scene supaya pensyarah mudah untuk memberi markah individu. Mohon
menggunakan nama sebenar.
Note: All students must involve in the play and each student name MUST be visibly shown in every
scene to enable the lecturer to give an individual mark. Please use your real name.

Format Penyediaan Video / Video Preparation Format

1. Hantar sharable video link anda Smart2 UMS (Send your sharable video link to Smart2UMS).
Detailed step-by-step instruction to upload your video clip to SmartUMS is found below.
2. Jangkamasa video clip adalah tidak melebihi 10 minit (Your video clip should not exceed 10
3. Sub-title MESTI digunakan dalam BM atau BI. MESTI juga tunjukkan apakah konsep atau
pendekatan perundingan yang digunakan di dalam scene berkaitan (Sub-title MUST be used
whether in Bahasa Melayu or English. You MUST also show the concepts or approaches of
negotiation in related scenes)
4. Maklumat mengenai kumpulan (nama & ahli kumpulan dan tajuk drama) mesti dimasukkan ke
dalam video tersebut.
Information about the group (name and members of group and topic of drama) must be
included in the video.
4. Hantar video clip anda sebelum atau pada 08 Mei 2020.
Submit your video clip before or on 08 May 2020.

Langkah-Langkah Memuatnaik Video Clip Ke SmartUMS:

1. Klip video yang telah siap hendaklah dimuatnaik ke google drive terlebih dahulu dengan
menekan butang upload di ikon My Drive.
2. Selepas video itu dimuatnaik, klik kanan tetikus anda pada video itu dan pilih/klik ‘get
sharable link’ untuk mendapat link video anda dalam google drive untuk di-paste-kan ke
smartUMS nanti. Contoh link:
3. Copy link seperti ini dan paste-kan ke smartUMS.
4. Buka smartUMS dan klik ikon ‘Video Assignment’ dalam week 12. Cari ikon ‘reply’
kemudian klik ikon itu. Setelah anda klik ikon reply, anda akan nampak bahagian ‘Message*’.
5. Paste-kan link video klip kumpulan anda di ruang Message* kemudian highlight link tersebut.
Jika tidak di highlight link itu, ikon ‘link’ tidak akan berfungsi.
6. Cari ikon ‘link’ dan klik. Warna video link yang anda paste tadi akan berubah menjadi
warna biru.
7. Selepas itu, klik ‘post to forum’ di bahagian bawah sekali page anda.
8. Proses selesai.

Step-By-Step Instruction to upload video clip to SmartUMS:

1. The completed video clip has to be uploaded to google drive first by clicking the upload
button at the MY Drive icon.
2. After the video is uploaded, right click your mouse on the video and choose/click ‘sharable
link’ to get your video link, so that the link can be pasted at SmartUMS. Example of sharable link:
3. Copy such link and paste it in SmartUMS.
4. Open your SmartUMS and click the ‘Video Assignment’ icon found in the week 12. Find
‘reply’ icon and click it. When you clicked the ‘reply’ icon, you will see a Message* column.
5. Paste the sharable link to the space at the Message*. Highlight the whole link so that the
‘link’ icon will function.
6. Click on the ‘link’ icon and the colour of the letters of the link will change from black to blue.
7. Then click the ‘post to forum’ at the lowest bottom of the page,
8. Process completed.

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