Upon This Hallowed Ground

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Upon This Hallowed Ground

Ricardo Saúl LaRosa

a thousand and one silver spaceships awaiting

for my command to launch
one thousand ships beaming with sentient beings
who have never known a warm home of there own
who have never been touched by the power of pure love

their heart exploding with joy in anticipation

of Mars renewed with an atmosphere and life overflowing, again!
sentient beings who were denied their birthrights
murdered here on Earth!
victims of The Great Cosmic War

sentient beings who have filled this world’s oceans

with their tears
poor and humble beings who rebelled
when the War broke out across this universe
but, who refused to take sides between Truth’s Light and Darkness

sentient beings who remained neutral and were shocked

how atrocities were committed by all sides
conscious beings who refused to offer human sacrifices to false gods!
fallen angels who refused orders, but, did not fight on any side
and I count myself amongst them too

as we landed on Cydonia, Mars

an ancient holy site of pyramids and temples
countless sentient beings descended upon our ancestral planet
a thousand armed silver spaceships surrounded Mars
ready to attack first and defend our recaptured home

one solitary silver spaceship was the last to arrive

my commanding spaceship
as my feet touched the Marian soil, with grasses growing abundantly,
I knelt and I wept
raising my palms heavenly ward

giving thanks to the Great Spirit of this universe

for this unbelievable homecoming
millions of sentient beings knelt giving thanks too
I bowed my head in reverence
my lips uttered a scared prayer lasting seven hours

I commanded the new terra-forming of Mars

I commanded the herbivore animals released upon Mars
I commanded the recreation of extinct animals that once roamed
the lands of Earth; and plants never seen before,
using the powers of the stars in the celestial heavens and my mind

all the powers of the Sun and this solar system

have been given to me
by birthright; by conquest; and by decrees
with all the POWERS vested in me
by the Council of The Elders of this universe

I declare this Solar System liberated from the claws of Darkness

still in the mist of a Great Cosmic War, but,
our Solar System is now beyond the reach of evilness
all its planets and moons a dwelling home for spiritual refugees
with Cydonia, Mars as its new capital and my new home

upon this hallowed ground!

here on Mars
I declare a full and permanent victory for Truth, Justice and Mercy
no more tears upon our eyes;
no more wars upon us and our children!

here I stand
alone in all my glories of days past, present, and future
exiled on hellish Earth for my rebellions
my heart bleeding profusely; my spirit still rebelling!
for having loved one another; for believing in Righteousness,
and for wishing for the happiness of others…

here I stand condemned and I REBELL still against Evil and all its Hate!!!

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