Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chemistry 5th Ed by GL

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Book Notices

Pharmacology for Medical Students in Tropical t o the question of infertility, but, intelligently used,
Areas. By ROGER A. LEWIS. The Popular is should be able to save lengthy explanations by the
Book Depot, Bombay, India, 1957. xx + 524 physician a s to what he is setting out to do; and it
pp. 13.5 x 21.5cm. Price Rs. 15. should save the patients’ having to ask questions
This book presents the study of pharmacology that occur to them perhaps fifteen minutes after
with the special considerations required of the medi- leaving the physician. The text is simply and
cal practitioner in tropical, underdeveloped areas; clearly written, with several diagrammatic drawings
noting the different diseases and the varying forms as aids, and with discussions of different types of
of other diseases, such as diabetes, that occur in cases.
those areas. The type of remedy may have to dif-
fer from what which is available in industrial centers.
The doctor may have to dispense drugs rather than
be able to refer the patient t o a “comer drugstore.” Quantitative Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 5th ed.
And the slighter or smaller stature of his patients By GLENNL. JENKINS, JOHN E. CHRISTIAN, and
will require dosage adjustments. GEORGEP. HAGER. The Blakiston Division,
Following a brief, %-page review of general phar- McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., N. Y.. 1957. xviii
macology, the text deals with: Chemotherapy of + 552 pp. 13.5 x 20.5 cm. Price $8.50.
infectious disease, drugs acting on and affecting This excellent combination textbook and labora-
various systems of the body; and includes appen- tory manual has been revised to bring the procedures
dixes giving simple exercises in practical pharmacy, and discussions into conformity with the methods in
and in experimental pharmacology. The exercises the latest U. S. P. (XV) and N. F. (X). This fifth
in practical pharmacy are correctly listed as such in edition follows the design and style that have char-
the table of contents, but are incorrectly described acterized the earlier editions of this widely accepted
as pharmacology by the headings in the appendix. textbook, the fourth edition of which was reviewed
The four-page section devoted t o prescription in THISJOURNAL, 42, 757(1953). The clarity that
writing lists the following examples of useful pre- has featured the explanations of theoretical concepts
scriptions: Neosynephrine hydrochloride 0.25%; and practical applications is in evidence in the new
Yellow oxide of mercury in simple eye ointment 1%; chapters on chromatography and radioactivity under
APC capsules; benzoic and salicylic acid ointment; physicochemical methods of analysis. The book is
Aureomycin hydrochloride 250 mg. capsules; an specifically designed for the instruction of pharmacy
ammonium chloride, wild cherry syrup, and gly- students and it covers the official quantitative and
cyrrhiza fluidextract cough syrup; and codeine physical analytical methods; classifies the official
phosphate syrup with wild cherry syrup for a pro- procedures according to type methods of analysis;
ductive cough. As a specialized text for a particular and presents some generally applicable, nonofficial
area, this book will undoubtedly be very useful. methods of analysis.
This book is a very good reference for the pharma-
ceutical testing laboratory as well a s being extremely
well suited as a textbook. The format, type, print-
Psychopathic Personalities. By HAROLDPALMER.ing, and binding are particularly good, and the ap-
Philosophical Library, N. Y., 1957. 179 pp. pended index helps the reviewer locate specific pro-
14 x 21 cm. Price $4.75. cedures.
This book presents clinical essays on the study of
mental ill health and purposes to achieve a mode of
presentation of psychiatry acceptable to workers in
other disciplines including those concerned with the Cahiers de Synthese Organipue, Mbthods et Tableaux
management of human beings. The text takes up: d’Application. Vol. I BY JEAN MATHIEU and
Psychopathic personalities, Schizophrenia, De- AND& ALLAISwith the collaboration of J. VALLS
pressive states, Obsessions, Hysteria, The epilepsies, and P. POIRIER.Published under the direction
Tension syndromes, Paranoid states, and Mania. of Leon Velluz. Maison et Cie,. Paris, 1957. xi+
An index is appended. 232 pp. 15 x 22 cm. Price 3,000 fr.
This volume (in French) covers the fixation of a
functional carbon on an aliphatic chain and on an
aromatic nucleus. Variations of these two main
From Sterility to Fertility: A Guide to the Causes and classifications are discussed and illustrated, and
Cure of Childlessness. By ELLIOT E. PHILIPP. tabulations of many compounds show starting ma-
Philosophical Library, New York, 1957. 120 pp. terials, products obtained, agents of condensation
12.5 x 18.5 cm. Price $4.75. and solvents, and yield. The text is liberally docu-
The author, a gynecologist and obstetrician, ob- mented. A table of the functional groups and ar-
serves that this book, in the hands of the laity, rangements created is appended. The table of con-
should not and cannot replace the doctor in dealing tents is given a t the end of the book. Libraries used
with infertility. The book gives no certain answer by synthetic organic chemists will want this book.

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