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Tuesday 17th March, 2020

Changing singular nouns to plural nouns

Can you add ‘s’ or ‘es’ to each word to make it a plural?

cat ______ Remember the rule!

bush ______
Nouns ending in
match ______
x, z, s, sh, ch form

witch ________ the plural by adding

es to the end!

train ________

goat _______

class _______

box ________

Ext: Can you write a sentence using one of the



Tuesday 17th March, 2020

Changing singular nouns to plural nouns

Change these singular nouns into plurals by writing them

in a sentence


1. church There are two churches in my town.

2. flower__________________________________

3. box____________________________________

4. class___________________________________

5. truck___________________________________

6. beach___________________________________
Answer Key

cats, bushes, matches, witches, trains, goats,

classes, boxes
Tuesday 17th March 2020

Changing singular nouns to plural nouns by adding s, es or ies

Need some help?

party → ______________ If a word

ends with ch, sh,
ss, x, z or o then
fly → _________________ add es.

Box → Boxes
dog → _________________
If a word
ends with y then
lose the y and add
jelly → _______________ ies.

Baby → Babies
witch → _______________

Write a sentence using one of these plural nouns.


Tuesday 17th March 2020

Changing singular nouns to plural nouns by adding ies

Change these singular nouns into plurals by writing them

in a sentence.
1. city The cities are really modern.
Need some help?
2. diary____________________
If a word
________________________ ends with ch, sh,
ss, x, z or o then
add es.
3. daisy____________________
Box → Boxes
If a word
ends with y then
4. garden___________________ lose the y and add
Baby → Babies

5. church___________________


6. glass____________________

Answer Key

parties, flies, dogs, jellies, witches

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